dojo custom widget is not working - dojo

I have following Java script class for custom widget. But it is not working. Non of the functions are called. Kindly help, not able to proceed further.
buildRendering: function()
//create DOM
this.domNode = dojo.create("button",{innerHTML:this._i});
postCreate: function()
//you need to update dom in order to refresh display i believe
this.domNode.innerHTML = ++this._i;
/////html code
<span data-dojo-type ="FancyCounter"></span>

With lowercase 'c'. Youre connecting to an event on a DOM node, see


startup is not getting called for Dojo Custom Widget

I created a Custom Widget in Dojo
return declare("DrawTools", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
templateString: template,
layers: [],
constructor: function (featureLayerArr) {
postCreate: function () {
startup: function () {
var menu = new DropDownMenu({ style: "display: none;" });
var menuItem1 = new MenuItem({
label: "Save",
iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconSave",
onClick: function () { alert('save'); }
var menuItem2 = new MenuItem({
label: "Cut",
iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCut",
onClick: function () { alert('cut'); }
var button = new DropDownButton({
label: "hello!",
name: "programmatic2",
dropDown: menu,
id: "progButton"
}, this.drawToolsMenuNode).startup();
startMenu: function () {
Wdiget template is as follows
<div data-dojo-attach-point="drawToolsMenuNode"></div>
I am instantiating Widget in another Custom Widget as follows
var drawTools = new DrawTools(this.allLayersArr);
startup method for DrawTools widget is not getting called.
Need help in this regard.
Offical definition from dojo
Probably the second-most important method in the Dijit lifecycle is the startup method. This method is designed to handle processing after any DOM fragments have been actually added to the document; it is not fired until after any potential child widgets have been created and started as well. This is especially useful for composite widgets and layout widgets.
When instantiating a widget programmatically, always call the widget's startup() method after placing it in the document. It's a common error to create widgets programmatically and then forget to call startup, leaving you scratching your head as to why your widget isn't showing up properly.
So as Kirill mentioned, you need to call the startup method.
The alternative solution would be moving widget instantiation logic from ::startup() to ::postCreate(), since ::postCreate() will be called for sure.

Dojo enable button by event handler

I am working with IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3, that uses DOJO 1.8 for the GUI development. I am new in dojo, and I have to enhance one of the forms: add an event handler to the dataGrid so when the row of the grid is selected one of the buttons become enabled.
I've managed to add event handler as was advised in this issue: dojo datagrid event attach issue
but I still can't enable the button. Here is html of the form:
<div class="selectedGridContainer" data-dojo-attach-point="_selectedDataGridContainer">
<div class="selectedGrid" data-dojo-attach-point="_selectedDataGrid" ></div>
The attached image describes how it looksenter image description here.enter image description here
And the js file code of postCreate function is following:
postCreate: function() {
this.textDir = has("text-direction");
domClass.add(this._selectedDataGridContainer, "hasSorting");
this.own(aspect.after(this.addUsersButton, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function() {
var selectUserGroupDialog = new SelectUserGroupDialog({queryMode:"users", hasSorting:true, callback:lang.hitch(this, function (user) {
this.own(aspect.after(this.removeUsersButton, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function() {
if (this._selectedGrid != null) {
var selectedItems = this._selectedGrid.selection.getSelected();
if (selectedItems.length > 0) {
array.forEach(selectedItems, lang.hitch(this, function(item) {;
// the following handler was added by me
dojo.connect(this.myGrid, 'onclick', dojo.hitch(this, function(){
console.log(" before ");
this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', true);
console.log(" after ");
so this.own(aspect.after(this.removeUsersButton..... works fine and worked before my interference. So it somehow accesses this.removeUsersButton and processes the event. But my handler dojo.connect(this.myGrid.... only prints console.log() before and after without enabling the Remove button. The Button has no Id, only data-dojo-attach-point. How do I enable the Remove button when the daaGrid is selected?
With this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', true); you are setting the button to be disabled. If you want to enable it you need to set it to false.
this.removeUsersButton.set('disabled', false);

How call event in correct way in Module Pattern edition

After reading an article I did something similar in my project - created the structure:
var SomeStructure = {
var1: $('#tag1'),
init: function() {
this.var1.on('click', function (e) {
mouseClick: function(e) {
alert("tag clicked");
div {
cursor: pointer;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="tag1">Click me!</div>
My code is working, but I wondering if it's possible rewrite the code:
this.var1.on('click', function (e) {
so that the call of function mouseClick after clicking the $('#tag1') in some more neat way without anonymous function in one row, something like that:
this.var1.on('click', this.mouseClick);
But this way isn't right without e..
Thank you in advance.
I have to add a new function ListenEvents for events listening, so that a lot of new listeners could be added inside to make clear workflow object (as described here :
`var SomeStructure = {
var1: $('#tag1'),
init: function() {
ListenEvents: function() {
self = SomeStructure;
self.var1.on('click', self.mouseClick);
mouseClick: function() {
alert("tag clicked");

Dojo Tooltip only shows after first mousover event

I'm using dojo's event delegation to connect a Tooltip widget to dynamically generated dom nodes.
The Dojo site explains event delegation this way:
"The idea behind event delegation is that instead of attaching a
listener to an event on each individual node of interest, you attach a
single listener to a node at a higher level, which will check the
target of events it catches to see whether they bubbled from an actual
node of interest; if so, the handler's logic will be performed."
Following is my code implementation. It works beautifully ... EXCEPT, the tooltip only shows AFTER the first mouse over event. When I first mouseover the node, the event fires perfectly, but the tooltip doesn't render. It will only show the consequent mouseover events. On the first mouseover event, I can watch the Firebug console and see the xhr.get go to the database and get the correct data. If I comment out the tooltip and throw in a simple alert(), it works the first time.
Any suggestions on how to get the Tooltip to show on the first mouseover event? Thanks in advance!
<div class="col_section" id="my_groups">
<div class="col_section_label">My Groups</div>
foreach($myGroups as $grp) {
echo '<li><a class="myGroupLink" id="grp'.$grp['grp_id'].'">'.$grp['name'].'</a></li>';
"ready!"], function(on, dom, Tooltip, xhr) {
// Get Group ToolTip
var myObject = {
id: "myObject",
onMouseover: function(evt){
var grp_id =;
var content = '';
url: "getGrpInfo.php",
handleAs: "json",
content: {
grp_id: grp_id,
content: "tooltip"
load: function(info) {
if(info == 0) {
content = '<div class="grpToolTip">';
content += ' Information about this group is confidential';
content += '</div>';
} else {
content = '<div class="grpToolTip">';
content += ' <img src="../ajax/getimg.php?id='+info.logo_id+'" />';
content += ' <div style="text-align:center">''</div>';
content += '</div>';
new Tooltip({
connectId: [grp_id],
label: content
error: function() {}
var div = dom.byId("my_groups");
Your Tooltip does not show on the first onmouseover because it does not exist at the moment the onmouseover event was fired.
dijit/Tooltip instances manage theirs mouse events themselves, so you do not have to manage onmouseover/onmouseout and you probably did so because you do not want to preload data or you want to load data every time the tooltip is about to show.
Beside dijit/Tooltip instances you can use, aroundNode, position) and Tooltip.hide(aroundNode) to display tooltips, but in that case you will have to manage mouse events yourself, which is what you need, because from the UX perspective, you do not want to show single tooltip, you want to:
Show a tooltip indicating information is being loaded.
Then either:
display XHR loaded information if a user still hover over the node
cancel XHR and hide tooltip on mouseout
Here is working example:
], function(
) {
on(dom.byId("groups"), ".group-link:mouseover", function(e) {
var target =;"Loading...", target);
var def ={
url: "/echo/html/",
content: { html: target.textContent},
failOk: true,
load: function(data) {
Tooltip._masterTT.xhr = null;
Tooltip._masterTT.containerNode.innerHTML = data;
Tooltip._masterTT.domNode.width = "auto";
error: function(e) {
if (e.dojoType != "cancel") {
Tooltip._masterTT.xhr = def;
on(dom.byId("groups"), ".group-link:mouseout", function(e) {
var target =;
if (Tooltip._masterTT.xhr) {
As usual, I was over-thinking the problem, focusing on event registration rather than on simply creating the tooltips when the page loads. So, it's really stupidly simple:
query for the nodes
iterate through them and create the tooltips pointing to each node.
var myGroupsList = query("a.myGroupLink"); // query nodes based on class
array.forEach(myGroupsList,function(entry,i){ // iterate through
var grp_id =;
var content = '';
xhr.get({ // get data via xhr.get
url: "getGrpInfo.php",
handleAs: "json",
content: {
grp_id: grp_id,
content: "tooltip"
load: function(info) {
if(info == 0) {
content = '<div class="grpToolTip">';
content += ' Information about this group is confidential';
content += '</div>';
} else {
content = '<div class="grpToolTip">';
content += ' <img src="../ajax/getimg.php?id='+info.logo_id+'" />';
content += ' <div style="text-align:center">''</div>';
content += '</div>';
new Tooltip({ // create tooltip
connectId: [],
label: content
error: function() {}

In a custom Dojo widget, how to set attributemap correctly?

I am a Dojo newbie and am trying to create a custom templated Dojo widget. What is the correct way to map a custom Dojo widget attribute to the text node of an HTML textarea element using an attributeMap? I would like to be able to set the value of the textarea while declaratively creating the custom Dojo widget.
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
dojo.declare("MyCustomWidget", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
txtComment: "undefined",
templateString: "<div><textarea dojoAttachPoint="contentNode" rows='10' cols='20'></textarea></div>",
attributeMap: {
txtComment: {
node: "contentNode", // what should the correct mapping be to allow the
type: "innerHTML" // setting of txtComment declaratively above in the body?
Nice things i found here. May be i'm not completely correct.
1) first we have to use dojo.declare("MyCustomWidget", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], statement before the dojo.addOnLoad(), which will result in code like shown below
<body><div dojoType="abcd.MyCustomWidget" txtComment="decl value"></div></body>
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.declare("MyCustomWidget", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
txtComment: "undefined",
templateString: "<div><textarea dojoAttachPoint="contentNode" rows='10' cols='20'></textarea></div>",
attributeMap: {
txtComment: {
node: "contentNode", // what should the correct mapping be to allow the
type: "innerHTML" // setting of txtComment declaratively above in the body?
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
// for programatically creating widget.
new abcd.MyCustomWidget({txtComment:'what ever'},"adcd")