Show a second window from a second .xib file in Xcode? - objective-c

I am a complete noob with Xcode, but I am trying to make a small Mac application.
What I want happen, is that I press a button in the main window, and another window opens on top of that main window.
As I said, I am a complete noob, so I would prefer a step by step guide :)

It is quite simple, first of all you have to create a window with Xcode, then a WindowController after that you can link the Controller with your view(the Xib).
Then to open up a new window (lets say your window controller is called YourWindowController) just insert this code in the IBAction method that get fired by your button :
YourWindowController *controllerWindow =
[[YourWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"You_Window_XIB"];
[controllerWindow showWindow:self];


NSPopover crashes on segue triggered programmatically, OSX, Xcode 8.2

I have a simple setup (OSX not iOS):
Two windows A and B. Window A is a splash screen, window B the main screen.
Flow is like this -> Window A on app start, opens window B on "New Project" button click.
Window B contains a button. Button is setup in IB to open a view within a popover (via segue). Segue on button click works as expected.
On some place i trigger that segue programatically (performSegueWithIdentifier) to open the same popover attached to the button. This works as expected.
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"showSHImportCSVPrefsViewController" sender:nil];
But: if i close window B which returns to window A and open window B again ("New project") the popover throws an error when triggered programatically even if the manual button click still works... im so confused...
[NSPopover showRelativeToRect:ofView:preferredEdge:]: view has no window. You must supply a view in a window.'
After going through the whole code it turned out it was an observer not killed.
So when i closed window B and re-opened it, the same observer was created again, triggering the programmatically segue call twice, leading to the above described situation.
Solution: removeObserver on - (void)dealloc

How to wait for window to close inside a framework?

I have to create a function into a framework which opens a window with a radio group and a button on it. When I click the button, the function should print out which radio was selected. I´m using a NSWindowController with xib file to show the Form.
The problem is, that the code continues running after showing the window.
So I tried a while loop with a property in my window which is set when I click the button.
But it does not work because I think the window is running in the same thread.
MyWindowController windowController = [[MyWindowController alloc initWithWindowNibName:#"MyWindow"];
[windowController showWindow:self];
while([windowController buttonClicked] == 0);
NSLog("Radio %# is selected!", [windowController selectedRadio]);
Do you have any idea how to wait for the window to close and than read out the data?
I hope you can help me.
You can add your self as delegate tao the window and listen for windowWillClosenotifications. That way you get informed when the windows is getting closed.
Note that you are not "waiting" on the window toi close, that wouldn't work without blocking the runloop, but you just sit idle until the delegate method is called. Also note that the window controller should be automatically a delegate to the window and thus could also be used for this.

Not loading the window from the MainMenu.xib, instead load another window

This is my first Mac OS-X app, so this might be a stupid question.
In my app basically i have two windows,
The Main window which comes with MainMenu.xib file by default
I created another WindowController with another xib file.
I have created a AppController class which is connected to the MainMenu.xib, what i am trying to do in the awakeFromNib method in the AppController class is load either the main Window or the custom window, but load the Main Menu each time. Is it possible?
I couldn't do it the previous way, if i needed to use the custom window, i would first create the main window and close it immediately.
I tried to get the main window by this, [[NSApplication sharedApplication]mainWindow]; and then closing it. But was unsuccessful.
I dont think i have proper understanding yet with windows, views and controllers of cocoa. i am following aaron hillegass's COCOA Programming for Mac OS X book.
please suggest me some other tutorials so that i can understand this thing clearly.
You need to un-check the windows "Visible at Launch"
Then based on your BOOL value, you need to show the window and make it orderFront.

Xcode Run IBAction when app loads

I would like to hide a window before the app has loaded. Now I know to hide a window you can use this;
[window2 orderOut:nil];
which works fine when you click on a button but what if I wont it to be hidden before or whilst the application has loaded?
So sorta need an IBAction on when the application loads
In Interface Builder, you can uncheck the box (in the window's attributes pane) that says to show the window at startup.
Or you can put that line of code in your app delegate's applicationWillFinishLaunching (or perhaps applicationDidFinishLaunching) method. (Might not work in the first one, I'm not sure.)
But I'd go with the first option, personally.

Using NSWindowController to manipulate a window

I have the following code:
AXWindowController *controller = [[AXWindowController alloc]
[controller showWindow:nil];
How do I use controller to make changes to the window ActivateWindow (eg. changing text on the window, etc.)? Step by step instructions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Well, none of the actual window elements are handled in your piece of code, your code just initializes and shows the window. (I've just had a quick scan through, so I'm assuming that it works)
If you want to, for example, display text in a window, the simplest way is to use an NSTextField.
Very simple instructions:
Drag and drop a Label item from the Interface Builder library into your window.
Drag and drop a button item from the Interface Builder library into your window.
In XCode, in your window controller, create an IBOutlet for your label, e.g. messageLabel
In XCode, in your window controller, create an IBAction for your label, e.g. changeLabel
In Interface Builder, drag and drop an "object" into your document. (Shortcut = CMD + 0)
Under the Identity tab, change the class to AXWindowController. (Shortcut = CMD + 6)
Ctrl + drag from the object to the label, choose the outlet messageLabel.
Ctrl + drag from the button to the object, choose changeLabel.
Now, to display text when you press the button, you would add code to the changeLabel IBAction to do so.
e.g. [messageLabel setTitleWithMnemonic:#"blah"];
And Finally, if you want it to automatically display text, you might as well just change the label content in Interface Builder / place the code in the windowDidLoad method in your controller.
That to me is pretty much the simplest way for you to do it. However, I recommend you read some books / tutorials on Cocoa and Objective-C before delving into harder stuff.
You'd programmatically make changes to your window in the code for your window controller, of course. Open AXWindowController.m and do whatever it is you're wanting to do. It's hard to give a more definite answer without knowing exactly what you're trying to do (if you just want to create the interface, use Interface Builder) or what your experience level is.