LoadLibrary project.dll failed. The specified module could not be found - dll

When I try to register the 32 bit version of my C++ / ATL project with
regsvr32 project.dll
i'm getting this error:
LoadLibrary("project.dll") failed - The specified module could not be found
project.dll is my dll built using ATL on Visual Studio 10.
The 64 bit version registered fine.
What am I missing?

I have observed this exact same error, but the solution was not installing the redistributable. All the dependent DLLs were present on the system1 according to depends.exe.
In my case, the icon of KERNEL32.DLL was slightly red tinted. Depends.exe did not offer much explanation, but digging around revealed that one of the imported functions were missing from the DLL on the system. To see the imported functions, select the dependent DLL in the treeview and look for the import on the right panel. Order by the PI column to see the red icons of missing imports.
In my case, the missing function was a function that did not exist on my sad target operating system, Windows XP. Since my program did not directly depend on this function, I was able to get away with #defineing the following in my project:
#define WINVER 0x0501
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
Compiling with these macros made it so the function in question was not declared in the headers, and consequently not imported at load-time. Now I was able to use regsvr32. This of course is a very specific (and lucky) case. I did not depend on that import or any other newer APIs, so I could get away with retargeting the project. Were it not a system DLL, I would have needed to find a newer version which could easily lead to a need to update a whole sub-tree of the dependency graph. Or even worse, if I depended on the missing imports, some serious refactoring would be needed.
To sum it up, this error message2 can be caused by the following issues:
The DLL file was not found or could not be read. Check the command line.
Some dependent DLLs were not found or could not be read.
Some imports are missing from some dependent DLLs. If these are system DLLs, you are likely targeting a wrong version of Windows. If these are non-system DLLs, you need to install newer versions of them and all their dependencies.
1.: Apart from IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL which is apparently a bug in this old tool.2.: Or really, any problems in loading the DLLs on a particular system

The error description is misleading in this case. The system finds your DLL (project.dll) but one (or more) dependency of your DLL might be missing.

I just installed
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
and now I can install the dll.
Although this works, I'm not too happy with this, because I don't want to have to install this package on a client in order for my dll to work by them.


Compile Solution without DLL's Visual Studio Managed C++

I'm very new at C++ Managed and Visual Studio keep this in mind. Ive programmed an application that makes it easy for users to bind keys in counterstrike, found here:
The first error I ran into with my friends testing the program was "msvcr120D.dll is missing". Which lead me to finding that I have to set the runtime library to Multi-threaded (/MTd), if I don't want the users to download the Visual Studio c++ dll's . When I choose this option I was given the error that /MTd and /clr are incompatible. So I turned the common runtime support to no support. Now all of the namespaces are invalid such as 'System', 'Collections', etc.
My question is how do I produce a stand alone application without needing the dll's? Every solution I have come across leads me to more errors I do not understand.
Again, the language I am using is c++/cli. Sorry If I am not using the proper lingo to communicate my errors I am teaching this on my own.I am aware that this question has been asked many times before, but the answers are not leading me to solutions.
My question is how do I produce a stand alone application without needing the dll's? basically: you don't. Just have them install the CRT runtime - the'll need it anyway sooner or later as you're not the only one writing programs targetting that toolset (btw, you tagged the question VS2012 but those dlls are normally for VS2013?). As an alternative you could look for all the needed dlls (msvcr120.dll, msvcp120.dll etc, use Dependency Walker) on your filesystem and put them in the same directory as your executable, that works as well because of how the path is searched for dlls. But it's a bit messy.
Furtermore missing msvcr120D means you are building your project with the Debug configuration (that is what the D stands for), but you should build with Release configuration when shipping to users as the runtime installer only installs release versions.
Select MT without DLL in VC++/C Code generation section in solution properties. Worked for me.

JNA try to Access native DLL and get module not found error, Dependencies are missing

I have Visual Studio 2010 installed and have a project I got from someone else which I can build successfully without any errors. I get a Wrapper.dll,
which I would like to access using JNA.
I am using Win7 64-bit.
But I get the error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'Wrapper': The specified module could not be found.
Wrapper.dll of course is in the correct folder and it is a 32-bit dll and my Java program also uses a JRE with 32-bit, so this is not the cause of the error.
I used DependencyWalker to check whether *.dlls are missing:
And yes there are some missing.
Can I conclude that the error is related with that these DLLs are missing?
But why does Visual Studio compile correctly then and does not throw an error?
How to solve this in order to access these functions in Wrapper.dll?
I also read that downloading dll's might not be the right thing to do!
(I know that Wrapper.dll relies on another dll or sourcecode which was built in Visual Studio 2005, if that is of interest.)
I found out, that Wrapper.dll relies on three other dlls which probably were built on MSVS2005. These require the above mentioned DLL's (checked with dependencywalker) and I guess therefore Wrapper.dll also links them.
So what do I actually do to get rid of these old dll's?
Would I need to build the other three DLLs with VS2010 or
is this a problem which always will appear, meaning, that you need to copy paste old DLLs in order to use the precompiled Libraries which are dependent on those.
Is there a way, that the program would run on any other system as well without copy pasting these DLL's?
All required DLLs must be available to the system for loading. If you define jna.library.path, that is where JNA will look for the initially loaded DLL, as well as any dependent DLLs. In addition, java.library.path (which is essentially PATH) will be searched for dependent DLLs.
MSVS often uses paths in addition to PATH when building, debugging, and running code within that environment.
a) remove dependencies you don't really need; this may include telling MSVS to build your DLL differently
b) include non-system DLLs next to your custom DLL (or include their location in PATH/java.library.path)
a) you can include the offending DLLs in the same directory as yours. this is fairly low impact on the target system, but if they are DLLs that are expected to be on any system, you shouldn't have to do so. It's preferable to adjust java.library.path so that all system DLLs are accessible.
b) you can recompile your dependent DLLs and be more careful about backward compatibility and explicit linkage. Depending on features used by the DLLs, though, you may not be able to remove the dependencies.
MSVC[RP]80.DLL are C and C++ runtimes, respectively; you may or may not be able to link against a previous version.
IESHIMS.DLL is part of IE and should be on the system, but likely in a path inaccessible to your program.
GPSVC.DLL has to do with group security policy, so it should be available on the system (modulo whenever the DLL was introduced).

Installer fails with "failed to register" error for certain DLLs

I developped a vb6 program then I build an installation wizard with visual studio interdev.
I used "dependency walker" and "process explorer" to find out the missing DLLs but there is always a problem with :
These dlls shown by dependency walker.
And when installing the program on another machine I have these error messages :
uxtheme.dll failed to register
msdatsrc.tlb failed to register etc..
PS : no problem on a machine where visual studio is installed.
Any Idea to fix this issue?
Dependency Walker is not an appropriate tool to troubleshoot VB6 dependencies. It works well enough for DLLs written in C or C++ that use implicit dependencies. Although it hasn't kept up with the times and has trouble with DLLs that are stored in the Windows side-by-side cache or are delay loaded. Delay loading is what generates the warnings on ieshims.dll et al.
VB6 uses COM, which loads DLLs dynamically with LoadLibrary(). You'll never see such a dependency back in Depends unless you use the Profile option. Such DLLs are found back through the registry, the reason you needed to write an installer and tinker with regsvr32.exe.
You have to be pretty careful when writing installers like that, VB6 is old and can depend on operating system components that have been updated many times since 1998. Like uxtheme.dll, an important operating system DLL that implements visual styles. Having your installer overwrite the existing one on the user's machine is, well, disastrous. Although it is probably protected by Windows through its File System Protection feature, something that got added as a counter-measure against broken installers.
Giving proper advice is here difficult beyond "do no harm". A commercial installer like InstallShield or Wise (which I liked back then) is the best way to avoid shooting off the customer's leg. Fairly sure they still support VB6 installs. Microsoft makes a pre-cooked installer available for VB6 that installs all the core vb6 runtime components. You can download it here.
You should ALWAYS double check and verify any dependancies that you think your application needs.
All the files you mentioned are system DLLs and MUST NOT be distributed.
For a VB6 application you need the basic runtimes, and any DLLs you explicitly reference/use if and only if you have permission from the authors of those DLLs and instructions on the correct procedure and location for installing them.
For the standard Microsoft provided OCX files, these normally just need to be copied to the system32 folder and registered.
See redist.txt in the root of your Visual Studio installation for more details.

Sharing a mex64 file across computers

I have a mex64 dll compiled on my machine. I used Matlab 2009b with VS2008 Pro to compile the dll. The dll works fine on my Matlab installation.
I want a colleague to use the dll so I sent it to him and he gets the following error message when trying to use the dll:
??? Invalid MEX-file 'filename.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.
My current assumption is that this is caused because he uses an older Matlab version or missing a dll that I have. I ran dependency checker and asked him to check that he has all the listed dlls.
I am still waiting for him to confirm his Matlab version.
What other reasons can cause this and can the Matlab version make a difference? (I mean R2009a when I have R2009B and not a huge version diff)
The other person has Matlab R2009a. Shouldn't the mex just work if I compile it on my computer and deliver it to him?
Does this only leave a missing dependent dll?
The issue is strange, but I can confirm it exists.
Using pre-built libraries for matlab that are correctly installed and in the path, I sometimes get the same error. If I type in the function name at the command-line, the function is visible and will auto-complete. However, the function will not initialize until I 'cd' into the directory with the .mexw64 library file.
>> AndorInitialize('')
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\andor\AndorInitialize.mexw64': The
specified module could not be found.
>> path
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\andor
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\andor\camera files
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\andor\m files
... etc
It turns out this is due to missing dependencies, which shouldn't be missing. To resolve the issue, use dependency walker (free, lightweight) to identify what's missing. The mathworks explains this.
In my case, two DLL's weren't showing up properly, even though they were on my system and in the path. I copied the DLL's into the windows/system32 folder and the library functions now work correctly. What's particularly strange is that the same library worked on my computer a few days ago (prior to the moving the DLL's).
In general, MEX files should work across different versions of Matlab; in particular, they should be forward-compatible. You're right; sounds like a dll problem.
If you built it with Visual Studio, it may be linked to the Visual C++ Runtime. This is a set of libraries that is not installed on Windows by default. The "redistributable" for it can be downloaded here; having your coworker install that could resolve the problem. If that doesn't work, you can use Dependency Walker to check for other unsatisfied DLL dependencies.
Normally, configuring Matlab's "mex -setup" to use the Lcc compiler that's distributed with Matlab could be a way around this, but it's not supported for 64-bit Windows AFAIK.
Also, are you sure he has the 64-bit version of Windows?
Another possible source of the problem could be that you compiled in debug mode. The Visual C++ redistributables only support release mode.
The Dll was a wrapper for MySql access. We ended up using Matlab's ODBC and the MySql Connector.

Problems adding a COM component reference to a VB.NET project

I have a third party COM dll that I'm trying to add to a vb.net (2008 express) project. I put the dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32\ and registered it with "regsvr32 vxncom.dll". When I go to projects > add reference and go to the COM tab it shows up in the list of available components/libraries. But, when I select the library and hit ok, visual studio complains: "A reference to 'vxncom 4.0 Library' could not be added. Could not register the ActiveX type library 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\vxncom.dll'."
The project I am doing this in is an example provided by the folks who distribute the dll. The component also fails to be added when I start a new (blank) vb.net project.
I ran dependency walker on the dll in question and here's what I got in the error log:
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module.
The module in question seems to be libeay32.dll, but it already exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32.
I went to the openssl site and downloaded and used their installer to update the libeay32.dll. I ran dependency walker again on vxncom.dll, and there were no errors. Went back to visual studio and it still didn't want to add the reference. Exact same error as before.
Maybe the DLL VB is trying to register depends on another DLL that is not present. You can confirm this (or rule it out) by using the free Dependency Walker tool from http://www.dependencywalker.com/
Sounds like there's a mismatch between the version of libeay32.dll that's installed on your system and the one that your component is expecting -- depends is saying that your component is looking for a function that isn't there. I would check the version number of libeay32 and then contact the vendor and ask them what versions they support.
Just a thought - you may get a more detailed error message if you create your own PIA using tlbimp.exe, rather than relying on the IDE to do it for you.
Assuming you haven't fixed it or have moved on to alternatives; and following on from jeffm's answer is libeay32.dll properly registered with the operating system? Re-installing / repairing usually fixes that type of problem (I see it a lot with MS Office and MapPoint where the COM objects occasionally unregister themselves for one reason or another.)