Object Not initializing - objective-c

So I am trying to make a Circle class in Objective-C. I know Java and OOP, and a little bit of Objective-C, but I cannot figure out why my class will not initialize. Here is the Circle.h:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Image.h"
#interface Circle : NSObject
Image *img;
CGPoint pos;
-(id) init;
-(void) draw;
and here is the Circle.m file:
#import "Circle.h"
#implementation Circle
-(id) init{
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
img = [[Image alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"circle.png"]];
pos = CGPointMake((CGFloat)200, (CGFloat)200);
img = [[Image alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"circle.png"]];
pos = CGPointMake((CGFloat)200, (CGFloat)200);
return self;
-(void) draw{
[img renderAtPoint: pos centerOfImage: YES];
Then in my main class I call:
//player is the name of the circle object (Circle *player;)
[player init];
And in my render method I call:
[player draw];
When I run my app, the image will not draw, any help?

You probably want to say:
player = [[Circle alloc] init];
Rather than just [player init], since the latter will do nothing if player is nil (the default value for members).


pass array from NSViewController to NSView in Objective C Cocoa

Im making a program to draw the chart (which i keep in NSView class). However action & data I want to pass from NSViewController. So could you help me how to do it. I did try as bellow code however it doesn't work.
#implementation PlottingChart
#synthesize plotChartData;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect{
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
[self drawChartGrid:plotChartData];
-(void)drawChartGrid:(NSMutableArray *)ChartData
//Drawing code here
#interface PlottingChart : NSView
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *plotChartData;
-(void)drawChartGrid:(NSMutableArray *)ChartData;
#import "PlottingChart.h"
#interface ViewController :NSViewController<NSTableViewDataSource,NSTableViewDelegate>
PlottingChart *boxPlotChart;
- (IBAction)btnStart:(id)sender {
//trial draw chart
NSDictionary *dict1 = #{#"plot_Q1":#"180",#"plot_Q3": #"220", #"plot_Max":#"250", #"plot_Min":#"150", #"plot_Median":#"200"};
NSDictionary *dict2 = #{#"plot_Q1":#"190",#"plot_Q3": #"230", #"plot_Max":#"280", #"plot_Min":#"160", #"plot_Median":#"210"};
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:dict1,dict2, nil];
boxPlotChart.plotChartData = array;
[boxPlotChart drawChartGrid:array];
boxPlotChart = [[PlottingChart alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, -50, 850, 360) ]; // x,y lenght,height
[self.view addSubview:boxPlotChart];
Finally I found the solution.
Add initWithFrame method into NSView.
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame dataArray:(NSMutableArray *)dtArray;
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
self.plotChartData = dtArray;
return self;
And initial this one in NSViewController.
boxPlotChart = [[PlottingChart alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, -50, 850, 360) dataArray:array ];

Calling SetNeedsDisplay from other class

Today I'm facing a new problem:
I have a ViewController (Subclass of NSView) and another class (Subclass of NSObject) which, through an IBAction, try to call back the viewController to redraw its view using SetNeedsDisplay:YES.
The method to redraw the view (ViewController.m) is:
- (void) redrawView {
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]
// With an NSLog i see that the method is called !
// Instead of self i tried even an outlet connected to the custom view.
What I'm doing to call the ViewController method through my other class is:
1) #import "ViewController.h"
2) into the IBAction i made a new istance of ViewController as:
ViewController *newIstanceOfViewController = [[ViewController alloc] init]
3) [newIstanceOfViewController redrawView]
The log show me that setNeedsDisplay is called but drawrect no ! Why ? I have forgotten to init or subview something ? Thanks
// Controller.h
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface Controller : NSView {
IBOutlet NSView *tastierinoView;
- (void) aggiornaTastierinoView;
// Controller.m
#import "Controller.h"
#implementation Controller
//Contatore numero volte disegno view
int contatore = 0;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
tastierinoView = [[NSView alloc] init];
return self;
- (void) aggiornaTastierinoView { //THIS IS THE METHOD TO CALL REDRAW
[tastierinoView setNeedsDisplay:YES];
NSLog(#"Chiamo setneedsDisplay\n\n");
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
NSLog(#"La view รจ stata disegnata %d volte\n\n",contatore);
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// Drawing code here.
NSBezierPath* percorso = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[[NSColor cyanColor] set];
[percorso moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(150, 150)];
[percorso lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(250, 150)];
[percorso setLineWidth:5.0];
[percorso stroke];
// ManipolatorePin.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface ManipolatorePin : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSWindow *finestraPrincipaleWindow;
IBOutlet NSTextField *codiceTextField;
NSArray *coordinate_x;
NSArray *coordinate_y;
//L'array sotto riportato serve, tramite un ciclo for, a salvare il codice pin spezzato in singoli numeri che corrisponderanno al punto.
NSMutableArray *numeroAllaIndexArray;
- (IBAction)aggiornaTastierino:(id)sender;
// ManipolatorePin.m
#import "ManipolatorePin.h"
#import "Controller.h"
#implementation ManipolatorePin
- (void)awakeFromNib {
coordinate_x = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"150",#"50",#"150",#"250",#"50",#"150",#"250",#"50",#"150",#"250", nil];
coordinate_y = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"50",#"150",#"150",#"150",#"250",#"250",#"250",#"350",#"350",#"350", nil];
numeroAllaIndexArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Array coordinate iniziallizato.\nTest:(%#) -> deve risultare \"50\"\n\n",[coordinate_x objectAtIndex:4]);
- (IBAction)aggiornaTastierino:(id)sender {
NSString *codiceString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[codiceTextField stringValue]]];
NSLog(#"codiceTextField = %#", codiceString);
int lunghezzaCodiceString;
NSLog(#"Il codice risulta essere composto da (%d) numeri\n\n",[codiceString length]);
//Svuoto array
[numeroAllaIndexArray removeAllObjects];
for (lunghezzaCodiceString = 0; lunghezzaCodiceString < [codiceString length]; lunghezzaCodiceString++) {
//Compilo array (Ci provo ahah)
NSString *carattereDelCodiceStringInEsame = [[NSString alloc] init];
carattereDelCodiceStringInEsame = [codiceString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(lunghezzaCodiceString,1)];
NSLog(#"Aggiungo il numero (%#) all'array 'numeroAllaIndexArray'",carattereDelCodiceStringInEsame);
[numeroAllaIndexArray addObject:carattereDelCodiceStringInEsame];
NSLog(#"\n\nCiclo for termitato\nProcesso concluso con successo\n\n\nContenuto array:");
int conteggioArray;
for (conteggioArray = 0; conteggioArray < [numeroAllaIndexArray count] ; conteggioArray++ ) {
NSLog(#"index (%d) -> (%#)",conteggioArray,[numeroAllaIndexArray objectAtIndex:conteggioArray]);
Controller *istanzaGestionaleController = [[Controller alloc] init];
[istanzaGestionaleController aggiornaTastierinoView];
It sounds like you have two unrelated instances of ViewController. You need to call redrawView on the instance that actually has a view on the screen.
In your class (which is not the NSViewController), create a property like this:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, weak) NSViewController *vc;
When the class is instantiated:
YourClass *yourInstance = [[YourClass alloc] init];
assign the value of vc:
yourInstance.vc = self; // self is your NSViewController instance
Then when you want to trigger a redraw, you pass the command to self.vc inside your other class.

CCSprite not rendering when made in a method from an external class

I'm sure this is really obvious to someone, but this simple thing is really frustrating me.
I have a class I made called Class_Sprite, which is a sub-class of CCSprite.
I have a method in this class that is supposed to both create the texture for any given instance of Class_Sprite, and then move it to (200,200).
The program runs in the sim but all I get is a black screen.
I was able to render the sprite directly from the layer class.
Here are the files.
#import "Class_Sprite.h"
#implementation Class_Sprite
if ((self = [super init]))
return self;
sender = [Class_Sprite spriteWithFile:#"Icon.png"];
[sender setPosition: ccp(200, 200)];
Class Sprite header:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "cocos2d.h"
#interface Class_Sprite : CCSprite {
HelloWorldLayer.m (where the method is being called)
#implementation HelloWorldLayer
+(CCScene *) scene
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
HelloWorldLayer *layer = [HelloWorldLayer node];
// add layer as a child to scene
[scene addChild: layer];
// return the scene
return scene;
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
-(id) init
// always call "super" init
// Apple recommends to re-assign "self" with the "super" return value
if( (self = [super init])) {
Class_Sprite *pc = [[Class_Sprite alloc] init];
[pc make:self]; //here is where I call the "make" method
[self addChild:pc];
[pc release];
return self;
// on "dealloc" you need to release all your retained objects
- (void) dealloc
// in case you have something to dealloc, do it in this method
// in this particular example nothing needs to be released.
// cocos2d will automatically release all the children (Label)
// don't forget to call "super dealloc"
[super dealloc];
And finally the header file for HelloWorldLayer
#import "cocos2d.h"
#import "Class_Sprite.h"
// HelloWorldLayer
#interface HelloWorldLayer : CCLayer
// returns a CCScene that contains the HelloWorldLayer as the only child
+(CCScene *) scene;
Thanks for your time
Try changing to this in Class_Sprite.m:
#implementation Class_Sprite
if ((self = [super initWithFile:#"Icon.png"]))
return self;
-(void)make:(CCNode *)sender
[self setPosition: ccp(200, 200)];
[sender addChild:self];
And use it in HelloWorldLayer as follows:
Class_Sprite *pc = [[Class_Sprite alloc] init];
[pc make:self];
[pc release];

Cocos2d: CCSprite initWithFile in CCSprite subclass crashes

I have cocos2d project with custom CCSprite subclass:
#import "cocos2d.h"
#interface MyCustomSprite : CCSprite
#import "MyCustomSprite.h"
#implementation MyCustomSprite
- (id)init
self = [super initWithFile:#"index.png"];
return self;
For some strange reason, this code will crash with "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
But in spite of this, if i init super as ususal and then write code from CCSprite's initWithFile and initWithTexture, it will work fine:
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Code from CCSprite.m - initWithFile
CCTexture2D *texture = [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage: #"index.png"];
CGRect rect = CGRectZero;
rect.size = texture.contentSize;
// Code from CCSprite.m - iniWithTexture
[self setTexture:texture];
[self setTextureRect:rect];
return self;
What's the reason that the first example crashes, and second not and what's the difference between them?
Thanks for your answers!
Ok, the reason is bad CCSprite design. If we look to CCSprite.h, we can find:
-(id) initWithTexture:(CCTexture2D*)texture rect:(CGRect)rect
NSAssert(texture!=nil, #"Invalid texture for sprite");
// IMPORTANT: [self init] and not [super init];
if( (self = [self init]) )
And thats the reason. Instead of [super init] this method calls [self init], and creates recursion ([self init]-[super InitWithFile:]-[self initWithTexture]-[self init]-...).
So, the simplest way to solve this problem - just re-name your init method to something else (for example "initialize") and call it instead of init: [[MyCustomSprite
alloc] initialize].
Another approach that may work is just replace your code by this one:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
CCTexture2D *texture = [[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"my_image_name.png"];
CGRect rect = CGRectZero;
if (texture != nil)
rect.size = texture.contentSize;
[self setDisplayFrame:[CCSpriteFrame frameWithTexture:texture rect:rect]];
return self;
And a simpler way, if you are using CCSpriteFrameCache, would be just setting the display frame by
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:#"my_image_name.png"]
Hope to help somebody!

Issue with multiple instances of same UIView object

I've got a problem at programming for iOS. Already looked for some similar problems but haven't found anything yet.
I'm creating at least 8 custom UIViews. As you can see in the appended code i'm running through a loop creating one instance per round. The reference of every object is on a different space in the memory but when i change a value in one object it only affects the object that has been created in the last loop-round (last created instance).
Any Ideas?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface PadView : UIView {
- (void)setText:(NSString*)text;
#import "PadView.h"
#import "AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h";
#implementation PadView
AVAudioPlayer *player;
UILabel *label;
- (void)setText:(NSString*)text {
label.text = text;
- (void)initialize {
label = [[ UILabel alloc ] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 93.0, 107.0, 13.0)];
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
label.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:9];
label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
label.text = #"Empty";
[self addSubview:label];
[label release];
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
if (self = [super initWithCoder:aCoder]) {
[self initialize];
return self;
- (id) initWithFrame:(CGRect)rect {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:rect]) {
[self initialize];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
Create the Objects:
NSMutableArray *pads = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
PadView *pad = [[PadView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, i*150, 107.0, 107.0)];
[padsView addSubview:pad];
[pads addObject:pad];
Call setText:
PadView *pad = [pads objectAtIndex:5];
[pad setText:#"test"];
Your variables:
AVAudioPlayer *player;
UILabel *label;
are defined in the #implementation block, so they are effectively global variables (in the C sense).
So basically, all your instances of PadView will change the same UILabel when you set its text property (which explains the behavior you are seeing).
I'm lacking some context, but it seems that you want label to be an instance variable instead (and I'd assume player as well). If that's the case, you need to declare them in the #interface block as follows:
#interface PadView : UIView {
AVAudioPlayer *player;
UILabel *label;
- (void)setText:(NSString*)text;
pads is not initialized
NSMutableArray *pads = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
and you must release pad after adding as subview and to the array
By convention the class should be named PadView, not padView
for(padView *pad in pads){
//manipulate each pad
//manipulate a certain pad
padView *pad = [pads objectAtIndex:5];
pad. //...