About to overflow slide transition count? - xcode4.3

I have updated to iOS 5.1 and facing this problem. I have a Master and Detail viewcontrollers. Also I'm using a splitViewController.
The problem is when I launch the app in landscape mode, it shows this error
*** Assertion failure in -[UIPopoverController _incrementSlideTransitionCount:]
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'About to overflow slide transition count'
I am using ARC and the program runs perfectly well if launched in Portrait mode. Kindly provide me suggestions.

This is probably caused by the fact that somewhere in your code you are trying to show the Master ViewController. While this will be perfectly ok when launched in portrait (because the Master view controller is not initially displayed) it will cause problems for landscape because the Master ViewController is displayed, therefor "overflowing your slide transition count".
Without seeing your code I can't exactly tell you which section of code is causing this but you may want to get pass this error by doing something like
if(UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(self.interfaceOrientation)) {
[run the code that is crashing your app]
This way your code will only be called when you need it (in a portrait orientation).


Assertion failure in reloading tableView with tableHeader TVOS

I am using UISearchController and I am getting this error after I try to reload data after filtering the content array. This doesn't happen if I set any other view than the tableView's tableHeaderView to be the searchBar of UISearchController. If I use any other view to hold the searchbar everything works fine. Has anyone had this error, if so what was the solution.
Assertion failure in -[UITableView _cellReuseMapForType:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-3512.29.300.16/UITableView.m:3962
2015-11-15 15:43:34.166 AirMediaCenterTV[23894:1052893] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to access view reuse map for unknown view type 4'
I've seen a similar crash issue on tvOS but I can't seem to figure out a fix. I'm not using a UISearchController. I've removed all the registerClass: calls from the UITableView and that didn't seem to work.

Auto-layout mangles the segues in the iPad version

After a number of tests I found that a normal working iPad storyboard starts working weirdly upon introducing auto-layout. In particular it seems not to properly pop-up dismissed views by always recycling the same view controller and to also badly handle the queue of instantiated view controllers. When I disable auto-layout everything works fine again. Does anyone know if this bug is known to Apple or there is a fix?
Not been able to complement the question with new information, I posted a new one at:
Triggering segues from annotations

Missing proxy for identifier UIStoryboardPlaceholder [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X" error?
(79 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Hi I seem to have stumbled upon weird thing while developing a storyboard app.
My app is halted right after splash screen and in console I get error message:
Missing proxy for identifier UIStoryboardPlaceholder
Now, if I try to let the app continue running, I get new messages into console, which I believe are related to the fact, that there is something wrong with the first error message
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason:
'[<IntroViewController 0x6e35f40> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]:
this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key sceneViewController.
What is strange I get this error only when working with iOs 5.1 Simulator. It works fine on iOs 6 simulator and also on devices with both iOs 6 and iOs 5.1
I tried to find answer, but google says it could not find any results for the word UIStoryboardPlaceholder, let alone the whole error message. I made sure, I don't have the word 'UIStoryboardPlaceholder' anywhere within my xcode project(not even inside nib files) and also there's nowhere mentioned 'sceneViewController'. Any idea what might be wrong?
EDIT: I tried to reset simulator and cleaning project, but to no avail
We had the same problem: a view controller in a storyboard file with its interface defined in a separate XIB file. (Using Xcode 6.3.1, iOS 8.3 and Swift 1.2.)
We are using Swift so we had added the #objc() declaration to the class declaration:
#objc(TestViewController) class TestViewController: UIViewController
We could instantiate the view controller just fine from another view controller using self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier( "TestViewController" ) but when presenting the view controller (using self.presentViewController( viewController, animated: true, completion: nil )) the app crashed with the same "missing proxy" and "not key value coding-compliant for the key sceneViewController" error.
Our solution which we found after much frustrated trial-and-error-like debugging was simply make sure the view controller's Storyboard ID in the storyboard file is not the same as the class name.
When we renamed the Storyboard ID from "TestViewController" to "testViewController" (only difference being the lower-case first letter), everything worked…
Strange? You betcha, but everything seems to be working now.
I had the same problem. Try cleaning the project and restoring the simulator.
I was getting the same error with an app that I was converting from .xib files to storyboards. My app contained a UITabBarController, and tapping on certain tabs would trigger the error.
In my case, the problem was that I had copied view controllers into the storyboard that used the "NIB name" property to load the view controller's view from an external .xib file. Storyboard view controllers do not support loading views from .xib files, so my storyboard contained a view controller that had no view.
I opened the external .xib file, copied the view, pasted it into the corresponding view controller in my storyboard, and made sure that the pasted view was subordinate (indented under) the view controller in the storyboard scene. Then I re-connected the view to the outlets in the view controller.
When I re-ran the application, the error was gone.
Add me to the list. I get this error after "refactoring - rename" on a class. The class I am renaming is a custom ViewController with its own .xib. I use Storyboard which launches a viewController containing a "Container View", which has my custom ViewController embedded in it upon launch.
The only way out of this so far is to NOT use my refactored .xib (disconnect it from the container view).
My semi-solution:
I have restored my app from a prior working snapshot and created a new custom ViewController and .xib from scratch instead of refactoring. Connected it to Storyboard and I got the error message again. Cleaned the build and deleted the app from the simulator and re-ran, and then it magically ran without error. For this reason I believe there is a bug in Xcode with Refactor-Rename, which corrupts some storyboard file behind-the-scenes. Once I confirmed that the new .xib was attaching to storyboard without error, I copied/pasted the class code into the new custom viewController class, and went through the process of reconnecting the class objects to the .xib, as you'd expect. Ran it and everything still worked.
FYI - here are some of the FAILED steps I took in my attempt to recover from the error (before giving up and restoring snapshot).
1. Cleaning Build.
2. Deleting App in iOS simulator.
3. Deleting all views in the custom ViewController .xib.
4. Naming the custom ViewController something else.
5. In Storyboard, adding a blank view to the ViewController representing my custom Viewcontroller class. This worked and allowed my app to run, however my custom class was neither able to load its own views in place of this default blank view, nor were it's own views visible upon making the default blank view transparent. Debugging showed my custom class .xib views being nil when assigned to self.view.
I am presently avoiding Xcode's Refactor-Rename for files having a .xib.
I had the same errors, finally solved it.
My problem was that I had :
[[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"TripDetail"] methodThatDoesNotExist:#"param"]

UIScrollView not functioning correctly after Modal view controller displayed in iOS 5.1

I have a strange problem when using a UIScrollView controller combined with iPhone 4 and iOS 5.1.
I have a UIScrollView which has a content size of 640x480 (double screen effectively) and in addition to the swipe to switch between the two "screens" I also permit the user to tap the screen in response to which I call something like...
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:(CGRectMake 320,0,320,480) animated:YES];
the first 320 would be 0 if the tap occurred whilst the right hand side of the scroll view was displayed (note the scroll view has paging enabled so it can only come to rest either fully left or fully right).
I also have a situation where I sometimes display an additional view controller modally using presentModalViewController over this view controller containing the scroll view.
Everything works perfectly until the modal view controller is presented and subsequently dismissed after which the scrollRectToVisible method will no longer work if animated is set to YES (if I change animated to NO then it works as expected). Note, the tap is still being registered and the scrollRectToVisible being called, it just doesn't do anything when animated is set to YES).
Here's the kicker, this bug only occurs on an iPhone 4 runnings iOS 5.x.
It works perfectly (even after the modal view controller has been displayed) on my:
iPhone 3G running 4.x,
iPhone 3GS running 3.x,
iPod touch (2nd Gen) running 4.x
and most surprisingly the simulator running 5.x.
I wondered if this was a bug in the animation system so disabled the animation on the modal view controller presentation and dismiss and this had no effect, problem still occurred on the iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.
Anyone got any ideas as to what might be causing this and how I might work around it?
Finally tracked this down. what a pig...
I'm embedding a view from a view controller as a subview of another view controllers view. So my scroll view contains a view which also has an associated view controller.
Prior to iOS 5.x the methods viewWillAppear, viewWillDisappear, viewDidAppear and viewWillDisappear are never called on the sub views view controllers, only the main view controller. Already knowing this I set up my main view controller to manually call the sub views view controllers methods when these events happen.
However it appears that in iOS 5.x this issue has been "fixed" so where I was manually passing the call to viewWillAppear to my sub view controller I no longer need do this under 5.x as the method automatically gets called under 5.x - as a result it's now being called twice under 5.x but still only once when running on a 4.x or earlier device.
As a result, under 5.x my NSTimer used to call my updateUI method is being created twice, but because in viewDidDisappear I only destroy the timer if it is non nil it only gets destroyed once - therefore I'm leaking NSTimers under 5.x through double allocation where I'm not under 4.x.
As a result of multiple NSTimers hanging around all repeatedly calling my updateUI method is that the constant updating of the UI is killing the animation system and so the animation for the scrollView fails when running on an actual device. I guess it continued working OK on the simulator running 5.x as the CPU in the Mac is more than capable of handling the extra workload and still performing the animations correctly.
A simple check in my viewWillAppear method to ensure the NSTimer hasn't already been created has fixed the problem and has kept compatibility with 4.x and earlier.
I frustratingly run up against these kinds of issues every time Apple update their iOS by major versions... The morale of this story is don't assume that long standing classes still exhibit the same behaviour under different revisions of the OS.
I had the same problem. I realized that after modalViewController is dismissed my UIScrollerView shifts downs by 20px, which is the same height as status bar. So, it means when my UIViewController is loaded and UIScrollView is created, UIScrollView thinks there is no status bar, when actually it is there.
So I tried to put in viewDidLoad:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO];
Now my UIScrollView always stays under status bar, with Y position 20px. It never shifts down.
I finally managed to get this working on an iPhone4 running 5.1. Ensuring the bounces horizontally property for the scroll view is set fixed the problem, though why having this unchecked should cause the problem in the first place is beyond me - I'm pretty certain this is a bug in iOS.

TabBarController switch between Views [Switching to thread 12803]

I've created an TabBarController with four Navigation Controllers. This functioned well, the application shows by start the first Navigation Controller, how it used to be.
But after that I created a UITableView (on the Third View Controller), the Application shows by start the Third View Controller for a moment and then it switch to the first view controller. And also the default.png Splash-Screen don't show up anymore.
How can I correct this? The Debugger Console shows the following message:
[Switching to thread 12803]
[Switching to thread 13571]
Thanks in advance for your help!
So I fixed the problem. I think there was some cache saved on the iPhone, so I restored en older Version of the application. After that it functioned well!