How to disable following hyperlinks - vba

Is it possible (perhaps with a VBA macro) to disable Excel from automatically following hyperlinks in the spreadsheet?
Excel's default, which seems not changeable and is very highly annoying, is "click to follow, hold to edit". I would be perfectly happy with a macro that would intercept any "follow the link" signals and either ignore them or convert to "edit cell", but my VBA experience is quite rudimentary, so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Some solutions I have been able to find involve:
writing a macro to convert all links into plain text,
setting autocorrect options to prevent new ones from being created
I would prefer not to go that route.

Not sure if the answer is a simple as this... I use this myself as a button in my quick lauch bar...
Sub removehyperlink()
End Sub


VBA to show/hide data in Word

I am writing a huge procedural manual and would love to be able to hide/show sections as needed. I found the correct way to do it, through bookmarks, check boxes and VBA but am unable to get all three to come together.
These are the instructions I am using:
Link to Instruction Sets
They seem simple enough but I am unable to "view code" by right clicking on the checkbox. Is this a necessary step to add the code or can I just open a new macro and insert the code there?
Other ideas to achieve hiding/showing sections with bookmarks are welcome, too. Thank you!

Auto-updatable links

Is there a way to apply "auto-updatable" style for hyperlink?
I believe, this question is not trivial.
When you normally click on hyperlink, it will change it's color to violet. Next, if you save, close, and then reopen the document, the link will be updated back to blue. This is default behaviour of Word, and there is no need to use any macros for it.
I'm trying to replicate this behaviour with VBA. Here is the code:
Sub Test1()
Selection.Range.Hyperlinks(1).Range.Fields(1).Result.Style = Word.WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed
End Sub
To make it work, simply put caret into the link, run macro, and see the results:
This works fine, except such visited links will not be auto-updated after you save, close, and then reopen the document. See the difference in the picture below. The link "Google" was opened normally, using the mouse Ctrl-click; the link "StackOverflow" was opened using the macro:
As I already said, I want to make my VBA-opened links (StackOverflow) auto-updatable as well (as Google).
Yes, I understand, there is a workaround - simply create another macro, which will be started every time the document opened and change all violet hyperlinks back to blue. However, this is just workaround, and I don't like it. Using it, we use conversion from "permanent violet" to "permanent blue", instead of using "temporary violet" (that's mean, auto-updatable without any additional efforts).
Hope everything is clear. Thanks in advance.
Update (was added after several answers were already posted).
Yes, I understand, this will work:
Sub Test1()
On Error Resume Next 'To avoid an error in case if the link isn't reachable
End Sub
But I want just simulate following, without really opening the link in the browser. That's why, I can't use Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow.
you need to remove the line, the link will change once followed and change back once the doc is reopened.
Selection.Range.Hyperlinks(1).Range.Fields(1).Result.Style = Word.WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed
this does it for me
Sub resetHyperlinks()
Dim hLink As Hyperlink
For Each hLink In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
hLink.Address = hLink.Address ' this works
' hLink.ScreenTip = hLink.ScreenTip ' this works also
Next hLink
End Sub
You don't need to change the style with code to make the link purple. Just use the Follow method. This will click the link and turn it purple and then it will be reset to blue upon opening the document again.
Sub Test1()
End Sub
You can reset link styles with VBA code that runs at startup, i.e. is a part of Document_Open() routine in ThisDocument VBA module.
The Hyperlink class doesn't have any .Visited property or anything relevant (i.e. you cannot even see if it was visited), so there's no other way beside .Follow() that also opens the link as it should.
You're basically trying to falsify the information that the document provides about its state: make a link appear visited when it actually wasn't.
The fact that the class doesn't even provide a property means that Word's designers do not consider the visited status a part of the editor's functionality (i.e. it effectively doesn't exist as far as the program's job is concerned).
This evidence suggests that Word doesn't, and is not designed to, have any specialized facility to switch link status other than .Follow(). Which means, any way that you find that happens to have the desired effect in bound to be what you're calling a "workaround".
The "temporary" color of a followed hyperlink is an embedded (and not directly accessible) feature of the built-in Hyperlink character style. It is not exposed through the normal UI's Style tools, nor through the object model.
You can readily compare all formatting between two selections using the Reveal Formatting pane (Shift+F1) in the document window in Word.
If you compare a normally followed hyperlink with a hyperlink affected by your snippet, you'll see that the followed hyperlink still has the Hyperlink style, while your simulated follow has changed the style of the second hyperlink.
If you compare a never-followed hyperlink and a normally followed hyperink, Word identifies their formatting as exactly the same. Word does not acknowledge that any aspect of formatting (style, font color, etc.) has changed.
It seems likely that the Word.WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed you are using exists explicitly to address this gap (which is somewhat disappointing).
I recommend using your existing approach, and then reverting the style in a procedure triggered by the Before Save and Before Close events of the document. Using those events will prevent the followed style from saving at all, and so avoid issues caused by someone opening the document without enabling macros.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim HL As Hyperlink
For Each HL In Sheet1.Hyperlinks
HL.Range.Style.Font.Color = vbBlue
End Sub
Can't you simply make it any colour you want without invoking it. As others have stated above whatever you you I think will be a work around as it's not an intended function.

Word VBA: Make macro easy to run

I've made a form-letter document with a macro that performs the mail merge. I don't want the user to have run it from the menus, and I want this to be portable. If there's a way for a button to appear on each user's ribbon or quick command menu, I'm not familiar with it.
So I put a button in the document itself. Unfortunately, every form-letter created has the same button in it. I suppose I could write the code to delete every one, but I think that would be slow.
Is there a way to assign a shortcut key to an existing macro, and have it reside in the document?
I had to implement something pretty similar to what you were referring to some 10 staff. My solution (by no means as portable as desired) was to export the macros and forms from my Normal template to the other users, I coupled this with Ribbon customization and it worked well. Unfortunately, when a change was needed, I had to trudge over to everyone's machine individually.
I would suggest you stick with your solution of deleting button after the merge is complete. Here's some code to help with that:
Sub DeleteCommandButton()
For Each o In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
If o.OLEFormat.Object.Name = "CommandButton1" Then
End If
End Sub
Good luck, hopefully this helps.

Control Button to initiate the writing of a new VBA macro

Would it be possible to have a control button (or any mechanism) that once clicked on, a textbox would appear with fields like macro name Sub "NewMacroTitle"(), a field for the date, a field for reference sources ("Getting Links/URL from a webpage-Excel VBA"found this here"), a brief description of what the macro is to do. All of these fields, except Sub "NewMacroTitle"(), would start with a ' to show a comment and all of this would be inserted into the VBA editor, or enter it into cells on a spreadsheet that could then be copied and pasted into the VBA editor.
My problem is this. I'm new to VBA. I'm also the world's worst at documenting macros. I get an idea for a macro, I'm off into the VBA editor writing away, maybe even get the macro complete. A week later I'm reviewing the macro and the first thing is "what the heck does this thing do?"
I hope you see what I'm trying to do, essentially some way to force me to document the macro before even starting the actual code.
There are tools that will add pre-defined text to the header and/or footer of a sub. I use the one from MZ Tools for error handling code and adding my name and date to the header of each proc. It is worth a look.

MS Word: Creating shortcut or toolbar button for the "Paste Special..Unformatted Text" option

I have been playing with this for a while, but the closest I have gotten is a button that opens the Paste Special dialog box and requires another couple of mouse clicks to paste the contents of the clipboard as unformatted text.
So often I am doing a copy-paste from a web site into a document where I don't want the additional baggage of the HTML formatting, it would be nice to be able to do this with a shortcut key or a toolbar button.
Make the button call the macro:
public sub PasteSpecialUnformatted()
selection.pastespecial datatype:=wdpastetext
end sub
I would suggest using the PureText lightweight utility application by Steve Miller for this.
PureText runs in your system tray and listens on a global hotkey (which you can define -- I use Win+V) to perform a "paste text sans formatting" -- essentially the same operation as opening up an instance of notepad.exe, pasting into that, re-copying the resultant plain text, and then pasting into the actual target application.
The advantage of this approach is that you'll be able to perform a "paste text sans formatting" in any of your applications, not just in Word.
I first installed PureText a couple of years ago and have been using it heavily ever since; it has become a "must-have" utility application for me. Highly recommended.
I use FingerTips for this. By default it will make CTRL+W -> Paste Special. Furthermore it supports macro text and a lot of useful start-programs-quick things and some Microsoft Outlook tricks to support Getting Things Done.
You can simply use Quick Access Panel in MS Word 2007 and later versions.
It is very simple to add Shortcut Buttons in MS Office
And saves a lot of time for regular users.