ProxyPassMatch with ProxyPassReverse - apache

We are trying to setup Apache reverse proxy for the following scenario:
Incoming requests take the form
For some servers the URL will reference a difference version, say,
An upstream load balancer (HAProxy) will send the request to the right server which will have an Apache2 reverse proxy fronting a JBoss server.
When the request shows up at Apache 2 it will have request path like /APP/v1/main.html
We want it to (reverse) proxy out to http://localhost:8080/AppContext/main.html, irrespective of version fragment in URL (v1, v2, etc.).
I have been trying to do this like so:
ProxyPassMatch ^/.*?/APP.*?/(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/AppContext/$1
ProxyPassReverse /APP http://localhost:8080/AppContext
My questions are:
Is my use of ProxyPassMatch correct?
My ProxyPassReverse is "static". How do I make it aware of the potentially variable stuff after /APP?
Thanks for any insights.

You're close, try changing the regex a little to account for the version fragment:
ProxyPassMatch ^/.*?/APP.*?/v[0-9]+/(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/AppContext/$1
The ProxyPassReverse is mostly to ensure the rewriting on-the-fly of location header fields in the responses given by the proxied app. So when it returns a 301 redirect to, say, http://localhost:8080/AppContext/something, apache knows to change it to /APP/v1/something so information behind the proxy won't get exposed. Because you have a dynamic URL used in the reverse proxy, you have a few choices here. You can either send it to the HAProxy load balancer (not sure where that is for you), or you can just pick one and hope for the best. For example, if you have a load balancer at /APP/balancer/ which then sends requests to /APP/v1/, /APP/v2/, /APP/v3/, etc. Then you can do this:
ProxyPassReverse /APP/balancer http://localhost:8080/AppContext
Otherwise, you can just point it to one and hope for the best:
ProxyPassReverse /APP/v1 http://localhost:8080/AppContext


Apache mod_proxy configuration - URI patterns

I want to know the difference between the following apache mod_proxy configurations to resolve an issue. I need to forward a HTTP request like following URL from Apache web server to a remote Sun One server.
I configured the mod_proxy as follows
ProxyPass /app_enu/ http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/app_enu/
ProxyPassReverse /app_enu/ http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/app_enu/
But the URL is not working properly (not invoking the service as I expected – start.swe).
I want to know what is the difference between above model (a) and following model (1), (2) and (3).
1. ProxyPass /app_enu/* http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/app_enu/
2. ProxyPass /app_enu/ http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/app_enu/*
3. ProxyPass /app_enu/* http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>/app_enu/*
Appreciate the help to figure this out.
Wildcards are implied already on both parameters. Don't use them at all in the configuration. If you want finer grained control, use ProxyPassMatch.

How to get original request URI in EL spring-boot page behind httpd proxypass

I have a spring-boot web application with embedded tomcat, running on port 28081, and httpd configured for proxying like this:
ProxyPass / http://localhost:28081/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:28081/
Then in a jsp page I need to pass the full request URL to a silverlight widget;but
will resolve to http://localhost:28081.
So I thought to rely on X-Forwarded-Host, but there are cases when it does contain more than one proxy address, separated by comma. I am not sure it is safe to trust the order of the addresses will be preserved.
Is there a better way to do this, be that in the jsp, in the httpd configuration or in the controller code?
In the controller you can use ServletUriComponentsBuilder: initialize it from the request and it picks out the proxy headers and builds the URI for the origin for you, e.g. String uri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().build().toString().
You can use ProxyPreserveHost in your httpd config to keep the original Host header, i.e. your outward domain name, but I can't think of a good way to pass the port.

Apache reverse proxy and load balancer - does not work as it should

I have 3 machines.
One (loadbalance.lan) is used as a load balancer, the other two ( and are tomcat's servers. Main page of the tomcat is listening on port 8080
Im typing in the browser loadbalance.lan/tomcat and I am able to see one of the tomcat content (default tomcat page)
The problem is page isn't displayed correctly. There's no images and when I click on any link it displays 404 Not found error.
Lets say I want to access one of the sub pages on the tomcat website. Tomcat website address:
Now I can choose, lets say "status" link which redirects me to: (and works fine)
When I access the same page but via reverse proxy server ( and click that link on the loadbalance.lan page, links redirect me to loadbalance.lan/manager/status and I get 404 error.
Of course when I type in the browser loadbalance.lan/tomcat/manager/status it displays correct.
Problem with the images is also weird. When I use url: loadbalance.lan/tomcat I can't see images (Tomcat logo)
When I use this one: loadbalance.lan/tomcat/ (slash at the end) it's ok. At least images because links still redirect in wrong place.
Here is my loadbalance.lan apache config:
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyVia On
ProxyPreserveHost On
<Proxy balancer://cluster>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
<Proxy balancer://cluster>
<Proxy balancer://cluster>
<Location /tomcat>
ProxyPass balancer://cluster
ProxyPassReverse balancer://cluster
Could someone help me with this?
Obviously there is something wrong with that proxy but I have no idea how to fix that :(
From ProxyPassReverse documentation (strong added):
This directive lets Apache adjust the URL in the Location, Content-Location and URI headers on HTTP redirect responses. This is essential when Apache is used as a reverse proxy (or gateway) to avoid by-passing the reverse proxy because of HTTP redirects on the backend servers which stay behind the reverse proxy.
Only the HTTP response headers specifically mentioned above will be rewritten. Apache will not rewrite other response headers, nor will it rewrite URL references inside HTML pages. This means that if the proxied content contains absolute URL references, they will by-pass the proxy. A third-party module that will look inside the HTML and rewrite URL references is Nick Kew's mod_proxy_html.
So, the proxy job is not to rewrite the html content of the pages, if the proxyied content does not know that the final url should contain /tomcat extension and the proxy does not alter the pages... you're stuck.
This is usually something you do not see because the part is well rewritten in localhost.lan, but this rewrite is not made by the proxy, quite certainly because urls are in fact only relative (<img src="/foo/bar.png">). Check the source code of the page to see if the domain name is really rewritten in urls).
There's several ways of handling that:
- You could avoid altering relative urls paths in, the proxy (so not using a tomcat/ prefix, but instead a dedicated virtualhost with a name, like tomcat.lodabalncer.lan).
- You could also use some dedicated tools, like mod_proxy_html to rewrite the content of the pages, but that's a slow and complex thing.
- The third way is to manage the final full url on the application side (here tomcat) and detect the proxy chain elements in X-Forwareded-for Header to rebuild the right domain.
- Some applications provides tools for that, like the VirtualHostMonster in Zope
For tomcat the preferred tool is mod_proxy_ajp and not mod_proxy. But for a load balancer proxy I do not think you can use mod_proxy_ajp. And, it's been a long time since I made this, but in my memory I think mod_jk was the solution to that.
Read this full documentation on tomcat proxying for details. At least you should get some hints for the solution.

Retain original request URL on mod_proxy redirect

I am running a WebApplication on a Servlet Container (port 8080) in an environment that can be accessed from the internet (external) and from company inside (intenal), e.g.
The incomming (external/internal) requests are redirected to the servlet container using an apache http server with mod_proxy. The configuration looks like this:
ProxyPass /MyApplication http://localhost:8080/MyApplication retry=1 acquire=3000 timeout=600 Keepalive=On
ProxyPassReverse /MyApplication http://localhost:8080/MyApplication
I am now facing the problem that some MyApplication responses depend on the original request URL. Concrete: a WSDL document will be provided with a element that has a schemaLocation="<RequestUrl>?xsd=MyApplication.xsd" element.
With my current configuration it always looks like
<xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/MyApplication?xsd=MyApplication.xsd"/>
but it should be
External Request: <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation=""/>
Internal Request: <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation=""/>
I suppose this is a common requirement. But as I am no expert in configuration of the apache http server and its modules I would be glad if someone could give some (detailed) help.
Thanks in advance!
If you're running Apache >= 2.0.31 then you might try to set the ProxyPreserveHost directive as described here.
This should pass the original Host header trough mod_proxy into your application, and normally the request URL will be rebuild there (in your Servlet container) using the Host header, so the schema location should be build using the host and path infos from "before" the proxy.
(Posted here too for the sake of completeness)
Here is another alternative if you would like to retain both the original host name and the proxied host name.
If you are using mod_proxy disable ProxyPreserveHost in the Apache configuration. For most proxy servers, including mod_proxy, read the X-Forwarded-Host header in your application. This identifies the original Host header provided by the HTTP request.
You can read about the headers mod_proxy (and possible other standard proxy servers) set here:
You should be able to do a mod_rewrite in apache to encode the full URL as a query parameter, or perhaps part of the fragment. How easy this might be depends on whether you might use one or the other as part of your incoming queries.
For example, might get rewritten to which then gets passed into the ProxyPass and then stripped out.
A bit of a hack, yes, and perhaps a little tricky to get rewrite and proxy to work in the right order and not interfere with each other, but it seems like it should work.

Apache - Reverse Proxy and HTTP 302 status message

My team is trying to setup an Apache reverse proxy from a customer's site into one of our web applications. maps to
Inside our application we use struts and have redirect = true set on certain actions in order to provide certain functionality. The 302 status messages from these re-directs cause the user to break out of the proxy resulting in an error page for the end user.
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Is there any way to setup the reverse proxy in apache so that the redirects work correctly?
There is an article titled Running a Reverse Proxy in Apache that seems to address your problem. It even uses the same and /app1 that you have in your example. Go to the "Configuring the Proxy" section for examples on how to use ProxyPassReverse.
The AskApache article is quite helpful, but in practice I found a combination of Rewrite rules and ProxyPassReverse to be more flexible. So in your case I'd do something like this:
<VirtualHost example>
ProxyPassReverse /app1/some-path/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /app1/(.*)$1 [P]
I like this better because it gives you finer-grained control over the paths you're proxying for the internal server. In our case we wanted to expose only part of third-party application. Note that this doesn't address hard-coded links in HTML, which the AskApache article covers.
Also, note that you can have multiple ProxyPassReverse lines:
ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPassReverse /
I mention this only because another third-party app we were proxying was sending out redirects that didn't include their internal host name, just a different port.
As a final note, keep in mind that Firebug is extremely useful when debugging the redirects.
Basically, ProxyPassReverse should take care of rewriting the Location header for you, as Kevin Hakanson pointed out.
One pitfall I have encountered is missing the trailing slash in the url argument. Make sure to use:
ProxyPassReverse /
(note the trailing slash!)
Try using the AJP connector instead of reverse proxy. Certainly not a trivial change, but I've found that a lot of the URL nightmares go away when using AJP instead of reverse proxy.