Working live at Server / SSH [closed] - apache

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've inherited a website to build. I've just come to realization that the website's server is not typical to what I've always worked with; EG - I usually create an FTP with the hosting account and work live at
I've found that I must connect using; SSH. I have little direct server experience. I'm told I need to work with linux or download something like 'putty'. How do I connect to work live at this situation?

Use sftp instead of ftp.
Learning how to use ssh would definitely be valuable as it's widely used and extremely useful, but in the immediate you can just use sftp for anything that you previously used ftp for. sftp will give you the same interface as ftp, but connects via ssh.
You didn't mention what ftp software you use, but many also support connecting via sftp.


SFTP through ssh node [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to set up an sftp on a networked server. I can access the machine through the outside world by first ssh'ing into a network login server through the following process:
ssh [network-username]
then, once logged in
ssh [server-username]#[hostname]
Is there anyway to sftp into the networked server? I cant find a way to add the initial step into the login process.
You have not specified what SFTP client you are using.
In general, some SFTP clients DO allow SSH tunneling.
WinSCP for instance.
See Connect to FTP/SFTP server which can be accessed via another server only.
OpenSSH suite allows that too.
For example see Forward SSH traffic through a middle machine.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

PuTTy connecting to server from one machine and not from another [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to connect to a server(linux) via SSH from a windows m/c via putty.
I can connect to the server from my m/c using putty but when i try to do the same from another machine, i get an error.
All configs are the same. Can you please give some pointers as to what might be the issue.
Note: I am able to do an FTP(port 21) to the same server via WinSCP on both machines. It's just putty which is not doing SSH on the other m/c. It's fine on my m/c.
Any directions would be much appreciated.
Can you log in with WinSCP via SFTP/SCP? If not, then the server might be firewalled against that other machine. Or maybe the two machines are connected to the server with different interfaces and SSH is configured to only listen to one of them. Check the firewall on the server and, for good measure, the firewall on your client.

Is sftp always possible when there is ssh available? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is secure FTP (sftp) using SSH (port number 22) always possible when there is ssh available? Currently I'm using PuTTY for SSH. I want to upload files using CuteFTP Pro.
Or do I need ftp server on the server-side?
For sshd (OpenSSH SSH daemon), its a configuration option, which by default is switched on. Look out for the line
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. To disable just remove that line.
No, on the server side you need an sftp-binary as well. OpenSSH ships one they call sftp-server. Usually resides in /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server (on a Debian machine for example)
CuteFTP has support for sftp. But keep in mind that your server needs sftp-server on that end first.

What's the utility of SSH in a hosting? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can anyone explain to me in layman what's SSH (Secure Shell) in a shared hosting?
I know you can access the web hosting server remotely using a command line interface using an application like Putty. But does it give you have more access to the server or it's another way of creating directories or uploading files and stuff like that? Or you can install extensions or do more advanced things?
Depends on the restriction the host sets, but it often lets you run command line utilities, often used for things like batch processing files, changing file permissions, etc.
In other words, SSH gives you access to do most things you'd be able to do if you were logged in to the machine locally (without root access).
It is just a security layer that encrypts all data flowing to and from the server so other people can't read it's contents. This is especially useful if you are dealing with sensitive information.

Allow SSH for a Hosting Customer on VPS Server? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a VPS server and a client is asking for SSH access on their hosting account.
I can allow this through the user setup for that particular account but will they be able to admin the entire server then?
I am worried their developer might start installing modules and break my other clients' sites.
Does your VPS come with any control panel ? If so, its usually safe to allow SSH access. However, here is what I would do.
Find out why the client wants SSH access. This is not a conclusive method but would give you a chance to provide alternative solutions if you are uncomfortable enabling SSH access. Note that a lot of hosting service providers, small and large, do not allow SSH access (atleast not without making it so hard that the casual client refrains from asking).
For your mental comfort, create a SSH account for yourself and login with SSH access. Try to see what you can do beyond that specific account. If your test SSH access does not allow you any access beyond that test account, you know that the other guy cant do much either.
you can allow your client to access SSH. It will not create any problem for othersites which is in the same server. As you are giving them only the user account they can not execute root commands. However if the client want to install any modules they need the root authentication.