ObjC: using 'self' in init and/or initWithFrame: - objective-c

I heard from someone that the state of a class is not yet stable inside -(id)init, so using 'self.something' is not recommended inside init, but I have a UIView subclass that need to add some subviews to itself when the class is created, so I have to use [self addSubview: subview] in init, or I have to have another initialisation method and after I create the view using:
MyView *myView = [[MyView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
I need to call that method. Is this correct? Does initWithFrame has the same situation with init that the class is not yet stable(as it is called after alloc)? If it is, then how should I initialise subviews?

There is nothing wrong with using self in init. The one point of fragility is that if you use a setter method [self setFoo:...] or self.foo = ..., then you might trigger any setter logic in the class or subclass that may not be prepared for the partially initialized state.
[self addView:someView]; is not a problem. However, you might want to consider lazy loading the views instead to offload from the instantiation. It might make it easier to refactor later.
Emphasis because if your view really does always need those other views, there is no point to trying to lazy load.


Weird inheritance bug iOS

Okay so i decided to move my code for my UITableView delegates into another class. a subclass if you will, A subclass so that it would make it easier to access all the elements my Cellforrowwithindexpath function does within said subclass.
But now there is a slight issue...
It works fine, as far as the UItableView is concerned, But then when i tried to use the navigation controller to push a view on top, it did not work, i then discovered that self...Within my main class was actually an instance of my subclass...What? so self is not actually equal to self...
Can anyone give me any insight as to what i am doing so colossally wrong here?
EDIT: So i changed it to instead be a subclass to a delegate and it works fine, just in case anyone else runs into This issue, But i am still confused as to why it was happening in the first place...
#interface OpenGameList : MainMenuViewContoller <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource>
In my MainMenuViewController's viewDidLoad function
_openGameList = [[OpenGameList alloc] init];
_openGameList.delegate = self;
friendsTable.delegate = _openGameList;
friendsTable.dataSource = _openGameList;
And than after that it seems that any use of self in MainMenuViewController is equal to OpenGameList hence why using [[fromView navigationController] pushViewController:toView animated:NO]; does not work
self always points to the object that was actually instantiated – the most derived class.
When you have an instance of a subclass, and you send a message to self, the subclass's implementation will always be invoked if there is one. It doesn't matter whether or not you're in the superclass's implementation file or the subclass's implementation file.
This is an essential for polymorphism: it's what allows subclasses to override the behavior of a parent class. Take -[UIView drawRect:] for example. To invoke the drawing code for subclasses, when code in UIView invokes [self drawRect:] it's the subclass's drawing implementation which needs to be called.
It might help to remember that superclasses and subclasses aren't parent and child objects, but less and more specific types which apply to the same object. A UITableView is also a UIScrollView, UIView, and NSObject, but when you make one, there is one object which is all of those things, and self always refers to that one.

UIViewController: [super init] calls [self initWithNibName bundle:]

I have two init functions in my UIViewController subclass:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
// Custom stuff
return self;
return nil;
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
self = [super initWithNibName: nibNameOrNil
bundle: nibBundleOrNil];
if (self)
// Custom stuff
return self;
I put the init function in to avoid the call to the initWithNibName:bundle: method. I am trying to experiment with taking the xib file out. Unfortunately, calling this init [[Myclass alloc] init] calls initWithNibName:bundle: through the call to [super init].
First, where in the documentation should I be reading so that I would have expected the call to the parent init method to call my own initWithNibName:bundle: method?
Second, how is this a good design choice on Apple's part. I am not seeing why this is desirable behavior? (It may be that I am just not getting the big picture here so please feel free to clue me in.)
Third, how do I get around it best. Do I just take the initWithNibName:bundle: out of my code? Is there never a case where I would like the option of using either a xib or a manual instantiation of the class.
Usually I have to initialise my view controllers with managed object context. I implement simple -(id)initWithContext: method in which I call super's initWithNibName:bundle: method. This way I can define my own xib name.
Not sure about the first part of you question (the reading thing, that is), but Apple's class templates for VC's show that they have their own initWithNibName:bundle method which calls on super with same parameters as they are given. Hence from your situation I'd say that exactly this is designated initialiser and it's not "safe" to call simple init method on super as it will invoke initWithNibName:bundle. I believe UIViewController's init looks like this:
- (id)init
self = [self initWithNibName:nibNameDerivedFromClass bundle:probablyNilOrMainBundle];
if (!self) return nil;
// some extra initialization
return self;
Since the super class doesn't have initWithNibName:bundle it has to call method on itself making it the designated initialiser. Since you have overridden it, ObjC's runtime replaces self in that method with your class.
If you want to exclude Interface Builder from the creation of your UIViewController's GUI, you have to override loadView and create the view yourself. Don't implement initWithNibName:bundle:.
- (void)loadView {
// Init a view. The frame will be automatically set by the view controller.
UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
// Add additional views (buttons, sliders etc.) to your view here.
// Set the view controller's view to the new view.
self.view = view.
First, where in the documentation should I be reading so that I would
have expected the call to the parent init class to call my own
initWithNibName:bundle: method?
You don't, it's a design thing. init is not the base initialization method for all classes
Second, how is this a good design choice on Apple's part. I am not
seeing why this is desirable behavior? (It may be that I am just not
getting the big picture here so please feel free to clue me in.)
When init calls that, it sends nil name and bundle, and it defaults to an empty xib file. There's always a xib file, yours or not.
Third, how do I get around it best. Do I just take the
initWithNibName:bundle: out of my code? Is there never a case where I
would like the option of using either a xib or a manual instantiation
of the class.
You don't. You don't really need to have that code there if you are just calling super, merely forwarding a method.
You can customize your view and add subviews in the viewDidLoad method. In this method you can check whether the class was created using init or using initWithNibName:bundle: by examining property nibName. When using init, nibName will be nil.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
if (!self.nibName) {
// View was not loaded from nib - setup view

The right way of setting up MapKit's delegate in a separate class

What is the proper way of setting up a separate delegate class for MapKit?
I have MapView class subclassing MKMapView and bare MapDelegate class conforming MKMapViewDelegate protocol having only one initializer method.
Here is the extract from MapView initialization method I use:
# MapView.m ...
#implementation MapView
- (id) initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// [self setShowsUserLocation:YES];
[self setDelegate:[[MapDelegate alloc] initWithMapView:self]];
The only method MapDelegate class has is
# MapDelegate.m ...
- (id)initWithMapView:(MapView *)aMapView {
self = [super init];
self.mapView = aMapView;
return self;
Having [self setShowsUserLocation:YES]; commented, all works fine - I see the map. If I uncomment this line, my application begins to crash.
What my MapDelegate class is missing?
UPDATE 1: if I don't use a separate class MapDelegate and set just setDelegate:self - all works.
UPDATE 2: Now I understand, that the problem with [self setDelegate:[[MapDelegate alloc] initWithMapView:self]]; string is that I need MapDelegate class to live longer than it does now (delegate property has weak attribute). If I do the following:
#property (strong) id delegateContainer;
[self setDelegateContainer:[[MapDelegate alloc] init]];
[self setDelegate:self.delegateContainer];
...it works! Is there a better way of retaining MapDelegate life cycle along with the one of MKMapView?
After waiting enough for any answers that could appear here and ensuring original problematic behavior twice more times, I am posting my own answer based on the second update from the question:
The problem with [self setDelegate:[[MapDelegate alloc] initWithMapView:self]]; string is that MapDelegate class should be able to be kept alive outside of the scope of question's initWithFrame method because delegate property has weak attribute. The possible solution is to create an instance variable serving as a container for a delegate class, for example:
#property (strong) id delegateClass;
[self setDelegateClass:[[MapDelegate alloc] init]];
[self setDelegate:self.delegateClass];
This solves the original problem.
Though it is possible to set MKMapView's delegate in a separate class, I now realize that such model should not be used:
Currently I always prefer to use my controllers (i.e. controller layer in MVC in general) as delegates for all of my View layer classes (map view, scroll view, text fields): controller level is the place where all the delegates of different views can meet - all situated in controller layer, they can easily interact with each other and share their logic with the general logic of your controller.
On the other hand, if you setup your delegate in a separate class, you will need to take additional steps to connect your separate delegate with some controller, so it could interact with a rest part of your logic - this work have always led me to adding additional and messy pieces of code.
Shortly: do not use separate classes for delegates (at least view classes delegates provided by Apple), use some common places like controllers (fx for views like UIScrollView, MKMapView, UITableView or models like NSURLConnection).
I think viewDidLoad would be a better place to set up the map view. It's just a guess, but perhaps the crash is due to the view not being loaded yet.
Of course subclassing MKMapView isn't recommended at all. You would generally put your map as a subview, and set the main view to be the delegate. From the docs:
Although you should not subclass the MKMapView class itself, you can get information about the map view’s behavior by providing a delegate object.
Finally, if you really want to have a separate delegate class, you don't need to set its mapView, as all delegate methods pass the map as an argument.

What method is called before viewDidLoad() but after main?

I observed that viewDidLoad() is called before didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() and I am looking for something where I can put some initialization code that has to be called before viewDidLoad().
Is there such a place?
Also, it is acceptable to recall viewDidLoad() from other place. It should be ok, or too risky?
You are wrong.
Place a NSLog directly under the method header and you will see that ViewDidLoad is directly called after.
[self.window addSubview:self.yourViewController.view];
So, you either use viewDidLoad or alternatively and not really beautiful you could use.
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
This even gets called before ViewDidload
- loadView()
Kicks in before viewDidLoad() and comes with an advice to never be called directly after that.
Here's the link to the apple docs.
I had a similar problem once that was caused when I added the view controller I wanted added to the window using the MainWindow.xib file.
To get around this, I assigned the window's rootViewController (you can also call addSubView, but assigning the rootViewController is better) in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of the app delegate. Once you do this you can easily put whatever logic you want in front or behind where this happens. It puts you in full control of when your view controller loads. In contrast, when the view controller is loaded via the nib, it's difficult to execute code in front of it (if at all possible). I know you sepecify the main xib in the app's plist, but I don't know if there is a way to run code before that nib is loaded.
In general I avoid adding the view controller in the xib for this reason.
My code looks more like:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// special pre load logic here...
UIViewController *myVC = [[MyAwesomeViewController alloc] init];
self.window.rootViewController = myVC;
[myVC release];
// special post load logic here...
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
You may do your app initializations in viewDidLoad, however don't do any boundaries or size settings here, as they are not yet set.
Do them in viewDidLayoutSubviews, which is called after viewDidLoad.
I found this article, which was very helpful to me:
The UIViewController lifecycle
You could put initialization code in the init method of the class.
And it's fine to call viewDidLoad again from elsewhere. It's just like any other method.
It's fine to call viewDidLoad - but you should be careful with memory management. If you're allocating objects in viewDidLoad, calling it again will cause leaks. So, because of the typical functionality of viewDidLoad, you might want to pull the code out into another method that you'll call repeatedly and call from viewDidLoad.

UIViewController not loading my custom UIView

This should be straight forward for a guru. I don't have any code really written out, just a couple of controllers and a custom UIView. All connected through nibs. The app loads without crashing, yet I can't see my NSLog() hit from my custom UIView.
My application delegate has default template code which calls for a class of mine called TabAnimationController. TabAnimationViewController has its view set to TabView. I made sure that in TabAnimationViewController's NIB that File's owner is set to TabAnimationViewController and that my instance of UIView has its class set to TabView.
In TabView.m I'm trying to see how NSLog is going to hit, and it's not showing up at all.
- (void)loadView {
NSLog(#"calling loadView");
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
NSLog(#"Calling initWithFrame:");
return self;
Strange. I'm not sure why even after proper IB connections that my NSLog will not show up. Only anything put into drawRect: will invoke. Why isn't initWithFrame or loadView ever get hit? What if I want to customize this view programmatically?
First of all, when a view is dehydrated from nib file, instead of initWithFrame, initWithCoder is invoked. So you need to implement your initialization in initWithCoder as well. (It may be a good idea to keep the initWithFrame initialization as well, if you anticipate programmatically creating your TabView instead of hooking up in the IB. Just refactor your initialization to another method and call it from both implementations.)
Also in your initialization code above you must always call the super class's initialization. There is a boiler plate pattern all custom classes use in their init implementation for that:
if (self = [super initXXX]) { do your initialization }
return self;
Second, loadView which is actually a UIViewController method and not a UIView method is invoked only if the view outlet of the controller is nil.
Unless you are composing your view yourself programmatically using your controller, you do not need to override loadView. Instead you should override viewDidLoad, which is called after the view is loaded, to do additional initialization.
The simplest way to get this up and running is simply to use the "View based Application" template when you create a new project. It sets up everything you need to start with.
But, in short, you're looking at the wrong methods. First, you shouldn't override loadView unless you're creating your view programatically. If it's loading from a XIB file look at the initWithNibName method.
You might also want to look at the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear methods that are triggered, well, it's fairly obvious when!