Update with Sub Query Derived Table Error - sql

I have the following SQL statement to simply update the #temp temp table with the latest package version number in our Sybase 15 database.
SET versionId = l.latestVersion
FROM #temp t INNER JOIN (SELECT gp.packageId
, MAX(gp.versionId) latestVersion
FROM Group_Packages gp
WHERE gp.groupId IN (SELECT groupId
FROM User_Group
WHERE userXpId = 'someUser')
GROUP BY gp.packageId) l
ON t.packageId = l.packageId
To me (mainly Oracle & SQL Server experience more than Sybase) there is little wrong with this statement. However, Sybase throws an exception:
You cannot use a derived table in the FROM clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement.
Now, I don't get what the problem is here. I assume it is because of the aggregation / GROUP BY being used. Of course, I could put the sub query in a temp table and join on it but I really want to know what the 'correct' method should be and what the hell is wrong.
Any ideas or guidance would be much appreciated.

It seems that SYBASE doesn't support nested queries in UPDATE FROM class. Similar problem
Try to use this:
UPDATE #temp
SET versionId = (SELECT MAX(gp.versionId) latestVersion
FROM Group_Packages gp
WHERE gp.packageId=#temp.packageId
gp.groupId IN (SELECT groupId
FROM User_Group
WHERE userXpId = 'someUser')
And also what if l.latestVersion is NULL? Do you want update #temp with null ? if not then add WHERE:
WHERE (SELECT MAX(gp.versionId)
) is not null

I guess this is a limitation of Sybase (not allowing derived tables) in the FROM clause of the UPDATE. Perhaps you can rewrite like this:
SET t.versionId = l.versionId
FROM #temp t
Group_Packages l
ON t.packageId = l.packageId
l.groupId IN ( SELECT groupId
FROM User_Group
WHERE userXpId = 'someUser')
l.versionId =
( SELECT MAX(gp.versionId)
FROM Group_Packages gp
WHERE gp.groupId IN ( SELECT groupId
FROM User_Group
WHERE userXpId = 'someUser')
AND gp.packageId = l.packageId
) ;

Your table alias for #temp is called "t" and your original table is called "t".
My guess is that this is the problem.
I think you want to start with:
update #temp

Does this syntax work in Sybase?
update dstTable T
set (T.field1, T.field2, T.field3) =
(select S.value1, S.value2, S.value3
from srcTable S
where S.key = T.Key);
I believe the correlated subquery can be as complicated as you like (including using CTE. etc). It just has to project the right number (and type) of values.


Problems shortening a SQL query

I am trying to make a query that works with a temp table, work without that temp table
I tried doing a join in the subquery without the temp table but I don't get the same results as the query with the temp table.
This is the query with the temp table that works as I want:
create table #results(
RowId id_t,
LastUpdatedAt date_T
insert into #results
select H.RowId, H.LastUpdatedAt from MemberCarrierMap M Join MemberCarrierMapHistory H on M.RowId = H.RowId
update MemberCarrierMap
set CreatedAt = (select MIN(LastUpdatedAt) from #results r where r.rowId = MemberCarrierMap.rowId)
Where CreatedAt is null;
and here is the query I tried without the temp table that doesn't work like the above:
update MemberCarrierMap
set CreatedAt = (select MIN(MH.LastUpdatedAt) from MemberCarrierMapHistory MH join MemberCarrierMap M on MH.RowId = M.RowId where MH.RowId = M.RowId )
Where CreatedAt is null;
I was expecting the 2nd query to work as the first but It is not. Any suggestions on how to achieve what the first query does without the temp table?
This should work:
update M
set M.CreatedAt = (select MIN(MH.LastUpdatedAt) from MemberCarrierMapHistory MH WHERE MH.RowId = M.RowId)
FROM MemberCarrierMap M
Where M.CreatedAt is null;
Your question is more or less a duplicate of this answer. There, you will find multiple solutions. But the ones that implement correlated subqueires are less performant than the one that simply uses an uncorrelated aggregation subquery inside a join.
Applying it to your situation, you will have this:
update m
set m.createdDate = hAgg.maxVal
from memberCarrierMap m
join (
select rowId, max(lastUpdatedAt) as maxVal
from memberCarrierMapHistory
group by rowId
) as hAgg
on m.rowId = hAgg.rowId
where m.createdAt is null;
Basically, it's more performant because it is more expensive to run aggregations and filterings on a row-by-row basis (which is what happens in a correlated subquery) than to just get the aggregations out of the way all at once (joins tend to happen early in processing) and perform the match afterwards.

sql server - Update Data from Another Table

My problem is:
I have 2 tables Assignment and Services
I am trying to update one column from another table's column's data like that.
UPDATE [Services]
TeamID = (SELECT [AssignedTeam]
FROM [Assignment]
WHERE [ServiceName] in ([Services].[ServiceName]))
SELECT [ServiceName]
FROM [Assignment])
it does not work. can someone help me about that situation please? Thx
Update using JOIN.
SET t1.[TeamID] = t2.[AssignedTeam]
FROM [Services] t1
JOIN [Assignment] t2
ON t1.[ServiceName] = t2.[ServiceName];
UPDATE [Services] SET TeamID = [AssignedTeam] FROM [Assignment] WHERE [Assignment].[ServiceName] = [Services].[ServiceName]

Update statement in SQL

I am writing an Update trigger and am struggling with the Update statement:
The statement is as below:
FROM esm_owner.safetyreport sr,esm_owner.MESSAGES M,ARGUS_APP.CMN_REG_REPORTS CARR
WHERE sr.report_id=CARR.esm_report_id
AND M.msg_id = sr.msg_id
I get ORA:01427 everytime.
The Table structure is as below:
I have 3 tables
ARGUS_APP.CMN_REG_REPORTS CARR .............having the columns DATE_SUBMITTED(which I want to update) and esm_report_id which joins with the report_id of safety report
ESM_OWNER.SAFETYREPORT SR............having the columns report_id and MSG_ID(joined with the msg_id of the MESSAGES table)
Please help me resolve this.
I'm going to take a wild stab and guess that this is what you are after. They key feature is correlating the subselects with the update (the carr in the subselects refer to the table in the outer statement).
argus_app.cmn_reg_reports carr
carr.date_submitted = (
To_Date(m.AcknowledgmentHeader.MessageDate, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') Messagedate
esm_owner.Messages m
inner join
esm_owner.SafetyReport sr
on m.msg_id = sr.msg_id
carr.esm_report_id = sr.report_id And
m.AcknowledgmentHeader.MessageSenderIdentifier = 'PMDA'
Exists (
esm_owner.Messages m
Inner Join
esm_owner.SafetyReport sr
on m.msg_id = sr.msg_id
carr.esm_report_id = sr.report_id and
m.AcknowledgmentHeader.MessageSenderIdentifier = 'PMDA'
Here's an example showing the basic principle works:
Example Fiddle
It looks like one of your subqueries is probably returning more than one row of data. You could perhaps check this by running each on its own.
If you want the update to apply to them all, change the
... = (SELECT...
... IN (SELECT ...

Copy values from one table to another in SQL

I have 2 tables. I need to update all rows of table 1 with the values in specific columns from table 2. They have the same structure.
UPDATE #TempTable
SET [MyColumn] =
SELECT [MyColumn]
[udf_AggregateIDs] (#YearId) AS [af]
[af].[FormID] = [MyForm].[FormID] AND
[af].[FormID] = #MyFormId
WHERE [Description] = [MyForm].[Description]
I get an error saying Subquery returned more than 1 value. I only added the where clause in because i thought sql is struggling to match the rows, but both tables have the same rows.
It should return multiple values because i'm trying to copy across all rows for MyColumn from the one table to the other.
is Description unique ?
select [Description], count(*) from [MyForm] group by [Description] having count(*)>1
You don't need a sub query..just join the tables..
same type of question has been answered here. Hope it helps.
Have to guess here because your query isn't self-documenting. Does MyColumn come from the function? Does #TempTable have a description column? Who knows, because you didn't prefix them with an alias? Try this. You may have to adjust since you know your schema and we don't.
SET [MyColumn] = func.MyColumn -- have to guess here
FROM dbo.[udf_AggregateIDs] (#YearId) AS func
INNER JOIN dbo.MyForm AS f
ON func.FormID = f.FormID
INNER JOIN #TempTable AS t
ON t.Description = f.Description -- guessing here also
WHERE f.FormID = #MyFormID;

Doing an Update Ignore in SQL Server 2005

I have a table where I wish to update some of the rows. All the fields are not null. I'm doing a sub-query, and I wish to update the table with the non-Null results.
See Below for my final answer:
In MySQL, I solve this problem by doing an UPDATE IGNORE. How do I make this work in SQL Server 2005? The sub-query uses a four-table Join to find the data to insert if it exists. The Update is being run against a table that could have 90,000+ records, so I need a solution that uses SQL, rather than having the Java program that's querying the database retrieve the results and then update those fields where we've got non-Null values.
Update: My query:
UPDATE #SearchResults SET geneSymbol = (
SELECT TOP 1 symbol.name FROM
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE joiner.indelID = #SearchResults.id ORDER BY symbol.id ASC)
If I add "AND symbol.name IS NOT NULL" to either WHERE I get a SQL error. If I run it as is I get "adding null to a non-null column" errors. :-(
Thank you all, I ended up finding this:
UPDATE #SearchResults SET geneSymbol =
ISNULL ((SELECT TOP 1 symbol.name FROM
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE joiner.indelID = #SearchResults.id ORDER BY symbol.id ASC), ' ')
While it would be better not to do anything in the null case (so I'm going to try to understand the other answers, and see if they're faster) setting the null cases to a blank answer also works, and that's what this does.
Note: Wrapping the ISNULL (...) with () leads to really obscure (and wrong) errors.
with UpdatedGenesDS (
select joiner.indelID, name, row_number() over (order by symbol.id asc) seq
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE name is not null ORDER BY symbol.id ASC
update Genes
set geneSymbol = upd.name
from #SearchResults a
inner join UpdateGenesDs upd on a.id = b.intelID
where upd.seq =1 and isSNV = 0
this handles the null completely as all are filtered out by the where predicate (can also be filtered by join predicate if You wish. Is it what You are looking for?
Here's another option, where only those rows in #SearchResults that are succesfully joined will be udpated. If there are no null values in the underlying data, then the inner joins will pull in no null values, and you won't have to worry about filtering them out.
UPDATE #SearchResults
set geneSymbol = symbol.name
from #SearchResults sr
inner join IndelConnector AS joiner
on joiner.indelID = sr.id
inner join Result AS sSeq
on sSeq.id = joiner.sSeqID
inner join GeneConnector AS geneJoin
on geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
-- Get "lowest" (i.e. first if listed alphabetically) value of name for each id
inner join (select id, min(name) name
from GeneSymbol
group by id) symbol
on symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
where isSNV = 0 -- Which table is this value from?
(There might be some syntax problems, without tables I can't debug it)