Request traitement crash - Message sent to deallocated instance - objective-c

I'm executing an asynchronous method on an object and when my request is finish I print the result in a label. My problem is : if I launch my request and then I remove my object, I have a crash on my setText method (because my object is deallocated).
How can I avoid this crash even if my object has been released ?
Is there any test to do ?

1) Don't remove your object until the request is finished :)
2) Cancel the request (not always possible depending on your object)

The solution is to have a NSMutableArray object created in you "init" or in your "viewDidLoad" method. When you want to remove the object, always put it in this array after removing it from its superview. Then in your asynchronous method (which better be running on the main thread to print the result), the last thing it does is [storageArray removeObject:object], to release it.

If your object is deallocated and its currently a subview on a view, then the view itself has been destroyed, you have nowhere to display the label contents. Why this would be depends on the design of your app, but usually the removal of a view is detectable by your code and you should set any references to the view to nil in that case if you know its gone.
If the label hasnt been added to the view yet - then you needed to retain the label, so that you can set the text on it and call addSubview on the containing view.
Also if a user action would be causing the view to be removed - display a spinner and block the user from doing this since a request they invoked is in progress.

The asynchronous request can retain the object until it's done with it.


Is -[NSView setsNeedsDisplay:] a synchronous call?

I have an NSView in a Mac OS X application that draws itself. When I am ready for this to happen I request it with the call:
[self.imageRenderedView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
My question is, does this call block? That is, is it synchronous, and can I assume the drawing has happened by the time the subsequent statement is executed? This assumption seems to work for me, but I feel a bit insecure about it.
The setNeedsDisplay: call only marks the view as needing display by setting
a flag in the view object.
Therefore it returns very quickly, but the drawing has not yet happened when the method returns.
From the documentation:
Whenever the data or state used for drawing a view object changes, the
view should be sent a setNeedsDisplay: message. NSView objects marked
as needing display are automatically redisplayed on each pass through
the application’s event loop. (View objects that need to redisplay
before the event loop comes around can of course immediately be sent
the appropriate display... method.)

An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated object (zombie) at address: 0x75d52a0

I am relatively new to iOS development so appreciate your help in finding out the root cause for the error that I encountered.
I tried to debug the error using Instruments (i.e. Allocations-Zombie Profiler) but I could not make sense of the call stacks that were presented.
This is how the user interfaces are linked:
TabBarController -> NavigationController -> TopPlacesTableViewController -> RecentPhotosTableViewController -> PhotoViewController
The error occurs when I click on the Back button in the last view (i.e. that of the PhotoViewController). This action is supposed to show the previous RecentPhotosTableViewController but instead an unknown deallocated object was accessed, sometime in between the events of viewWillAppear and ViewDidAppear.
Additionally, I have a GenericTableViewController which is the parent of TopPlacesTableViewController and RecentPhotosTableViewController. The children set a NSMutableArray property in the parent which is the data that gets loaded in the children's views.
I am currently using iOS6 and XCode4.5.
[Update: In the Console, this line was shown - "[UIView _forgetDependentConstraint:]: message sent to deallocated instance xxx"].
I feel you are not using ARC, and you are not retaining of passing your previous object. In the meantime the previous object is released and then you accessing it.
Either you can refactor your code to use ARC or put retain or autorelease.
Go to Product > edit scheme >Diagnostics tap then check on enable Zombie objects
make a break point and go step by step to know which object is deallocated, it perhaps the pointer to your object has been removed then the OS has deallocated your object.

dealloc is being called and I am not sure why

I have a view with some buttons, text fields, and methods. When I load the view, switch to another view, and then switch back, my app crashes. I added in an NSLog in each method to see what the last method call before the crash was, and it was -(void)dealloc{
I am wondering why this method was called? Is it called every time you reload a view? I've double checked my code and I definitely do not call it anywhere.
EDIT : Found my problem, I was releasing an array that I was using to store views. Thanks to #Darren I traced my problem.
Dealloc is called when a class is no longer needed and removed from memory.
When you have no more pointers holding onto anything in the view, then it's dealocated.
How are you switching to/from the view?
if you set a (strong) pointer to the view then it won't be dealocated automatically.
-dealloc is called whenever an object's reference count drops to 0. To find your problem, figure out what object's -dealloc was called. What's the second method on the call stack? The third? Was -dealloc sent to a valid object pointer in the first place?
There are several ways to approach this sort of thing. A good first step is to turn on NSZombies (Google for it). That'll let you know if you're sending a message (like, say, dealloc) to an invalid object. Usually, that causes a crash, but with NSZombies you'll get a nice error message instead.

Using NSProgressIndicator inside an NSMenuItem

I'm trying to use a NSProgressIndicator (indeterminate) inside of a statusbar-menu. I'm using an NSView-object as view for the menuitem, and then subviews the progress indicator to display it. But whenever i try to call the startAnimation: for the progress, nothing happens. When i try do the very same thing on a normal NSWindow it works perfectly, just not when inside a menuitem.
I'm new to both cocoa and objective-c so I might've overlooked something "obvious" but I've searched quite a bit for a workaround but without success. I found something about menuitems cant be updated while shown and that you need to use a bordeless window instead. But I have not been able to confirm this in any documentation.
Ok, almost works now. When using the setUsesThreadedAnimation: and from a MenuDelegate's menuWillOpen and creating a new thread. This thread runs a local method:
-(void) doWork(NSProgressIndicator*) p{
[p startAnimation:self];
This will start the progressindicator on a random(?) basis when opening the menu. If I call startAnimation: directly without going through doWork: (still using a new thread), it never works. Doesn't setUsesThreadedAnimation: make the progress-bar create it's own thread for the animation?
Solved it by using:
[progressIndicator performSelector:#selector(startAnimation:)
Inside the menuWillOpen:, the problem seems to have been calling startAnimation: before the progressbar was finished drawing itself.
How are you referencing the NSProgressIndicator that is in the view (and the one in the window, for that matter)? For example, do you have a controller class that has IBOutlet's hooked up to the progress indicators? If you are using an IBOutlet, are you sure it's hooked up properly in the nib file?
Also, where and when are you calling startAnimation:? (We need to see some code).
One thing that can sometimes happen is that you forget to hook up an IBOutlet in the nib. Then, when you attempt to tell the object to do something in code at runtime, the IBOutlet is nil, and so what you think is a message being sent to your object is in fact, a message being sent to nil. In other words, it's just ignored, and effectively looks like it's not working.
Provided you do have a (potentially) valid reference to the UI object, the other common issue you'll see is when a developer is trying to send a message to the object at "too early" of a time. In general, init methods are too early in the controller object's lifetime to be able to send messages to user interface objects—those IBOutlet's are still nil. By the time -awakeFromNib is called, IBOutlet's should be valid (provided you hooked them up in IB) and you can then send the message to the UI object.
Have you told it to use threaded animation via -setUsesThreadedAnimation:?

Checking for a valid delegate object before sending it a message

I am trying to implement the delegate Pattern in Objective-C, however I am experiencing a Bad Access exception when invoking the delegate sometimes. It seems this is caused by the delegate being released. Apple does not recommend to retain delegates.
How can I check my delegate if is still valid before trying to send it a message?
If there's a chance that the delegate will get released by the setter, then there's something wrong with your design. You should only set delegates on objects that have a shorter lifespan than the delegate itself. For example, setting a delegate on a subview/controller is fine, because the subview/controller has a shorter lifespan than the caller.
AFAIK, there is no reliable way to detect if an object has been released already.
What Apple means about not retaining delegates is that objects should not retain their delegates because they don't own them. These are only objects that handle messages.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't retain delegates at all. The object that creates the delegate needs to own it. In the context of non-GC apps this means it should handle the retain and release cycle, and for GC apps, it means that the controller object keeps hold of a pointer to the delegate in an iVar.
without seeing some code or the error message, it is hard to find the root of this problem.
In a photoviewer application I'm using asynchronous http to load images; it happens that the user often dismisses the current view (referenced by my async http object through a delegate) before the http download completed causing a BAD_ACCESS when calling the view controller delegate method. I solved this by setting the .delegate to nil inside the dealloc block of the view controller
I'd like to share my experience also, which is very similar to Nico's one.
I've been working with a modified example of LazyTablesCode, wich is an example that comes direcly from Apple and loads images in a UITableView asynchronously. Communication between the downloader and the view it's made via delegates.
In my code, I had the problem that sometimes the load of the image finishes when the form that should be called through the delegate has been released. I've been forced to add this piece of code inside the code of the viewController (dealloc method):
if (self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading != nil) {
for (id theKey in self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading) {
Myobj *downloader = [self.nsDictionaryWithObjectsDownloading objectForKey:theKey];
downloader.delegate = nil;
It seems that these lines are solving the problem. Anyway It would be very appreciated opinions about if it's a good solution or not or even about memory issues when doing downloader.delegate = nil;
Thanks and greetings,