Apache WSASocket failed to open the inherited socket. (LMHOSTS disabled) - apache

[Thu Aug 09 11:20:30 2012] [notice] Child 4656: Child process is running
[Thu Aug 09 11:20:30 2012] [crit] (OS 10022)An invalid argument was supplied. : Child 4656: setup_inherited_listeners(), WSASocket failed to open the inherited socket.
[Thu Aug 09 11:20:30 2012] [crit] Parent: child process exited with status 3 -- Aborting.
I have started getting this error unexpectedly. I dont believe I changed any conf files.
Are there are any temporary files I can reset in the apache installation? I have moved everything from /xampp/tmp
I have checked to see if localhost:80 is in use, I dont think this is the case.
I have reset netsh as specified here: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31765
Please recommend steps to reset apache as I believe it is possible this is an issue caused by a orphaned PID or something of that nature as nothing has changed and I do unexpected shutdowns of my computer.
This is on Windows XP, apache httpd.exe version is

Port 443 was in use. Then magically ceased being in use. Then I guess perhaps netsh reset caused LMHOSTS to be enabled because I ended up with Local Connection being renamed to Local Connection 2 with LMHOSTS enabled. This is called magic.
Panda Media Booster was using 443.


MAMP: Apache Server is shut down automatically in Windows 10

OS: Windows 10
MAMP: 4.1.1
After installation, every time I run the program, Apache light goes green for a second and then turns off automatically. MySQL runs fine though.
The log file located at C:\MAMP\logs\apache_error.log contains these lines.
[Fri Jan 17 18:03:42 2020] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Fri Jan 17 18:03:43 2020] [warn] pid file C:/MAMP/bin/apache/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Fri Jan 17 18:03:43 2020] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Fri Jan 17 18:03:43 2020] [notice] Digest: done
I find a lot of people online encountered the same situation as mine. But I cannot find out the solution. So I come here to find the potential solution.
P.S. I don't have the common Port 80 confliction problem. So I'm sure my problem is not related to it.
Navigate to C:\MAMP\conf\apache\extra.
Edit the httpd-ssl.conf and comment the following line:
SSLSessionCache shmcb:/some/example/path/ssl_scache(512000)
# SSLSessionCache shmcb:/some/example/path/ssl_scache(512000)
Also, check out https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/HTTPD/SSLSessionCache for more info. Hope this helps.

mod_jk not changes IP of hostname when occurs changing of IP on DNS

In apache, the module mod_jk not changes IP of hostname when occurs changing of IP on DNS.
Version of apache:
Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix)
Server built: Aug 2 2013 08:02:15
Version mod_jk: 1.2.37
This configuration works fine.
But, when occurs change ip in the host name in DNS, the module md_jk starts fail to connect. Follow below the log of mod_jk:
[Wed Sep 18 12:00:33 2013] [5315:140659824723936] [info] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (627): connect to 107.xx.xx.220:8009 failed (errno=115)
[Wed Sep 18 12:00:33 2013] [5315:140659824723936] [info] ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (995): Failed opening socket to (107.xx.xxx.220:8009) (errno=115)
[Wed Sep 18 12:00:33 2013] [5315:140659824723936] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1630): (portalconsultoras_prd) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=115)
I would like a configuration of apache that avoid this problem.
Looking for the solutions in google, have turn on the "HostnameLookups", but is inefficient.

Apache Tomcat and Mod_jk

We have been running Apache with Tomcat using mod_jk for about a month now with out issues. This morning I have started seeing the error below in the mod_jk log files.
I am fairly new to using mod_jk and am not sure how to increase the number of connections, see the number of active connections and/or kill of connections that are idle or dead.
Any ideas/help would be much appreciated.
[Thu Sep 19 11:02:42 2013] [1644:11984] [warn] ajp_get_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (3177): Unable to get the free endpoint for worker Worker1 from 10 slots
[Thu Sep 19 11:02:42 2013] [1644:11984] [error] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2726): Could not get endpoint for worker=Worker1
[Thu Sep 19 11:02:42 2013] [1644:11984] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2788): Service error=0 for worker=Worker1
So it turns out this issue was a by product of another configuration issue. We had different Railo contexts configure to point to the same set of shared directories, some of the context's mapped to directories that were within the root context which caused Java thread locks

Apache error: htaccess without matching section

I'm getting this message in my Apache error console:
[Thu Jun 27 11:56:07 2013] [alert] [client] /Users/.......htacces without matching section
It started after my MAMP server wouldnt start and i found some online info that suggested entering ps aux/ grep mysql lsof _-i Killall -9 mysqld when this failed, I tried 2nd suggestion sudo Killall -9 mysqld. This came up with a warning so i called it. I then recalled that i had the same problem before and simple quit mysqld in my activity monitor, and the MAMP server worked again. I tried that, the server worked but got I then got a error message saying:
500 internal server error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, you#example.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I checked Apache error console and got this:
[Thu Jun 27 11:56:07 2013] [alert] [client] /Users/.......htacces without matching section

Premature End of Script Headers from git-http-backend

I am attempting to install git and Apache on Windows. I have installed MSYSGit 1.7.3 on my Windows 2008 server (x64). I selected that the git commands should work from a Windows command prompt when I installed msysgit.
I have added these lines to my http.conf file:
SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT C:/Repositories
ScriptAlias /git/ "C:/Progra~2/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend.exe/"
<Directory />
Options +ExecCGI
Allow from all
I created a repository (MKE_Playground.git). I added a file test.txt.
When I attempt to access the URL http://localhost/git/MKE_Playground.git I get this error in the Apache log:
[Tue Feb 01 15:56:09 2011] [notice] Child 1164: Child process is running
[Tue Feb 01 15:56:09 2011] [notice] Child 1164: Acquired the start mutex.
[Tue Feb 01 15:56:09 2011] [notice] Child 1164: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Tue Feb 01 15:56:09 2011] [notice] Child 1164: Starting thread to listen on port 80. - - [01/Feb/2011:15:56:14 -0600] "GET /git/MKE_Playground.git HTTP/1.1" 500 539
[Tue Feb 01 15:56:14 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: git-http-backend.exe
I know that this means that the headers from the script were malformed. If I were writing the script I would check there, but I assume that the git backend typically provides correct headers. My take on this is that the git http backend failed for some reason. Where can I go to determine why it failed? Is there a Git log someplace?
Pat O
I dealt with a similar problem earlier.
Running "git-http-backend.exe" in a Cygwin shell revealed that the dll, "libiconv2.dll" could not be found. The file is located in the git/bin directory for my Git install (mostly defaults). I added the bin and libexec directories of the git install to my Path, and was able to clone the git repository locally through Apache.
Note: My Apache error logs looked like this - git-http-backend.exe was failing on the missing dll, but not reporting that in the httpd logs:
[Mon Feb 14 15:26:02 2011] [notice] Child 3308: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Mon Feb 14 15:26:02 2011] [notice] Child 3308: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Mon Feb 14 15:26:20 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: git-http-backend.exe
[Mon Feb 14 15:26:20 2011] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: git-http-backend.exe
This worked for my 1.7.6.msysgit.0 setup:
In http://www.jeremyskinner.co.uk/2010/07/31/hosting-a-git-server-under-apache-on-windows/, Jeremy Skinner suggests that it must be possible to run Git\libexec\git-http-backend.exe in a Windows cmd shell. When this fails, copy Git\bin\libiconv-2.dll and Git\bin\libiconv2.dll to Git\libexec\git-core and try again. If you can call git-http-backend.exe and it gives you a "500 Internal Server Error", try your clone or fetch again.
I was fighting the same issue. In my case it was a user permission problem. You can check the "log on" information for the Apache Windows Service and test with your domain user for instance (Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services->Apache->Log On Tab).
After a reboot, browsing to your http://localhost/git/MKE_Playground.git should then give you a Request not supported error in your error.log. That's fine.
git clone http://localhost/git/MKE_Playground.git should work then.
I have abandonded the idea of running Git on Windows. As such this is no longer an issue for me.
Thanks for your help.