Calling third party secure webservice through WCF - authentication problems - wcf

I'm writing a client against a vendor's webservice, using WCF in Visual Studio 2010. I have no ability to change their implementation or configuration.
Running against an install on their test server, I had no problems. I added a service reference from their wsdl, set the url in code, and made the call:
var client = new TheirWebservicePortTypeClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(webServiceUrl);
if (webServiceUsername != "")
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = webServiceUsername;
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = webServicePassword;
TheirWebserviceResponse response = client.TheirOperation(myRequest);
Simple and straightforward. Until they moved it to their production server and configured it to use https. Then I got this error:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Basic realm='.
So I went looking for help. I found this: Can not call web service with basic authentication using wcf.
The approved answer suggested this:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
binding.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25);
binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType =
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress(your-url-here);
ChannelFactory<MyService> factory =
new ChannelFactory<MyService>(binding, address);
MyService proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";
Which also seemed simple enough. Except for my trying to figure out which of the multitude of classes and interfaces that were generated from the wsdl to make the service reference I should use in place of the "MyService", above.
My first try was to use "TheirWebservicePortTypeClient" - the class I had instantiated in the previous version. That gave me a runtime error:
The type argument passed to the generic ChannelFactory class must be an interface type.
So I dug into the generated code, a bit more. I saw this:
public partial class TheirWebservicePortTypeClient
So I tried instantiating ChannelFactory<> with TheirWebservicePortType.
This gave me compile-time errors. The resulting proxy didn't have a ClientCredentials member, or a TheirOperation() method.
So I tried "System.ServiceModel.ClientBase".
Instantiation ChannelFactory<> with it still gave me compile-time errors. The resulting proxy did have a ClientCredentials member, but it still didn't have a TheirOperation() method.
So, what gives? How do I pass a username/password to an HTTPS webservice, from a WCF client?
==================== Edited to explain the solution ====================
First, as suggested, instantiation the factory with TheirWebservicePortType, adding the username and password to the factory.Credentials, instead of to proxy.ClientCredentials worked fine. Except for one bit of confusion.
Maybe it's something to do with the odd way the wsdl is written, but the client class, TheirWebservicePortTypeClient, defined TheirOperation as taking a Request argument and returning a Response result. The TheirWebservicePortType interface defined TheirOperation as taking a TheirOperation_Input argument and returning a TheirOperation_Output result, where TheirOperation_Input contained a Request member and TheirOperation_Output contained a Response member.
In any case, if I constructed a TheirOperation_Input object from the passed Request, the call to the proxy succeeded, and I could then extract the contained Response object from the returned TheirOperation_Output object:
TheirOperation_Output output = client.TheirOperation(new TheirOperation_Input(request));
TheirWebserviceResponse response = output.TheirWebserviceResponse;

You add the credentials to the ChannelFactory Credentials property


How to get the current TraceId and SpanId

This article,, tells me that the field TraceId is available as a correlation id, which is great!
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware[1]
=> ConnectionId:0HLR1BR0PL1CH
=> RequestPath:/weatherforecastproxy
ParentId: Executed endpoint 'FrontEndApp.Controllers.WeatherForecastProxyController.Get
In fact, I can see that in our log sink this works as advertised: When web application A serves a request and in doing so invokes web application B, both of them write the same TraceId value to the log.
As far as I understand, any ASP.NET Core application that receives an incoming Request-Id header will attach the same header to outgoing requests, but if the header does not exist on the incoming request, an new value will be generated for the outgoing request.
We have been asked to add that value to the response from web application A, but it is (not surprisingly) not available on the incoming request.
I have been looking at the System.Diagnostics.Activity class, but accessing Activity.Current isn't giving me an instance with anything useful - the TraceID is just {} - i.e. empty.
My question is this: How can I access the TraceId value in the context of a web application?
I had the same problem when I tried to add a header with TraceId value.
Doing some tests with ModelValidation, I saw then in this kind of error response the "traceId" value was correct, but I couldn't obtain this value from http context variable in any way.
Then I went to net core source code to see DefaultProblemDetailsFactory implementation and surprise! The "traceId" value is obtained doing this:
var traceId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? httpContext?.TraceIdentifier;
Yes, you can get THE traceId using Activity static variable.
You can get tracid and spanid in dictionary.
using var subject = _tracer.BuildSpan($"Operation").StartActive();
var spanContext = subject.Span.Context;
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
_tracer.Inject(spanContext, BuiltinFormats.TextMap, new TextMapInjectAdapter(dictionary));

.Net Core ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient set credentials

I am using ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient in .Net Core i got the latest version of .net Core and tried to get a report from reporting services to work. after I've used the WCF connection service I was able to add the code with looks like bellow
// Instantiate the Soap client
ReportExecutionServiceSoap rsExec = new ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient(ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient.EndpointConfiguration.ReportExecutionServiceSoap);
// Create a network credential object with the appropriate username and password used
// to access the SSRS web service
string historyID = null;
TrustedUserHeader trustedUserHeader = new TrustedUserHeader();
ExecutionHeader execHeader = new ExecutionHeader();
// Here we call the async LoadReport() method using the "await" keyword, which means any code below this method
// will not execute until the result from the LoadReportAsync task is returned
var taskLoadReport = rsExec.LoadReportAsync(reportPath, historyID);
// By the time the LoadReportAsync task is returned successfully, its "executionInfo" property
// would have already been populated. Now the remaining code in this main thread will resume executing
string deviceInfo = null;
string format = "EXCEL";
// Now, similar to the above task, we will call the RenderAsync() method and await its result
var taskRender = await rsExec.RenderAsync(renderReq);
When it hist renderAsync all falls apart because the credentials for the service are not set anywhere. I've tried to Login async with no success. Also I've tried to set the credentials with SetExecutionCredentialsAsync but I've got and error saying "The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'." I don't know how to change that for ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient.
I have read some posts in which Microsoft guys says that the authentication with a soap is not resolved but for me it seems so close to be true. I feel like I am missing something.
Technology stack: VS 2017, .net Core web api, ssrs 2016, sql server 2016 standard
How can I authenticate the user for this call?
I know this is an old question but I had the same issue and stumbled onto the answer.
After creating the ReportExecutionServiceSoap object you can specify the username and password in the ClientCredentials. I've had success with this using the Basic client credential type. Be sure you are using HTTPS, otherwise your password is sent in plaintext to the reporting server. I also recommend storing the user/password in a secure place and not code.
BasicHttpBinding rsBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
rsBinding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
rsBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
EndpointAddress rsEndpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("https://servername/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx");
var rsExec = new ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient(rsBinding, rsEndpointAddress);
rsExec.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
rsExec.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "pass";

Twisted SMTP server, adding SSL support, 2 factories?

Having recently asked Twisted mail server with TLS - no portal? It seems I was barking up the wrong tree - so now it seems pertinent and appropriate to ask a fresh, revised question.
So I am trying to extend the basic SMTP server sample found at to support SSL connections. I can create an ssl Context Factory as follows (code lifted from my previous efforts:
caCertFile = open("/opt/tesa/etc/certs/CA/cacert.pem","r")
certFile = open("/opt/tesa/etc/certs/server/server.crt","r")
keyFile = open("/opt/tesa/etc/certs/server/server.key","r")
caCertData =
pKeyData =
certData =
caCert = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(caCertData)
cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, certData)
pKey = load_privatekey(FILETYPE_PEM, pKeyData)
sslCtxFactory = ssl.CertificateOptions(privateKey=pKey, certificate=cert, trustRoot=caCert)
So now I have the SMTP Factory from emailserver.tac, and my sslCtxFactory above. In my old code, I created an object of class ESMTP as follows:
myESMTP = ESMTP(contextFactory=sslCtxFactory)
factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(lambda: mySMTP(contextFactory=sslCtxFactory))
endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8001)
But since this code isn't using a portal etc, then some of the methods/functions in the class definition for ESMTP fail owing to various attributes not being defined (eg, self.portal).
So I'm trying to understand how to implement my sslCtxFactory in the mailserver.tac code - while still using a portal / realm as per mailserver.tac, so as to ensure the methods in twisted's ESMTP class don't fail.
But how can I bring these two factories "together"?
This looks strange:
myESMTP = ESMTP(contextFactory=sslCtxFactory)
factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(lambda: mySMTP(contextFactory=sslCtxFactory))
Instances of the ESMTP class provided by Twisted aren't callable. I think you must have meant something like:
from functools import partial
myESMTP = partial(ESMTP, contextFactory=sslCtxFactory)
factory = protocol.Factory.forProtocol(mySMTP)
Assuming so...
The ESMTP class respects the self.portal attribute for its authentication and authorization behavior. All you need to do is get it set.
SMTPFactory is a factory for SMTP instances that sets the protocol's portal attribute to the value of its own (the factory's) portal attribute. The only trouble is that it makes SMTP instances instead of ESMTP instances.
Fortunately, it (the factory) respects its protocol attribute for the class to instantiate.
If you were to write:
portal = Portal(...)
myESMTP = partial(ESMTP, contextFactory=...)
factory = SMTPFactory.forProtocol(protocol=myESMTP, portal=portal)
then you would have a factory which:
creates instances of ESMTP
passes contextFactory=... to the initializer of ESMTP when instantiating it
sets the portal attribute on the ESMTP instances after it instantiates them, using the value passed in to forProtocol here.

How to expose ErrorCode values?

I have web services written on WCF. I use request/response pattern and don't use FaultException. I return an error code in response contract as string. I need to expose error codes for clients in order to clients can handle exceptions. 
For example:
Var r = client.DoSomething();
Switch (r.ErrorCode)
Case ERROR_CODES.SomeCode:
Clients are WS-*, not only .Net.
Sorry, my English is elementary. I've tried to explain in a different way.
When I use class File, I know that this class can throws some exceptions, for example, FileNotFoundException or DirectoryNotFoundException. If I create a File service How can I tell client that my service can returns "FileNotFound" or other error codes?
We generally try and use FaultContracts.
When we cannot we use a Response object that inherits from ResponseBase. ResponseBase has 2 properties, StatusCode and StatusMessage.
In your case ErrorCode, just add this property to your data contract.

Where do I specify proxy credentials in my WCF client?

I have created a WCF client using channel factory.
But I am not able to connect to a server in another machine. I am getting a (407) Prxy Authentication Required exception.
WSHttpBinding wsBinding = new WSHttpBinding();
wsBinding.BypassProxyOnLocal = true;
EndpointAddress endpoint =
new EndpointAddress("http://machineName:7676/MyWCFService");
ChannelFactory<IService> sericeInterface =
new ChannelFactory<IService>(wsBinding, endpoint);
sericeInterface.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
sericeInterface = sericeInterface.CreateChannel();
This is my client connection code nippet. I am getting exception when I call a method of the service.
Take a look at this CodePlex link, try to find a scenario that matches closely to yours. It provides checklists and samples of how to set the various credentials for different situations/bindings.
Also this MSDN link might help with Windows Authentication, which you seem to be using.
To assign credentials you'll need something like the below taken from the MSDN link:
CalculatorClient cc = new
// This code returns the WindowsClientCredential type.
cc.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = GetUserName();
cc.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = GetPassword();