I want to sequentially parse MVEL as follows:
HashMap myData = new HashMap(){{ put("x", 1); }}
eval("y = 2", ...) // assign value to y
eval("x + y", myData, ...) // expect 3
Is this possible? If so, how?
Just share the variable resolver across expression evaluations:
VariableResolverFactory vars = new MapVariableResolverFactory(new HashMap(){{ put("x", 1); }});
MVEL.eval("y = 2", vars):
MVEL.eval("x + y", vars);
I was trying to pass the variable 'i' value to a array index 'locations[i]' using below karate code. but throwing an error saying unable to parse. Please suggest be for any changes.
Feature: Verify Branches
Background: For loop implementation
Given url ''
When method GET
Then status 200
* def i = 0
* def z = $.locations[i].zip
* def p = $.locations[i].phone
* def fun =
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++)
print('Element at Location ' + i +':' + p)
Scenario: Validate the locations
Given url ''
When method GET
Then status 200
* call fun p
It is hard to make out anything since you have not provided the value of the response. There are many things wrong here. But I'll try.
Take this line:
* def z = $.locations[i].zip
This will not work, Karate does not support variables within JsonPath by default, refer the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#jsonpath-filters
And I think you are un-necessarily using JsonPath where normal JavaScript would have been sufficient:
* def z = response.locations[i].zip
Also it seems you are just trying to loop over an array and call a feature. Please refer to the documentation on Data Driven Features.
Take some time and read the docs and examples please, it will be worth your time. One more tip - before I leave you to understand Karate a little better. There is a way to convert a JSON array into another JSON array should you need it:
* def fun = function(x){ return { value: x } }
* def list = [1, 2, 3]
* def res = karate.map(list, fun)
* match res == [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }]
So there should never be a need for you to manually do a for loop at all.
"first part" &&&& fun _ ->
let ident
"second part" &&&& fun _ ->
ident ....
I need to use variable "ident".
I just need to pass value of variable from first part of test to second one...
I want to ask you if there is any easy way how to define and use global variable or even if you have better (and easy) idea of doing that
Keep in mind, please, that I am a beginner, so I would prefer easier ones.
Global variables will often make your code difficult to work with - particularly if they are mutable.
Instead, consider returning the values you need to keep track of as composite values. An easy data type to start with would be a tuple:
let ``first part`` id =
let someOtherValue = "Foo"
someOtherValue, id + 1
This function takes an int (the current ID) as input, and returns string * int (a tuple where the first element is a string, and the second element and int) as output.
You can call it like this:
> let other, newId = ``first part`` 42;;
val other : string = "Foo"
val newId : int = 43
Notice that you can use pattern matching to immediately destructure the values into two named symbols: other and newId.
Your second function could also take an ID as input:
let ``second part`` id otherArgument =
// use id here, if you need it
You can call it like this, with the newId value from above:
> let result = ``second part`` newId "Baz";;
val result : string = "Bar"
If you find yourself doing this a lot, you can define a record for the purpose:
type Identifiable<'a> = { Id : int; Value : 'a }
Now you can begin to define higher-order functions to deal with such a type, such as e.g. a map function:
module Identifiable =
let map f x = { Id = x.Id; Value = f x.Value }
// Other functions go here...
This is a function that maps the Value of an Identifiable from one value to another, but preserves the identity.
Here's a simple example of using it:
> let original = { Id = 42; Value = "1337" };;
val original : Identifiable<string> = {Id = 42;
Value = "1337";}
> let result' = original |> Identifiable.map System.Int32.Parse;;
val result' : Identifiable<int> = {Id = 42;
Value = 1337;}
As you can see, it preserves the value 42, but changes the Value from a string to an int.
You can still change the ID explicitly, if you want to do that:
> let result'' = { result' with Id = 7 };;
val result'' : Identifiable<int> = {Id = 7;
Value = 1337;}
Since this was getting out of hand for comments this is how I would do it for an example
let mutable t = 0
let first =
t <- 1 + 1
//other stuff
let second =
//can use t here and it will have a value of 2
In some cases you have to use a ref:
let t = ref 0
let first =
t := 1 + 1
//other stuff
let second =
//can use t here and it will have a value of 2 -
// you use "!t" to get the value
If you define ident at the top of your file like this :
let ident = "foo"
// rest of your code using ident
ident are global and you can use in the next part of your file.
If ident wil change in the next part of your code, use this :
let ident = ref "foo"
function mysql_insert($data_array){
$sql = "insert into `". $this->table_name. '`';
$array_keys = array_keys($data_array);
$array_keys_comma = implode(",\n", preg_replace('/^(.*?)$/', "`$1`", $array_keys));
for($a=0,$b=count($data_array); $a<$b; $a++){ $question_marks .="?,"; }
$array_values = array_values($data_array);
$array_values_comma = implode(",", $array_values);
$sql.= " ($array_keys_comma) ";
$sql.= " values(". substr($question_marks, 0,-1) .")";
$prepare = $this->connDB->prepare($sql);
$insert = $prepare->execute(array($array_values_comma));
I want to creat like this universal functions, $data_array-comes from $_POST
This function will work for all form. But i dont know what is my wrong :S
I don't know what is my wrong
That's quite easy to know: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens.
I want to creat like this universal functions, $data_array-comes from $_POST
Here you go: Insert/update helper function using PDO
$array_values_comma is a scalar after you implode() the array. So you always pass an array of one element to your execute() function. You should pass $array_values.
Here's how I'd write this function:
function mysql_insert($data_array){
$columns = array_keys($data_array);
$column_list_delimited = implode(",",
array_map(function ($name) { return "`$name`"; }, $columns));
$question_marks = implode(",", array_fill(1, count($data_array), "?"));
$sql = "insert into `{$this->table_name}` ($column_list_delimited)
values ($question_marks)";
// always check for these functions returning FALSE, which indicates an error
// or alternatively set the PDO attribute to use exceptions
$prepare = $this->connDB->prepare($sql);
if ($prepare === false) {
trigger_error(print_r($this->connDB->errorInfo(),true), E_USER_ERROR);
$insert = $prepare->execute(array_values($data_array));
if ($insert === false) {
trigger_error(print_r($prepare->errorInfo(),true), E_USER_ERROR);
A further improvement would be to do some validation of $this->table_name and the keys of $data_array so you know they match an existing table and its columns.
See my answer to escaping column name with PDO for an example of validating column names.
in websql we can request a certain row like this:
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM tblSettings where id = ?', [id], function(tx, rs){
// do stuff with the resultset.
function errorHandler(tx, e){
// do something upon error.
console.warn('SQL Error: ', e);
however, I know regular SQL and figured i should be able to request
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM tblSettings where id in (?)', [arr], function(tx, rs){
// do stuff with the resultset.
function errorHandler(tx, e){
// do something upon error.
console.warn('SQL Error: ', e);
but that gives us no results, the result is always empty. if i would remove the [arr] into arr, then the sql would get a variable amount of parameters, so i figured it should be [arr]. otherwise it would require us to add a dynamic amount of question marks (as many as there are id's in the array).
so can anyone see what i'm doing wrong?
aparently, there is no other solution, than to manually add a question mark for every item in your array.
this is actually in the specs on w3.org
var q = "";
for each (var i in labels)
q += (q == "" ? "" : ", ") + "?";
// later to be used as such:
t.executeSql('SELECT id FROM docs WHERE label IN (' + q + ')', labels, function (t, d) {
// do stuff with result...
more info here: http://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/#introduction (at the end of the introduction)
however, at the moment i created a helper function that creates such a string for me
might be better than the above, might not, i haven't done any performance testing.
this is what i use now
var createParamString = function(arr){
return _(arr).map(function(){ return "?"; }).join(',');
// when called like this:
createparamString([1,2,3,4,5]); // >> returns ?,?,?,?,?
this however makes use of the underscore.js library we have in our project.
Good answer. It was interesting to read an explanation in the official documentation.
I see this question was answered in 2012. I tried it in Google 37 exactly as it is recommened and this is what I got.
Data on input: (I outlined them with the black pencil)
Chrome complains:
So it accepts as many question signs as many input parameters are given. (Let us pay attention that although array is passed it's treated as one parameter)
Eventually I came up to this solution:
var activeItemIds = [1,2,3];
var q = "";
for (var i=0; i< activeItemIds.length; i++) {
q += '"' + activeItemIds[i] + '", ';
q= q.substring(0, q.length - 2);
var query = 'SELECT "id" FROM "products" WHERE "id" IN (' + q + ')';
_db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql(query, [], function (tx, results1) {
}, function (a, b) {
I want to iterate over the environment keys and print a list of these items.
You can access the user environment variables via the appropriate WshEnvironment collection; there's no need to mess with the registry:
var oShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oUserEnv = oShell.Environment("User");
var colVars = new Enumerator(oUserEnv);
for(; ! colVars.atEnd(); colVars.moveNext())
This script will output the variable names along with values (non-expanded), e.g.:
TEMP=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
TMP=%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
If you need the variable names only, you can extract them like this:
// ...
var strVarName;
for(; ! colVars.atEnd(); colVars.moveNext())
strVarName = colVars.item().split("=")[0];
Edit: To expand the variables, use the WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings method; for example:
// ...
var arr, strVarName, strVarValue;
for(; ! colVars.atEnd(); colVars.moveNext())
arr = colVars.item().split("=");
strVarName = arr[0];
strVarValue = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(arr[1]);
WScript.Echo(strVarName + "=" + strVarValue);
When I tried the code given in the answer, I got an error on line 4. I believe it should be:
var colVars = new Enumerator(oUserEnv);