Abstraction is changed? - oop

My question is, how to redesign abstract factory.
For example, I get next abstraction of vehicles:
interface IEngine { int Power(); }
class Gasoline : IEngine { public int Power() {return 150; }}
class Diesel : IEngine { public int Power() { return 50; }}
interface IFrame { string Name(); }
class Boxed : IFrame { public string Name() { return "Boxed frame"; }}
class Hat : IFrame { public string Name() { return "Hat frame"; }}
interface TransportFactory {
IEngine CreateEngine();
IFrame CreateChassis();
class TrailerCar : TransportFactory {
public IEngine CreateEngine() { return new Diesel(); }
public IFrame CreateChassis() { return new Boxed(); }
class PrivateCar : TransportFactory {
public IEngine CreateEngine() { return new Gasoline(); }
public IFrame CreateChassis() { return new Hat(); }
Now, I can instantiate private or trailer car.
Some one suggest me changes: engine for trailers cars can by turbo or hybrid. Only for trailers! For private car diesel and gasoline engines still usual diesel engine.
So, if i do changes:
public enum EngineType { Hybrid, Turbo, }
interface TransportFactory
IEngine CreateEngine(EngineType t);
IFrame CreateChassis();
and i can add classes:
class GasolineHybrid : IEngine
public int Power()
return 70;
class GasolineTurbo : IEngine
public int Power()
return 170;
class DieselHybrid : IEngine
public int Power()
return 60;
class DieselTurbo : IEngine
public int Power()
return 98;
it is good, but (!!!) private car nothing to do with it!!!
What kind of design can i use? Old abstraction get incorrect?
Thanks a lot!!!

How about:
class GasolineHybridTrailerCar : TransportFactory
public IEngine CreateEngine()
return new GasolineHybrid();
class GasolineTurboTrailerCar : TransportFactory
public IEngine CreateEngine()
return new GasolineTurbo();
class DieselHybridTrailerCar : TransportFactory
public IEngine CreateEngine()
return new DieselHybrid();
class DieselTurboTrailerCar : TransportFactory
public IEngine CreateEngine()
return new DieselTurbo();
The idea behind spawning numerous classes is to remove client's ability to do wrong choice. Since you said hybrid and turbo engines do not make sense for private cars, then keeping
IEngine CreateEngine(EngineType t);
will require from private car factory additional efforts to refuse incorrect arguments.
I am not sure did you mean it, but class names suggest that cars are products of factory. In classic relation it will be factory --produce--> product. It is kinky and fun how you put it via generalization, but could be hardly recognizable by others. The beauty of patterns is that once you hear its one word name, then you feel confident about all the internals the implementation could imply.
There is pattern Builder. Would it be more suitable name for your design?

Remember that parameters need not be part of the interface, they can be passed to the constructor of the implementation. So you can still keep your old interface:
interface TransportFactory
IEngine CreateEngine();
IFrame CreateChassis();
but pass the EngineTypeto the TrailerCar constructor:
class TrailerCar : TransportFactory {
private readonly EngineType engineType;
public TrailerCar(EngineType engineType)
this.engineType = engineType;
public IEngine CreateEngine()
if (engineType == EngineType.Hybrid) return new DieselHybrid();
else return new DieselTurbo();
public IFrame CreateChassis() { return new Boxed(); }


Is this considered as good approach of using interface type in class

Say i have a code as follows
interface Interface1
void method1();
interface Interface2
void method2();
class ClassWithInterfaces : Interface1,Interface2
void method1(){}
void method2(){}
Now in my "manager" class i implement this as follows :
public OtherClass
Interface1 interface1;
Interface2 interface2;
public void someMethod()
ClassWithInterfaces classWithInterfaces = new ClassWithInterfaces();
interface1 = classWithInterfaces;
interface2 = classWithInterfaces
I don't feel that this is the right way to do it hovewer i can't come up with other solutions i can't use Dependency Injection Frameworks in my project if you ask about that. Can you tell me wheter apart from DI there is a better way of doing that?
Hello and welcome to Stack Overflow :-)
You don't have to use a framework in order to do DI. In fact, there are some languages that make it impossible to use a framework for DI - e.g., C++.
Any way, in your case, the proper way to do DI is like this:
interface Interface1
void method1();
interface Interface2
void method2();
interface Interface3 : Interface1, Interface2
void method1();
void method2();
class ClassWithInterfaces : Interface3
void method1(){}
void method2(){}
public OtherClass
Interface3 m_interface3;
OtherClass(Interface3 interface3)
m_interface3 = interface3;
public void someMethod()
// And now the usage:
public main()
ClassWithInterfaces classWithInterfaces = new ClassWithInterfaces();
OtherClass otherClass = new OtherClass(classWithInterfaces);

(Polymorphism) Addition parameter pass to constructor of derived class in factory pattern

In factory pattern, we use a Factory class to produce a Product class that implement Abstract Product.
interface AbstractProduct {
public string getDetail();
class Product_A : AbstractProduct {
public string getDetail();
class Product_B : AbstractProduct {
public string getDetail();
class Factory {
public AbstractProduct produce(int product_id){
if (product_id == 1){
return Product_A();
else if (product_id == 2){
return Product_B();
int main() {
Factory factory = new Factory();
int id; // a random number either 1 or 2
My question is, what if today we need extract information to pass into Product_B from main(), for example a reference of a class instance.
int main() {
// object that need to be passed into Product_B
Database database = new Database();
Factory factory = new Factory();
int id; // a random number either 1 or 2
class Product_B : AbstractProduct {
public string getDetail() {
// I need the reference of database here.
// I'm unable to instance a database in side Product_B.
// I need to somehow pass it into Product_B.
The only solution come to my mind is...
class Factory {
// pass the reference here
public AbstractProduct produce(int product_id, Database db){
if (product_id == 1){
return Product_A();
else if (product_id == 2){
return Product_B(db);
Is there any good solution or relative design pattern can solve this problem Elegant and Clean ? Thanks a lot.
The downside with your solution is that, every client of the Factory must have a Database in order to call the produce method.
So you can use the Abstract Factory pattern here:
interface AbstractFactory {
AbstractProduct produce();
class Factory_A implements AbstractFactory {
AbstractProduct produce() { return new Product_A(); }
class Factory_B implements AbstractFactory {
private Database db;
public Factory_B(Database db) { this.db = db; }
AbstractProduct produce() { return new Product_B(db); }
class Client {
private AbstractFactory factory;
public Client(AbstractFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; }
public void foo() {
AbstractProduct product = factory.produce();
// ...
void main() {
AbstractFactory factory = random() == 1 ?
new Factory_A() :
new Factory_B(new Database(...));
Client client = new Client(factory);
Hope this helps.

Constructor parameter for injected class

Let's say I would like to inject an implementation of this interface:
interface IService { ... }
implemented as:
class MyService : IService
public MyService(string s) { }
in an instance of this class:
class Target
public IService { private get; set; }
I do the injection by calling kernel.Inject(new Target()), but what if I would like to specify the parameter s of the constructor depending on some context when calling Inject?
Is there a way to achieve such context-dependant service initialization at injection?
In most cases you should not use Field Injection, it should be
used only in rare cases of circular dependencies.
You should only use the kernel once at the start of your
application and never again.
Example Code:
interface IService { ... }
class Service : IService
public Service(string s) { ... }
interface ITarget { ... }
class Target : ITarget
private IService _service;
public Target(IServiceFactory serviceFactory, string s)
_service = serviceFactory.Create(s);
interface ITargetFactory
ITarget Create(string s);
interface IServiceFactory
IService Create(string s);
class NinjectBindModule : NinjectModule
public NinjectBindModule()
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new NinjectBindModule());
var targetFactory = kernel.Get<ITargetFactory>();
var target = targetFactory.Create("myString");
Simply done using parameters...
kernel.Inject(new Target(), new ConstructorArgument("s", "someString", true));

How to implement EF Code First and WCFDataService

A bit of history first. I created a EF Code First Library that contains POCO Objects as my Models, a generic DataProvider that inherits from DbContext, generic Repostory that implements the generic DataProvider, and a generic Service that implements the repository. I have used this library successfully in WPF (MVVM), ASP.Net, Window Forms, and ASP MVC applications.
For this discussion I will reference the Company Model
From the top down, I create a Service class called CompanyService that inherits from a base Service Class. The CompanyService class contains all of the business logic for the Company Model. This class uses the Repository class to perform the CRUD operations. The Repository then encapsulates all the DataProvider class operations.
I have done some research on using EF with WCFDataService, but I can't get my head around how to implement my library with it, particulary when it comes to overriding the CreateDataSource() Method.
It may be that I should just use a WCF Service instead, maybe I'm not understanding the purpose of the WCFDataService.
I have listed partial code for the classes involved:
public class CompanyService : ServiceBase<Company> ,ICompanyService
public Company GetCompanyByFolderId(string eFolderId)
return (Company)GetModelByFolderId(eFolderId);
public abstract class ServiceBase<TModel> : IService<TModel> where TModel : class, IModel
private IDataProvider _dataProvider;
public IDataProvider DataProvider
if (_dataProvider == null)
string connectionStringName = Properties.Settings.Default.DataProvider;
bool enableLazyLoading = true;
_dataProvider = new DataProvider(connectionStringName, enableLazyLoading);
return _dataProvider;
_dataProvider = value;
private IRepository<TModel> _repository;
public IRepository<TModel> Repository
if (_repository == null)
_repository = new Repository<TModel>(DataProvider);
return _repository;
_repository = value;
public TModel GetModelByFolderId(String folderId)
return GetTable().FirstOrDefault(o => o.EFolderid == folderId);
public virtual IQueryable<TModel> GetTable()
return Repository.GetTable();
public class Repository<TModel> : IRepository<TModel> where TModel : class, IModel
private IDataProvider _dataProvider;
public Repository(IDataProvider dataProvider)
_dataProvider = dataProvider;
private IDbSet<TModel> DbSet
return _dataProvider.Set<TModel>();
public IQueryable<TModel> GetTable()
return _dataProvider.GetTable<TModel>();
public class DataProvider : DbContext, IDataProvider
public DataProvider()
public DataProvider(string connectionStringName, bool enableLazyLoading = true)
: base(connectionStringName)
Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = enableLazyLoading;
//Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
public new IDbSet<TModel> Set<TModel>() where TModel : class
return base.Set<TModel>();
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new CompanyMapping());
public IQueryable<TModel> GetTable<TModel>() where TModel : class
return Set<TModel>().AsQueryable();
Then my Test looks something like this:
public class CompanyServiceTest
public void GetCompanies()
CompanyService target = new CompanyService();
IQueryable<Company> companies = target.GetTable();
public void GetCompanyByFolderId()
CompanyService target = new CompanyService();
Company company = target.GetCompanyByFolderId("0000000000000000000000000172403");

NHibernate: Persist Reference to Interface with Multiple Contrete Classes

I have a 1-to-many relationship between the RestorableEnvironment and IBaselineEntity objects: a given RestorableEnvironment will have one and only one IBaselineEntityobject, but each IBaselineEntity object may be tied to 0-n RestorableEnvironment objects. However, IBaselineEntity is implemented in one of two ways: via a file or via a database. My classes are (generally) like:
public interface IBaselineEntity
BaselineImage BuildImage();
//Remainder of interface
public class BaselineFile : IBaseline
public class BaselineDatabase : IBaseline
public class RestorableEnvironment
public IBaselineEntity BaselineEntity { get; set; }
//Remainder of class
NHibernate needs the concrete implementation of the IBaselineEntity in the references statement. To handle that, I have updated RestorableEnvironment to:
public class RestorableEnvironment
public IBaselineEntity BaselineEntity
get { return BaselineDatabase ?? BaselineFile; }
BaselineFile = value as BaselineFile;
BaselineDatabase = value as BaselineDatabase;
private BaselineFile _baselineFile;
public BaselineFile BaselineFile
get { return _baselineFile; }
protected set
_baselineFile = value;
if (value != null)
BaselineDatabase = null;
private BaselineDatabase _baselineDatabase;
public BaselineDatabase BaselineDatabase
get { return _baselineDatabase; }
protected set
_baselineDatabase= value;
if (value != null)
BaselineFile = null;
// Remainder of class
Now that I have concrete classes, I can now map in NHibernate, but this feels like a hack. Are there any suggestions for an improvement?
map it as any reference
using fluentmapping
// ClassMap<RestorableEnvironment>
ReferenceAny(e => e.BaselineEntity)