How to intergrate the created view controller into the storyboard? - objective-c

I have a view controller along with .xib created and also a story board. Now i want to have this viewcontroller's view to appear in the storyboard between the navigation bar and the tableview. I thought of dragging a new view controller and have that class point to the view controller i created. Is this solution correct?

Yes that is correct, drag a view controller from the object pallete, change the class name to your view controllers class name and party on. Hook up any segues in the story board you need to it.


From view 1 to view 2

I am stuck in my code. I can't make it to go to the other view when a user logins.
I have a class UILoginClass (Tableviewcontroller) And a class ImageViewController (viewcontroller).
Check image below.
I want to get from UILoginClass to ImageViewController but i can't make it. Anyone help?
1) Create a "push" segue from the view controller of the login screen to the image view controller (press ctrl and drag from source view controller icon to the destination view controller).
2) Give that segue an identifier (click on the seque in IB --> attributes inspector --> identifier. It is just a string identifier that allows you to initiate that segue when you want to.
3) In code, when the login is validated, call performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: with the identifier you gave to the segue.
It sounds like what you want is a push segue from Login Class to Image View Controller. In the Xcode storyboard you add a segue by ctrl-clicking in the source and dragging to the destination. Be sure to give the segue a name. Then in the Login Class you can call the UIViewController method performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:.
Oh, and you can get rid of the push segue from your navigation controller to Image View Controller.

Implement a navigation controller into a tabbar controller

Okay I have a well known problem. I want to implement a tableview controller into a navigation controller. And this navigation controller should be implemented in a tabbar controller.
I am using XCode 4.2 and I started a new project with a tabbar controller template
Now what I did was in the xib file from firstViewController deleted the view and added a navigation controller with a tableview controller in it.
I connected the files owner view to the tableview item. But when I build and run it only shows the table view and not the navigation controller.
Can anybody help?
Kind regards
There is the TabBarController Application. In this application you will see how to implement NavigationController and TableView together in the TabBarController application:

Root view controller always set as tableViewController when Navigation Controller is set

When I use storyboards and drag out a navigation controller from the object library in Interface Builder, the root view controller, which comes with the nav controller, is always a table view controller.
Most of the time, I would just like a simple view controller. Is there a way to drag out the navigation controller and have a simple view controller set as the default, instead of the table view controller I'm getting now?
Thanks in advance!
The navigation controller usually comes connected to another controller which is the root controller. You can always delete the segue and table view controller, drag out a View Controller and reconnect the segue with a control click using the rootViewController option.

Add other objects to iOS 5 storyboard after tableview

I have a simple iOS 5 storyboard that contains a tableview controller scene. However, the table UI takes up 100% of the real estate and I am unable to add any additional objects such as a title bar. Any object that I drag to the scene will try to size correctly and what-not but as soon as I let go it will not add the object. What am I doing wrong?
If all you want is a title bar, then it looks like you want to embed your table view controller in a navigation controller. You can do this by selecting your table view controller and using the Editor: Embed In: Navigation Controller menu command. Once you do this, you should have a navigation bar, and you can double click it to edit the title.
If you need arbitrary UI elements along with your table view, then I think you need to use a plain UIViewController scene instead of a UITableViewController, and manually drag a UITableView into the scene. Your view controller would not subclass UITableViewController, instead it would subclass UIViewController and implement the UITableViewControllerDelegate and UITableViewControllerDataSource protocols. Also, you would need to manually wire up the delegate and dataSource outlets by ctrl-dragging from the table view to your view controller in interface builder, and your view controller would need a custom tableView outlet that points to the UITableView and is correctly wired up in IB. Perhaps there is a simpler approach than this though, if someone has a better suggestion that would be great to hear.

Changing rootviews view type in an iOS app

While creating a navigation based application, it automatically creates a root view controller which subclasses UITableViewController, but in MainWindow.xib as you know I can't see a UITableView is placed under root view controller but we drag and drop a table view there. Can we simply drag and drop a UIView instead of a UITableView and change the root view controller class to sublass a uiview instead of UITableView and change its methods?
Or I must drag a UITableView in IB for the root view controller? I am a beginner and I do not want to make complicated things so what is the simplest way of using a UIView as a root. If thats not simple I will stick with the table view.
Yes you can change. You just need to change some bindings in inteface builder and change rootViewController's superclass to UIViewController instead of UITableViewController.
First open the rootViewController.xib and delete the tableiew from there and drag-n-drop a UIView. Bind that View to view property in file-owner. Change superclass of rootViewController from UITableViewController to UIViewController. That's it.
Here are the screenshots.