Why is my join giving me way too many results? - sql

I have:
SELECT dv.VariableID ,
ds.DataSourceID ,
p.DataVariableDataSourceParamId ,
p.ParamCode ,
p.ParamDisplayName ,
p.DVDSParamControlType ,
p.DependentOnDVDSParamId ,
FROM dbo.DataVariable dv
INNER JOIN dbo.DataVariableDataSource ds ON dv.DataSourceId = ds.DataSourceID
INNER JOIN dbo.DataVariableDataSourceParam p ON ds.DataSourceID = p.DataSourceId
INNER JOIN dbo.DataVariableDataSourceParamValue pv ON p.DataVariableDataSourceParamId = pv.DataVariableDataSourceParamId
WHERE dv.VariableID = #vid
ORDER BY dv.VariableID
When I just have the first two joins, I get what I want: 6 results. When I add the third, I get 660. I just want the ParamValue for the 6 records from the first 2 joins and I can't seem to figure out why this is breaking. I'm on my 12th hour of coding and I'm sure this is insanely obvious, but I could use a hand. Thanks in advance.

This is going to be because you have numerous rows in your pv table that match on DataVariableDataSourceParamId
You can verify by adding a SELECT DISTINCT. You may need to clean that table up or keep the distinct
However, the distinct will only help if pv.ParamValue is the same for all, otherwise you are rightfully getting more matches as what is happening is that you are finding all the matches for DataVariableDataSourceParamId and displaying them. If all those matches are the same value, then the distinct will indeed help, though


Access SQL query without duplicate results

I made a query and wanted to not have any duplicates but i got some times 3 duplicates and when i used DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW i got only 2 duplicates.
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
(((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
LEFT JOIN Irregular_Events AS ie
ON f.flight_code = ie.flight_code)
LEFT JOIN Delay_Event AS de
ON ie.IE_code = de.delay_code;
had to use LEFT JOIN because when i used INNER JOIN i missed some of the things i wanted to show because i wanted to see all the flights and not only the flights that got delayed or canceled.
This is the results when i used INNER JOIN, you can see only the flights that have the status "ביטול" or "עיכוב" and that is not what i wanted.
[the results with LEFT JOIN][2]
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/cgE2G.png
and when i used DISTINCT where you see the rows with the NUMBER 6 on the first column it appear only two times
I just checked my query and all the tables i use there and i saw my problem but dont know how to fix it!
in the table Irregular_Events i have more the one event for flights 3,6 and 8 and that is why when i use LEFT JOIN i see more even thou i use distinct, please give me some help!
Not entirely sure without seeing the table structure, but this might work:
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
Irregular_Events ie
ON ie.IE_code = de1.delay_code
) AS de
ON f.flight_code = de.flight_code
It is hard to tell what is the problem with your query without any sample of the output, and without any description of the structure of your tables.
But your problem is that your are querying from the flights table, which [I assume] can be linked to multiple irregular_events, which can possibly also be linked to multiple delay_event.
If you want to get only one row per flight, you need to make sure your joins return only one row too. Maybe you can do it by adding one more condition to the join, or by adding a condition in a sub-query.
You could try to add a GROUP BY to the query:

how to join multiple tables without showing repeated data?

I pop into a problem recently, and Im sure its because of how I Join them.
this is my code:
select LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
For every service order I have 5 part code maximum.
If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin.
for example: this service order"4182134076" has only 2 part code, first'GH81-13601A' and second 'GH96-09938A' so it should show the data 2 time but it repeat it for 8 time. what seems to be the problem?
If your records were exactly the same the distinct keyword would have solved it.
However in rows 2 and 3 which have the same Service_Order and Part_Code if you check the SO_NO you see it is different - that is why distinct won't work here - the rows are not identical.
I say you have some problem in one of the conditions in your joins. The different data is in the SO_NO column so check the raw data in the LP_Confirmation_Codes table for that Service_Order:
select * from LP_Confirmation_Codes where Service_Order = 4182134076
I assume you are missing an and with the value from the LP_Part_Codes or LP_PS_Codes (but can't be sure without seeing those tables and data myself).
By this sentence If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin. - probably you are missing and and with the LP_Part_Codes table
Based on your output result, here are the following data that caused multiple output.
Service Order: 4182134076 has :
2 PartCode which are GH81-13601A and GH96-09938A
2 PS which are U and P
2 SO_NO which are 1.00024e+09 and 1.00022e+09
Therefore 2^3 returns 8 rows. I believe that you need to check where you should join your tables.
select distinct LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,LP_Pending_Info.Pending_Days,
LP_Pending_Info.IN_OUT_WTY, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode,LP_PS_Codes.PS,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes on LP_Part_Codes.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes on LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
distinct will not return duplicates based on your select. So if a row is same, it will only return once.

SQL LEFT JOIN WHERE not displaying right result

So I got this query:
Data structure:
id---inlog----name----more stuff
id---code----inlog----more stuff
(inlog and speler are always the same values for a user)
// Some other stuff working
SUM(o.status) AS oefn
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN llntoets AS l
ON (u.inlog = l.inlog)
LEFT JOIN oefeningen AS o
ON (u.inlog = o.speler) AND o.status = 'afgewerkt'
code = '$code'
GROUP BY l.inlog
ORDER BY klas ASC, klasnr ASC
Everything runs fine except 1 thing the oefn variable. It shows a number sometimes it shows the correct value and sometimes it shows a value that is much higher than it should be. Someone told me it could be because of the GROUP BY. Can someone help me pls?
It is supposed to count the total records from table oefeningen where status = 'afgewerkt' and where the speler is the inlog from users. Thanks, if you got other questions ask will try to explain more.
the SUM(o.status) in your query it is not supposed to count the total records of table oefeningen.
that sum is the sum of the values of all the joined rows that satisfy your criteria that can be a much higher number.
also note that applying the filter o.status = 'afgewerkt' you are performing a JOIN even if you wrote LEFT JOIN throghout the query.

Access Left Join not working properly

In access I wrote this query:
I.sysid, I.MemberNumber, I.Date, I.Distributer,
F.MemberNumber as FMember, F.Date as FDate, I.Distributer as FDistributer
From Initial as I
Left Join Final as F ON
I.MemberNumber=F.MemberNumber and
I.Distributer=F.Distributer and
I.Date>=F.Date-14 and
But the left join is not behavior properly. There are fewer rows in this table then there are in Initial... but it should be keeping ALL rows from initial, because I am using a left join, right? I have found several rows in initial (like sysid=7, which is Initial's key) that just isn't coming into this table.
It may have to do with your AND logic. Add some ( ) parenthesis to this to include it all like so:
I.sysid, I.MemberNumber, I.Date, I.Distributer,
F.MemberNumber as FMember, F.Date as FDate, I.Distributer as FDistributer
From Initial as I
Left Join Final as F ON
(I.MemberNumber=F.MemberNumber and
I.Distributer=F.Distributer and
(I.Date>=F.Date-14) and
Also I think there is a dateadd function, I'd use that instead of + / -.
If you're in the Query Designer, make sure all the filters are cleared. I've built your tables and sql and can't reproduce your error.
SELECT I.sysid
, I.MemberNumber
, I.Dated
, I.Distributer
, F.MemberNumber
, F.Dated AS FDated
, F.Distributer AS FDistributer
FROM Initial AS I
ON I.Distributer = F.Distributer
AND I.MemberNumber = F.MemberNumber
AND I.Dated>=F.Dated-14
AND I.Dated<=F.Dated+14;
Try adding additional fields to the original table and using update queries to add extra columns. This way you can be sure you won't drop any columns.

Why do I have to use DISTINCT for this to work?

here's my problem: I have an SQL query that makes 4 calls to a lookup table to return their values from a list of combinations in another table. I finally got this working, and for some reason, when I run the query without DISTINCT, I get a ton of data back, so I'm guessing that I'm either missing something or not doing this correctly. It would be really great if this would not only work, but also return the list alphabetically by the first colour name.
I'm putting my SQL here I hope I've explained this well enough:
colour1.ColourID AS colour1_ColourID,
colour1.ColourName AS colour1_ColourName,
colour1.ColourHex AS colour1_ColourHex,
colour1.ManufacturerColourID AS colour1_ManufacturerColourID,
colour2.ColourID AS colour2_ColourID,
colour2.ColourName AS colour2_ColourName,
colour2.ColourHex AS colour2_ColourHex,
colour2.QEColourID2 AS colour2_QEColourID2,
colour3.ColourID AS colour3_ColourID,
colour3.ColourName AS colour3_ColourName,
colour3.ColourHex AS colour3_ColourHex,
colour3.QEColourID3 AS colour3_QEColourID3,
colour4.ColourID AS colour4_ColourID,
colour4.ColourName AS colour4_ColourName,
colour4.ColourHex AS colour4_ColourHex,
colour4.QEColourID4 AS colour4_QEColourID4,
Combinations.ManufacturerColourID AS Combinations_ManufacturerColourID,
Combinations.QEColourID2 AS Combinations_QEColourID2,
Combinations.QEColourID3 AS Combinations_QEColourID3,
Combinations.QEColourID4 AS Combinations_QEColourID4,
ColourSuppliers INNER JOIN
colour4 INNER JOIN
colour3 INNER JOIN
colour2 INNER JOIN
colour1 INNER JOIN Combinations ON
) ON colour2.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID2
) ON colour3.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID3
) ON colour4.ColourID=Combinations.QEColourID4
) ON ColourSuppliers.ColourSupplierID=Combinations.ColourSupplierID
WHERE Combinations.ColourSupplierID = ?
It looks as though you've probably got multiple records for each set of four colour combinations in the Combinations table - posting the structure of the table might help us to work it out.
Adding the clause order by colour1.ColourName to the end of the query should sort it alphabetically by the first colour name.
My guess (and it is a guess because your SQL query is very wide!) is that you're getting the cartesian product.