Control Caption Text is displayed smaller - vba

I'm working on a Userform in Excel that has to be dynamically generated each time. It can list many (100+) lines which are all exactly the same in format. These are generated by the following code snippet.
' ctextbox
Set ctl = .Controls.Add("Forms.Textbox.1")
With ctl
.Top = 12 + linetop
.Left = 464.9
.Width = 140
.Height = 18
.Name = FieldName & "_ctextbox"
End With
' cshow
Set ctl = .Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
With ctl
.Top = 13.1 + linetop
.Left = 611.35
.Width = 41.95
.Height = 18
.Name = FieldName & "_cshow"
.Caption = "Show All"
End With
' confirm
Set ctl = .Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1")
With ctl
.Top = 13.5 + linetop
.Left = 659
.Width = 44.95
.Height = 17.25
.Name = FieldName & "_confirm"
.Caption = "Confirm"
End With
It would fine except for a random occurrence where the Confirm checkbox appears smaller than the rest. The screenshot below shows what I mean.
Has anyone experienced this issue before?

I would recommend using repainting the Userform after you have added the controls dynamically.
The Repaint method completes any pending screen updates for a specified form. When performed on a form, the Repaint method also completes any pending recalculations of the form's controls.
This method is useful if the contents or appearance of an object changes and you don't want to wait until the system automatically repaints the area. Me.Repaint simply updates the display by redrawing the form

I had the same issue in that my repaint did not work. I solved this by setting the CheckBox AutoSize property to True and I have no problems anymore.


Immediate Box (Debug window) Display Separately

I am really sorry if this is a silly question. I would like to display a message box similar to the Immediate window that will sit "always on top" and scroll a countdown while not interrupting the VBA program.
I am essentially crunching numbers for 40,000 rows and each run takes about 15 minutes. I don't know if it's still running or when the current VBA code will complete.
Does anyone have suggestions?
Use the status bar:
Application.StatusBar = "Row " & rowNum & " of " & rowCount
At the end, to clear the status bar:
Application.StatusBar = False
You can do it by displaying modeless user form. Below is an example how to do this.
In order to make this example working properly you need to add new, empty UserForm to your project and change it name to frmProgress.
Sub test()
Dim form As frmProgress
Dim lblProgress As Object
Dim i As Long
'Create an instance of user form and show it modeless on the screen.
Set form = New frmProgress
With form
.Width = 200
.Height = 60
.Caption = "Progress"
'Add label for displaying text...
Set lblProgress = .Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblProgress")
'... and format it to meet your requirements.
With lblProgress
.Width = 200
.Height = 60
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
.Font.Size = 12
.Top = 6
End With
Call .Show(vbModeless)
End With
For i = 1 To 100000
'(Some code ...)
'Here the new text is inserted on the message box.
lblProgress.Caption = i
Next i
Call form.Hide
End Sub

Could Not Set the Visible Property Error when Hiding a Frame

I'm having an issue in Excel 2007 VBA whereby I'm trying to set the visible property to false on a frame within a UserForm.
Userform1.Frame1.Visible = False
When trying to set the property, excel throws the error:
Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':
Could not set the Visible property. Unexpected call to method or property access.
I've researched this and the only thing that I've uncovered is that it might be something to do with not having a control to take the focus. In my case this is not true though as there is a button available to take the focus on another frame. The other frame is set to be visible prior to Frame1 being hidden.
Has anyone else experienced this issue or can help me understand what is causing this error?
Edit - Code Addition
Public Sub fOpenFrame(uf As UserForm, strName As String)
Dim con As Control
Dim i As Long
i = 5
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With uf.Controls(strName)
.Top = 38.15
.Left = 120
.Height = 400
.Width = 565
.Visible = True
End With
For Each con In uf.Controls
If TypeName(con) = "Frame" And con.Name <> strName And InStr(con.Name, "Menu") < 1 _
And con.Name <> "frmNewAbsenceButton" And con.Name <> "frmExistingAbsenceButton" Then
With con
.Visible = False 'Error occurs here'
.Top = 5
.Left = i
.Height = 20
.Width = 20
End With
i = i + 25
End If
Next con
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Edit 2 - Pictures Added
This is the first frame Frame1. A msgbox pops up and when the user clicks yes, it opens Frame2.
This is Frame2. This frame opens with all the textboxes / comboboxes disabled. The button control 'Edit' is enabled.
I'd prefer to make all frames invisible first (and not to care about their position nor size); after that the only relevant frame can be made visible.
If the sub is in the userform's macromodule you can use Me("Frame4") and refrain from the argument: 'uf as userform'.
Public Sub fOpenFrame(uf As UserForm, strName As String)
for each it in uf.controls
if typename(it)="Frame" then it.visible=false
With uf.Controls(strName)
.Top = 38.15
.Left = 120
.Height = 400
.Width = 565
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
I have been having the same issue intermittently.
After reading the other answers, I added .setfocus call to a valid textbox before I the visible = false call, and it seemed to fix the issue.
With con
textbox1.setfocus 'Adding this seemed to fix the issue
.Visible = False 'Error occurs here'
.Top = 5
.Left = i
.Height = 20
.Width = 20
End With
I have tested in excel 2010 the the code is working fine(I don't have excel 2007)
Please try the below code.
Private Sub Frame1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.Frame1.Visible = False
End Sub

removing controls added during run time

I have a userform that has a text box and whatever value is put into the textbox will determine the number of dynamic controls that are added to the user form and then there is a button and once that is clicked I want the dynamic controls to be removed from the userform altogether.
Below shows the code that is used to create the dynamic controls and this code works perfectly
For i = 1 To TextBox1.Value
newPosition = 360
Set cLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
With cLabel
.Caption = "Label " & (i)
.Font.Size = 8
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
'.Left = 70
.Left = 36
.Top = switchBoardLevel
.Width = 130
End With
switchBoardLevel = switchBoardLevel + newPosition
Set cButton = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
With cButton
.Name = "CommandButton" & i
.Caption = "Calculate"
.Left = 300
.Top = buttonStartPosition
.Width = 45
.Height = 18
End With
ReDim Preserve TextListBox(1 To i)
Set TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup = cButton
buttonStartPosition = buttonStartPosition + newPosition
Next i
However there is a problem when it comes to removing the dynamically created controls. I have tried numerous ways to remove the controls. The code below is executed when the button is clicked to remove the controls but it just won't work for me and I am going round in circles so It would be greatly appreciated if someone could give me some guidance on the issue.
For Each TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup In Me.Controls
If (TypeOf TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup Is CommandButton) Then
TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup.Visible = False
End If
You haven't given a lot of information but you can't loop that way - you need to loop through the array:
For i = Lbound(TextListBox) to UBound(TextListBox)
If TypeOf TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup Is MSForms.CommandButton Then
TextListBox(i).ButtonGroup.Visible = False
End If

There is insufficient memory available to complete this operation

I'm running into an unusual problem. I have an application with a multipage that contains about 10 pages and every page contains another multipage with 3-5 pages. The problem was that the app was too "heavy" and I wanted to break it into multiple forms (a form for every page).
In the initial app the form had as I said about 10 pages, with another 3-5 pages on every one of them and on every page there were about 3-20 comboboxes, 4-40 textboxes. All of them were loaded at initialization by executing a piece of code.
Now... I copied the piece of code for every page and added it in the initializations of the form that replaced it.
The code is something like this:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim pagini As range
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Config")
Dim cControl As Control
Set cControl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Multipage.1", "oly", True)
With cControl
.Width = 650
.Height = 380
.Top = 0
.Left = 0
End With
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page1)
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Remove (Page2)
For Each pagini In ws1.range("pagoly")
Me.Controls("oly").Pages.Add (pagini)
Next pagini
i = 0
Do While i < 5
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "iooly" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "IO"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 5
End With
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "niooly" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "nIO"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 220
End With
Set cControl = Me!oly.Pages(i).Add("Forms.Frame.1", "descriere" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "Descriere"
.Width = 210
.Height = 340
.Top = 2
.Left = 435
End With
End Sub
So far it just adds the frames on every of the 5 pages of this form. The problem is that I get the "There is insufficient memory available to complete this operation" when I want to run it and I really don't know why. Yet on the previous version which loaded 50 times more stuff there was no problem. Do you have any idea where's the problem because I really don't understand it.
You have
Do While i < 5
and I don't see where i changes value so that the program will exit the loop. Am I missing something?

The name of a frame in a loop

I want to add a Control in every for in my application. Let's say I have 5 frames...
I want to do someting like this:
Set cControl = Me!iooly&i.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "str12" & i, True)
With cControl
.Caption = "1/2"
.Width = 20
.Height = 8
.Top = 10
.Left = 435
End With
i is a counting variable
the problems is that Me!iooly&i ... Can I do this operation when my frames have names la iooly1, iooly2, iooly3 and so on?
Your Me is presumably a form? This won’t work. Also, the Me!iooly&i syntax doesn’t work, this only works if your string is a constant.
You can use the Forms collection though:
Set cControl = Forms("iooly" & i).Controls.Add(…)
This is assuming that the form already exists. If it doesn’t, you need to first load it.