Create an NSMutableArray that contains several NSMutableDictionary objects - objective-c

I've looked around and seen several postings concerning sorting NSMutableArray's that contain NSDictionaries, but haven't been able to find some concrete examples of how to actually make an NSMutableArray composed of NSDictionaries.
I am using NSUserDefaults to keep track of a user's preferences for several different items. The NSMutableArray will be used to keep track of the total items, and the NSDictionaries are for the individual preferences concerning each item.
I've written these methods to keep track of items in my preferences class, but I'm not too sure how to initialize the NMutableArray to contain NSDictionaries.
-(NSMutableArray *)deviceListArray
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] mutableArrayValueForKey:#"device_list_array"];
-(void) setDeviceListArray:(NSMutableArray *)deviceListArray
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:deviceListArray forKey:#"device_list_array"];
If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much! Or if someone has a better strategy for keeping track of items, each with different preferences, then that would be awesome too!

Once you hand an object of to userDefaults, it owns that object - so you cannot go changing properties of dictionaries inside it.
What you can do is a two pass copy, where you have a local mutable array with mutable dictionaries in it. You would create a new mutable array of the same size, then for each mutable dictionary, call [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:], adding the new non-mutable dictionary to the new array.
If you have mutable objects buried in the dictionaries, well, you need to do the same for that.
All that said, if you have such a huge amount of stuff I suspect you have no properly thought of how to use the defaults system. I almost always just save strings, numbers, colors etc.
EDIT: code
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10];
// add stuff to the dictionary
[array addObject:dict];
// later on want to change second dictionary:
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [array objectAtIndex:1];
// fool around with dict
// no need to re-save it in array, since its mutable

Not sure if this is what you were looking for:
#define kDeviceKey1 #"DeviceKey1"
#define kDeviceKey2 #"DeviceKey2"
#define kDeviceKey3 #"DeviceKey3"
#define kDeviceKey4 #"DeviceKey4"
#define kDeviceID #"DeviceID"
NSMutableArray *devices = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableDictionary *deviceInfo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
// create a dictionary record for earch device which contains thing...
// probably employ some kind of loop
deviceInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:1], kDeviceID,
// #"DeviceName1", kDeviceID, // or this
#"whateverthing1forDevice1", kDeviceKey1,
#"whateverthing2forDevice1", kDeviceKey2,
#"whateverthing3forDevice1", kDeviceKey3,
#"whateverthing4forDevice1", kDeviceKey4,
[devices addObject:deviceInfo];
// this is just an example, you would have some kind of loop to replace "whateverthing1forDevice1" with actual data
deviceInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:2], kDeviceID,
// #"DeviceName2", kDeviceID, // or this
#"whateverthing1forDevice2", kDeviceKey1,
#"whateverthing2forDevice2", kDeviceKey2,
#"whateverthing3forDevice2", kDeviceKey3,
#"whateverthing4forDevice2", kDeviceKey4,
[devices addObject:deviceInfo];
NSLog(#"devices: %#", devices);


Objective-C identifier from NSString

I want to pass an NSString to a method and have that particular NSString name a new NSSMutableArray. Confusing? Programmatically looks like this:
+ (void)newMutableArrayWithName:(NSString*)theArrayName
NSLog(#"Creating an array that is named: %#",theArrayName);
NSMutableArray* theArrayName = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Unfortunately, "theArrayName" is not affiliated with the argument passed to the method. Is there any way this is achievable?
The name of a variable is used by the compiler, and is set at compile-time, not at run time.
If you need to be able to associate a label with an array, I suggest that you use an NSDictionary to do something like this
NSString *theArrayName = #"My Cool Array";
NSMutableArray *theArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSDictionary *theDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
theArray, theArrayName, nil];
You could have multiple "named" arrays in the dictionary, if you wanted, and could access them by the names that you gave them
[theDictionary objectForKey:#"My Cool Array"];
Look into key-value coding for setting the values of existing properties by the property's name, but it appears it can't create a new property. For that, you should just use a dictionary.

Sorting a mutable array using a dictionary key

I am trying to create a simple mutable array with a single key ("dayCounter") that I intend to use for sorting. I've read loads of examples on line, but no joy.
So I create this array. Note the first entry is a NSDictionary object. (The other objects are text)
cumArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", dayCounter] forKey:#"dayCounter"],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:0],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:1],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:2], nil],nil];
I save the array in a plist and everything looks great after the load.
However, when I come to sort the array, the program crashes. I have tried every combination of the following:
NSSortDescriptor *aSortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"dayCounter" ascending:YES];
[cumArray sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:aSortDescriptor]];
Do I need a dictionary item to act as a key? Can I sort on the first object any easier? Any help is much appreciated.
Sometimes using too many nested expressions can obscure what's really going on. For example, the 'simple' mutable array you created actually contains a nested mutable array, rather than directly containing the dictionaries you're trying to sort.
So instead of this:
cumArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", dayCounter] forKey:#"dayCounter"],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:0],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:1],[[dailyArray objectAtIndex:x]objectAtIndex:2], nil],nil];
try doing this
NSDictionary *dict1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", dayCounter]
NSArray *objs = [dailyArray objectAtIndex:x];
NSDictionary *dict2 = [objs objectAtIndex:0];
NSDictionary *dict3 = [objs objectAtIndex:1];
NSDictionary *dict4 = [objs objectAtIndex:2];
// Note: You might want to temporarily log the values of dict2 - 4 here to make sure they're
// really dictionaries, and that they all actually contain the key 'dayCounter'.
cumArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, nil];
Assuming that you really have a mutable array of dictionaries, each of which contains the key dayCounter, the sort descriptor you showed in your example should work just fine.
Your setup makes no sense. You are saying yourself that only the first object in the array is a dictionary that contains the key `#"dayCounter" ("The other objects are text"). How is it supposed to be sorted if only one object contains the sort criteria?
You need to sort the array with a method, like - (NSComparisunResult)compareDict
If you have to compare 2 dictionaries and determine which one should be ordered above the other ( NSOrderedAscending ) then you need to "extend" NSDictionary:
#interface NSDictionary (SortingAdditions) {}
- (NSComparisonResult)compareTo:(NSDictionary *)other;
#implementation NSDictionary (SortingAddictions)
- (NSComparisonResult)compareTo:(NSDictionary *)other
if( [self count] > [other count] )
{ return NSOrderedAscending; }
This method will sort NSDictionaries according to the amount of objects that they contain.
Other values you can return here are: NSOrderedDescending and NSOrderedSame.
Then you can sort the mutable array with:
[SomeMutableArray sortUsingSelector:#selector(compareTo:)];
Keep in mind that every object in the array will need to be an NSDictionary, otherwise you will get an exception: unrecognized selector sent to instance blabla
You can do the same thing for any type of object, if the array contains both NSStrings, NSNumbers and NSDictionaries you should take a different approach

objective-c how to create an enumeration array with its string values as keys?

i have an enumeration say gender, now i want to associate it to string values to use in the view inside a picker view. It's cocoa-touch framework and objective-c as language.
So i don't know of a way to set the data source of the picker view as the enumeration, as could have been done in other frameworks. So i've been told i have to make array of enum values. and then i tried to add thos into an NSMutableDictionary with their respective string values.
So i ended up with
NSArray* genderKeys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Male",#"Female",nil] ;
NSArray* genderValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:male],[NSNumber numberWithInt:female],nil];
for(int i =0;i<[genderKeys count];i++)
[_genderDictionary setValue:[genderValues objectAtIndex:i] forKey:[genderKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
and it's not working saying it's not a valid key, and i've read the key-coding article and i know now what's key and whats keypath, but still how can i solve that. It's ruining my life, Please help.
Sorry guys, i was using NSDictionary for _genderDictionary.But i had in my mind that it was nsmutable. Thank you all.
Be careful using UI text as keys into your database. What amount when you need to localise your application to french, chinese, arabic etc?
That works for me. Running this (your code, with the first line added so it would compile) seems to work fine.
NSMutableDictionary *_genderDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSArray* genderKeys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Male",#"Female",nil] ;
NSArray* genderValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],[NSNumber numberWithInt:2],nil];
for(int i =0;i<[genderKeys count];i++)
[_genderDictionary setValue:[genderValues objectAtIndex:i] forKey:[genderKeys objectAtIndex:i]];
NSLog()-ing _genderDictionary outputs this
Female = 2;
Male = 1;
edit: re-reading your question, makes me think what you are looking for is the delegate methods of UIPickerView... implementing –pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent: is where you set the text that appears in the picker. If you have an NSArray of genders, you would do something like return [_genderArray objectAtIndex:row]; That way you don't need to fuss around with a dictionary and keys.
edit 2: a picker's datasource can't be an NSArray or NSDictionary directly. It has to be an object that implements UIPickerView's datasource/delegate protocol (which I suppose you could do with a subclass of NSArray, but that'd be cah-ray-zay!).
If I understand you correctly, you try to create a pre-populated dictionary.
You could use [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:] for that.
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:0], #"Male",
[NSNumberWithUnsignedInt:1], #"Female", nil]

Test NSmutable array from plist before saving

I'm trying to made a cocoa app that read-write to a .plist file.
I can retrieve informations from the .plist, write into, but when a key (only with strings) is empty, the app don't write to the plist.
here a sample:
(IBAction)saveBoot:(id)sender {
NSString *errorDesc;
NSString *bootPath = #"/myplist.plist";
NSMutableDictionary *plistBootDict =
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:
[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
forKeys:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
#"Rescan Prompt",
#"Instant Menu",
#"Default Partition",
NSData *plistBootData = [NSPropertyListSerialization
if (bootPath) {
[plistBootData writeToFile:bootPath atomically:NO];
else {
[errorDesc release];
I think i need a loop to check if each key is empty or not (and remove it if empty),
but i've tried different (objectEnumerator, objectForKey:..etc) method whitout success.
If someone can help a beginner like me,
thanks in advance.
The problem is probably that because nil is the terminator for variable argument lists, so if, say, RescanPrompt is nil, the object array will only contain up until that part (so you can't "remove if empty" since it won't exist in the dictionary in the first place). You should probably construct your dictionary piece by piece; something like:
NSMutableDictionary *plistBootDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (Rescan)
[plistBootDisc setObject:Rescan forKey:#"Rescan"];
if (GUI)
[plistBootDisc setObject:GUI forKey:#"GUI"];
// etc
(Also, there's no reason to be using NSMutableArray or NSMutableDictionary if you're never going to be mutating them later.)

Terminology question regarding looping thru an NSArray in Objective-C

When you have an NSArray and you want to evaluate and change the elements, you can't change the array from inside the loop. So, you create a mutable copy that can be changed.
code example:
NSMutableArray *bin = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"0", #"1", #"2", #"3", #"4", #"5", #"6", #"7", nil];
NSMutableArray *list = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"a1", #"b2", #"c3", #"e4", nil];
NSMutableArray *listHolder = list; // can't mutate 'list' within loop so create a holder
for (int i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
[listHolder replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[bin objectAtIndex:i]];
What is that second array listHolder called? I mean, what term is used to refer to an array in this context.
This is perfectly valid:
NSMutableArray *bin = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"0", #"1", …, #"7", nil];
NSMutableArray *list = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"a1", …, #"e4", nil];
// NSInteger should be used instead of int
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [list count]; i++) {
[list replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[bin objectAtIndex:i]];
You're not allowed to change the array inside a for … in or NSEnumerate loop, but using an index is perfectly valid.
What troubles me is your misunderstanding of pointers.
If it were a loop in which you weren't allowed to mutate the array this wouldn't copy the array but only the pointer to the array, effectively modifying the array you're not allowed to. (I'm not even sure if this works.)
Instead of just copying the pointer
// can't mutate 'list' within loop so create a holder
NSMutableArray *listHolder = list;
make a true copy:
NSMutableArray *copy = [[list mutableCopy] autorelease];
In case I really have to make a copy I try to name it according to its content. For example:
NSMutableArray *views;
NSMutableArray *reorderedViews = [views mutableCopy];
// reorder reorderedViews
Sometimes it's hard to find a good enough name, then I usually just use nameCopy.
In this context listHolder would be called a copy.
Your code has a bug though. This line is not actually making a copy, it is only letting listHolder and list both reference the same array object:
NSMutableArray *listHolder = list;
This would be an actual copy:
NSMutableArray *listHolder = [list mutableCopy];
Make sure that you use mutableCopy and not just copy if you want the copy to be mutable. The copy method will return immutable variants on all mutable classes such as NSMutableSet, NSMutableDictionary, and so forth.
Also as others have noted it is only inside the for (item in collection) loop that the enumerated collection can not be mutated. In a normal for (;;) mutation is perfectly ok, but can lead to strange result if the number of items in the collection changes.
There is not specific stylistic or common name for this that is universally used, it is your code afterall, and if there appropriate terms for them use them.
Having said that generally if you don't have specific names in this sort of situation then people refer to the original list as the "source" (src) and the final list as "destination" (dst), just like in a memory blitting style operation.
A temporary mutable copy of the original NSArray would be how I would refer to it.