Unable to download application OTA iOS - objective-c

I'm trying to distribute a beta version of an app OTA. I'm using team provisioning profile and through Xcode it runs fine on my iPhone. When I click the download link it shows me the usual popup and the app starts downloading but before the progress bar makes any progress I get "Unable to download application at this time". Console shows absolutely nothing.

Verify that the bundle-identifier key is the same as the one which you have used to build the ipa file. Also bundle-version key should be the same as the one in the ipa


Processing failed in itunesconnect

I had archieved the xcode project and uploaded it into itunes connect. This is 5 time uploading, for internal testing. It shows the following error
I don't have any idea that why the error are showing, i'm using Xcode 7.2 . Can any one help to resolve this error, i stuck for more than a day.
Try with Application Loader.
sometimes i faced same issue with Xcode7.2 then will try upload app with Application Loader. it's worked fine.
For uploading app with Application Loader ....
Step-1) First create IPA of your App.and Export your IPA which is created with iOS App Store Deployment.
Step-2) Right Click on XCode(from dock) >> Open Developer tool >> Application Loader
Step-3) Choose IPA (which is saved for iOS App Store Deployment) and Next to upload. it will be take some small time and after few mins it will be show on itunes connect.
after few mins it will be show on itunes connect.it is very easy and faster uploding compare to xcode. Hope it Helps you!.
its currently a bug, many dev are facing it.
Also you can follow it here

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to pull app to device using MTWW

First off let me be clear. I have several iOS devices. On the devices that have 7.0.6 I have no issues. When I updated one of the devices to 7.1 I'm having an issue. Let me explain.
On the iOS device that has 7.1 I navigate to the workbench URL and then I go to Manage applications and select install. I then get this message "Cannot install applications because the certificate for >ip address< is not vald. This process works on devices that have 7.0.6. I'm assuming there are issues with the new iOS update.
Now I did some searching and I found something that said there's an issue when trying to download an app from a HTTP site, so I changed a Web Reports setting (found in Eclipse Preferences -> Test -> Performance Test Reports -> Web Reports) to "Security is required to access reports". Thus it changed the port number to "8443". I then navigate back to the workbench URL using the https : // ip:port and try to install the app again. This time it just says Cannot open.
Any ideas on this?
Here is a workaround to be able to test with iOS 7.1
1) Get the zip of instrumented Application from developer or other who can run rtwBuildXcode.sh on a Mac and who has the source code for Application. [RmotXXXXXXXX.zip file]
2) Use RTWec "Add Application to list..." button and brows to the zip to "import" it into RTWec.
3) UnZip the zip and use iTunes (for Windows) "Add File to Library..." menu to navigate in zip folder to the instrumented iOS Device application [XXXXXXXX.ipa in “instrumented/iOS Device” folder]
4) Plug in iDevice to Windows using USB, select the App, click associated "Install" button, then "Sync" iTunes.
5) Now test as usual...
MTWW in Worklight and (to be released, soon) does not support iOS 7.1.
Work is under way to provide support in a future release of Worklight.

Error uploading to Testflight Unexpected Error parsing IPA

I am trying to upload my app to test flight. When I use the web interface, I get the error
Unexpected error parsing the IPA, TestFlight support has been notified.
And when I try to upload using the desktop app, it tells me that dSYM is not found, lets me go through the whole process, then give the same error at the end.
Built in XCode 4.5 for deployment target 5.0.
I have looked at Error Upload TestFlight : Invalid IPA / dSYM not found and as far as I can see, all my build settings are set to armv7.
Is there anything obvious that I should check/could be missing?
The only 2 external libraries in the project are test flight sdk and flurry.
I've had the same problem when trying to upload .ipa files. The problem is, that .ipa files don't contain the symbolication information anymore.
Try exporting your app as Xcode Archive instead of building the .ipa for distribution (thats one of the options when you choose 'Distribute...' in the Xcode organizer). This archive contains the necessary dSYM files (if not, you have to check your build settings). If you drop this .xcarchive into the TestFlight desktop client, TestFlight will build the .ipa for you and the upload it.
Make sure to use the same Provisioning Profiles for signing the .ipa in the TestFlight client that you have used when building the archive in Xcode!
Or you can just choose to Show the TestFlight Co-pilot in the menu bar (activate in the settings), the it will automatically detect your Archive.

Titanium can't create valid IPA

I have used Appcelerators Titanium to create an App, and was about to deploy it to my iPad for testing when i ran into some issues. When i try to install the IPA thats been generated through Titanium and Xcode, i get this error:
Can't install application
The Info.plist for application at /Users/User/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/myapp.ipa specifies a CFBundleExecutable of myapp, which does not exist
I've spent a couple of hours messing with the certificates, but Xcode says that the certificates are fine, and the target iPad is in the provisioning profile. The provisioning profile is also installed onto the iPad. This is driving me nuts, and i can't seem to figure it out.

Install an IPA through USB?

After using the "iPhone Configuration Utility" program to install IPA applications to my iPhone on the go, I wondered how this process worked. Within a few Google searches, I found out about "MobileDevice.framework" and the "MobileDevice Library" connected to it. After reading an article of all the Known Functions in the library, I found one called "AMDeviceInstallApplication". I thought this would work once I saw install, but I'm currently perplexed on how to use it.
TL;DR I have IPA files and I want to make an Xcode program (for Mac) that installs the IPA's application to a connected iOS device when a button is pressed.
Also, don't worry about the application not being signed correctly. It is signed with a provisioning profile installed on devices [the application] will be used with.
If you're still interested in this problem I've written a blog entry on how to install apps on a connected iPad / iPhone without using Xcode or iTunes.
This method allows you to run a Terminal command to install an iPA file.
I suppose you could bundle up the terminal commands in your application and use it that way?
I found a simple way to install iPa file to real iPhone or iPad:
Connect iPhone to Mac via USB and follow the below steps:
Steps to follow:
Open Xcode
Click on Window
Select Devices and Simulators
Drag and drop the IPA files into it
App got installed on the iPad