Haml complex nest - haml

I have read some simple nesting way in haml, however when the nesting get complex i feel very lost.
in wanna write something like this in haml, but i keep failing
<p><div id="icon"></div>Subject: <span id="new_color">item name</span></p>

item name


Scrapy - Cleaning up text[/p] from nested links[/a] etc

I am new to python and scrape as well. Nevertheless, I spend a few days trying to scrape news articles from its archive - SUCCESSFULLY.
PROBLEM is that when I scrape CONTENT of the article <p> that content is filled with additional tags like - strong, a etc. And as such scrapy won't pull it out and I am left with news article containing 2/3 of the text. Will try HTML below:
<p> According to <a> Japan's newspapers </a> it happened ... </p>
Now I tried googling around and looking into the forum here. There were some suggestion but from what I tried, it did not work or broke my spider:
I have read about normalized-space and remove tags but it didn't work. Thank you for any insights in advance.
Please provide your selector for more detailed help.
Given what you're describing, I'd guess you're selecting p/text() (xml) or p::text (css), which is not going to get the text in the children of <p> elements.
You should try selecting response.xpath('//p/descendant-or-self::*/text()') to get the text in the <p> and all it's children.
You could also just select the <p>, not its text, and you'll get its children as well. From there you can start cleaning up the tags. There are answered questions regarding how to do that.
You could use string.replace(,)
new_string = old_string.replace("<a>", "")
You could integrate this into a loop which iterates over a list that contains all of the substrings that you want to discard.

How to use br tag in haml?

I have been trying <br> tag in haml, very unfortunately none of my code are working. How should we use nest for <br> in haml ?
%h1 Helo mate
whrere are you ?
Your example (%br/) already seems to be correct.
Whether you get a selfclosing tag (<br />) or a standalone tag (<br>) depends on whether your code is interpreted as html or as xhtml, so check which format you need. Xhtml has problems with non-closing tags.
Look here for more info.
Edit: Adding the info from matt's comment. The problem is not the br tag, but the content of the h1 tag being on the same line as the tag as well as on the next line, while the whole content should be nested when the content is more than one line:
Hello mate
where are you?
Hello mate
%br where are you

Using Polymer conditional attributes with HAML

According to the documentation for Polymer expressions, you can bind data to conditionally assign an attribute using the conditional attribute syntax:
Conditional attributes
For boolean attributes, you can control whether or not the attribute
appears using the special conditional attribute syntax:
That's great, but I'm using HAML where attributes are assigned to elements like this:
%element{attribute: "value"}
I can't add a question mark before that colon without HAML giving me a syntax error.
So how can I use Polymer's conditional attributes (or a functional equivalent) when I'm using HAML to generate my HTML?
One potential solution is to use the :plain filter to insert raw HTML into your HAML file:
<element attribute?={{boolean-expression}}></element>
A bit ugly, but it seems to work.
If you need to enclose some HAML-generated tags in one of these plain HTML tags, you'll need to use the :plain filter twice; once for the opening tag, and once for the closing tag.
<element attribute?={{boolean-expression}}>
-# HAML Content Here
Be sure not to indent your HAML code after the opening tag, otherwise it will become part of the "raw HTML" output and get sent as plain text to the browser instead of being processed as HAML.
The current version of HAML (4.0.6) supports conditional attributes:
%core-menu{hidden?: '{{!globals.current_series_detail}}'}
Make sure you're not putting a space before the question mark.

Correct use of #Html.Raw()

I am trying to generate a view that has collapsing panels in it. I need each panel to have a unique ID. I have successfully done it with the code below. but was warned in a different post that using #Html.Raw() is bad practice.
What is my alternative?
#Html.Raw("<div id=\"collapse")#Html.DisplayFor(modelitem => item.NAME)#Html.Raw("\" class=\"panel-collapse collapse collapse\" role=\"tabpanel\" aria-labelledby=\"heading")#Html.DisplayFor(modelitem => item.NAME)#Html.Raw("\">")
You need to understand why Html.Raw is a so-called "bad practice." If it were universally bad and should never be used then it wouldn't have been created in the first place. It's bad when it is used to write non-sanitized content to the browser because it leaves you vulnerable to an XSS attack.
Having that understanding, we can look at what you're doing and see that you are not writing out any user-provided data in your calls to Html.Raw so in this case it is probably an acceptable use.
Having said that, it seems like you could simplify things by passing a collection of divs to create in your model and just loop over them, something like the following, which may require some tweaking to get it just right.
#foreach(var panelName in model.PanelNames)
<div id="collapse#panelName
class="panel-collapse collapse collapse"
You can simplify your code by combining text, markup, and razor Code.
In your case, use HTML with inline Razor expression :
<div id="#("collapse" + Html.DisplayFor(modelitem => item.NAME))" class="panel-collapse collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="#("heading" + Html.DisplayFor(modelitem => item.NAME))"></div>
More information about Razor syntax.

How to make html code in erb tag not escaped

I have some simple erb code in one of my views in a rails project.
<%= comment.body %>
I'd like the html tags in the comment.body to be preserved as they have formatting information. I've verified that the text is saved in the database properly like
However it turns out on the page to be <b>hello</b> not hello as I expect.
How could this be? I'm not using <%= h to escape the html code.
How do I make it not escaping? I'm using rails 3. Does this matter?
You can also use sanitize.
<%= sanitize(comment.body) %>
sanitize will leave html code but escape javascript.
Rails 3 now automatically escapes your output.
To unescape the text and use the actual tags, use raw(...):
<%= raw(comment.body) %>
However, be careful with this, as it will allow any tags, including scripts (potentially malicious). A safer option might be to have users use markdown-formatted text or something similar, rather than allowing raw HTML tags.