Eager load scoped set of objects in rails - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a problem similar to this one, only with a newer version of rails:
Ruby on Rails - Add condition on ':include =>' to load limited number of objects
I'd like to eager load an association, but scope what's included in the eager load. Is this possible in rails 3.2? I've tried
Foo.includes(:bar).where("bars.col = x")
But that restricts to only Foo's which have at least one Bar where col = x, while I want also those Foo's with no Bar's. I could create another association, but then I lose the ability to send in arguments (doesn't seem like :conditions can handle a lambda with arguments).

Try to include needed Foo's in scope with next
Foo.includes(:bar).where("bars.col = x OR bars.id IS NULL")
Foo.includes(:bar).where("bars.col = x AND bars.id IS NULL")
depends on your needs
so you may do it dynamically , something like
#Foo class
def self.including_bars_equal_to(x) # or scope :including_bars_equal_to, :lambda{|x| ....}
self.includes(:bar).where("bars.col = ? AND bars.id IS NULL", x)
maybe you should try custom join together with include
Foo.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN bars ON foos.id = bars.foo_id AND bars.col = 'x'").
or you can combine joins with select select
Foo.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN bars ON foos.id = bars.foo_id AND bars.col = 'x'").
select("foos.*, bar.id as bar_id, bar.col as bar_col")


Filtering with Joins - Rails

I have two models Product and ProductProperties. So, I store the properties for products in the Product Properties model which is associated with another model Properties
How can I implement a scope that finds a product with the properties (A or B or C) AND (X or Y or Z)
Filters I currently have are like so --
scope :product_type_filter, lambda {|property_id|
return nil if property_id.blank?
joins(:product_properties).where('product_properties.property_id IN (?)', property_id).distinct
scope :metal_filter, lambda {|property_id|
return nil if property_id.blank?
joins(:product_properties).where('product_properties.property_id IN (?)', property_id).distinct
And product the following SQL - SELECT DISTINCT "products".* FROM "products" INNER JOIN "product_properties" ON "product_properties"."product_id" = "products"."id" AND "product_properties"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "products"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND (product_properties.property_id IN ('504')) AND (product_properties.property_id IN ('520'))
But it doesn't really work since it's looking for a Product Property which has both values 504 and 520, which will never exist.
Would appreciate some help!
So this is the join that I used --
def self.find_with_properties property_ids, group_name
joins(:product_properties).joins('JOIN product_properties '+group_name+' ON '+group_name+'.product_id = products.id AND '+group_name+'.property_id IN ('+property_ids.to_s.tr('[', '').tr(']', '').tr('"', '') +')')
First of all I think you should not use scope for this task You should create a Class method to do it. It's best practice to not use scope when complex logic is involved.
Secondly it's nothing wrong the above mentioned code. It's about calling them wrong. I recon you are chaining above scopes.
By definition both above mentioned scope are same so you don't need to define twice. Try this one
def self.find_with_properties property_ids
joins(:product_properties).where('product_properties.property_id IN (?)', property_ids)
And Call it like
If 'A' , 'B' , 'C' are properties name then you should do it like:
self.joins(:product_properties=>[:property]).where("properties.name IN(?)",property_names)
Then can call like
Try this
scope :product_type_filter, ->(f_property_ids, s_property_ids) { joins(:product_properties).where('product_properties.property_id IN (?) AND product_properties.property_id IN (?)', f_property_ids, s_property_ids).distinct }
Call the scope with 2 parameters
#products = Product.product_type_filter([1,2,3], [4,5,6])

Get records with no related data using activerecord and RoR3?

I am making scopes for a model that looks something like this:
class PressRelease < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :publications
What I want to get is all press_releases that does not have publications, but from a scope method, so it can be chained with other scopes. Any ideas?
NOTE: I know that there are methods like present? or any? and so on, but these methods does not return an ActiveRecord::Relation as scope does.
NOTE: I am using RoR 3
Avoid eager_loading if you do not need it (it adds overhead). Also, there is no need for subselect statements.
scope :without_publications, -> { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN publications ON publications.press_release_id = press_releases.id").where(publications: { id: nil }) }
Explanation and response to comments
My initial thoughts about eager loading overhead is that ActiveRecord would instantiate all the child records (publications) for each press release. Then I realized that the query will never return press release records with publications. So that is a moot point.
There are some points and observations to be made about the way ActiveRecord works. Some things I had previously learned from experience, and some things I learned exploring your question.
The query from includes(:publications).where(publications: {id: nil}) is actually different from my example. It will return all columns from the publications table in addition to the columns from press_releases. The publication columns are completely unnecessary because they will always be null. However, both queries ultimately result in the same set of PressRelease objects.
With the includes method, if you add any sort of limit, for example chaining .first, .last or .limit(), then ActiveRecord (4.2.4) will resort to executing two queries. The first query returns IDs, and the second query uses those IDs to get results. Using the SQL snippet method, ActiveRecord is able to use just one query. Here is an example of this from one of my applications:
Profile.includes(:positions).where(positions: { id: nil }).limit(5)
# SQL (0.8ms) SELECT DISTINCT "profiles"."id" FROM "profiles" LEFT OUTER JOIN "positions" ON "positions"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" WHERE "positions"."id" IS NULL LIMIT 5
# SQL (0.8ms) SELECT "profiles"."id" AS t0_r0, ..., "positions"."end_year" AS t1_r11 FROM "profiles" LEFT OUTER JOIN "positions" ON "positions"."profile_id" = "profiles"."id" # WHERE "positions"."id" IS NULL AND "profiles"."id" IN (107, 24, 7, 78, 89)
Profile.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN positions ON positions.profile_id = profiles.id").where(positions: { id: nil }).limit(5)
# Profile Load (1.0ms) SELECT "profiles".* FROM "profiles" LEFT OUTER JOIN positions ON positions.profile_id = profiles.id WHERE "positions"."id" IS NULL LIMIT 5
Most importantly
eager_loading and includes were not intended to solve the problem at hand. And for this particular case I think you are much more aware of what is needed than ActiveRecord is. You can therefore make better decisions about how to structure the query.
you can de the following in your PressRelease:
scope :your_scope, -> { where('id NOT IN(select press_release_id from publications)') }
this will return all PressRelease record without publications.
Couple ways to do this, first one requires two db queries:
PressRelease.where.not(id: Publications.uniq.pluck(:press_release_id))
or if you don't want to hardcode association foreign key:
PressRelease.where.not(id: PressRelease.uniq.joins(:publications).pluck(:id))
Another one is to do a left join and pick those without associated elements - you get a relation object, but it will be tricky to work with it as it already has a join on it:
PressRelease.eager_load(:publications).where(publications: {id: nil})
Another one is to use counter_cache feature. You will need to add publication_count column to your press_releases table.
class Publications < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :presss_release, counter_cache: true
Rails will keep this column in sync with a number of records associated to given mode, so then you can simply do:
PressRelease.where(publications_count: [nil, 0])


I have 3 models:
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :student_enrollments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :courses, through: :student_enrollments
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :student_enrollments, dependent: :destroy
has_many :students, through: :student_enrollments
class StudentEnrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :course
I wish to query for a list of courses in the Courses table, that do not exist in the StudentEnrollments table that are associated with a certain student.
I found that perhaps Left Join is the way to go, but it seems that joins() in rails only accept a table as argument.
The SQL query that I think would do what I want is:
FROM Courses c LEFT JOIN StudentEnrollment se ON c.id = se.course_id
WHERE se.id IS NULL AND se.student_id = <SOME_STUDENT_ID_VALUE> and c.active = true
How do I execute this query the Rails 4 way?
Any input is appreciated.
You can pass a string that is the join-sql too. eg joins("LEFT JOIN StudentEnrollment se ON c.id = se.course_id")
Though I'd use rails-standard table naming for clarity:
joins("LEFT JOIN student_enrollments ON courses.id = student_enrollments.course_id")
If anyone came here looking for a generic way to do a left outer join in Rails 5, you can use the #left_outer_joins function.
Multi-join example:
select('sources.id', 'count(metrics.id)').
where('ports.auto_delete = ?', true).
having('count(metrics.id) = 0').
SELECT sources.id, count(metrics.id)
FROM "sources"
INNER JOIN "ports" ON "ports"."id" = "sources"."port_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "metrics" ON "metrics"."source_id" = "sources"."id"
WHERE (ports.auto_delete = 't')
GROUP BY sources.id
HAVING (count(metrics.id) = 0)
ORDER BY "sources"."id" ASC
There is actually a "Rails Way" to do this.
You could use Arel, which is what Rails uses to construct queries for ActiveRecrods
I would wrap it in method so that you can call it nicely and pass in whatever argument you would like, something like:
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
def left_join_student_enrollments(some_user)
courses = Course.arel_table
student_entrollments = StudentEnrollment.arel_table
enrollments = courses.join(student_enrollments, Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin).
student_enrollments: {student_id: some_user.id, id: nil},
active: true
There is also the quick (and slightly dirty) way that many use
student_enrollments: {student_id: some_user.id, id: nil},
active: true
eager_load works great, it just has the "side effect" of loding models in memory that you might not need (like in your case)
Please see Rails ActiveRecord::QueryMethods .eager_load
It does exactly what you are asking in a neat way.
Combining includes and where results in ActiveRecord performing a LEFT OUTER JOIN behind the scenes (without the where this would generate the normal set of two queries).
So you could do something like:
Course.includes(:student_enrollments).where(student_enrollments: { course_id: nil })
Docs here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#specifying-conditions-on-eager-loaded-associations
Adding to the answer above, to use includes, if you want an OUTER JOIN without referencing the table in the where (like id being nil) or the reference is in a string you can use references. That would look like this:
Course.includes(:student_enrollments).references(:student_enrollments).where('student_enrollments.id = ?', nil)
You'd execute the query as:
Course.joins('LEFT JOIN student_enrollment on courses.id = student_enrollment.course_id')
.where(active: true, student_enrollments: { student_id: SOME_VALUE, id: nil })
I know that this is an old question and an old thread but in Rails 5, you could simply do
You could use left_joins gem, which backports left_joins method from Rails 5 for Rails 4 and 3.
.where('student_enrollments.id' => nil)
I've been struggling with this kind of problem for quite some while, and decided to do something to solve it once and for all. I published a Gist that addresses this issue: https://gist.github.com/nerde/b867cd87d580e97549f2
I created a little AR hack that uses Arel Table to dynamically build the left joins for you, without having to write raw SQL in your code:
class ActiveRecord::Base
# Does a left join through an association. Usage:
# Book.left_join(:category)
# # SELECT "books".* FROM "books"
# # LEFT OUTER JOIN "categories"
# # ON "books"."category_id" = "categories"."id"
# It also works through association's associations, like `joins` does:
# Book.left_join(category: :master_category)
def self.left_join(*columns)
_do_left_join columns.compact.flatten
def self._do_left_join(column, this = self) # :nodoc:
collection = self
if column.is_a? Array
column.each do |col|
collection = collection._do_left_join(col, this)
elsif column.is_a? Hash
column.each do |key, value|
assoc = this.reflect_on_association(key)
raise "#{this} has no association: #{key}." unless assoc
collection = collection._left_join(assoc)
collection = collection._do_left_join value, assoc.klass
assoc = this.reflect_on_association(column)
raise "#{this} has no association: #{column}." unless assoc
collection = collection._left_join(assoc)
def self._left_join(assoc) # :nodoc:
source = assoc.active_record.arel_table
pk = assoc.association_primary_key.to_sym
joins source.join(assoc.klass.arel_table,
Hope it helps.
See below my original post to this question.
Since then, I have implemented my own .left_joins() for ActiveRecord v4.0.x (sorry, my app is frozen at this version so I've had no need to port it to other versions):
In file app/models/concerns/active_record_extensions.rb, put the following:
module ActiveRecordBaseExtensions
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def left_joins(*args)
module ClassMethods
def left_joins(*args)
module ActiveRecordRelationExtensions
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# a #left_joins implementation for Rails 4.0 (WARNING: this uses Rails 4.0 internals
# and so probably only works for Rails 4.0; it'll probably need to be modified if
# upgrading to a new Rails version, and will be obsolete in Rails 5 since it has its
# own #left_joins implementation)
def left_joins(*args)
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecordBaseExtensions)
ActiveRecord::Relation.send(:include, ActiveRecordRelationExtensions)
Now I can use .left_joins() everywhere I'd normally use .joins().
----------------- ORIGINAL POST BELOW -----------------
If you want OUTER JOINs without all the extra eagerly loaded ActiveRecord objects, use .pluck(:id) after .eager_load() to abort the eager load while preserving the OUTER JOIN. Using .pluck(:id) thwarts eager loading because the column name aliases (items.location AS t1_r9, for example) disappear from the generated query when used (these independently named fields are used to instantiate all the eagerly loaded ActiveRecord objects).
A disadvantage of this approach is that you then need to run a second query to pull in the desired ActiveRecord objects identified in the first query:
# first query
idents = Course
.eager_load(:students) # eager load for OUTER JOIN
student_enrollments: {student_id: some_user.id, id: nil},
active: true
.pluck(:id) # abort eager loading but preserve OUTER JOIN
# second query
Course.where(id: idents)
It'a join query in Active Model in Rails.
Please click here for More info about Active Model Query Format.
#course= Course.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN StudentEnrollment
ON StudentEnrollment .id = Courses.user_id").
where("StudentEnrollment .id IS NULL AND StudentEnrollment .student_id =
<SOME_STUDENT_ID_VALUE> and Courses.active = true").select
Use Squeel:
If anyone out there still needs true left_outer_joins support in Rails 4.2 then if you install the gem "brick" on Rails 4.2.0 or later it automatically adds the Rails 5.0 implementation of left_outer_joins. You would probably want to turn off the rest of its functionality, that is unless you want an automatic "admin panel" kind of thing available in your app!

Rails ignores columns from second table when using .select

By example:
r = Model.arel_table
s = SomeOtherModel.arel_table
Model.select(r[:id], s[:othercolumn].as('othercolumn')).
Will product the sql:
`SELECT `model`.`id`, `someothermodel`.`othercolumn` AS othercolumn FROM `model` INNER JOIN `someothermodel` ON `model`.`id` = `someothermodel`.`model_id`
Which is correct. However, when the models are loaded, the attribute othercolumn is ignored because it is not an attribute of Model.
It's similar to eager loading and includes, but I don't want all columns, only the one specified so include is no good.
There must be an easy way of getting columns from other models? I'd preferably have the items return as instances of Model than simple arrays/hashes
When you do a select with joins or includes, you will be returned an ActiveRecordRelation. This ActiveRecordRelation is composed of only the objects of the class which you use to call select on. The selected columns from the joined models are added to the objects returned. Because these attributes are not Model's attribute they don't show up when you inspect these objects, and I believe this is the primary reason for confusion.
You could try this out in your rails console:
> result = Model.select(r[:id], s[:othercolumn].as('othercolumn')).joins(:someothermodel)
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Model id: 1>]>
# "othercolumn" is not shown in the result but doing the following will yield correct result
> result.first.othercolumn
=> "myothercolumnvalue"

ActiveRecord::Relation joins with more conditions than just the foreign key

Is there any way to specify more than one conditions for a left outer join using ActiveRecord::Relation?
Take the following SQL statement for example. How can anyone rewrite this using ActiveRecord::Relation objects?
SELECT `texts`.*, `text_translations`.translation FROM `texts` LEFT OUTER JOIN `text_translations` ON `text_translations`.`id` = `texts`.`id` AND `text_translations`.`locale` = 'en'
Is there any way to do this under ActiveRecord 3.0.3+?
Thanks in advance.
first you should consider to use rails/activerecord conform relations. This means the foreign key in the text_translations table should be called text_id
Create your models and associations like this:
class Text < ActiveRecord::Base
# all possible translations!
has_many :text_translations
scope :with_translation_for, lambda { |lang| {
:select => "texts.*, tt.translation",
:joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN text_translations AS tt ON tt.text_id = texts.id AND tt.locale = #{ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(lang)}"
# return nil if translation hasn't been loaded, otherwise you get a nasty NoMethod exception
def translation
class TextTranslation < ActiveRecord::Base
# every translation belongs to a text
belongs_to :text
# define a scope for the language
scope :language, lambda { |lang| where(['locale = ?', lang]) }
How to use:
texts = Text.with_translation_for('en')
texts.each do |c_text|
unless c_text.translation.nil?
puts c_text.translation
puts "No translation available!"
Now to the pro and cons, the way using LEFT OUTER join will load you all texts even if there isn't a translation for a text in the desired language. The con is that you won't get the "TextTranslation" model object.
Anotherway is to load only the text which have the desired translation. You can do it like:
texts = Text.includes(:text_translations).where(:text_translations => {:locale => 'en'})
now texts[i].text_translations will return an array with all TextTranslations model object for this text matching the locale 'en'. But texts without a translation in the locale "en" won't show up.
Connected to your comment:
The problem about using .join(:tablename) on a relation is that, it will result in an INNER JOIN so this is not an option. You have to explicitly declare the LEFT join. Another thing is that if you use something like Text.includes(:text_translations).where(['text_translations.locale = ?', 'en']) the condition will be applied to the SQL query as whole and not on the possible LEFT join itself. What you actually can do is to declare associations like
has_many :english_translations, :class_name => 'TextTranslation', :conditions => ['locale = ?', 'en']
This way you can manage to load only english translations by eager loading (without any joins at all):
Checkt this out:
Ruby On Rails Guide about Joining Tables
ActiveRecord Association Docs, Search for LEFT OUTER JOIN