Modal segue no transition - objective-c

How to remove the transition effect from a modal segue when displaying the modal like this:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"SomeIdentifier" sender:self];
I know I can go into the storyboard and toggle between 4 different animations but I don't want any! How do I remove them?
I know I could say presentModalViewController animated: NO but I do not and can not call it this way. I need to use the performSegueWithIdentifier method.

In the storyboard you can select your segue and in the Attributes Inspector uncheck "Animates". That should do it.

Here's the full source of a no-animation segue:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface BVNoAnimationSegue : UIStoryboardSegue
#import "BVNoAnimationSegue.h"
#implementation BVNoAnimationSegue
- (void)perform
[[self sourceViewController] presentModalViewController:[self destinationViewController] animated:NO];
To use this, add the files to your project (e.g. as BVNoAnimationSegue.m/.h) then in storyboard, select 'Custom' as your Segue type and type BVNoAnimationSegue in the Segue Class box. After you've done this Xcode seems to be clever enough to add 'no animation segue' as an option when you CTRL-drag between UIViewControllers in future.

You need to make a custom segue (without the animation) if you need a segue but don't want the animation.
You should look at Apples "creating custom segues" example in the view controller programming guide, they do a custom modal segue without an animation (just like you wanted).

One more way we can
YourViewController *aYourViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"aYourViewControllerIdentifier"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:aYourViewController animated:NO];
and add the #"aYourViewControllerIdentifier" to view controller in your storyboard.


How to override the UIBarButtonItem triggered segue defined in a storyboard

I have a UIViewController in a storyboard iPhone app that I need to reuse in several places. In the storyboard, there is a UIBarButtonItem that has a triggered segue to another controller. In some cases, however, I would like to override the behavior of the button to segue to a different view controller. I'm thinking that there must be a way to either initialize the view controller with a message that specifies the target view controller, or to set some property after the controller is initialized but before it's pushed?
One challenge seems to be that segues can't be defined programmatically (based on what I've read so far), and I don't think I can have multiple segues on the same view controller in storyboard. So I may need to do something like this:
[self presentModalViewController:myNewVC animated:YES];
... rather than use a segue, but I'm not sure how to override the behavior of the button defined in storyboard to do it that way.
Any help is appreciated.
Just create an IBAction and a BOOL for some condition to pick which view controller should be instantiated.
UIViewController *viewController;
if (someCondition) {
viewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"someViewID"];
viewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"someOtherID"];
[self presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];

Dismissing the split view popover controller

I have a UISplitViewController with the master view set up like this:
UINavigationController -> UIViewController -> UIViewController
UINavigationController -> UIViewController
Each of the UIViewControllers is a table view, and when the user chooses a row in the last one, an image is shown in the detail view, which contains a UIScrollView.
The tab bar Controller is the UISplitViewControllerDelegate and handles putting up the button on a toolbar at the top of the scroll view.
The problem is, I want to add code to dismiss the popover when the user makes their choice. The pointer to the popover has to be saved in the tab bar controller when the button goes up, and then used to dismiss the popover several view controllers down the line when the user makes their final selection. There doesn't seem to be any way for the view controller that needs that pointer to get at it, without doing something gross like storing it in the App Delegate.
I don't see other people asking this question, which leads me to believe that I've once again overlooked something simple. Please enlighten me!
It sounds like your tab bar controller is already a subclass of UITabBarController, which means that you've already got some custom code in there. I would suggest that the tab bar controller is the primary owner of the popover, and it is the table view controller's responsibility to simply notify the tab bar controller that a selection has been made. The tab bar controller can respond to that message by dismissing the popover. You can take advantage of the fact that UIViewController already has a method for accessing the tab bar controller that contains a given controller.
So it would look something like this:
#interface MyTabBarController : UITabBarController
- (void)itemWasSelected;
#implementation MyTabBarController {
UIPopoverController *popover;
- (void)itemWasSelected {
[popover dismissPopoverControllerAnimated:YES];
#implementation TableController
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tv didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)path {
// Do whatever else you want to do
MyTabBarController *tabController = (MyTabBarController *)self.tabBarController;
[tabController itemWasSelected];
With this solution, the table controller doesn't have to know anything about the popover; it just has to know that it's going to be presented inside a MyTabBarController, which seems a reasonable thing for it to know.
You could create a singleton class to track your popover status and then make it available to all classes equally and easily. That way it could easily be updated and accessed from any code without having to go straight to overburdening the app delegate even though thats basically the same idea but a bit cleaner in its own singleton.

Custom back button UINavigationController across my entire app

I am looking to replace the back button in the UINavigationController throughout my application. My requirements is that this back button be defined in one XIB and if possible, the code to set it is in one place.
I have seen various methods that set the property self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem to be a UIBarButtomItem with the custom button as it's view, e.g. [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:myButton];
My first thought was to create a global category (not sure if that's the term, I'm new to Objective-C as you might have guessed) that implements 'ViewDidLoad' for all my UINavigationControllers, and setting this property. My problem is loading the XIB to this button that I create at runtime.
Does anyone have a suggestion on a neat way of doing this (I guess it must be a common thing to do, and I can't imagine repeating code in all my screens). I have considered creating a UINavigationController subclass, however I wasn't sure how this would effect my custom implementations of ViewDidLoad.
Any advice much appreciated. Also I need to target >= iOS4 (the appearance API is iOS5 only).
I prefer to not force inheritance where possible so you could do this with two categories
#interface UIViewController (backButtonAdditions)
- (void)ps_addBackbutton;
#implementation UIViewController (backButtonAdditions)
- (void)ps_addBackbutton;
// add back button
#interface UINavigationController (backButtonAdditions)
- (void)ps_pushViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated;
#implementation UINavigationController (backButtonAdditions)
- (void)ps_pushViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated;
[viewController ps_addBackbutton];
[self pushViewController:viewController animated:animated];
Now #import these files as appropriate and instead of using
[self.navigationController pushViewController:aViewController YES];
[self.navigationController ps_pushViewController:aViewController YES];
I free styled this in the browser so you may need to tweak it
I had the same issue in my current project, the solution I came up with was to create a MYBaseViewController base class without xib and there in viewDidLoad programmatically (if you want to init barButtonItem with custom view, you are not able to create in xib anyways) create a customBackButton (and of course release it and set to nil viewDidUnload.
This works good for me because this way I can create xibs for all my other viewControllers that are subclasses of MYBaseViewController(if you created a view for base class in nib you would not be able to create a nib for a subclass).

Modal UIViewController will not push to next UIViewController

The start of the structure is as follows...
UITabBarController -> UINavigationController(s)
From each of the UINavigationControllers, I have a UIBarButtonItem that modally presents a UIViewController.
This UIViewController has a MKMapView with pins at multiple locations. When clicked, they display an annotation with a disclosure button.
Within this UIViewController, it is my intention to push a detail page (UITableViewController) when pressing the disclosure button of the annotation. The method calloutAccessoryControlTapped: receives the appropriate pin, but the transition to the next controller fails.
I have tried every combination of the following methods...
[self.navigationController ...]
[self.parentViewController ...]
[self.parentViewController.navigationController ...]
with the method being either...
I have done all of these with the UIViewController being on its own, and also with it embedded inside of a UINavigationController.
All of these properties return null...
This is the first time I've used storyboard for an Xcode project. Am I missing a step?
Try getting rid of the code and implementing the transitions in storyboard by control dragging from the button to the view controller you wish to load modally. When the "Storyboard Segue" menu pops up select "modal". In the modal view controller, I like to use code to return from the modal by calling:
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
To Presenting Storyboard View Controllers Programmatically scroll to that section in gravityjack on the link provided.
For example, I have a view controller that I created in storyboard which I can call programmatically with the following two statements:
SettingsViewController *settingsVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"settingsVC"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:settingsVC animated:YES];

UIModalPresentationFullScreen not working in iPad landscape mode?

I have added a ViewvController(B) as subview on ViewController(A). In ViewController A(SuperView) UIModelPresentationFullScreen working fine. But when am calling UIModelPresentationFull in ViewController B(SubView) it modelview showing in Portrait mode and that is also not fully viewed. How to solve this problem. Can any one help me please. I have tried 2 days.
This is what I tried in both the superview and subview...
picFBCapture *fbCapt = [[picFBCapture alloc] init];
//[self.navigationController pushViewController:fbCapt animated:YES];
//fbCapt.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
fbCapt.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
[self presentModalViewController:fbCapt animated:NO];
[fbCapt release];
Thanks in advance..
The problem is that if you add a view controller as a subview it's not connected to the view controller hierarchy and thus certain things doesn't work. You should avoid adding view controllers as subviews whenever possible, since this is not how Apple intend view controllers to be used, but sometimes it can't be avoided.
If this is one of those cases when it can't be avoided you should save a reference to view controller A in view controller B and then call presentModalViewController: on view controller A (that is connected to the view controller hierarchy) instead of self (view controller B, that isn't connected).
EDIT: In controller A you probably have code looking something like:
[self.view addSubview:controllerB.view];
In conjunction to this line add:
controllerB.controllerA = self;
I hope you know how to create properties, but if not here's a hint:
#property (nonatomic, assign) UIViewController *controllerA;
The rest you should be able to figure out using Google and the documentation.
You will have to handle viewController B's view in landscape by yourself. Since viewController B has been added as a subview, its view controller will not be handling its landscape orientation. The UIModalPresentationFullScreen style (landscape and portrait) will work only if viewController B is shown, ie not as subview but as a full view itself.