Should "file://~" be routed to "file://Users/userName" - file-io

I've written a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) class which is also able to retrieve the content of an url. My question is the way it should handle the tilde ~ char within a file url.
In short: do I have to make file://~ point to file:///Users/userName or it is something only related to the system's regular path ?

If I do this: Start > Run > "file://~" (without quotes) > [OK]
I get the following error message:
[Window Title] file://~
[Content] Windows cannot find 'file://~'. Make sure you typed the name
correctly, and then try again.
That said: The tilde ~ is a valid character for a filename under Windows. I don't see why it should get any special treatment.


file system watcher doesn't work when used full filename as filter

I'm trying setup a file watcher for one specific file C:\test.json via workspace.createFileSystemWatcher
This is the code I use:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern("C:\\", "test.json"));
watcher.onDidChange(uri => console.log("change", uri));
watcher.onDidCreate(uri => console.log("create", uri));
watcher.onDidDelete(uri => console.log("delete", uri));
For some reason events are not triggered, unless I replace filter test.json with *.json - then it works just fine.
Any ideas why complete filename doesn't work?
I see your question(s) ;>} on github. I'll post there as well.
It is interesting that this works:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing"), "test.json"));
Note that test.json is in a folder Testing.
This does not work - when test.json is at the root of C:
const watcher = vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\"), "test.json"));
So it looks like either vscode.Uri.file("C:\\") doesn't work properly at the drive root level or vscode.RelativePattern() doesn't work properly at the drive root level.
As we discussed on github (see API: createFileSystemWatcher() doesn't work when filter set to a specific file), the problem appears to be the trailing slash in C:\\. Since relative patterns like new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing"), "test.json") work and patterns like new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\Testing\\"), "test.json") do not work.
But a backslash is required for a drive root level designation:
No, it doesn't. But it's because drive path requires trailing slash,
otherwise it's treated as relative path instead:
Use a backslash as required as part of volume names, for example, the
"C:" in "C:\path\file" or the "\server\share" in
"\server\share\path\file" for Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
from your comment at
so it does seem that vscode.RelativePattern() will not work at the drive root level because of the trailing slash (but the trailing slash is necessary and a simple vscode.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\test.json")); does not work either).
We should update this answer with however the github issue is resolved - can your original new vscode.RelativePattern(vscode.Uri.file("C:\\"), "test.json") be made to work.

monit check file for removed content

I'm trying to check some config, which should contain combination: "^UseBridges".
And i know, that file can be changed after somewhat editing via admin UI, but UI doesn't support feature i need.
So i'm trying to write monit check for it, so it will check config, and if confeg resetted, it will add some needed strings to the end of config.
I've tried next rules:
check file torrc with path "/root/t" if content != '^UseBridges' then alert
check file torrc with path "/root/t" if not match '^UseBridges' then alert
Both syntaxes looks correct, but doesn't work the way i expect.
If i remove "!" or "not" - it works as expected. It finds string and execute action.
But if i want to check that removal of string - nothing happens.
What is wrong?
Or monit doesn't support that?
The Monit does not support that.
But if i want to check that removal of string - nothing happens.
What is wrong? Or monit doesn't support that?
Monit read the content of the file and keep the position of the last line in mind. With the next cycle additional lines are read etc.. If the file size became smaller, Monit start reading from the beginning.
Monit can not find deleted lines, because Monit does not compare file, Monit check the occurrence of a string only.

cronjob not working, but working in browser

So I have this weird behaviour:
A customers runs an oxid-shop. He bought a module and in its documentation, it stated:
Add 3 cronjobs: < url >
So, nothing too special so far. I tried it in the browser and everything worked fine. My output was:
Convert complete! 0 articles. File: google.xml
So the Script seems to work. Then I tried to combine it with a cronjob.
*/02 * * * * curl
as you can tell, a complete valid url (no special chars or something like this in the vars)
However, the output is the following:
Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "" in /usr/www/users/.../www2/core/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1094
I also tried it with lynx -dump URL. Same output. I can't modify the script, since it is encrypted.
Any idea what I could try? Might the be due to the params?
Tried it on 2 different servers with the same outcome.
The problem could in deed be that there are parameters in your URL.
When using [] or {} sequences when invoked from a command line prompt,
you probably have to put the full URL within double quotes to avoid
the shell from interfering with it. This also goes for other
characters treated special, like for example '&', '?' and '*'.
So you should try to enclose your URL with double quotes.

How to set and get variables when working in cmd

I am working in cmd to send HTTP GET and POST requests with cURL.
There are many times where I am sending requests to the same pages and typing them out every time is a huge pain.
I'm trying to figure out how to use set= so that I can save these URLs for each time I want to use them.
I've tried
C:\>set page = ""
'page' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\>echo %page%
but it won't return the page name.
How can I accomplish what I need?
C:\Windows\system32>set page=""
C:\Windows\system32>echo %page%
C:\Windows\system32>set page=
C:\Windows\system32>echo %page%
Don't use spaces around =. Select version with or without " according to your needs. Variable value may contain spaces inside:
C:\Windows\system32>set page= friends
C:\Windows\system32>echo %page% friends
You are setting the value "" inside the variable "page " (notice the space) since you have a space before the =.
So you can either retrieve the value by using %page % or by using set page="http://..." without a space between page and the equals sign

Pig problem with load file with complicated name

i need to load file in pig which has a long and complicated name:
Pig complained:
ERROR - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. Relative path in absolute URI:
anyone knows what's the problem? Thanks.
If it's forming a URI from that, the : is a reserved character.
Think about it: file://a:b ... this would be taken as an FTP login.
Your error message seems to complain that what's left after the string is parsed is a relative path (I guess 00.csv after the last colon). Obviously no longer the whole filename.
You will need to escape any reserved characters in the filename before forming a URI.
You could do this on the command line, with for example:
ls | sed -e 's/:/%3A/g'
to transform the colons in the filename.
Or you could rename any files in the directory that use any of ";?:#&=+,$"
not exactly the same case, but we got:
ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
for everything we tried to load, and the problem was that the PIG_CONF_DIR env variable was pointing to a folder that did not exist. We've reset it in the .bash_profile to a folder with valid core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml and everything's good now.
export PIG_CONF_DIR=/my_good_folder