Is it ok to ever use straight SQL (or an ORM) instead of BCS in SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint-2010

I am working on a custom web part that I want to query and write to another database.
BCS seems to complicate this process more than helping it out so I am wondering if it is ever ok to use directly access SQL Server without the use of BCS?

Short answer ... go for it - use DB only and don't use BCS.
but it really depends a bit ...
If you use BCS, you can take advantage of some Sharepoint facilities such as search.
Please find the full advantages of BCS here:
But there is a big gotcha here .... If you are using Sharepoint Foundation there are a number of limitations on what you can do with BCS, so please keep this in mind.
One disadvantage of accessing through a database is that you no longer have one central location for your data, and this can have its problems. but if you design your architecture well, you should be fine.
So overall, if you do not need the advantages of BCS and you can design a solid architecture (perhaps service oriented), then my personal recommendation would be to use the database in your web-part.

Sorry - BCS is the wrong answer - you should be using the Secure Store Service; this is how we connect between 'outside' data sources and SharePoint. Otherwise, the custom web part must somehow embed the Login information (either through properties, the web.config or the Registry) - otherwise, SSS is where you want to go.


Stop exporting a SQL Server database to secure it

I have a windows form application with a database on SQL Server 2008 on the ./SQLEXPRESS instance.
I have created a setup of my project using the link below..
When a user installs my application, the database will be available for him, and user can just export the SQL Server database.
How can I secure my database so that user shouldn't have a easily available copy of my database?
I thought of creating a new password protected server (as I have created the database in above walkthrough)... while installation of my application on user's pc, other than ./sqlexpress. And a complete copy of database used by my application will not be simply available for user to just export and get a copy of my database.
So could anyone please guide me...
The question is; how far do you want to go to protect your data?
Better protection of your data usually comes at the cost of more development time and likely less user friendliness, for example due to lower performance (encryption is not free). More complex code usually results in more support requests too.
Where the best balance is depends on your business model (if any) and on your user requirements.
Keep in mind that anything you deploy to an end-users machine is in the end vulnerable. If something is valuable enough there will be people trying to steal it.
So, you could argue that the best protection is not to deploy the data at all. You could back your end-user application with a web service and keep the data on your own server, for example in the cloud.
I've found however that you sometimes just need to trust your users. If you build a good product that makes them happy, they have no reason to steal from you. In fact, they are probably glad to pay you.
If you decide that you need to deploy the data and that you need to encrypt it, you should think about why you chose SQL Server.
What database features do you need exactly? Do you need a fullblown database server for that?
Any local admin can gain control over any SQL Server database in seconds so the built-in SQL server authentication will not bring you a lot of benefits.
You could switch to SQLServer CE and keep the database within your application. That would make the database a lot harder to access for a regular user.
If all you're doing is looking up words, you may be better off with a different storage engine like Lucene.
Lucene is actually a search engine, so it's highly optimized for matching words or parts of words.
You can run Lucene inside your .NET application so you don't even need the end-user to install SQL Server. There is a .NET version of Lucene here.
Lucene however doesn't protect your data. There's tooling available that will allow anybody to view and extract the data from the stored index files.
Since Lucene is open source though, you could extend it to support encrypted data storage (see this related question).

What ORMs are developers using to connect to Azure?

Im interested to find out what techniques developers are using to connect to a Windows Azure instance running in the cloud?
From what i understand it is very similar to SQL Server with two of the key differences being Multiple Active Recordsets are not supported and idle/long running connections are automatically terminated by azure. For this microsoft suggest incorporating retry logic in your application to detect a closed connection and then attempt to complete the interrupted action. Does any one have example code that they are currently using on this?
To build out the data layer i was looking at various ORMs. Since im going to be accessing azure from windows azure (ie seperate boxes) to me it would seem key that any ORM mapper would need to support asynchronous methods so as not to block any windows azure instances.
Any suggestions as to which ORM mapper to use, or comments on what you are currently using
I have successfully used NHibernate with Azure and we are in the process of building a commercial app on top of NHibernate. The only problem that I had was with the connection pools when running locally and connecting to SQL Azure in the cloud - which was fixed when turning connection pooling off.
You may find similar problems with other ORM's... SQL Azure is less patient (for obvious reasons) than most people are used to. Connections timeout quicker, recycle sooner and so on.
Test first!
Here's one specifically designed for Azure:
"Telerik recently announced the
availability of Open Access, the first
ORM that works seamlessly with SQL
Azure relational databases in the
Windows Azure cloud."
And a few commenters at the Azure User Group recommend LLBLGen and Entity Framework.
I've been using Entity Framework - runs without any problems, just a different connection string.
What you do have to think about is your connection strategy, and how efficient your queries are. I've got method that's easy to write in EF - I've got a new record that could be duplicated, so I check if it's there, and if not, add it.
EF makes it really easy to do this, as if you're just accessing a local collection. BUT ... if you're paying for your dB access because it's in Azure and not on your local network, hmm, maybe there's a better (aka cheaper) way of doing that
According to Ayende, NHibernate "just works" with SQL Azure.
We have been using NHibernate without any customization on Azure (indeed, it just works), you can check Lokad.Translate as an open source example of such use.

What database should I use in this VB.NET app?

My database must be updated at arbitrary intervals, manually, with new info to put on standart tables that don't require structural modifications. one app will update the database.
Another app, the one I will distribute (to friends and family only, but doesn't require any security feature to it, like encrypting the database) will read the database and use its data on labels, listviews, etc.
The problem is, I'm the perfect definition of full-fledged n00b at programming of any sort, and still don't know what database to use.
I thought that I should use a SQL CE (*.sdf) file, and store that database thing on an FTP. then, I could download it and get data from it everytime the "client" app runs, and certain button ("connect") is clicked.
After some hard-core googling, I found out how to connect to the sdf thing, using this connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=D:\Documents and Settings\Camilo\JCTM.sdf
So it connects, or at least didn't show any error.
I don't know if it's a good idea to use sdf SQL CE files as databases, if it's too hard maybe I should go for XML? what do you guys suggest, what is the easiest way to implement very simple databases in VB.NET?
By simple databases I mean:
- no search needed
- no advanced features except storing strings on tables with columns and rows
- easy to access, read, edit, etc. by different VB.NET apps
Is sdf a good idea?
I would recommend Sql Server Express Its free and can be redistributed with .net applications as part of the install process.
The challenge will be syncing the changes between the different clients. If you have access to a FTP server, you may have the ability to host a website in IIS. If you can do that you can just use webservices and read against one database instead of copying one local.
Luckily for you, you can abstract away the need to be concerned with which back-end database you use to store your data.
Technologies such as ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding, Database) allow you to limit your concern for the backend datastore to the task of crafting your connection string. In your example, the connection string says, "I'm going to connect to a SQL Server CE database via its OLEDB provider, and it's physically located over on D:/...
Within the code, you use standard OLEDB mechanisms to access and manage the database. Because of this abstraction, you can use OLEDB providers for SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Access or comma delimited text files as your backing store if you wish, and the only change you need to make to your code is the connection string. Your choice then should be to pick the database that you have the tools and know-how to set up and manage initially.
I'd start with Microsoft Access because it has its own UI, and can play well with .NET.
You can also try the ADO.Net implementation for SQLite, which I've also found very useful.

How do you get SQL 2008 reporting services to securely work for multiple apps?

We have a setup where we have multiple instances of an application - one instance for each customer.
We call a lot of our reports via URL, passing in parameters on the querystring.
Early on, when we were on 2005, we identified a problem with this: I could change my querystring a bit and get into someone else's data.
We got around the problem by spoofing a user.
Now, due to some intermittent instability in our 2005 report services install, we are taking the opportuntiy to upgrade to 2008. However, the spoofing situation doesn't seem to work any more.
The technet articles that appear relevant seem to say that we need to create a very large security extension (article). This seems like overkill. Surely there is an easier way to call a URL-based report.
How are you accomplishing this in your applications?
Note: This is a repost (paraphrased) of my colleague's question. He didn't get any answers, and since he doesn't have any reputation he couldn't try out the bounty system. I reworded it and decided to give it a whirl. Please be tolerant - we really need an answer to this one. :)
I'm curious, what were you doing in 2005 for user spoofing that doesn't work in 2008?
But to the real question, it sounds to me like you probably should use custom authentication. The sample you linked to actually does a pretty good job of explaining what is going on and guides you through the basics. I had a similar problem to yours where we have many clients accessing reports and it's extremely important that there is no way for one client to get access to another client's data.
I ended up writing a custom authentication extension that creates client specific folders and permissions only the client specific user (which I set via the custom authentication) Browser access to all reports in that folder.
I'd also suggest that you look at if you're writing an application that lives outside of the /Reports/ area. I unfortunately learned that this existed after I'd invested too much time in my custom authentication scheme.
Good luck!

Design Advice for an HTA based Crud App

I am developing a framework for various in-house CRUD apps. I've considered several MS technologies (WPF, Access, WinForms, ASP.NET) and have settled on ASP.NET MVC with HTA+Jquery for the client. My reason for doing so is that I need a way to write and deploy quick one-off GUI apps as well as maintaining more robust apps that are expected to have a long life time.
Firstly, I would appreciate some thoughts on the relative merits of using ADODB on the client side versus ADO.NET on the server side. I'm leaning towards ADODB since I'll have client side access to the SQL Server (I've already written a js library that handles interacting with ADODB). However, I can see how developing a RESTful service may eventually be useful.
Secondly, I need to incorporate reporting capability into the system. I can use SQL Server reporting services or crystal reports but the users have grown accustomed to some older applications that use VBA to write reports in Word; so I'm considering using WordML to write the reports.
Database Access
If you need a thin client, then it's probably better to stay away from directly accessing the database from within the client.
The main issue is that you will introduce a high dependency on a specific network architecture and both your ASP.Net application and the HTA will be highly dependent on the database.
Instead I would prefer to sever the dependency on direct line of sight to the DB and have the data to be handled by the server.
This has a few advantages:
for many small changes to the db, you're probably only going to have to update the ASP app.
if you ever need your client app to be functional over the internet (say because some users are going to an outside meeting, need to work from work or your company open a new branch) then you won't have to rewrite your thin client.
you keep better control over access to the resources: only let the ASP app talk to the database and filter what comes in/out of it.
This will saves you having to implement all security on the client: the ASP app becomes the guardian of the database. It's a much better way to secure information and it gives you a lot more control.
For reporting I'd use the server again rather than implement complex reporting capabilities in the client itself.
The problem is that you'll always going to get limited on the client if you're using an HTA and don't want to start having to install dependencies on each user's machine.
You'll end-up building a thick client in no time...
If you're using ASP.Net there are plenty of really good reporting tools that will make your life much easier and allow your users to get nice reports in Excel, Word, PDF, etc without you having to code these features yourself.
Crystal Reports is ok, but there are better and simpler alternatives, for example the Developer Express Report engine is pretty easy to use.