NSArray become invalid when using selector - objective-c

Following is my code(with some unrelated thing omitted):
#implementation HomeSceneController
#synthesize options = _options; // _options is a NSArray object with 4 elements
- (id)init
if (self = [super initWithNibName:#"HomeScene" bundle:nil]) {
_currentOptionIndex = 0;
// Following code add two key event observations, when up arrow or down arrow key is pressed, the corresponding function will be fired.
[self addObservation:_KEY_UPARROW_ selector:#selector(UpArrowPressHandler)];
[self addObservation:_KEY_DOWNARROW_ selector:#selector(DownArrowPressHandler)];
return self;
- (void)loadView {
[super loadView];
// init _options
_options = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[self selectOption:_localGameOption];
// in these two functions, _options become nil! I don't know why...
- (void)UpArrowPressHandler {
if (_currentOptionIndex > 0) {
[self deselectOption:_options[_currentOptionIndex]];
[self selectOption:_options[_currentOptionIndex]];
- (void)DownArrowPressHandler {
if (_currentOptionIndex < 3) {
[self deselectOption:_options[_currentOptionIndex]];
[self selectOption:_options[_currentOptionIndex]];
when I press up arrow key, the UpArrowPressHandler function is fired. However, the problem is, the _options array become nil.
Can anyone tell me why and how to fix it?
Additional problem:
In the following program:
import "Deep.h"
#implementation Deep
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_name = #"Deep";
return self;
- (void)test {
The test method can correctly print "Deep" when I call it somewhere else.
However, according to #ATaylor's explanation, _name should be released.
So, where is my problem?

That's because _options is getting assigned an autoreleased object, which gets released once you leave the method it was called from.
Try assigning it to 'self.options', which will (most likely) call 'retain' on the object, or call 'retain' explicitly.
Once more in code:
Either use:
self.options = [NSArray ...];
_options = [[NSArray ...] retain];
Please don't forget to release your 'options', once you're done with it, either by:
self.options = nil;
[_options release];
Please only go for ONE of these options, because otherwise you'll get weird behaviour with the retain count.
You see, Apple gives us a number of 'convenience functions', which return autoreleased objects, meaning we don't have to bother with their release.
As a general rule of thumb:
Call release for every alloc/retain you call yourself.
To answer the second question:
_name = #"Deep";
is an assignment to a variable, equivalent to 'const char *_name = "Deep";' from C.
There is no need to release that, for the simple reason, that you didn't create or retain it. (No new, No alloc, no retain, no copy).
The object will not get autoreleased either, because you didn't call any sort of method, which would cause the variable to be autoreleased.
Also, see this answer, which deals with the exact problem.
Just for clarification, to get a string, there are three types of methods.
NSString *someString;
someString = #"MyString"; //No retain, no release, static String.
someString = [NSString stringWithFormat...]; //Autoreleased object, disappears after the method expires.
someString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat...]; //Alloced object, must be released.


Better way than write dozens of empty getters?

I use lazy instantiation on my properties, to have my class created and used as fast as possible. To achieve this, I write lots of 'empty' getters like this:
- (VMPlacesListFilter *)currentFilter
if (!_currentFilter) {
_currentFilter = [[VMPlacesListFilter alloc] init];
return _currentFilter;
They are all the same: if the instance variable is nil, call the -alloc and -init on the class of the property, then return the instance variable. Very common and straightforward.
If I don't create this getter by myself, Objective-C's automatic synthesization creates a getter for me, which does only the returning part (does not init the object if the instance variable is nil).
Is there any way to avoid writing this boilerplate code?
Nope, I'm afraid there's no good way around it, if you really want to have lazy initialization. Personally, I usually save lazy initialization for stuff that could really be time consuming or memory intensive (say, loading images or view controllers), and initialize cheap stuff (like simple data structures or model objects) in init.
- (instancetype) init {
self = [super init];
if( self ) {
_cheapThing1 = [NSMutableArray array];
_cheapThing2 = [[MyModelObject alloc] init];
return self;
- (ExpensiveThing*) expensiveThing
if( _expensiveThing == nil ) {
_expensiveThing = [[ExpensiveThing alloc] init];
return _expensiveThing;
Unless you're loading something from disk or the network, I wouldn't worry too much about initialization time. Of course, profile it.
I know this is an Objective-C question, but it's worth noting that Swift has lazy initialization built-in.
lazy var currentFilter = VMPlacesListFilter()
First off, I totally agree with #zpasternack that "lazy load" should not be misused. However, automatically generating setters and getters is completely doable with the power of Objective-C runtime. In fact, CoreData is doing this.
Anyway, I have come up with some stupid code implementing a class called LazyClass, in which you can declare dynamic properties like lazyArray (see below). Using dynamic method resolution, when the property is accessed for the first time, a getter that calls the corresponding class's default +alloc and -init method will be automatically added to the class. All underlying instance variables are stored in an NSMutableDictionary called myVars. Of course you can manipulate ivars through the runtime API as well, but using a dictionary should save some work.
Please note that this implementation just shows the basic idea of how it works. It lacks error checking and is not supposed to be shipped.
#interface LazyClass : NSObject
#property NSMutableDictionary *myVars;
// lazily initialized property
#property NSArray *lazyArray;
#import "LazyClass.h"
#import <objc/objc-runtime.h>
#implementation LazyClass
#dynamic lazyArray;
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
self.myVars = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
return self;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)getMyVars {
return self.myVars;
// the generated getter method
id dynamicGetterMethodIMP(id self, SEL _cmd) {
// selector name, which is also the property name
const char *selName = sel_getName(_cmd);
NSString *selNSName = [NSString stringWithCString:selName encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *keyPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myVars.%#", selNSName];
if (![self valueForKeyPath:keyPath]) {
// get the actual type of the property
objc_property_t property = class_getProperty([self class], selName);
const char *attr = property_getAttributes(property);
NSString *attrString = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:attr encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *typeAttr = [[attrString componentsSeparatedByString:#","] firstObject];
NSString *typeName = [typeAttr substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, typeAttr.length - 4)];
// the default initialization
Class typeClass = NSClassFromString(typeName);
[self setValue:[[typeClass alloc] init] forKeyPath:keyPath];
return [self valueForKeyPath:keyPath];
// the generated setter method
void dynamicSetterMethodIMP(id self, SEL _cmd, id value) {
// get the property name out of selector name
// e.g. setLazyArray: -> lazyArray
NSString *propertyName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
propertyName = [propertyName stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"set" withString:#""];
propertyName = [propertyName stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#":" withString:#""];
propertyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", [propertyName substringToIndex:1].lowercaseString, [propertyName substringFromIndex:1]];
NSString *keyPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"myVars.%#", propertyName];
[self setValue:value forKeyPath:keyPath];
// dynamic method resolution
+ (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL {
if ([NSStringFromSelector(aSEL) containsString:#"set"]) {
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP)dynamicSetterMethodIMP, "^?");
} else {
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP)dynamicGetterMethodIMP, "v#:");
return YES;
If it's the verboseness that bothers you, I suppose you could compress lazy initialisers that only need one-line initialization using the ternary operator:
- (VMPlacesListFilter *)currentFilter
return _currentFilter ? : (_currentFilter = [[VMPlacesListFilter alloc] init]);
DISCLAIMER: I don't do this, but it's interesting that it can be done

Factory methods in Objective-C

I make class factories like so,
#implementation Universe {
NSString *foo;
+ (instancetype)universeWithMeaning:(NSString *)meaning
return [[self alloc] initUniverseWithMeaning:meaning];
- (id)initUniverseWithMeaning:(NSString *)meaning
if (self = [super init]) {
foo = meaning;
return self;
- (void)showMeaning
NSLog(#"%#", foo);
And create object like this,
Universe *universe = [Universe universeWithMeaning:#"42"];
[universe showMeaning]; // Prints 42
This works great, but the method signature of initUniverseWithMeaning: is the same as that of universeWithMeaning:, except that it's an instance method which allows it to save instance variables to the created object.
Is there a way to this without having to implement the initUniverseWithMeaning: instance method?
I know its necessary to be inside of an instance method to be able to access instance variables, so I've been experimenting with blocks. My idea was to pass a block containing instance variable assignations to the class method which would somehow execute it in the instance context.
#implementation Cat {
NSString *lives;
+ (Cat *)newCat:(void(^)(void))cat
cat(); // **Problem 1**
- (void)showLives
NSLog(#"%#", lives);
Cat *cat = [Cat newCat:^void (void) {
self.lives = 9; // **Problem 2**
[cat showLives]; // I'd like this to print 9
Problem 1: How to create a Cat object and execute cat() inside it?
Problem 2: How to make self refer to the object in the block's execution environment?
Anyway, this is more of a curiosity than anything else, it's would only be practically useful to save me from writing alloc (I would just need to include a method prototype for initUniverseWithMeaning: in the .h file.)
For your problem 1 and 2, you can try this
#interface Cat ()
#property (strong) NSString *lives;
#implementation Cat
+ (Cat *)newCat:(void(^)(Cat *me))cat
Cat *newcat = [[self alloc] init];
return newcat;
- (void)showLives
NSLog(#"%#", lives);
Cat *cat = [Cat newCat:^(Cat *me) {
me.lives = 9;
[cat showLives]; // print 9
but I can't see much use of it... Isn't this simpler?
Cat *cat = [Cat new];
cat.lives = 9;
[cat showLives];
For your real problem
Is there a way to this without having to implement the initUniverseWithMeaning: instance method?
+ (instancetype)universeWithMeaning:(NSString *)meaning
Universe *universe = [[self alloc] init];
if (universe) universe->foo = meaning;
return universe;
The first example you've posted is the correct way of creating Objective-C factory methods.
An Objective-C factory method is nothing more than a class method wrapper around an instance level init method. Generally speaking, every factory method should have a paired init method that takes the same number and type of arguments.
fooWithBar:(NSString *)bar should be paired with initWithBar:(NSString *)bar, etc.
An exception might come in when you have an init method that takes arguments, but you've create a handful of factory methods with default arguments for this method. For example:
- (instancetype)initWithString:(NSString *)string;
+ (instancetype)fooWithString:(NSString *)string {
return [[self alloc] initWithString:string];
+ (instancetype)fooWithBar {
return [[self alloc] initWithString:#"bar"];
Now, you can create the object with in the method, then modify it, and return the modified object.
For example:
+ (instancetype)fooWithString:(NSString *)string {
Foo *f = [[self alloc] init];
f.str = string;
return f;
But honestly, it's just better to have an initWithString: method.
Every class should have a designated initializer and every object of that class should go through the designated initializer.

Do I need to allocate NSStrings passed in as parameters to a custom initialization method?

Please consider the following two initialization methods.
The first method simply passes the value of the parameters to their respective NSString properties, but the second allocates the properties and then initializes them using the initWithString: method. Is the allocation in the latter example necessary?
Thanks in advance.
-(id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)theTitle muscleGroup:(NSString *)theMuscleGroup equipment:(NSString *)theEquipment {
if((self = [super init])){
title = theTitle;
muscleGroup = theMuscleGroup;
equipment = theEquipment;
return self;
-(id)initWithTitle2:(NSString *)theTitle muscleGroup:(NSString *)theMuscleGroup equipment:(NSString *)theEquipment {
if((self = [super init])){
title = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:theTitle];
muscleGroup = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:theMuscleGroup];
equipment = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:theEquipment];
return self;
The first example is not safe because you are not taking ownership of the strings, so your program will get all crashy if they are later released elsewhere. The second example fixes that problem and will work perfectly well, but is more concisely written thusly:
-(id)initWithTitle2:(NSString *)theTitle muscleGroup:(NSString *)theMuscleGroup equipment:(NSString *)theEquipment {
if((self = [super init])){
title = [theTitle copy];
muscleGroup = [theMuscleGroup copy];
equipment = [theEquipment copy];
return self;
NSString gives you a copy constructor (-initWithString:), which enables you to do what you are doing in #2, but not all classes do. copy requires the class to implement the NSCopying protocol, but is more conformant with the way a Cocoa API developer would expect to be able to copy objects.
Parameter objects don't get copied when you pass them in. So your first example may not always work, it depends how you've initialized your strings.
The following is safer (although remember to release the objects in your dealloc method):
-(id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)theTitle muscleGroup:(NSString *)theMuscleGroup equipment:(NSString *)theEquipment {
if((self = [super init])){
title = [theTitle retain];
muscleGroup = [theMuscleGroup retain];
equipment = [theEquipment retain];
return self;
Example 1 will assign the pointers. It makes no attempt to retain the objects and is vulnerable to something outside changing the content of the objects.
It could work depending on how the arguments are constructed in the first place;
Example 2 will copy the string objects and retain them. As long as you release in the dealloc then its the preferable method.
title = [theTitle copy];
title = [[NSString stringWithString:theTitle] retain];
are equally good in Ex 2

Objective C Reassignment/Memory Management Crash

As a relative Objective-C beginner, I'm obviously still not grasping certain memory management rules. I can't figure out how to make this not crash:
#interface MyClass { NSArray *playerArray4th; }
- (void) viewDidLoad { playerArray4th = [self getAudioPlayersForSoundFile:#"rimshot" ofType:#"aif"]; }
- (NSArray*) getAudioPlayersForSoundFile:(NSString*)soundFileName ofType:(NSString*)soundFileType {
//code instantiating objects....
NSArray *toRet = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:toRetTickPlayer,toRetTickPlayerCopy,toRetTickPlayerCopy2,toRetTickPlayerCopy3, nil];
return toRet;
Then later, in a different function:
NSArray *currentArray = playerArray4th;
[currentArray release];
currentArray = nil;
currentArray = [self getAudioPlayersForSoundFile:fileName ofType:ofType];
And it crashes when trying to access the array again:
- (void) playSound:(NSString*)soundType {
AVAudioPlayer *currentPlayer;
if ([soundType isEqualToString:#"4th"]) {
if (playerArray4thCounter >= [playerArray4th count]) playerArray4thCounter = 0;
NSLog(#"Playing from array: %#",playerArray4th);
currentPlayer = [playerArray4th objectAtIndex:playerArray4thCounter];
Try to learn about properties and about using getters and setters. Don't take shortcuts unless you know exactly what's going on.
So define the playerArray4th property in your header file:
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSArray *playerArray4th;
And then in your .m file create getter/setter:
#synthesize playerArray4th;
Then, always use self.playerArray4th for assigning and getting the variable. The prior objects will be released when needed.
So this will not leak:
self.playerArray4th = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"text",#"text",nil];
self.playerArray4th = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"new array",#"text",nil];
because the second assignment releases the first array.
Furthermore, read about using autorelease. In short, if you alloc, copy or new, you should either release or autorelease. There's a lot to read about this here on SO which I will not repeat here now.
Don't forget to put self.playerArray4th = nil; in your dealloc method.

What would be a proper way to initialize a instance variable in Objective C without leaking memory?

I have a class like this:
#interface MyCollection : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary *data;
and in the implementation of it, I have a method to init it like this:
- (id) init {
if(self = [super init])
self.data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
Now when I create a object of this class in my code like this:
MyCollection *c = [[MyCollection alloc] init];
... at which point the Leaks utility shows that I have a memory leak in the init function on the very line where I try to set up the instance variable. I am totally new to Objective C & Iphone and I can't just get what is going wrong here. I have read through the Memory Management Guide and all, but I think I'm missing something pretty serious here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time already.
you are using self.data =. So there is most likely a property. And it most likely is a property which either copies or retains your object if you use it.
By calling
self.data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
The retain count of the NSMutableDictionary increases because of the alloc, and if the property of data has a retain or copy statement you get another increase in retain count.
you could write data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; or self.data = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]. This would increase the retain count only one time.
And don't forget to release the object in dealloc.
You have to release the object in your dealloc method. That's why it's showing up as a leak.
to add to what fluchtpunkt mentioned you could try this instead:
- (id) init {
if(self = [super init])
self.data = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:0];
return self;
and in the dealloc
self.data = nil;
I see weird situations with the Leaks utility as sometimes it reports old leaks, sometimes it doesn't report new ones, and so on. Also, from what I could collect with all your answers and opinion elsewhere on the web, people are divided on whether one should set a pointer to nil or not.
As of now, I have solved the situation with the following approach.
- (id) init {
if(self = [super init])
data = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
return self;
[data release];
Thanks everyone for contributing.
Are you creating the instance of "MyCollection" in the interface section?
If it has method scope try to release it in the same method after you are done with it.