How do I keep Grails from generating the default Hibernate_sequence during dbCreate? - sql

In each of my domains I have defined a custom sequence inside the static mapping closure:
static mapping = {
version false
id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'MY_SEQ']
When I create the database, the MY_SEQ sequence is there, however grails also still makes a default hibernate_sequence. How do I get grails to not make the default, and be certain that it is using my custom sequence? Is this common for Grails to generate a default even though it won't get used?

It is common and it comes from Hibernate by default, it's not a grails' thing. There's even a JIRA open for that, but still unresolved.
You could try to extend the dialect though! You can find a code that is kinda same thing you want in this topic.
About being sure if the table is using the specified sequence, it should, given the way you did it.


How to differentiate if a TBO is called when importing new Document vs for any other operations

We are trying to add one additional feature to our method for TBO. The feature needs to be executed only when a new document for that object type is imported and should not be executed in any other case like checkin checkout or any changes in attributes.
However the new code is getting called everytime we make any changes to attribute to that document.
We have put that code in doSave() method.
I tried isNew method for distinguish between newly imported Document and other scenarios, however could not get success, may be missing the usage details of the method.
Can anyone suggest anything?
We are on Documentum version 7.2.
I always use isNew() method to check is object new or versioned, I don't remember having problems with it at any DFC version.
Only one thing that comes in mind is to make sure you don't use super.doSave() while inside the code since right after it method will return false.
But this is expected behaviour.
If you really need to do this - some calulations based on programatically preset data - make sure you use value saved within local variable throughout your code.
If you think you are experiencing bug with the method try with another DFC version or report a bug to the Support.

How can we use spring-data-jpa-datatables spring-data-envers together in one project

I have this enabled in my database config. Which enabled to fetch Audit logs with the help of JPA methods. (spring-data-envers) is being used in POM for this
repositoryFactoryBeanClass = EnversRevisionRepositoryFactoryBean.class)
Now I want to use jquery datatable's back-end processing. For this I will be using (spring-data-jpa-datatables) in my POM.
#EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryFactoryBeanClass = DataTablesRepositoryFactoryBean.class)
How can I use both of them in one Single Project.
DataTablesRepositoryFactoryBean seems to be rather simple.
It performs a simple check and then does it's own thing or invokes super, i.e. JpaRepositoryFactoryBean
By reimplementing that but inheriting from EnversRevisionRepositoryFactoryBean instead you should be able to use both in one project.

Best way to use groovy scripts in an application

I'm trying to use groovy scripts in my application. The problem is that GroovyScriptEngine#run always compiles the script, even if it was compiled in previous runs and hadn't changed since. Even if I set a physical output folder to save compilation results in the configuration.
What is the best way of working around this? The optimum for me is that I'm able to send the script with a folder containing precompiled results and no compilation is done (unless the script is modified of course)
Grails 1.3.5 is using Groovy 1.7.5. In that Groovy version, calls the following methods: createScript(String, Binding) --> loadScriptByName(String) --> isSourceNewer(ScriptCacheEntry).
isSourceNewer(ScriptCacheEntry) is defined as (unfortunately, I didn't find a matching source file on the web):
protected boolean isSourceNewer(ScriptCacheEntry entry)
throws ResourceException {
// ...
for (String scriptName : entry.dependencies) {
// ...
return true; // without any further condition!
return false;
Which implements the (queer) logic "if a script has dependencies, it is newer than the cached script (and needs to be re-compiled)". That's not what the code is supposed to do; it's supposed to decide by modification time.
In newer versions of GroovyScriptEngine, this has been corrected (there've been massive changes to the logic), but for now, you'd need to subclass GroovyScriptEngine and overwrite isSourceNewer(ScriptCacheEntry) to fix the logic yourself.
Edit: The bug has been reported and fixed in Groovy 1.7.6. - So try using Groovy 1.7.6 in your Grails lib folder.
The solution (hack) I used at last was to stream out the scriptCache variable using xstream and to read it back and set it in the object
Not sure if this helps you, but you can alter GroovyScriptEngine's behaviour using CompilerConfiguration (see GroovyScriptEngine.setConfig). There's an option CompilerConfiguration.setRecompileGroovySource, which can be used to set whether the sources will be reloaded and recompiled if they change. You can read more about CompilerConfiguration here (page 282).

Why is my Navigation Properties empty in Entity Framework 4?

The code:
public ChatMessage[] GetAllMessages(int chatRoomId)
using (ChatModelContainer context = new ChatModelContainer(CS))
//var temp = context.ChatMessages.ToArray();
ChatRoom cr = context.ChatRooms.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == chatRoomId);
if (cr == null) return null;
return cr.ChatMessages.ToArray();
The problem:
The method (part of WCF-service) returns an empty array. If I uncomment the commented line it starts working as expected. I have tried turning of lazy loading but it didnt help.
Also, when it works, I get ChatMessages with a reference to ChatRoom populated but not the ChatParticipant. They are both referenced by the ChatMessage-entity in the schema with both Id and Navigation Properties. The Ids are set and points to the right entities but on the client-side only the ChatRoom-reference has been populated.
Related questions:
Is an array the preferred method to return collections of EF-entities like this?
When making a change in my model (edmx) Im required to run the "Generate Database from Model..."-option before I can run context.CreateDatabase(). Why? I get some error message pointing to old SSDL but I cant find where the SSDL is stored. Is this created when I run this "Generate Database..."-option?
Is it safe to return entire entity-graphs to the client? Ive read some about "circular reference exeptions" but is this fixed in EF4?
How and when is references populated in EF4? If I have lazy-loading turned on I suspect only entities I touch is populated? But with lazy loading turned off, should the entire graph be populated always then?
Are there any drawbacks of using self-updating entities over ordinary entities in EF4? I dont need self-updating right now but I might do later. Can I upgrade easily or should I start with self-updating from the start?
Why cant I use entity-keys with type string?
Each of your questions needs a separate answer, but I'll try to answer them as briefly as possible.
First of all, in the code sample you provided, you get a ChatRoom object and then try to access a related object that is not included in your query (ChatMessages). If lazy loading is turned off as you had suggested, then you will need the Include("ChatMessages") call in your query, so your LINQ query should look like this:
ChatRoom cr = context.ChatRooms.Include("ChatMessages").FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == chatRoomId);
Please ensure that your connection string is in your config file as well.
For the related questions:
You can return collections in any way you choose - I have typically done them in a List object (and I think that's the common way), but you could use arrays if you want. To return as a list, use the .ToList() method call on your query.
I don't understand what you're trying to do here, are you using code to create your database from your EDMX file or something? I've typically used a database-first approach, so I create my tables etc then update my EDMX from the database. Even if you generate your DB from your model, you shouldn't have to run CreateDatabase in code, you should be able to run the generated script against your DB. If you are using code-only then you need to dump the EDMX file.
You can generally return entity graphs to the client, should handle ok.
EF4 should only populate what you need. If you use lazy loading, it will automatically load things that you do not include in your LINQ query when you reference them and execute the query (e.g. do a ToList() operation). This won't work so well if your client is across a physical boundary (eg a service boundary) obviously :) If you don't use lazy loading, it will load what you tell it to in your query and that is all.
Self tracking entities are used for n-tier apps, where objects have to be passed across physical boundaries (eg services). They come with an overhead of generated code for each object to keep track of its changes, they also generate POCO objects which are not dependent on EF4 (but obviously contain generated code that would make the tracked changes work with the EF4 tracker). I'd say it depends on your usage, if you're building a small app that's quite self contained, and don't really care about separation for testability without the infrastructure in place, then you don't need to use self tracking entities. I say only use framework features when you need them, so if you're not writing an enterprise scale application (enterprise doesn't have to be big, but something scalable, highly testable, high quality etc) then no need to go for self tracking POCOs.
I haven't tried but you should be able to do that - that would be a candidate for a separate question if you can't get it to work :)

Controlling generated setting on property in NHibernate

I have a case where one of the columns on the database is generated using a trigger because of a specific way we generate this value which I can't change. If I in my mapping in NHibernate sets the property to generated=insert, it works like a charm, where NHibernate inserts the row without the generated property, and afterwards does a select to pull the value from the database.
But I also have cases where I want to be able to set the property explicitly (the trigger is built to only set the column if it's not set). But I can't get NHibernate to allow me to do this. When it's set to generated=insert, it will always ignore the property I set in my object. So I really want to be able to somehow tell NHibernate that when the property is "untouched"/null, act as property is generated, but if set, don't.
Is it possible to configure NHibernate this way somehow?
I don't think you can achieve this through configuration. However, you can simply call ISession.Refresh(myObject) after an insert to force it to go back to the database and refresh the object.
Documentation for the generated property states (emphasis mine):
Properties marked as generated must additionally be non-insertable and non-updateable. Only Section 5.1.7, “version (optional)”, Section 5.1.8, “timestamp (optional)”, and Section 5.1.9, “property” can be marked as generated.
Is it a property that can be set as nullable in your domain model so on the initial insert nothing goes into it and your trigger still thinks it's untouched?
My domain model allows for null insertion of the value. And my trigger is made to only set the column if null inserted. What I'm trying to achieve is to at runtime decide, wether or not NHibernate should handle it as a generated property.
But from what I can understand, NHibernate does not have this sort of flexibility and somewhat strides against it's configuration structure where it builds a session factory once for multiple uses.
The alternative solution could be to build two session factories, one for each of my scenarios.
The first (where property is generated) is normal usage.
The second (where property is non-generated) is during upload scenarios where I need to maintain the property value in the code.
I'm using FluentNHibernate for the mappings, and since it reflects over my mapping classes, I could set a state during creation of session factories, so when my mapping is being read, I could do an if/else statement based on which session factory is currently being built. This should allow me to achieve both without duplicate configurations, although with two session factories in play instead of one.
I haven't tried it yet, only theory, but it should solve my problem and hopefully others trying to achieve similar.