SFTP Using .NET - asp.net-4.0

I would like to access a file through SFTP using .NET. I have seen other questions on Stack Overflow regarding this, such as SFTP question, but these are rather old and things would have moved on since then. My question is, does .NET support SFTP now (it didn't back when this question was asked). If it doesn't, is there any good Open Source SFTP library that I can use?

No, .NET doesn't support SFTP. Your best bet for open source is SharpSSH.
Our own commercial .NET SFTP library, edtFTPnet/PRO, is built on an open source SSH library, Granados, which could be another alternative.


Delphi 10.4 Setup SFTP Client with PPK

I am searching for a possibility to load up a simple text file to an SFTP directory. I was shocked as I noticed a nearly 5k worth development environment is not able to connect to an SFTP Server (20-Year-old standard specification), without taking another 500 bugs to buy a Component from a third-party developer Studio. Am I right? Or is there a way to get an SFTP connection with Delphi Board Components?
I was not able to find a solution with Delphi components.
I used "SFTP Client and Server Library" from /n Software.
Works like expected, Support is good.

Transfer files from an unix server to a windows server using mule

I need to transfer some files from an Unix server to a windows server using Mulesoft; that is Source: Unix server and target: windows server.
Also I have to archive the files in source Unix directory, once they are processed.
How can I achive this? Can I use two SFTP connectors? Any direction towards how can I achive this would be really appreciated. Thank you.
This is not Mule question. Mule is note Magic which solves all your problems.
This question is about how to transfer files from Unix to Windows. It is not clear where your Mule runtime working. It could be on Unix since you had mention that Windows target has no FTP or it could be Windows since you tag question with Anypoint-studio.
Assuming your runtime is on Unix. Then question is simple how to transfer file from Unix pushing to Windows. Since your Windows box has no FTP and excluding weird solution like sending email I know only one solution Samba but it requires some knowledge of Unix.
If your runtime is Windows then it's opposite question - how to get files from Unix. Probably Unix already have FTP server or the same Samba can help.
In both cases eventually you will see opposite side as regular file and then you can use File Connector which will do the job including archiving (use move file box to store processed file).
If you have Mule runtime running on both environments which communicate with each other (which I doubt) then one of them (slave, with source so, Unix) could produce HTTP connector to expose files and then another one on Windows, as active (master) one should use HTTP connector to get these files.

How to implement secure FTP connection on iOS

Apple provide a CFNetwork guide, where described how to work with FTP. I interested to work with SFTP. Everywhere chilkat ftp library is suggested, but he has a too big feature list, that is unnecessary to pay.
Are there any way to connect to SFTP only for download, upload and viewing directory lists?
/n software IP*Works! SSH for iOS (www.nsoftware.com/ipworks/ssh/) is another commercial solution. It includes an SFTP library as well as a number of other iOS communications libraries.
SFTP is just an extension of the SSH protocol. I would look for an open source SSH library, such as this one. Most have support for the SFTP protocol.
One thing to note, if you intend to use it in an App Store app, you may want to remove the server capability from the library, as Apple probably wouldn't allow it. If, by some slight chance, the library even builds and runs with the SSH server capability, you may be able to get it into the App Store if you don't enable the server.
Of course, I'm sure there are libraries out there with client-only capabilities if removing server support yourself doesn't sound all that dandy.

Cocoa Mac application using Microsoft Exchange Services 2007

Can anyone provide a suggestion on the best way to use Exchange Services 2007 in a Mac application using Cocoa? I need to access Inbox mail messages and their headers to parse the information I need.
I have written an implementation in my .NET application, but of course .NET provides some nice libraries to handle all the complex types and such.
Thanks in advance.
Cocoa doesn't really have any decent SOAP libraries available that I'm aware of. You could either try to access Exchange via IMAP if it's enabled for your server (e.g. with MailCore) or embed another language with better SOAP support (e.g. Java, Python). Here's an example of using Java/JAXWS to talk to EWS.
Microsoft has an EWS Java API but it was apparently so poor-quality that they pulled it. However, there's a link to the download on that page if you want to try it anyway, and it's open source so you could potentially fix any bugs you ran into.
I came across this EWS OSX Widget in my search for the same thing. It would be good to know if this works for you.

Display remote files through a WCF service

I don't want to reinvent the wheel, I must display remote files and folders (like SQL Management studio does), should I develop my own interface and logic or there is an alternative? I need multiple selection.
I'm using VS2008 .Net Framework 3.5 SP1
I built a multi-ambient music server that is running in the network and i must provide the ability to select which music files or folders should be played. The files resides on the server and are not available to the clients. The clients comunicates to the server trought a WCF service i built.
When you say remote, exactly what do you mean? Do you mean on another server in your intranet, or out on the wide web?
If you just need to view files on another machine in your intranet, the built in file chooser in .net will work. All you need to do is hand it a network address (like: \somemachine\somefilepath).
If you mean more remote than that, then FTP might be an option. You can build yourself basic FTP functionality in your C# application in very little time. Google "C# FTP" and you'll find lots of examples.
A third option would be a simple WCF service that returns a list of file names. But you said you needed "multiple select", so I am assuming you want to do more than just "read" the files, in which case you need to transfer them over the wire, in which case I recommend the FTP route.
Addition to the above - what do you mean by "files", and how would you expect to display them? In a custom application, or by using Windows Explorer?
WCF may not be the most appropriate way to do this, as was said above. There are already file transfer protocols in the world, and if you don't want to reinvent the wheel, then you shouldn't create a file transfer protocol based on WCF. You should use FTP, HTTP or WebDAV.
Otherwise, you should look at those protocols (especially WebDAV) for inspiration on what your service will need to do. It will need to expose a concept of files and folders, and to have a way to get file information and get files.
Just like "the wheel" already does.