neo4j count nodes performance on 200K nodes and 450K relations - indexing

We're developing an application based on neo4j and php with about 200k nodes, which every node has a property like type='user' or type='company' to denote a specific entity of our application. We need to get the count of all nodes of a specific type in the graph.
We created an index for every entity like users, companies which holds the nodes of that property. So inside users index resides 130K nodes, and the rest on companies.
With Cypher we quering like this.
START u=node:users('id:*')
RETURN count(u)
And the results are
Returned 1 row.Query took 4080ms
The Server is configured as default with a little tweaks, but 4 sec is too for our needs. Think that the database will grow in 1 month 20K, so we need this query performs very very much.
Is there any other way to do this, maybe with Gremlin, or with some other server plugin?
I'll cache those results, but I want to know if is possible to tweak this.
Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english.

Finaly, using Gremlin instead of Cypher, I found the solution.
new org.neo4j.index.lucene.QueryContext('*')
This method uses the lucene index to get "aproximate" rows.
Thanks again to all.

this is really about the performance of that Lucene index. If you just need this single query most of the time, why not update an integer with the total count on some node somewhere, and maybe update that together with the index insertions, for good measure run an update with the query above every night on it?

You could instead keep a property on a specific node up to date with the number of such nodes, where updates are done guarded by write locks:
Transaction tx = db.beginTx();
try {
tx.acquireWriteLock( countingNode );
countingNode.setProperty( "user_count",
((Integer)countingNode.getProperty( "user_count" ))+1 );
} finally {

If you want the best performance, don't model your entity categories as properties on the node. In stead, do it like this :
Or if you are using 2.0
The second would also allow you automatically update your index in a separate background thread by the way, imo one of the best new features of 2.0
The first method should also proof more efficient, since making a "hop" in general takes less time than reading a property from a node. It does however require you to create a separate index for the entities.
Your queries would look like this :
RETURN count(company)
START entity=node:entityindex(value='company')
MATCH company-[:IS_ENTITIY]->entity
RETURN count(company)


Neo4j: how do I use an index in a relationship between two nodes?

I'm debugging the code of an api and I found a cypher instruction that takes 6 minutes to return the data.
I ran the neo4j code in smaller chunks and found that this snippet is causing the problem: MATCH(copart:CopartOperadora) WHERE NOT (copart)-[:FROM_TO]->(:Coexistence)
I'm new to neo4j so I still haven't figured out how I can optimize this instruction.
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Optimizations of this kind, usually depend on the schema, of your graph database, without that it's very hard to provide any insights. But you can try this:
MATCH (copart:CopartOperadora)-[:FROM_TO]->(:Coexistence)
WITH collect(id(copart)) AS connectedNodesIds
MATCH (copart:CopartOperadora) WHERE id(copart) NOT IN connectedNodesIds
We can't create any index as such, unfortunately. But if the relationship FROM_TO is only present from CopartOperadora to Coexistence nodes. Then you can remove the node label for Coexistence, all together, which will be optimal. Something like this:
MATCH(copart:CopartOperadora) WHERE NOT (copart)-[:FROM_TO]->()

Pre-calculated JOIN queries as map in ignite

I am new to ignite and POCing currently.
I have a question regarding ways to store/load data in map. It's bit tricky and strange requirement.
I have Employee, Department, Project [Tables in database] + [Entity classes in application].
But I don't want to store each of these in a separate map in memory but rather I want to store pre-calculated join results in a designated map.
Dynamic Query : select employeeId,employeeName,departmentName,projectName,projectStart,projectEnd from Employee,Department,Project where $JOIN
I know at least before hand that, what would be key fields and what would be value fields. From above example, I can denote my "Map" as shown below,
Key : Set (employeeId,departmentId)
Value : List (employeeName,value),(departmentName,value),(projectName,value),(projectStart,value),(projectEnd,value)
So you can see with every pair of (employeeId,departmentId) I would be having multiple values associates with it. But dilemma is I don't have domain model/entity pojos before hand. Such dynamic views/maps can be added flexibly so that we don't have to go and change domain/entity model every time. We don't want to do joins/calculations every time for thousands of such client request on every call.
Is it possible to fire such join queries using MapLoader or by any other means?
I can think of Map with (Key=Set, Value = List)as data structure to store final results.Any other better alternative?
Could there be any performance issues while retrieving values from such map based on keys?
Any memory optimizations I should take care of?
You are not required to use SQL queries. It's fine to use Ignite as a simple caching mechanism for DB query results. Each time a query is executed, save the result in IgniteCache and then use this cached result is the same query is requested. You can also use expirations [1] and/or evictions [2] to make sure that you don't have too much data in the cache and don't run out of memory.

Alphabetical index with millions of rows in redis

For my application, I need an alphabetical index on a set with millions of rows.
When I use a sorted set, and give all members the same score, the result looks perfect.
Performance is also great, with a test set of 2 million rows, the last third does not perform noticably less than the first third of the set.
However, I need to query those results. For example, get the first (max) 100 items that start with "goo". I played around with zscan and sort, but it does not give me a working and performant result.
Since redis is very fast when inserting a new member to the sorted set, it must be technically possible to immediately (well, very quickly) go to the right memory location. I suppose redis uses some kind of quicksort mechanism to accomplish this.
But.. I don't seem to get the result when I just want to query the data, and not write to it.
We use replicated slaves for read actions, and we prefer the (default) read-only config switch. So creating a dummy key and deleting it afterward (however unelegant) is not really an option.
I'm stuck a bit, and I'm thinking about writing a ZLEX command in redis-server itself. Which I could use like this:
HELP "ZLEX" -> (ZLEX set score startswith)
-- Query the lexicographical index of a sorted set, supplying a 'startswith' string.> ZLEX myset 0 goo LIMIT 0 100
1) goo
2) goof
3) goons
4) goozer
What are your thoughts? Am I missing something in the standard redis commands?
We're using Redis 2.8.4 x64 on Debian.
Kind regards, TW
Related issue: indexing-using-redis-sorted-sets -> At least the name I gave to ZLEX seems to conform with Antirez' (Salvatore's) standards. As of 24-1-2014, I'm working on implementing ZLEX. It seems to be the easiest and most straight-forward solution for this use case, and Antirez could merge it into the main branch for everyone's benefit.
I've implemented ZLEX.
Here are the full specs.
You can grab the new functionality from here: github tw-bert
I also posted a pull request to Antirez here.
Kind regards, TW
Have you had a look at this ?
It can be useful depending on the length of the field by which you sort, this method requires b*(a^2) keys, where a is the length of the field , and b is amount of rows for this field.

What is a best way to organise the complex couchdb view (sql-like query)?

In my application I need a SQL-like query of the documents. The big picture is that there is a page with a paginated table showing the couchdb documents of a certain "type". I have about 15 searchable columns like timestamp, customer name, the us state, different numeric fields, etc. All of these columns are orderable, also there is a filter form allowing the user to filter by each of the fields.
For a more concrete below is a typical query which is a result by a customer setting some of the filter options and following to the second page. Its written in a pseodo-sql code, just to explain the problem:
timestamp > last_weeks_monday_epoch AND timestamp < this_weeks_monday_epoch AND marked_as_test = False AND dataspace="production" AND fico > 650
SORT BY timestamp DESC
This would be a trivial problem if I were using any sql-like database, but couchdb is way more fun ;) To solve this I've created a view with the following structure of the emitted rows:
key: [field, value], id: doc._id, value: null
Now, to resolve the example query above I need to perform a bunch of queries:
{startkey: ["timestamp", last_weeks_monday_epoch], endkey: ["timestamp", this_weeks_monday_epoch]}, the *_epoch here are integers epoch timestamps,
{key: ["marked_as_test", False]},
{key: ["dataspace", "production"]},
{startkey: ["fico", 650], endkey: ["fico", {}]}
Once I have the results of the queries above I calculate intersection of the sets of document IDs and apply the sorting using the result of timestamp query. Than finally I can apply the slice resolving the document IDs of the rows 15-30 and download their content using bulk get operation.
Needless to say, its not the fastest operation. Currently the dataset I'm working with is roughly 10K documents big. I can already see that the part when I'm calculating the intersection of the sets can take like 4 seconds, obviously I need to optimize it further. I'm afraid to think, how slow its going to get in a few months when my dataset doubles, triples, etc.
Ok, so having explained the situation I'm at, let me ask the actual questions.
Is there a better, more natural way to reach my goal without loosing the flexibility of the tool?
Is the view structure I've used optimal ? At some point I was considering using a separate map() function generating the value of each field. This would result in a smaller b-trees but more work of the view server to generate the index. Can I benefit this way ?
The part of algorithm where I have to calculate intersections of the big sets just to later get the slice of the result bothers me. Its not a scalable approach. Does anyone know a better algorithm for this ?
Having map function:
if(doc.marked_as_test) return;
emit([doc.dataspace, doc.timestamp, doc.fico], null):
You can made similar request:
http://localhost:5984/db/_design/ddoc/_view/view?startkey=["production", :this_weeks_monday_epoch]&endkey=["production", :last_weeks_monday_epoch, 650]&descending=true&limit=15&skip=15
However, you should pass :this_weeks_monday_epoch and :last_weeks_monday_epoch values from the client side (I believe they are some calculable variables on database side, right?)
If you don't care about dataspace field (e.g. it's always constant), you may move it into the map function code instead of having it in query parameters.
I don't think CouchDB is a good fit for the general solution to your problem. However, there are two basic ways you can mitigate the ways CouchDB fits the problem.
Write/generate a bunch of map() functions that use each separate column as the key (for even better read/query performance, you can even do combinatoric approaches). That way you can do smart filtering and sorting, making use of a bunch of different indices over the data. On the other hand, this will cost extra disk space and index caching performance.
Try to find out which of the filters/sort orders your users actually use, and optimize for those. It seems unlikely that each combination of filters/sort orders is used equally, so you should be able to find some of the most-used patterns and write view functions that are optimal for those patterns.
I like the second option better, but it really depends on your use case. This is one of those things SQL engines have been pretty good at traditionally.

How to return all newest nodes from neo4j?

Is it possible to query neo4j for the newest nodes? In this case, the indexed property "timestamp" records time in milliseconds on every node.
All of the cypher examples I have lfound concern graph-type queries- "start at node n and follow relationships. What is the general best approach for returning resultsets sorted on one field? Is this even possible in a graph database such as node4j?
In the embedded Java API it is possible to add sorting using Lucene constructs.
In the server mode you can pass an ?order parameter to the lucene lookup query.
Depending on how you indexed your data (not numerically as there are issues with the lucene query syntax parser and numeric searches :( ), in cypher you can do:
start n=node:myindes('time: [1 to 1000]') return n order by n.time asc
There are also more graphy ways of doing that, e.g. by linking the events with a NEXT relationship and returning the head and next n elements from this list
or to create a tree structure for time:
Yes, it is possible, and there are some different ways to do so.
You could either use a timestamp property and a classic index, and sort your result set by that property. Or you could create an in-graph time-based index, like f.e. described in Peter's blog post: