Expand UITableView to full size? - objective-c

I have a UIViewController. Within it is a UIScrollView with several views inside it. At the bottom is a UITableView.
This UITableView is dynamic and will display either a small number or large number of rows. Either way, I want the UITableView to be displayed full size so the user can scroll down to the bottom of it using the parent UIScrollView, NOT the UIScrollView inside the UITableView.
I've attempted this by disabling scrolling for the UITableView (this works fine). I've then tried at runtime to expand the UITableView so that all rows can be displayed correctly.
However, this part isn't working. For some reason despite the UITableView being really big, not all the rows are being displayed.
I've expanded the UITableView like this:
CGRect frame = tableView.frame;
frame.size.height = 5000;
tableView.frame = frame;
What have I missed? Is there another view inside the UITableView which I need to expand for all the rows to be displayed?
Sorry if this was a silly question, I've only been using iOS for the last month.
Thanks in advance for any help :)
To clarify, this is a screenshot of the problem.
The red area is the UITableView, so it's definitely the correct size. However, there are supposed to be 10 table rows. There are only 5, even less if I increase the size of the table rows.
What do I need to do to display all the rows? What do I need to resize?

While I see you've managed to get it running, placing a UITableView within your own UIScrollView may mean the table view can't manage its content cells as efficiently as it can when it handles its own scrolling.
But, how can you add your own custom views and have them scroll with the table cells? By making them subviews of the UITableView. If you add one or two subviews to a UITableView, it positions them above and/or below its content, and scrolls them with its own cells.
The screenshot below shows how this looks in the XCode interface editor. Note that the root view is the UITableView, it contains two subviews for the header and footer, and those subviews can contain whatever subviews you need.

I managed to get it to work fine. However, I have no idea what the problem was in the first place.
I moved the UITableView higher up so it was covering the other views on the page. It displayed fine. I then moved it down to determine what was causing the problems, and it started displaying perfectly.
I'll put it down to an error in where I placed the UITableView, as I can't see any other issues.


How to use Auto-Layout properly in this case?

I have a UIView and a UITableView. I'm trying to align them in a way so they are sticked to each other. The UIView has a fixed height and I want the UITableView to consume the rest of the horizontal space.
I applied a set of constraints which got me pretty close to what I want to achieve but there's a problem that I don't know how to solve. The layout is OK in the portrait orientation but there's a gap between the two elements in the landscape mode. Please see the screenshots below.
Here are the constraint setups for the elements.
UITableView: (all constants are set to 0)
UIView: (all constants are set to 0 except for Height)
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue of that space appearing above the top cell of a UITableView.
Like yourself, I looked into the constraints and the properties of the table, though the only way I could fix the issue was to delete the UITableView altogether and re-insert it.
Once re-inserted the gap was gone.

UICollectionView does not reveal all cells in Simulator

I am not very experienced with UICollectionView and Auto-Layout.
I have a very basic UICollectionView inside a root view. The root view seems to have a Navigation Item.
I created a custom cell which is really a square in proper size to allow 2 such cells per row using the FlowLayout.
There are 8 such cells in the view - it is basically a grid. I have absolutely no constraints on the view.
The collection view occupies the entire size of the root view according to the IB and in the editor, the first cell is placed right under the navigation item which is perfect.
However, when I ran the app in the simulator and scrolled the collectionview all the way to the button, I see only a partial fragment of both cells in the last row. I can see I have scrolled all the way down...
Obviously there seems to be some sort of overflow...but I would have thought uicollectionview would automatically handle the overflow and make all the cells visible?
When I set number of items in IB I can see that the cells in the last row are only partially visible.
Seems like content size of the collection view is not right - that's my guess..
What do I need to do to adjust things in IB so that all of my cells are visible...I do not want to hardcode any values in the code...
Solved. It turns out simulator does not show the entire collection view...the same shows fine on the device... What a headache...

NSTableView without scrolling, instead push down content below

I would like to create a NSTableView so that when it grows it will not scroll but instead push down the content below. The NSTableView and the content below will be wrapped in a NSScrollView that will autoresize with the windows height.
Is this even possible? I've spent a lot of time searching for any answer or even a clue on how to approach a design like this, but no luck. Should I even use a NSTableView for this?
See this image if you don't understand what I mean:
I think that you just need to calculate the total height of your all table cells and that value set as a table height. After that set your scroll view content size as a CGSizeMake(scrolviewwidth, table_height)
Select tableView and in attributes inspector in section Scroll View uncheck Scrolling Enabled. It is possible, that you will have to set table height manually viz previous answer.

UITable View is filling the entire view

I am working on an iphone application on XCode 4.3 using storyboard.
I have created a view and I need it to be divided in two parts. the top part will contain a UIImageView and the bottom part a UItableView.
So I added both to the view using the storyboard interface builder, and set the sizes and positions of the UIImageView and the UITableView.
However when I run the application, the UITableView will take the entire view (it is being scaled to fill the view). I need it just to stay at the width/height I specified in the IB.
Why does the UITableView take the entire view? and how can I make a view with a UITableView be a small part of the view and not fill it?
I hope I was clear
Thanks a lot for any help
Screenshot of the storyboard section
the top part has a UIImageView and a "Share" Button
and the bottom part a UITableView
The UITableView is taking the entire view and hidding the rest
Another screenshot requested
I am not using storyboard here, just a xib, but it should matter. This is how you should set it up:
Autoresizing for UITableView:
Autoresizing for UIImageView:
Notice the fixed top margin for image view, fixed bottom margin for tableview, and flexible height for both. This will ensure tableview always sticks to the bottom and expands upwards proportionally, and vice versa for image view.
You would want to play around with this settings of your UITableView
I believe the setting is off making it resize. But I might be wrong.
Note: this is a screenshot of my UITableView inside a view controller and it is NOT filling my screen. It may have a different setting in your case. So play around with the values in there.

What is the best way to create a composite scrollable view on iOS

I need to create a scrollable composite view on iOS. That is to say, the view will contain at least one image, possibly a button, and some text (that we may wish to format with bold fonts, etc). The amount of data, and particularly the amount of text, is variable, from maybe 4 lines to maybe 100. The data is "variable" to a degree, and in particular the image and text do not come joined at the hip.
This all needs to fit in a "pane" of about 280h x 115w pixels in a portrait-only layout.
A single UITextView doesn't provide the facilities to display an image or format the text.
A UIWebView provides the ability to display the image and formatted text, but the button is a problem (not even sure if it's doable).
A UIScrollView would easily allow the image and button, and then a UIWebView could be embedded in the scroll view for the text, but then scrolling becomes a problem -- I'd like the entire view to scroll as one, without having to resize the web view to contain it's content, and without the confusion of a scrollable within a scrollable (the doc warns of "unexpected behavior").
(I'm guessing your thoughts at this point are that I want too much.)
So, any suggestions? What's the best way to get close to what I need here?
In iOS5 the UIWebView has a scrollView property, which is a normal UIScrollView. You should be able to add a UIButton as a subview of the scrollView to achieve what you want, although positioning it correctly may be a challenge. Prior to iOS5 you could cycle through the subviews of the UIWebView to find the UIScrollView with isKindOfClass...
I suggest testing with a UIWebView inside your UIScrollView. I don't see any interference in the iOS 5.0 simulator. I don't know if there are problems in iOS 4.0.
If you find that there is interference, you can prevent it by setting the web view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO, either in the nib or in code. This will prevent the web view from receiving any touches, so the user also won't be able to pinch-zoom it, follow links in it, or copy text from it.
In the web view's delegate, implement webViewDidFinishLoad: to set the web view's size and the scroll view's contentSize. For example:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
CGRect frame = self.webView.frame;
frame.size = [self.webView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(frame.size.width, HUGE_VALF)];
self.webView.frame = frame;
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(CGRectGetMaxX(frame), CGRectGetMaxY(frame));
When I did a similar thing, I had a dozen of views which I added to the UIScrollView and then calculated the frames of all the views. Granted, it was an extremely tedious work, given that some views could get hidden under various conditions. The layout code was actually pretty simple, laying out views from top to bottom, but ugly. The upshot is that it works like a charm, fast and reliably. You can even trivially wrap it in an animation block.