Objective-C : Synchronizing code - objective-c

I have a simple class with two ivars, a NSMutableArray and a BOOL. Objects of this class are able to shuffle elements in the array when they are sent the startShuffling message. They do so until they receive the stopShuffling message.
To make it work, the startShuffling method set the boolean to YES, and then dispatch the block of code that shuffles (while(self.isShuffling) { //... } on a concurrent queue. The stopShuffling set the boolean to NO, so that the shuffling process will terminate on the next loop turn.
Here is the interface :
#interface MyClass : NSObject <NSCoding> {
NSMutableArray *elements_;
__block BOOL isShuffling_;
#property(readonly) BOOL isShuffling;
And the implementation :
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize isShuffling = isShuffling_;
-(void)startShuffling {
if(self.isShuffling) {
isShuffling_ = YES;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
while(isShuffling_) {
// code that shuffles, one element by turn
NSUInteger elementIndex = arc4random() % [elements_ count];
id c = [[elements_ objectAtIndex:elementIndex] retain];
[elements_ removeObjectAtIndex:elementIndex];
[elements_ insertObject:c atIndex:[elements_ count]];
[c release];
-(void)stopShuffling {
isShuffling_ = NO;
My class conforms to NSCoding protocol and I don't want to abort encoding even if the object is shuffling. Instead I want my object to stop shuffling and then encode itself. So I have written this encoding method :
-(void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
if(self.isShuffling) {
[self stopShuffling];
[aCoder encodeObject:elements_ forKey:kIVPCodingKeyMyClassElements];
Finally, here my question.
I think it is possible for the encodeObject:forKey: method to get called while the shuffling loop terminates its last turn (maybe I'm wrong ?).
Is there any way I can make encodeObject:forKey: method get called after wait for the shuffling loop last turn to terminate ?

Yes, the the shuffle code may still be running when the encodeObject:forKey: method is called.
In general, you don't want to dispatch some random block off onto a queue that executes for a really long time, potentially forever. You want to break up the work into blocks of work. And there-in lies your answer.
Something like:
- (void)shuffleAndCheck
if (stillShuffling) {
dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
dispatch_apply(shuffleQueue, ^{... shuffle one card code ...});
dispatch_async(shuffleQueue, ^{ [self shuffleAndCheck]; });
- (void) startShuffling
if (stillShuffling) return;
stillShuffling = YES;
[self shuffleAndCheck];
- (void) stopShuffling
stillShuffling = NO;
dispatch_async(shuffleQueue, ^{ ... encode stuff here ... });
Or something.


Objective C - release blocks individually

I have the following dummy architecture: a singleton class that will receive some data, and, at some point(when returnCallback function is called), will return the data using a callback.
#interface Helper: NSObject
void (^_completionHandler)(int someParameter);
+(Helper *)getInstance;
- (void) doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(int))handler;
#implementation Helper
+(Helper *)getInstance {
static Helper *instance = nil;
#synchronized(self) {
if (instance == nil)
instance = [[self alloc] init];
return instance;
- (void) doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(int))handler
//do things
_completionHandler = [handler copy];
//do things
-(void) returnCallback
int result;
//do things with result
//nothing to follow, it just returned the result.
Untill now I was calling the helper a single time and everything worked ok.
[[Helper getInstance] doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:^(int result){
NSLog(#"I received %d", result);
But now I need to call the helper 2 times, the second one being inside of the first one.
[[Helper getInstance] doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:^(int result){
[[Helper getInstance] doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:^(int result){
NSLog(#" Yay, I'm good %d", result);
NSLog(#"They stopped retaining me:( %d", result);
The problem is(as displayed in the log) that the first function callback is released from memory and I cannot access the result variable. A way to resolve that is to keep 2 variables of the callbacks(one with the current one, one with the old one), but what if I'll need the 3rd one? I tried to build an NSMutableArray with the blocks references. But I had to remove them aswell, and I didn't figure out how.(they get copied inside Helper class, so I don't have a reference to that copied object inside the "Testing" class, do I?)
The above code isn't tested as this is more of an architecture-based question. I will however test it and edit the message asap if there are any errors.
Due to the way you have it designed, you can only have one active operation. If you ever try to execute more operations than one at the time, unexpected stuff happens (as in your example).
There is an established pattern for doing stuff like this - take a look at NSOperation and NSOperationQueue, e.g. here

Objective-C blocks usage

I have been looking around online, doing research into how to use blocks. I have also decided to set up a basic example to try and understand the way in which they work.
Essentially what I want to do is have a 'block variable' (no sure if thats the correct term) in which I can store a block of code. I then want to be able to set the code in this block at pointX (methodA or methodB) in my code, then run the block of code at pointY (methodX).
So to be specific, my question is 3-fold
Using the example below is the setup / usage of blocks correct and valid?
In methodX how do I execute the code inside the block (self.completionBlock)?
When creating the block in methodA and methodB will the code be called there and then? If so how can I stop this from happening (all I want to do is set up the code in the block to be called later)?
I may have completely misunderstood how blocks are used, apologies if this is the case, however I'm relatively new to Objective-C and I'm trying to learn.
Here is my code so far:
typedef void (^ CompletionBlock)();
#interface TestClass : NSObject
CompletionBlock completionBlock;
NSString *stringOfText;
NSString *otherStringOfText;
#property(nonatomic, copy)CompletionBlock completionBlock;
#property(nonatomic, retain)NSString *stringOfText;
#property(nonatomic, retain)NSString *otherStringOfText;
- (void)methodA:(NSString *)myText;
- (void)methodB:(NSString *)myText and:(NSString *)myOtherText;
- (void)methodX;
- (void)methodA:(NSString *)myText;
if ([self.stringOfText isEqualToString:#""])
// Set the variable to be used by the completion block
self.stringOfText = #"I visited methodA"; // normally make use of myText
// Create the completion block
__block TestClass *blocksafeSelf = self;
self.completionBlock = ^()
[blocksafeSelf methodA:blocksafeSelf.stringOfText];
blocksafeSelf.stringOfText = nil;
// Do some other stuff with self.stringOfText
- (void)methodB:(NSString *)myText and:(NSString *)myOtherText;
if ([self.stringOfText isEqualToString:#""] || [self.otherStringOfText isEqualToString:#""])
// Set the variable to be used by the completion block
self.stringOfText = #"I visited methodB"; // normally make use of myText
self.otherStringOfText = #"I also visited methodB"; // normally make use of myOtherText
// Create the completion block
__block TestClass *blocksafeSelf = self;
self.completionBlock = ^()
[blocksafeSelf methodB:blocksafeSelf.stringOfText and:blocksafeSelf.otherStringOfText];
blocksafeSelf.stringOfText = nil;
blocksafeSelf.otherStringOfText = nil;
// Do some other stuff with self.stringOfText and self.otherStringOfText
- (void)methodX
// At this point run the block of code in self.completionBlock...how?!
In my example either methodA or methodB will be called first. Then some time later (perhaps from a different class) methodX will be called (only ever after methodA or methodB have been called).
It's worth noting that the methods methodA, methodB and methodX are all in a singleton class.
NOTE: This is just a dummy example to try and understand the workings of blocks, I'm fully aware there are other ways to achieve the same result.
Here's the code, just to be clear:
- (void)methodX
I think you want to do self.completionBlock(); in methodX.

Does Objective-C support Generics?

I wonder whether Objective-C offers any support for generics?
For instance, consider a method:
-(void) sort: (NSMutableArray *) deck {
Is there any way for me to make it only deal with Deck of Cards?
Is something like this possible to enforce?
-(void) sort: (NSMutableArray <Card *>) deck {
Objective-C supports lightweight Generics since 2015, with the Xcode 7.
The Xcode 7 compiler will give you the compiler warning if there is a type mismatch.
For example, the following line will raise a compiler warning as the second object in the array causes type mismatch. The array allows only NSString objects.
NSArray <NSString *> *myArray = [#"str2", #1, #"str2"];
You can use the introspection tools offered by the objective-c runtime.
Basically, it means you can check if all objects in an array either are a kind of class (Class A or one subclass of it) or a member of class (class A), or if a objects conforms to a protocol or responds to a selector (a certain method is present).
-(void) sort: (NSMutableArray *) deck {
for(id obj in deck){
if(obj isKindOfClass:[A class]]){
//this is of right class
You could write a Category method on NSArray that checkouts this on every object.
BOOL allAreKindOfA = [array allObjectsAreKindOfClass:[A class]];
Normally you actually don't need this very often, as you know what you put inside a collection.
If you need to check the type or ability of an object in a Array, this might be an indicator, that your Architecture is broken
Another option could be a subclass of NSMutableArray that only accepts certain classes. But be aware of the subclassing notes for NSMutableArray and NSArray, as these are Class-Clusters and therefore not easy to subclass.
Note: In my other answer I created a NSMutableArray subclass, that uses a block to test, if a certain requirement is fulfilled. If you test against class-membership, this will do exactly what you want. Use the second block for error handling.
As of Xcode 7's release, Apple has added support for Objective-C generics.
NSArray <NSString *> *arrayOfStrings = #[#"a", #"b"];
NSDictionary <NSString *, NSDate *> *dictionaryOfDates = #{ #"a" : #1 };
Inspired by MonomorphicArray I came up with another idea:
Create a subclass on NSMutableArray, that takes two blocks:
AddBlock — a block that test, if one or more requirements are full filed and adds the object only, if its passes the test
FailBlock — a block, that defines what happens, if the test was not successful.
The AddBlock could test for a certain class membership like
^BOOL(id element) {
return [element isKindOfClass:[NSString class]];
and the FailBlock can raise an exception, fail silently or add the element, that failed the test, to another Array. If no failBlock is provided, a default block will raise an error.
The blocks will define, if an array acts like an generic array, or as a filter.
I will give an complete example for the second case.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef BOOL(^AddBlock)(id element);
typedef void(^FailBlock)(id element);
#interface VSBlockTestedObjectArray : NSMutableArray
#property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) AddBlock testBlock;
#property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) FailBlock failBlock;
-(id)initWithTestBlock:(AddBlock)testBlock FailBlock:(FailBlock)failBlock Capacity:(NSUInteger)capacity;
-(id)initWithTestBlock:(AddBlock)testBlock FailBlock:(FailBlock)failBlock;
#import "VSBlockTestedObjectArray.h"
#interface VSBlockTestedObjectArray ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *realArray;
#implementation VSBlockTestedObjectArray
#synthesize testBlock = _testBlock;
#synthesize failBlock = _failBlock;
#synthesize realArray = _realArray;
if (self = [super init]) {
_realArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:capacity];
return self;
self = [self initWithCapacity:capacity];
if (self) {
_testBlock = [testBlock copy];
_failBlock = [failBlock copy];
return self;
-(id)initWithTestBlock:(AddBlock)testBlock FailBlock:(FailBlock)failBlock
return [self initWithTestBlock:testBlock FailBlock:failBlock Capacity:0];
return [self initWithTestBlock:testBlock FailBlock:^(id element) {
[NSException raise:#"NotSupportedElement" format:#"%# faild the test and can't be add to this VSBlockTestedObjectArray", element];
} Capacity:0];
- (void)dealloc {
[_failBlock release];
[_testBlock release];
self.realArray = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (void) insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)index
[self.realArray insertObject:anObject atIndex:index];
- (void) removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
[self.realArray removeObjectAtIndex:index];
return [self.realArray count];
- (id) objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
return [self.realArray objectAtIndex:index];
[NSException raise:#"NotSupportedInstantiation" format:#"not supported %#", NSStringFromSelector(selector)];
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)anArray { [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
- (id)initWithArray:(NSArray *)array copyItems:(BOOL)flag { [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)aPath{ [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
- (id)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)aURL{ [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
- (id)initWithObjects:(id)firstObj, ... { [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
- (id)initWithObjects:(const id *)objects count:(NSUInteger)count { [self errorWhileInitializing:_cmd]; return nil;}
Use it like:
VSBlockTestedObjectArray *stringArray = [[VSBlockTestedObjectArray alloc] initWithTestBlock:^BOOL(id element) {
return [element isKindOfClass:[NSString class]];
} FailBlock:^(id element) {
NSLog(#"%# can't be added, didn't pass the test. It is not an object of class NSString", element);
VSBlockTestedObjectArray *numberArray = [[VSBlockTestedObjectArray alloc] initWithTestBlock:^BOOL(id element) {
return [element isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]];
} FailBlock:^(id element) {
NSLog(#"%# can't be added, didn't pass the test. It is not an object of class NSNumber", element);
[stringArray addObject:#"test"];
[stringArray addObject:#"test1"];
[stringArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:9]];
[stringArray addObject:#"test2"];
[stringArray addObject:#"test3"];
[numberArray addObject:#"test"];
[numberArray addObject:#"test1"];
[numberArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:9]];
[numberArray addObject:#"test2"];
[numberArray addObject:#"test3"];
NSLog(#"%#", stringArray);
NSLog(#"%#", numberArray);
Note: This code is not fully tested. Probably some of the unimplemented method should be implemented for usage in real world programs.
Not directly, no. There a few ways to simulate it, but it requires a lot of wrapper code, boilerplate code, and runtime overhead. I just switch to Objective-C++ and use C++ templates when I want or need proper generics.
So if you wanted to introduce typesafety/checks to an NSArray, you could approach it using something like this:
template <typename T>
class t_typed_NSMutableArray {
t_typed_NSMutableArray() : d_array([NSMutableArray new]) {}
~t_typed_NSMutableArray() { [d_array release]; }
/* ... */
T* operator[](const size_t& idx) {
T* const obj([this->d_array objectAtIndex:idx]);
assert([obj isKindOfClass:[T class]]);
return obj;
void addObject(T* const obj) {
assert([obj isKindOfClass:[T class]]);
[this->d_array addObject:obj];
NSMutableArray * const d_array;
in use:
t_typed_NSMutableArray<Card> array([self cards]); // < note this exact constructor is not defined
Card * firstCard = array[0]; // << ok
NSString * string = array[0]; // << warning
then you also get type safety and overloading when passing the collection, so you could not pass t_typed_NSArray<Card> as an t_typed_NSArray<NSURL>.
There is an easy, effective way of doing this (I've been using it on projects for a couple of years now). Sadly, someone deleted the answer, and my attempts to get it re-instated were rejected. Here goes again:
You can re-implement a cut-down version of C++ templating within Obj-C because Obj-C encapsulates all of C (and C++ templates are C-macros with some improved compiler/debugger support):
This only needs to be done once, using a single header file. Someone has done it for you:
You end up with 100% legal Obj-C code that looks like this:
NSArray<CustomClass> anArray= ...
CustomClass a = anArray[0]; // works perfectly, and Xcode autocomplete works too!
This all works fine in XCode, with autocomplete, etc.

Objective-C pass block as parameter

How can I pass a Block to a Function/Method?
I tried - (void)someFunc:(__Block)someBlock with no avail.
ie. What is the type for a Block?
The type of a block varies depending on its arguments and its return type. In the general case, block types are declared the same way function pointer types are, but replacing the * with a ^. One way to pass a block to a method is as follows:
- (void)iterateWidgets:(void (^)(id, int))iteratorBlock;
But as you can see, that's messy. You can instead use a typedef to make block types cleaner:
typedef void (^ IteratorBlock)(id, int);
And then pass that block to a method like so:
- (void)iterateWidgets:(IteratorBlock)iteratorBlock;
The easiest explanation for this question is follow these templates:
1. Block as a method parameter
- (void)aMethodWithBlock:(returnType (^)(parameters))blockName {
// your code
-(void) saveWithCompletionBlock: (void (^)(NSArray *elements, NSError *error))completionBlock{
// your code
Other use of cases:
2. Block as a Property
#property (nonatomic, copy) returnType (^blockName)(parameters);
#property (nonatomic,copy)void (^completionBlock)(NSArray *array, NSError *error);
3. Block as a method argument
[anObject aMethodWithBlock: ^returnType (parameters) {
// your code
[self saveWithCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *array, NSError *error) {
// your code
4. Block as a local variable
returnType (^blockName)(parameters) = ^returnType(parameters) {
// your code
void (^completionBlock) (NSArray *array, NSError *error) = ^void(NSArray *array, NSError *error){
// your code
5. Block as a typedef
typedef returnType (^typeName)(parameters);
typeName blockName = ^(parameters) {
// your code
typedef void(^completionBlock)(NSArray *array, NSError *error);
completionBlock didComplete = ^(NSArray *array, NSError *error){
// your code
This might be helpful:
- (void)someFunc:(void(^)(void))someBlock;
You can do like this, passing block as a block parameter:
//creating a block named "completion" that will take no arguments and will return void
void(^completion)() = ^() {
//creating a block namd "block" that will take a block as argument and will return void
void(^block)(void(^completion)()) = ^(void(^completion)()) {
//invoking block "block" with block "completion" as argument
One more way to pass block using с functions in example below.
I`ve created functions to perform anything in background and on main queue.
blocks.h file
void performInBackground(void(^block)(void));
void performOnMainQueue(void(^block)(void));
blocks.m file
#import "blocks.h"
void performInBackground(void(^block)(void)) {
if (nil == block) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), block);
void performOnMainQueue(void(^block)(void)) {
if (nil == block) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
Than import blocks.h when necessary and invoke it:
- (void)loadInBackground {
NSLog(#"Loading something in background");
//loading code
//completion hadler code on main queue
You also can set block as a simple property if it's applicable for you:
#property (nonatomic, copy) void (^didFinishEditingHandler)(float rating, NSString *reviewString);
make sure that block property is "copy"!
and of course you can also use typedef:
typedef void (^SimpleBlock)(id);
#property (nonatomic, copy) SimpleBlock someActionHandler;
Also you invoke or call a block in using usual c function syntax
iteratorBlock(someId, someInt);
More info on blocks here
I always tend to forget about blocks syntax. This always comes to my mind when I need to declare a block. I hope it helps someone :)
I wrote a completionBlock for a class which will return the values of dice after they have been shaken:
Define typedef with returnType (.h above #interface declaration)
typedef void (^CompleteDiceRolling)(NSInteger diceValue);
Define a #property for the block (.h)
#property (copy, nonatomic) CompleteDiceRolling completeDiceRolling;
Define a method with finishBlock (.h)
- (void)getDiceValueAfterSpin:(void (^)(NSInteger diceValue))finishBlock;
Insert previous defined method in .m file and commit finishBlock to #property defined before
- (void)getDiceValueAfterSpin:(void (^)(NSInteger diceValue))finishBlock{
self.completeDiceRolling = finishBlock;
To trigger completionBlock pass predefined variableType to it
(Don't forget to check whether the completionBlock exists)
if( self.completeDiceRolling ){
Despite the answers given on this thread, I really struggled to write a function which would take a Block as a function - and with a parameter. Eventually, here's the solution I came up with.
I wanted to write a generic function, loadJSONthread, which would take the URL of a JSON Web Service, load some JSON data from this URL on a background thread, then return an NSArray* of results back to the calling function.
Basically, I wanted to keep all the background-thread complexity hidden away in a generic reuseable function.
Here's how I would call this function:
NSString* WebServiceURL = #"http://www.inorthwind.com/Service1.svc/getAllCustomers";
[JSONHelper loadJSONthread:WebServiceURL onLoadedData:^(NSArray *results) {
// Finished loading the JSON data
NSLog(#"Loaded %lu rows.", (unsigned long)results.count);
// Iterate through our array of Company records, and create/update the records in our SQLite database
for (NSDictionary *oneCompany in results)
// Do something with this Company record (eg store it in our SQLite database)
} ];
...and this is the bit I struggled with: how to declare it, and how to get it to call the Block function once the data was loaded, and pass the Block an NSArray* of records loaded:
+(void)loadJSONthread:(NSString*)urlString onLoadedData:(void (^)(NSArray*))onLoadedData
__block NSArray* results = nil;
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
// Call an external function to load the JSON data
NSDictionary * dictionary = [JSONHelper loadJSONDataFromURL:urlString];
results = [dictionary objectForKey:#"Results"];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// This code gets run on the main thread when the JSON has loaded
This StackOverflow question concerns how to call functions, passing a Block as a parameter, so I've simplified the code above, and not included the loadJSONDataFromURL function.
But, if you are interested, you can find a copy of this JSON loading function on this blog:
Hope this helps some other XCode developers !
(Don't forget to vote up this question and my answer, if it does !)
The full template looks like
- (void) main {
[self someMethodWithSuccessBlock:^{[self successMethod];}
withFailureBlock:^(NSError * error) {[self failureMethod:error];}];
- (void) someMethodWithSuccessBlock:(void (^) (void))successBlock
withFailureBlock:(void (^) (NSError*))failureBlock {
//Execute a block
failureBlock([[NSError alloc]init]);
- (void) successMethod {
- (void) failureMethod:(NSError*) error {

Manual retain with ARC

Before ARC I had the following code that retains the delegate while an async operation is in progress:
- (void)startAsyncWork
[_delegate retain];
// calls executeAsyncWork asynchronously
- (void)executeAsyncWork
// when finished, calls stopAsyncWork
- (void)stopAsyncWork
[_delegate release];
What is the equivalent to this pattern with ARC?
I have occasionally needed to manually retain and release things (sometimes just for debugging) and came up with the following macros:
#define AntiARCRetain(...) void *retainedThing = (__bridge_retained void *)__VA_ARGS__; retainedThing = retainedThing
#define AntiARCRelease(...) void *retainedThing = (__bridge void *) __VA_ARGS__; id unretainedThing = (__bridge_transfer id)retainedThing; unretainedThing = nil
This works by using the __bridge_retained and __bridge_transfer to cast things to and from (void *) which causes things to be retained, or to create a strong reference without calling retain.
Have fun, but be careful!
Why not just assign your delegate object to a strong ivar for the duration of the asynchronous task?
Or have a local variable in executeAsyncWork
- (void)executeAsyncWork
id localCopy = _delegate;
if (localCopy != nil) // since this method is async, the delegate might have gone
// do work on local copy
Something like this:
- (void)startAsyncWork
id<YourProtocol> delegate = _delegate;
dispatch_async(/* some queue */, ^{
// do work
[delegate doSomething];
The block will retain the delegate as long as needed...