sql server conversion failed - sql

I am querying a database in which I am getting the following exception:
Conversion failed when converting varchar value 'B6UJ978023EC' to data type int
How can I fix it?

My guess is that your query looks something like this:
select * from mytable where SomeField = 'B6UJ978023EC'
If that's the case, SomeField was declared as an INT datatype and Sql Server is attempting to convert 'B6UJ978023EC' to an INT which won't work.
It's possible that you're trying to do an insert/update, so this wouldn't work either if SomeField is an INT.
update mytable
set SomeField = 'B6UJ978023EC'
where something = something
insert mytable (field1, field2, SomeField)
values(123, 'abc', 'B6UJ978023EC')
Same result, Conversion failed when converting varchar value 'B6UJ978023EC' to data type int
In this case, either change the datatype of the column, or change the value of the variable.
If your column's datatype is (N)VARCHAR but contains some real numbers, then you can simply add single quotes around the number you're looking for.
-- works
select * from mytable where SomeField = '123456'
-- doesn't work - same error
select * from mytable where SomeField = 123456

try this:
Error is because you are trying to convert a character value to integer value. Just add the below condition to the query so that it will select only integer values
where ISNUMERIC(col+ '.0e0')=1


SQL statement to change the value of a column with that same column in the where clause

I have a SQL Server database and I've changed my mind and instead of a column in my table being set as an int, I want to change it to a varchar. So I changed the type to varchar(8), and saved my changes in SQL Server Management Studio tool (V17.0).
It looks like the tool converted the int values to varchars when I saved the changes. I want to change the value of '1' to 'External', '2' to 'SPTR' and '3' to 'Other'. I was going to do one value at a time.
This is the simple SQL statement I tried:
UPDATE mytable
SET mycolumn = 'External'
WHERE mycolumn = '1'
The error message I get from SSMS is
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'External' to data type int"
It's as if the database thinks the type is int, but it's not, it's varchar(8).
Sounds like you really haven't changed the data type. This should resolve the problem.
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER COLUMN mycolumn varchar(8);
UPDATE mytable
SET mycolumn = CASE mycolumn WHEN '1' THEN 'External'
Note, as well, you can update every value at the same time by using a CASE expression. Likely far easier than 3 UPDATE statements.
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER COLUMN mycolumn varchar(50);
returns 8
As long as I know varchar does not use all 50 bytes, it only uses 8 in your case to store "External" field, why don't you try to change table size.
If you have changed mycolumn to a string, then the following should work:
UPDATE mytable
SET mycolumn = 'External'
WHERE mycolumn = '1';
If you are getting a type conversion error, then I assume you have a trigger on the table that is causing the problem. You might be wrong in saying that the type has changed. But even if you are correct, a trigger could still generate this issue.

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value to data type int - Error Message

My Query
Select * from MyTable
The table consists 300k rows.
It runs for 200k+ rows and this error pops up.
How to handle this to get the full data?
Does MyTable have any computed columns?
Table consists of a computed column with the name IsExceeds which is given below for your reference.
This is the computed column formula:
Field Definitions:
[Pro_PCT] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Max_Off] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[IsExceeds] AS (CONVERT([int],[Pro_PCT])-CONVERT([int],replace([Max_Off],'%','')))
Kindly convert in float then convert into int.
declare #n nvarchar(20)
set #n='11.11'
if (isnumeric(#n)=0)
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(float, #n) as int) AS n
Why are you storing amounts as strings? That is the fundamental problem.
So, I would suggest fixing your data. Something like this:
update mytable
set max_off = replace(max_off, '%');
alter table mytable alter pro_pct numeric(10, 4);
alter table mytable alter max_off numeric(10, 4);
(Without sample data or an example of the data I am just guessing on a reasonable type.)
Then, you can define IsExceeds as:
(Pro_PCT - Max_Off)
Voila! No problems.
Based on the formula - either Pro_PCT or Max_Off contains the value 11.11 (well, with an extra % for Max_Off. Perhaps they also contain other values that can't be converted to int.
Here's what you can do to find all the rows that will cause this problem:
Select *
from MyTable
where try_cast(Pro_PCT as int) is null
or try_cast(replace([Max_Off],'%','') as int) is null
After you've found them, you can either fix the values or change the calculation of the computed column to use try_cast or try_convert instead of convert.
Check the bad data with
select * from MyTable where isnumeric( Max_Off ) = 0

Why can't I modify column type in Postgres

I am trying to change type of columns from varchar to integer. When I run the following command
alter table audio_session
alter column module_type_cd type INT USING module_type_cd::integer,
alter column sound_type_cd type INT USING sound_type_cd::integer
I got the error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "string"
SQL state: 22P02
The error does not make any sense. There is no "string" in the command at all. What did I do wrong?
The columns audio_session.module_type_cd or audio_session.sound_type_cd has at least one non-numeric value among all values of each row. So, it's impossible to convert to a completely numeric data type.
As an example :
create table Table1( col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(10) );
insert into Table1 values('1','1');
insert into Table1 values('2','2');
insert into Table1 values('3','C3');
select CAST(coalesce(col1, '0') AS integer) as converted from Table1; -- this works
select CAST(coalesce(col2, '0') AS integer) as converted from Table1; -- but, this doesn't
SQL Fiddle Demo
There is no "string" in the command at all.
But must be in the data. The command you're going to use tries to cast all the columns values to integer. Check this:
select *
from audio_session
where module_type_cd = 'string' or sound_type_cd = 'string';

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int

I have an Object Data Source which pulls information from the database where if we don'd have a value for this particular parameter then we want to get all records. So I have a LIKE statement and I'm using a wildcard to return all entries, but this is giving me the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int.
The table structure for the relevant column is:
[columnName] VARCHAR(50)
The SQL is something similar to:
SELECT [columns] from [table] where [column] LIKE #param
Then in VB I add the parameter:
Dim sessionParam As New Parameter
sessionParam.Name = "param"
sessionParam.DefaultValue = "%"
sessionParam.Type = TypeCode.String
So far I've tried casting the parameter value, casting the column, using dbType for the parameter instead of type, but nothing seems to work and I just get the same error. I suspect the column is reading as an int as this column is a mix of values so some are numbers, some are text, therefore SQL is making the 'educated guess' that that value needs to be an int
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '%' to data type int
Is pretty clear that you have a datatype issue. And the wildcard of '%' is certainly not a integer. You are probably having the issue because the column in where [column] LIKE #param is probably an integer. So even though you identify the parameter as string it is still trying to do an integer to string comparison.
So you are comparing like WHERE Integer LIKE String and that throws a datatype conversion error because SQL will automatically try to convert your string to an integer.
To solve if you want to search for a number as a string which doesn't seem like a good idea you would do something like:
WHERE CAST([column] AS VARCHAR(10)) LIKE #param.
Instead of using LIKE if the parameter is NULL, try this instead.
SELECT [columns] from [table] where #param is null or [column] = #param
If you pass in a NULL parameter everything is returned. If it isn't null, then only where the column matches the parameter will be returned.

Data type varchar to numeric

I have a table with Varchar values that are numbers, and I want them to be decimal values. I'm getting an error saying Error converting data type varchar to numeric. I've tried:
and I keep getting the same error. I looked the through the data to look for any special characters or letters by using:
or MYCOLUMN LIKE '%[(]%' --etc for each character.
The only thing that I have found is that every value for some reason has a '^' in it, but when I replace the '6' with nothing, the value still can't be converted to a decimal or numeric. If I try ordering the column by number (< 0.00), I get Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.
Anyone know what to do?
Try this :
select round(try_convert(decimal(10,2), Mycolumn),2)
looks like you have some values which can not be converted to decimal. try_convert will convert them as NULL
You can try isnumeric:
WHERE isnumeric(MYCOLUMN) = 1