Is there an alternation for wildcards using LIKE in T-SQL? - sql

My query looks for dataset containing a particular label, let say:
WHERE Title LIKE #pattern
where #pattern is defined by user. So, %abc% would match abcd, 0abc, etc. Sometimes there are labels like
and I'm looking for labels containing abc and ONE or TWO, something like %abc%(ONE|TWO)%. Is it possible?

You can add support for regular expressions to SQL Server via a CLR function, as shown in this answer, but it may not be possible for you in your environment. Check with your friendly sysadmin!

Maybe I don't understand your question right, but why not simply
WHERE Title LIKE '%abc%ONE%' OR '%abc%TWO%'
LIKE is just a search with wildcards, nothing more, so there's actually no other way of doing what you want with LIKE. If you need more, have a look into regular expressions. But be aware that it's slower than LIKE and in your case absolutely not necessary.
From comments "don't want to care for what the user wants to match"...then simply do it like this:
WHERE Title LIKE CONCAT('%', $userInput, '%ONE%') OR CONCAT('%', $userInput, '%TWO%')
Or do I still don't get you right?

If you are using SQL Server you can enable the full text search engine and use the keyboards contains and near to find abc near ONE
I will say in the query(pseudo code)
Select something from table where CONTAINS(column_name, 'abc NEAR ONE')


How to ignore left padding in a LIKE statement?

I'm modifying code for an ID search bar and I'm trying to enable the user to be able to search for ID's using SQL syntax, so for example '%535%'. Doing just that is simple enough, but I've been searching and racking my brains for a while now and I can't seem to find a solution to the issue described below:
The problem is that the IDs are all left-padded varchar(14), as in:
' 8534'
' 393583'
' 123456/789'
This virtually disables the user from searching only for IDs that begin with a certain sequence, as '85%' returns no results due to the whitespace padding.
The site I'm maintaining is an oldie written in classic ASP (w/ JScript) and the search is done via a stored procedure with the whole 'WHERE' clause being passed in as a parameter.
I'm not able to modify the database, so what I"m asking is: is there any way to modify the clause so that the padding is ignored and '52%' returns IDs beginning with 52?
You want:
where ltrim(id) like '123%'
or, assuming that there are no interior spaces in the id:
where concat(' ', id) like '% 123%'
Edit as you can only modify WHERE statement
Functions in the where clause tend to be slow. Something like this might be quicker:
where id like '123%'
or id like '% 123%'

Can you use DOES NOT CONTAIN in SQL to replace not like?

I have a table called logs.lognotes, and I want to find a faster way to search for customers who do not have a specific word or phrase in the note. I know I can use "not like", but my question is, can you use DOES NOT CONTAINS to replace not like, in the same way you can use:
FROM table
WHERE CONTAINS (column, ‘searchword’)
Yes, you should be able to use NOT on any boolean expression, as mentioned in the SQL Server Docs here. And, it would look something like this:
FROM table
WHERE NOT CONTAINS (column, ‘searchword’)
To search for records that do not contain the 'searchword' in the column. And, according to
Performance of like '%Query%' vs full text search CONTAINS query
this method should be faster than using LIKE with wildcards.
You can also simply use this:
select * from tablename where not(columnname like '%value%')

Using LIKE with domestic language in SQL

I am using a SQL Server database, and I am storing Malayalam names in my tables. I just want to write a query for filtering names using some Malayalam words.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE mal_Name LIKE '#word%'
#word contain Malayalam words.
How can I achieve this? Please share any ideas.
This is my table, rm_Malayalam_name contains Malayalam name. And my Query is
FROM Purchase.tblRawMaterials
WHERE rm_malayalam_name LIKE '%കദളിപഴം%'
It doesn't work. The entry is there but while executing this query nothing is shown
Do you mean you want to do something like SELECT * FROM table WHERE mal_Name LIKE '%'+#word+'%'
This will work if #Word is a single word, however if you want to take in multiple words you are going to need something a bit more complex.
Having seen your new edits I would suspect that the reason it is not selecting is due to the encoding
Try SELECT * FROM table WHERE mal_Name LIKE N'%'+#word+'%'
select * from Purchase.tblRawMaterials where rm_malayalam_name like N'%കദളിപഴം%'
I'd suggest reading up on SQL's full-text search It will almost certainly be more efficient than LIKE '%word%'
How many words will you be searching on? How big is the column? These factors might influence what the best option is.

MySQL: select the closest match?

I want to show the closest related item for a product. So say I am showing a product and the style number is SG-sfs35s. Is there a way to select whatever product's style number is closest to that?
EDIT: to answer your questions. Well I definitely want to keep the first 2 letters as that is the manufacturer code but as for the part after the first dash, just whatever matches closest. so for example SG-sfs35s would match SG-shs35s much more than SG-sht64s. I hope this makes sense whenever I do LIKE product_style_number it only pulls the exact match.
There normally isn't a simple way to match product codes that are roughly similar.
A more SQL friendly solution is to create a new table that maps each product to all the products it is similar to.
This table would either need to be maintained manually, or a more sophisticated script can be executed periodically to update it.
If your product codes follow a consistent pattern (all the letters are the same for similar products, with only the numbers changing), then you should be able to use a regular expression to match the similar items. There are docs on this here...
It sounds like what you want is levenshtein distance .
Unfortunately, there isn't a built-in levenshtein function for mysql, but some folks have come up with a user-defined function that does it(deadlink).
You will probably want to do it as a stored procedure, as I expect that the algorithm may not be trivial.
For example, you may split the term at the -, so you have two parts. You do a LIKE query on each part and use that to make a decision.
You could just loop though, replacing the last character with "%" until you get at least one result, in your stored procedure.
Sounds like you need something like Lucene, though i'm not sure if that would be overkill for your situation. But it certainly would be able to do text searches and return the ones most similar first.
If you need something more simple I would try to start by searching with the full product code, then if that doesn't work try to use wildcards/remove some characters until you return a result.
JD Isaacks.
This situation of yours is very simple to solve.
It`s not like you need to use Artificial Intelligence like the Google.
Take a look at this manual at w3schools about wildcards to use with your SELECT code.
But also you will need to create a new table with 3 columns: LeftCode, RightCode and WildCard.
Rows on Table:
LeftCode = SG | RightCode = 35s | WildCard = SG-s_s35s
LeftCode = SG | RightCode = 64s | WildCard = SG-s_t64s
SQL Code
If the user typed the code that matches the row1 of the table:
Where $WildCard is the PHP variable containing the column 3 of the new table.
I hope I helped, even 4 years late...

Performing an ASP.NET database search with StartsWith keyword

I have a query. I am developing a site that has a search engine. The search engine is the main function. It is a business directory site.
A present I have basic search sql that searches the database using the "LIKE" keyword.
My client has asked me to change the search function so instead of using the "Like" keyword they are after something along the lines of the "Startswith" keyword.
To clarify this need here is an example.
If somebody types "plu" for plumbers in the textbox it currently returns, e.g.,
The client only wants to return the "PLUMBING UNLIMITED" because it startswith "plu", and doesn't "contain" "plu"
I know this is a weird and maybe silly request, however does anyone have any example SQL code to point me in the right direction on how to achieve this goal.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks...
how about this:
please note that the % sign is only on the right side of the string
example in MS SQL
Instead of:
select * from professions where name like '%plu%'
, use a where clause without the leading %:
select * from professions where name like 'plu%'
LIKE won't give you the performance you need for a really effective search. Looking into something like Lucence or your engine's Full Text Search equivalent.