Simultaneous NSUserNotification Alerts On Mountain Lion - nsnotificationcenter

I'm attempting to create New Email alerts (via AppleScript and a Cocoa app) for Outlook 2011 that display through the ML Notification Center.
It's 90% there, the only issue is that when more than 1 email arrives at a time, the second alert quickly overwrites the first one.
I'm getting the feeling that this is by design and that the Notification Center doesn't permit more than one alert on the screen at a time (unlike Growl which will send an array of alerts down your screen) because the code seems rather straightforward.
If anyone has any insight on this please let me know.

Note that while in Mountain Lion it is still not possible (I think) in 10.9 and above there is a new attribute, identifier, that allows you to show more than one notification at once (as long as the identifier is different)


Can you bypass the iPhone's power or volume buttons

Is it possible to 'hack' or develop an app that lets you launch an app by pressing an iPhones power button or volume buttons or possibly from the passcode screen?
As an example: pressing the power button 5 times launches the app or sends an emergency SMS. Or entering a certain code into the passcode / lock screen sends an SMS
No. All these features are managed by a different process than your application, and you cannot directly influence that process. You can develop a JailBreak tweak that will allow you to do so, but obviously this is not for Apple AppStore.
What you are asking about is against the Apple Developer TOS. If you do it, you will not pass the App Store Review process and hence will not be able to distribute vie the iTunes App Store. If you don't care about that, then there may be jail break hacks that can help you with that.

Reveal (or Snap) Windows 8 App when system receives push notification

Can anyone enlighten me as to how one would be able to trigger a "non standard" realtime notification on a Windows 8 machine? My objective here was simply to find a slick method through which the end user is presented with an enhanced notification slide displayed via a slide in/5 second fade out dialog box.
Best example I can think of to illustrate what I am trying to achieve would be thinking of it like when the charms bar is presented which can automatically fade away. I simply require that this enhanced notification layer is somewhat customizable in order for me to provide summary content along with 3-4 buttons a user can press directly. This notifications needs to be triggered automatically upon the system receiving a push notification.
I have loomed into various "notification" methods such as default windows notifications, offline Google Apps notifications,... problem however is that they all seem not to allow me to customize the notification window to meet my needs.
Any suggestions / examples would be very helpful.
BTW - as an alternative solution - is there simply a way that I might be able to have Windows automatically load and "snap" into view the contents of a specific Windows app containing my content to the left or right side of the screen (upon receiving a push notification vs displaying the standard toast bubble?
Are you looking for something like growl?

Will iRate automatically stop soliciting reviews after the user accepted?

I am about to post my first app with irate, and I was wondering out of curiosity will it stop the pop up message by itself if the user rates it or is there some kind of special code that I need to put. Please answer only if you dealt with iRate for iPhone apps.
iRate pop up is only displayed once. If you will press the "Remind me later" button, it will appear again, but otherwise the user won't see it a second time.
I have used iRate and this how it works.
If user rates a version then the Rate the App message will not be shown for that particular version. Suppose a new update comes, then the Rate message will start showing again.

Crash Reports not being sent to Apple

I currently have an App that is on the Mac App Store that a couple people have reported instability with. I was able to reproduce the crashes and fix the problem, but what concerned me is that I have no Crash Reports listed for the App in iTunes Connect. When reproducing the crashes myself I did not get the standard crash report dialog asking if I wanted to send the crash report. In Console I do get:
6/22/11 9:05:25 AM ReportCrash[1902] Saved crash report for Application [1893] version 1.0 (1.0) to /Users/Name/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Application_2011-06-22-090525_MacBook-Pro-4-Lyfe.crash
From what I could find on line the crash reporting should be automatic and you should only have to worry about implementing custom crash reporting if you want the reports sent directly to you.
My question is, why are crashes for my App not being sent back in to Apple and then ultimately showing up for me in iTunes Connect? My app is a menu bar item and does not have a full set of menus or dock icon if it matters at all.
You do not get all the crash reports on iTunesConnect.
This is how it works:
Lets say you are an iPhone user, when you first activate your iPhone, it asks you if you'd like to send anonymous reports to apple, if you checkmark yes, only then the crash reports from your phone would be sent to apple.
Another thing to keep in mind is, even if a person has checkmarked this option, these reports would be sent, only when the user syncs his iOS device with the iTunes.
So essentially, the answer is
You cannot rely on iTunesConnect to get your app's crash
Instead you should use a third party solution, like: Hoptoad:
I am very sure that there are other solutions like hoptoad as well, but this is what I have used and works very well.

Information Popup in Mac

I am developing an application for Mac OS , i need to display a information popup in Mac, In Windows OS context, it should be similar to the one, which used to be displayed near by tray-icon,
More real example is, assuming any messenger application is running, and someone form your contact list became online/available,then Messenger App display a Animated Popup near by tray-icon area,
the same use-case i am having ,
While googling i came to know, either i can make use of NSAlert or Growl , any other application that i should think.
There is no default alternatives to the Windows popup message on the Mac, but the de facto standard for doing this is through Growl. NSAlert popup messages are usually used to display exactly those: alerts. They are often to large and cumbersome to display small amounts of information well without distracting or interrupting the user. Growl, on the other hand, works well for things like these, and is what you should use.