Can I use roslyn with Windows Metro or RT apps? - windows-8

I am wondering if it is possible to create a Metro style (or even Windows RT on ARM) app that makes use of the Roslyn libraries?
The roslyn libraries are not listed in the namespaces available to metro, but can I just include the roslyn dlls with my app? (Or do they use APIs that aren't available from metro?).

Currently Roslyn is using API's that are not available to Metro apps. However, it is an interesting idea. The Roslyn team has not yet even tried to make the codebase Metro friendly.

From Metro Apps you can use modules that use the restricted APIs. But the Windows App Certification Kit would fail the certification process because of which you would not be able to upload the app to the Windows Store. Distributing such apps would require the user to install a developer license in order to run the app.


Does C++/WinRT require installation of Windows Insider Preview builds of Windows 10?

This C++/WinRT announcement states "What this also means is that you no longer need to wait for us to update GitHub following the release of a new Windows SDK. Indeed, we will no longer be publishing the updated headers on GitHub at all since you can get them directly from the Windows SDK."
However if one delves one click further one finds that the "Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK [is] to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 17025 or greater)" and "Installation on an operating system that is not a Windows 10 Insider Preview build is not supported and may fail."
Right now must one install a Windows Insider Preview of Windows 10? This is either a scary and lengthy process or straight impossible depending on one's admin rights.
Or can one grab the SDK and use the C++/WinRT bits on a box with a standard Windows 10 build?
Is the easiest route for some aspects of the C++/WinRT toolchain still GitHub?
How about if one is developing on a non-Windows-10 box, e.g. Windows 7? Zillions of commercial developers are in this situation and aren't in control of that.
Will the situation change and if so when?
Going forward does one wait for periodic updates to SDK previews, and if so how does one consume them?
Preview versions of the Windows SDK will not install on a non-Insider build of Windows. This is a restriction of the Windows SDK and not specific to C++/WinRT. In the long run (once RS4 ships) this won’t be a problem since you’ll be able to install the final Windows SDK for RS4 without this restriction.
In the short term, you need an Insider build of Windows to install the SDK, but you can then use that to target previous versions of Windows. I’m not sure whether it would work on Windows 7, but I don’t think that any developer using C++/WinRT would care to use Windows 7 when the Windows Runtime isn’t even available on that version of Windows at all.
The cppwinrt.exe compiler also relies on Windows 10 APIs to function. While this isn’t a dependency of code built with C++/WinRT, it is a requirement for building C++/WinRT components. Of course, the resulting binaries can then be executed on older versions of Windows, provided you handle light-up in the usual ways, such as with delay-loading.

Windows Phone Library projects

I am complete newbie to the windows phone development and just starting to write a module that i hope to deploy as library project that could be referenced from with in a windows mobile application and could access the UI components etc. I have been looking to find a way to do that but no luck so far. Basically what i am looking for is an alternate of a an android library project or a jar file for windows phone apps. I'd really appreciate an informed opinion about it.
In order to create a library project, when creating the new project select the Windows Phone Library project template:

Are Metro style apps managed or native and if native how can they run on both arm and x86?

I originally assumed that Metro style apps were managed (.NET) assemblies whether they are written in C# or C++ and I thought C++ for Metro style apps would be similar in concept to C++/CLI.
However, I now heard on a DotNet Rocks podcast that Metro style apps written in C++ are native. Nevertheless I understand that Metro style apps run on all three CPU architectures Metro is available for. How is this accomplished? Do Metro style apps come with different binaries and only one is chosen/downloaded? Or is it like on Mac OS X where one binary can contain code for different CPUs?
Code that uses only system or OS services from WinRT can be used
within an app and distributed through the Windows Store for both WOA
and x86/64.
from this MSDN blog page
If you go watch this BUILD video things should start to clear up -- (A .NET developer's view of Windows 8 app development)
Basically there is a CLR (.NET 4.5) running. I didn't say a full CLR. WinRT from a .NET perspective is just a .NET Profile (sort of a way that they can layout the API differently exposing or hiding things). The new WinRT APIs use a new version of [gulp] COM, but it is optimized for use with .NET. I'm not 100% sure on the C++ angle. I suspect with C++, you have a few options. Compile for each platform (arm and x86) or compile to IL. Not sure if this helps you at all (I hope so).

Write an windows app for USB Drive

I want to write an application in .Net that has to be shipped with USB drive by the manufacturer. Rightnow application targetted to run only in windows. But will have to support other opeating system in future. Is that app needs to be shipped as portable application? What is required in order to run a .net app as portable app in USB drive? If .Net is not a good option, what are other platform that helps to implement this?
Do deploy .net applications without .net you have to use tools like Xenocode:
To run it on others platforms, have a look at the Mono Project:

How to make apps portable?

Is it possible to make an application portable?
It is portable - build your .exe and copy it on your flash drive. Assuming it will be run where there is .net framework, there is no problem!
EDIT: A similar topic here: Writing USB Drive Portable Applications in C#
"portable" has more than one meaning, but if you mean a program that could also run on linux or mac than you need to think mono. Specifically, look at their migration analyzer.
Depends on what you mean by "portable". Certainly, you can build them without external dependencies on things like config files, registry settings, etc. You'll still need the .NET runtime installed on the target computer, though.
I seem to recall that you can use to write Silverlight apps; once compiled, this should be fairly portable (onto all Silverlight / Moonlight enabled browsers).
Of course, if you talk about web apps, the client (html) should already be portable, regardless of the server.
Whether it's a desktop application or a web application, the .Net framework needs to be installed on the machine that the app is run on. Generally, the .Net framework is installed with Windows.
It has to be the same version of the .Net framework as the app was developed in (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5). Which version of the framework is installed depends on the version of Windows.
Just a thought!
Maybe you can make your app executable the normal way (with setup) and then make it into a portable application online using service described at
You can try to use the online portable app "converter" Cameyo to do it. Just install the Cameyo app, launch it, then install the application you made.
You must use VS 2015. Make all your reference dll's to be local copied. Build your solution (with no deploy file extension (publish-> options->deployment))and merge the exe file with your dll with ilmerge ( ) (download ILmerge-GUI too) from the Microsoft web site. And have good luck