iOS - How to display a ppt file page by page - objective-c

I want to rendering a ppt(or pptx) file to a list of images.
Many thanks~


Create thumbnails using MigraDoc or PDFsharp

We have a need to take a single PDF file, break it into separate page thumbnails, and based on user input, put together selected pages into a new PDF document.
Can someone show a quick example of how to take a single PDF document and generate a thumbnail preview of each page using either MigraDoc or PDFsharp?
Those who read FAQ lists will know that neither PDFsharp nor MigraDoc can render PDF files.
To create thumbnails from PDF pages you have to render them.
You'll need a different library to create thumbnails.

How to clip and concatenate a page region in multiple pdf files with one page each?

I have a lot of pdf files each one with an image inside. I want to clip a rectangular region in each of these files and concatenate them into a single pdf file. Is it possible with ghostscript or similar?
I'll have a go at this. Try Briss if you want to crop rectangular regions in pdf files. It's free and cross-platform GUI.
If you have multiple pdf files you can concatenate/merge them first online using Then use Briss to crop the images out into a new pdf file. Or vice-versa depending on the location of your images inside the pdf files.
After you fire up Briss, load the merged pdf file containing the images. When you're asked if you want to exlude anything, just click "cancel" if you want to include all pages.
If your file has many pages, similar pages may be overlapping each other so you can draw a rectangle over the region you want to crop. Click Action -> Preview for previewing the output. Click Action -> Crop PDF to finalize your output pdf file. Cheers.

Select/Highlight/Copy lines from a PDF in iOS using CG/Quartz

I've searched many sites, and found several links which explains to implement pdf reading/rendering and annotating using javascript on a webview.
I want to highlight text in a pdf just like the way its done in desktop and copy the text and send as sms/email,by a cut/copy/paste like callout which happens in textviews. Is there any link or sources to do the same way for copying text in a pdf document through the app ?
Help is appreciated..!

PDF viewer for Blackberry

I want to make PDF viewer, I tried many open source libraries, but it failed, just as jpedal and PDF renderer the last one open blank pages, I don't want to use google docs to view the PDF, Is there an easy way to display PDF on my application?

Get thumbnail image of PDF using ASP.NET?

I have a system where users can upload PDF documents. Rather than displaying the link to these PDFs as a title link, or a PDF icon link, I would like it to be a thumbnail of the first page of the PDF document.
How can I get a thumbnail image of the first (or any specified) page of a PDF document, using ASP.NET 3.5?
Here is a free component to display PDF thumbnails in
GhostScript is another option.
There are no built in PDF capabilities in the BCL.
You will need to use a PDF library that allows you to output images. Use it to render the first page as a thumbnail.
Here is one article on code project to do this (using acrobat and COM interop), here a thread on MSDN forums .