does FDT platform has a jangaroo implementation - fdt

I'd like to know if FDT has implementation of jangaroo - the as 2 js compiler.
For several years i use the FDT as my coding tool. now when the world mooves to html5 i am interested in finding a good solution for coding JS. does FDT has that?

FDT does not support Jangaroo. Only Flash via ActionScript and MXML; it also supports working with Haxe.


Kotlin Web Programming without Using Intelli-J Ultimate?

I am a Java developer who has fallen in love with Kotlin.I am very new to it, but it is a Great language. I just have one problem: I also love web development. It makes it very difficult to do web development in Kotlin since every tutorial out there is in Intelli-J Ultimate Edition and I just can't swallow the cost right now. There is already not quite as much support for Kotlin online, being such a new language. Are there alternative IDE's and/or ways to use Intelli-J CE to develop Web Apps (JSP-like, Kara, HML builder) with Kotlin? The cost of Intelli-J Ultimate is forcing me to do all of my development in Intelli-J except Kotlin web development, which is annoying. And I cannot seem to find any really good alternative anyway.
Intelij IDEA Community Edition supports HTML/CSS/JS etc all right. I believe there is no special support for Kara (and no plans for it) since Kotlin code highlighting and completion do the job.
You are right that advanced frameworks like JSP need Ultimate Edition, but since you probably do not have a fixed stack, try to choose some other alternatives. I use kotlinx.html with any rooting framework for HTML templating.

GUI testing framework for JavaFX 2

I'm currently reading the book Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests which gives a decent introduction into test driven development.
One drawback is that the code developed through the book is based on Swing. For my next project I'd like to use Java FX 2 and I'm wondering if there are any GUI testing frameworks out there for it? The book introduces windowlicker, which allows testing Swing applications only.
There's yet another new testing library for JavaFX called TestFX.
There is a library named JemmyFX. Jemmy itself is a set of libraries and tools to test UI applications (mostly Java-based: Swing, AWT, SWT; but it's being extended to native right now). JemmyFX covers JavaFX for that matter.
JemmyFX can be downloaded as a part of the test branch of OpenJFX 2 (open-sourced part of JavaFX).
For JavaFX 8, the test branch includes support for new controls and other fixes.
There's a new test robot called MarvinFX:
MarvinFX has the goal to easily test JavaFX controls and scenes with a special attention on properties.
This other post shows how to use assertions and rules with MarvinFX.
Another library (which I have not used or tested) is TestComplete.
Automaton is another testing library for JavafX and Swing GUIs born out of the same team that did TestFX
easy tests for Swing and JavaFX applications
written for testers. Only basic coding skills required.
According to Eclipse site, the modern testing tools for JavaFX in the year 2015 are Squish and Jubula . But Squish is commercial. And Jubula is partly free - JavaFX belongs to that free part. And in the Eclipse Mars version already exists the testing distribution. Uses Jubula for UI testing.
Jubula is now totally free, and does indeed support JavaFX.

How do you write program for Mac OS X?

Hi just wondering how do you start writing programs for MAC OS X?
what language does it use? can I use objective C? which IDE do I use? any licensing fee should I know about.
Mac OS X is a great programming platform, as such you can use just about any language you like.
If you wish to write native applications using the Cocoa framework you'll probably want to be using Objective-C. You can download XCode as an IDE for free.
No licensing fees.
Xcode is the apple supplied IDE, and without external libraries some objective C is always required to build applications.
That being said xcode supports multiple types of langauges, and has extensions for many more - and C++ can be spliced in with objective C code - so if you prefer to code in C++ you can write a quick objective C wrapper and do all your own stuff in C++ - or indeed the langauge of your choice. There are a few other open source IDE's but I don't really recommend them - most of them crash on opening in new versions of Mac OS X.
Xcode is found in the developer package on your second mac install disk, or the latest version (with iphone SDK's) can be downloaded once registering on the Apple Developer Website, which you can become a basic member of for free.
As far as licensing goes, unless you plan to make a game for iOS there are no liscensing fees, unless you want a full subscription to apples developer website, which gives you a few extra things from them.
If your trying to write a game, consider using the SDL library, a cross platform wrapper for whole lot of operating system interface functions, including graphics - or you can use it as I do in combination with OpenGL for full 3D Support, hardware acceleration, ect.
Objective-C + Cocoa
Apple suggests XCode
The native libraryfor OS X developed by Apple are called Cocoa. It provides OS X's graphical user interface, and other libraries such as Core Data for database acess, Core Animation for fast easy animation and video features in your software. These libraries are written in a mixture of C and Objective C (which is an extension of the C language). For best performance and best integration with the Mac operating system you should probaby look at developing in C, Objective C and perhaps some C++ as well.
There are some add-on layers that provide acces to the Cocoa libraries from other languages such as Ruby or Python. These are generaly of good quality and work well, so you can use these languages if your aplication does not need the very best performance. They are generaly considered to be easier to learn than the C family of languages and you can become productive very quickly.
Beyond that, you can use languages and toolkits that are platform-independent so your software will can run on Linux or Windows as well as the Mac. For example Python comes with a simple built-in GUI toolkit called Tkinter. You can use more powerful cross-platform toolkits such as Qt or WxWidgets with C or C++ but have excellent bindings for Ruby, Python and other langauges. This is an approach I am using of a project, with Python and Qt.
Others have mentioned Apple's integrated development environemnt (IDE) called XCode. I have only toyed with it, but it looks very powerful for true native development of Cocoa applications.

Quickest way to build a simple Symbian app?

I have a Symbian 9.1 handset, Nokia E65, based on Nokia S60 series UI. I'd like to build a simple, full screen, graphic application. It should be able to display some text and pictures and have a basic interaction from the keyboard. That's for me only, not to be deployed.
Now, what do you think is the quickest and most painless way to have it done?
I have the following skills:
- and C#, Silverlight
- Java, but mostly for networking, not UI
- Some C++
I have downloaded the Nokia IDE, but it is scary at first sight :)
Any tutorial or example are welcome!
In particular, two questions:
is there a possibility to make a stand-alone flash application for that handset?
how about the QT mobile version?
For your device, definitely use Python for S60. It is much easier to start with than Symbian's C++ SDK and in case you ever need more low level functionality than python gives you, you can write small modules in c++ and use them in your Python program.
For a simple application like the one you are describing, Python will do just fine. You don't even need any of Nokia's IDEs / tools on the PC, you can just write the code in any text editor, copy it to the phone and test it live.
As others have mentioned, other options include:
Symbian C++ SDK : As you have discovered the tools and not the most intuitive to work with, development is not straight forward either.
Nokia's WRT : Using javascript/css/html, but it is not available for your phone.
Qt : Not available for your phone.
Java Me : Probably your second best option, your code will be slightly larger but more protable. The tools are not as straight forward as with Python, but definitely not as complicated as with Symbian.
If you think you may like to do some further development on the Symbian platform in future, I'd strongly suggest looking at Qt. Unfortunately, however, you can't use it on your E65, since Qt requires S60 3.1 or higher. (The E65 runs S60 3.0).
Since Qt coding in done in C++, you also have access to native platform APIs if required. For most apps however, the (considerably more user-friendly) Qt APIs provide all the functionality you need.
Depending on your background, the learning curve may be steeper than using Java or Python, but the pay-off is that you get access to a very powerful toolkit. And of course, as long as you use only Qt APIs, your app should be easily portable to other Qt platforms if necessary.
Go for Java ME.
All the things you list in your post is possible to do in Java.
The Symbian SDK for C++ can be downloaded here.
NSBasic is another option.
May I suggest Python? For newer Symbian handsets I'd recommend Web Runtime (WRT), but it is not supported on good old E65.
I'm obviously biased but I would suggest getting the 2D graphics example code from the "Quick Recipes On Symbian OS" book:
If you know HTML and JS already, you should be able to write a Web widget for your Symbian device pretty easily, using the tools available through Forum Nokia. More info here:
These widgets are standalone full screen applications that use the device WebKit browser engine for rendering and UI. You can also use keyboard inputs and customize the softkeys if you wish.

Game programming on Objective-C and linux

I'd like to give Objective-C a try in game programming. The problem is I'd need some tools and libraries for this.
First thing that comes into mind I need is the GUI and graphics library.
What choices do I have?
There are Four non Mac implementations of OpenStep/Cocoa type Objective C platforms:
OpenStep/NextStep : Openstep/NeXT support machines only - Discontinued.
p..... can remember name or find it on web - it's out there somewhere ! - Linux
Cocotron - Windows only
GNUStep Linux/Windows
GNUSTep is the way to go for Linux... I mention there others because 2 and 3 are available in source and they can be used to patch holes in code the GNUStep doesn't have and they might.
When it comes to Graphics library - you may have problems because Apple moved away from the old OpenStep APIs and has kept evolving their APIs far faster than the GNUStep people can play catch up. There is no support for the latest graphics libraries such as Core Animation.
As Objective C is C and C++ friendly you can use any of these libraries as is, or by making the Objective C friendly by making a wrapper.
You may or may not want to be Mac compatible and do versions for that so it may not be important.
If you do you might want to do a Linux Wrapper for something like OpenGL if it is missing, which I think it is but have a check yourself....
There are Linux development tools including a project IDE and GUI builder for GNUStep on Linux.
I believe you're asking for GNUStep.
SDL is a C library which is popular for game programming.
If you're looking for Foundation/AppKit stuff you can also look at Cocotron. I've never tried it though.
Supporting SDL there are Objective-C bindings here. However since Objective-C is a thin OO layer on top of C you can use most of the existing C libs for game development, SDL, Clanlib, etc...