Google Calendar API is Support Windows phone platform? - api

I have been check out Google Calendar API as fllow:
but i'm not sure about it can be Support Windows phone Platform?
is there have any opensource project packup Google calendar API on windows phone ?

It's supported because REST is enabled.
GTalkChat is an open source app that does the authentication part with Google APIs, perhaps you can start from there
GTalkChat at GitHub
and basics of REST for Windows Phone
this sample have function list about Google Calendar


One Drive / Office365 similar scripting language as the Google Apps Script

I searched for the One Drive scripting language, but found only this (Live SDK API):
This shares similarities more like a Google Drive API. Does Microsoft OneDrive have web based scripting possibility similar to Google Apps Script?
About how to call the Live SDK APIs: the JavaScript API (Windows Store apps and web), the Managed API (Windows Runtime apps), the iOS API, and the Android API . You may want the JavaScript API , please click here for how to use the Live SDK JavaScript API in your web app.

Is Live SDK deprecated?

As I have understand - Live SDK has supporting 2 main features:
OneDrive and Microsoft account
Now with release OneDrive SDK all OneDrive features are coud be found in it.
But if you want to access Microsoft Account you still can use only Live SDK.
Seems that now we have 2 branches - Live SDK and OneDrive SDK.
One for account and another for files.
I am asking because sometimes it's not clearly written and looks like live SDk is depricated.
They are deprecated according to this:
The Live Connect APIs are deprecated. We recommend that you use the
Outlook REST APIs to build your solutions. This will extend your reach
to users and Office 365 enterprise customers. Although the
Live Connect APIs will be supported in for the short term,
existing Live Connect API solutions might stop working without
advanced notice. If your app is using IMAP with OAuth 2.0, it will
continue to work, but our REST APIs are the primary APIs for building
apps that connect to and Office 365. Read the article on
how you can take advantage of the Outlook REST APIs.

Google Plus integration in Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 Store app

Is there any sdk available to integrate the google plus in windows phone 8 and windows 8 store app?
Like the facebook sdk is available which makes our life easy to integrate the facebook in our app.
I want sdk which will make my life easy to integrate the google plus with windows 8.
any other solution to integrate google plus with my windows 8 apps.
Thank You.
Gus Class on the Google+ Developer Relations team has done some work around Windows 8 and the .NET client library to show how to do some level of integration with Windows 8. The following is one example of how to authenticate a user and get Google+ data:

Spotify Web API for windows phone

I am developing Windows Phone 8 application, in which I want to get recommended tracks of the user of Spotify. I would like to add these tracks of the user into favourites of my application.
I need to login and get the track list and details which I can show in my application.
There is Spotify library available for Windows(Win32). Can this library be used for Windows Phone as well??
Please let me know if anyone know how to integrate spotify into Windows Phone.
The Win32 libspotify library cannot be used on Windows phone, and the REST-based Web API isn't powerful to do what you're asking. Unfortunately, there isn't a full-featured API available for Windows Phone.

is there a data api for the windows 7 phone marketplace?

Is there an api that exposes the apps in the windows 7 marketplace as odata, rest, soap or something else programmatically accessible?
Per the comment from #talbottcrowell, Crawling the Windows Phone Marketplace
It's not an official api, but certainly seems to be a blessed way to do it.
there's also great docs as part of the codeplex project zunedata