I am using PostgreSQL 8.3. I have a table like this:
id regist_time result
1 2012-07-09 15:00:08 3
2 2012-07-25 22:24:22 7
4 2012-07-07 22:24:22 8
regist_time's data type is timestamp.
I need to find a week time interval(start to end)
and sum(result) as num.
I want to get the result as:
week num
7/1/2012-7/7/2012 10
7/8/2012-7/14/2012 5
7/15/2012-7/21/2012 3
7/22/2012-7/28/2012 11
I can get the week number just in this year:
SELECT id,regis_time, EXTRACT(WEEK FROM regis_time) AS regweek
FROM tba
The key part is
extract function can only get the week number in this year, how can I get start time to end time in one week?
You can use date_trunc('week', ...).
For example:
SELECT date_trunc('week', '2012-07-25 22:24:22'::timestamp);
-> 2012-07-23 00:00:00
Then, you can convert this into a date, if you're not interested in a start time.
To get the end date too:
SELECT date_trunc('week', '2012-07-25 22:24:22'::timestamp)::date
|| ' '
|| (date_trunc('week', '2012-07-25 22:24:22'::timestamp)+ '6 days'::interval)::date;
-> 2012-07-23 2012-07-29
(I've used the default formatting here, you can of course adapt this to use MM/DD/YYYY.)
Note that, if you want to make comparisons on timestamps, instead of using (date_trunc('week', ...) + '6 days'::interval, you might want to add an entire week and use a strict comparison for the end of the week.
This will exclude y timestamps on the last day of the week (since the cut-off time is midnight on the day).
date_trunc('week', x)::date <= y::timestamp
AND y::timestamp <= (date_trunc('week', x) + '6 days'::interval)::date
This will include them:
date_trunc('week', x)::date <= y::timestamp
AND y::timestamp < (date_trunc('week', x) + '1 week'::interval)
(That's in the rare cases when you can't use date_trunc on y directly.)
If your week starts on a Sunday, replacing date_trunc('week', x)::date with date_trunc('week', x + '1 day'::interval)::date - '1 day'::interval should work.
select date_trunc('week', regist_time)::date || ' - ' ||
(date_trunc('week', regist_time) + '6 days') ::date as Week,
sum(result) Total
from YourTable
group by date_trunc('week', regist_time)
order by date_trunc('week', regist_time)
See proof of concept at SQLFiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!1/9e821/1
This can help, a query to get all days of current week.
select cast(date_trunc('week', current_date) as date) + i
from generate_series(0,6) i
To get week start and end date (as 0 for Monday and 4 for Friday):
select cast(date_trunc('week', current_date) as date) + 0 || '-->' || cast(date_trunc('week', current_date) as date) + 4;
It is
select to_date('2015-07', 'IYYY-IW');
use it in postgres
it will return
If you want to get week start and end date with week start day is any day in the week (Monday, Tuesday, ...). You can use this way:
day_of_week_index mapping:
'monday': 1,
'tuesday': 2,
'wednesday': 3,
'thursday': 4,
'friday': 5,
'saturday': 6,
'sunday': 7
Query template:
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM datetime_column) < day_of_week_index THEN cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 8 + day_of_week_index
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 1 + day_of_week_index
END, ' - ',
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM datetime_column) < day_of_week_index THEN cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 8 + day_of_week_index + 6
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 1 + day_of_week_index + 6
FROM table_name;
Get week start and end date with week start day is Tuesday:
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') < 2 THEN cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') AS date) - 8 + 2
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') AS date) - 1 + 2
END, ' - ',
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') < 2 THEN cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') AS date) - 8 + 2 + 6
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-01 03:00:00') AS date) - 1 + 2 + 6
=> Result:
2021-11-30 - 2021-12-06
Note: You can change the day_of_week_index following the above mapping to determine the week start day (Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday)
I'm trying to generate dynamic dates based on the current date. I want to use generate_series() to populate dates between start and end dates (interval = 1 day).
If current date is before 10/1, start date is 10/1 in previous year
If current date is after 10/1, start date is 10/1 in the current year
end date is 9/30 in year 4. For example,
current date = 5/22/2019 -> start date = 10/1/2018, end date = 9/30/2021
current date = 11/1/2019 -> start date = 10/1/2019, end date = 9/30/2022
select generate_series(
to_date(cast(start_date as text), 'yyyy-mm-dd'),
to_date(concat(extract(year from to_date(cast(start_date as text), 'yyyy-mm-dd')+3),'-','09','-', 30), 'yyyy-mm-dd'),
'1 day'
from (
select case
when extract(month from current_date) <= 10 then concat(extract(year from current_date) -1,'-',10,'-', '01')
when extract(month from current_date) > 10 then concat(extract(year from current_date),'-',10,'-', '01')
end) as start_date
ERROR: invalid value "(202" for "yyyy"
DETAIL: Value must be an integer.
SQL state: 22007
It's complaining about year isn't integer. Which parts do I need to modify to run this query?
select case
when date_trunc('month', current_date) ::date < make_date(extract(year from current_date) ::int, 10, 1) then
generate_series(make_date((extract(year from current_date) - 1) ::int, 10, 1)
,make_date((extract(year from current_date) + 2) ::int, 10, 1) - 1
,'1 day') ::date
generate_series(make_date(extract(year from current_date) ::int, 10, 1)
,make_date((extract(year from current_date) + 3) ::int, 10, 1) - 1
,'1 day') ::date
end as dt;
Here In place of current_date you can use as below: current_date => '11/1/2019'::date or '05/22/2019'::date
I have below table
ABC Date
200 2019-02-22
-200 2019-02-23
1200 2019-02-24
-500 2019-02-25
-889 2015-01-11
I need to get values for from ABC for every day of last week of every month
select ABC
from table 1
where date between '2019-03-26' and '2019-03-30'
this is for month of march 2019. How do i create a loop such that it displays value for everyday of last week of every month for 3 years
You can use date arithmetic to get the last week of each month. In Terdata, I think this is one solution:
select abc
from table1
where (date >= (current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day') - interval '6 day' and
date <= current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day'
) or
(date >= (current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day') - interval '1 month' - interval '6 day' and
date <= current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day' - interval '1 month'
) or
(date >= (current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day') - interval '2 month' - interval '6 day' and
date <= current_date - extract(day from date) * interval '1 day' - interval '12month'
DATEPART(wk, DATE) gives me the week number of that date, DATEPART(wk,EOMONTH(DATE)) gives me the week number of (the last day of the corresponding date's month). So, when I check this, I will only select dates belonging to the last week of every month. The next filter is to select only those dates which are lesser than 3 years from now (GETDATE()).
I found that there is a function last_day for last day of month, and date_part(dow, date) for numeric day of week starting with Sunday, but I am trying to take a date, and get the first day of that week.
Meaning: if date='2018-02-14' then result should be '2018-02-11'.
Any ideas?
You simply want to subtract the dow value from the current date.
select dateadd(d, -datepart(dow, my_date), my_date)
from (select date('2018-02-14') as my_date)
> 2018-02-11 00:00:00.0
For example, if dow is 3 for 2018-02-14 - a Wednesday - you can subtract 3 days to get back to "day 0".
There's also the date_trunc function which will truncate everything after a given datepart. This is a little clunky, and will only set you back to the previous Monday, not Sunday.
select date_trunc('week', my_date)
from (select date('2018-02-14') as my_date)
Not sure if there is a more efficient solution but:
date_trunc('week',my_date + '1 day'::interval)::date - '1 day'::interval as week_start
If you want to get First day of week with week start day is any day in the week (Monday, Tuesday, ...). You can use this way:
day_of_week_index mapping:
'monday': 1,
'tuesday': 2,
'wednesday': 3,
'thursday': 4,
'friday': 5,
'saturday': 6,
'sunday': 7
Query Template:
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM datetime_column) < day_of_week_index THEN cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 8 + day_of_week_index
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', datetime_column) AS date) - 1 + day_of_week_index
FROM table_name;
Get First day of week with week start day is Wednesday
WHEN extract(ISODOW FROM TIMESTAMP '2021-12-03 03:00:00') < 3 THEN cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-03 03:00:00') AS date) - 8 + 3
ELSE cast(date_trunc('week', TIMESTAMP '2021-12-03 03:00:00') AS date) - 1 + 3
=> Result:
Note: You can change the day_of_week_index following the above mapping to determine the week start day (Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday).
I used following query to get current week
select extract(week from current_timestamp) and it is showing 34 thats fine.
But how do i get the current week number of the current month.
You can find the first day of this week with:
trunc('week', current_date)
And the first day of the first week of this month with:
trunc('week', date_trunc('month', current_date))
Subtract the two to find the in-month weeknumber:
extract('day' from date_trunc('week', current_date) -
date_trunc('week', date_trunc('month', current_date))) / 7 + 1
Try the following
SELECT to_char('2016-05-01'::timestamp, 'W');
You can find week number by using day as well like:
select ((date_part('day', current_date)::integer - 1) / 7) +1;
Im not sure on how does this work on postgreSql (http://www.w3cyberlearnings.com/PostgreSQL_DATE_PART)
but in sql server the example is something like this...
>SELECT date_part('week', date)
This will give accurate results
RETURNS integer AS
ELSE extract(week from $1:: TIMESTAMP)::integer
- extract(week from ( date_trunc('month', $1::TIMESTAMP) + interval '1 day' ) )::integer + 1
COST 100;
Example: week_no('2017-01-01') = 1
Maybe late.. but this works too
where cast(call_start as Date) = Date 'today'
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -1
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -2
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -3
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -4
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -5
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -6
or cast(call_start as Date)= Date 'today' -7
this gives me it
I'm trying to generate a series in PostgreSQL with the generate_series function. I need a series of months starting from Jan 2008 until current month + 12 (a year out). I'm using and restricted to PostgreSQL 8.3.14 (so I don't have the timestamp series options in 8.4).
I know how to get a series of days like:
select generate_series(0,365) + date '2008-01-01'
But I am not sure how to do months.
select DATE '2008-01-01' + (interval '1' month * generate_series(0,11))
If you need to calculate the number dynamically, the following could help:
select DATE '2008-01-01' + (interval '1' month * generate_series(0,month_count::int))
from (
select extract(year from diff) * 12 + extract(month from diff) + 12 as month_count
from (
select age(current_timestamp, TIMESTAMP '2008-01-01 00:00:00') as diff
) td
) t
This calculates the number of months since 2008-01-01 and then adds 12 on top of it.
But I agree with Scott: you should put this into a set returning function, so that you can do something like select * from calc_months(DATE '2008-01-01')
You can interval generate_series like this:
SELECT date '2014-02-01' + interval '1' month * s.a AS date
FROM generate_series(0,3,1) AS s(a);
Which would result in:
2014-02-01 00:00:00
2014-03-01 00:00:00
2014-04-01 00:00:00
2014-05-01 00:00:00
(4 rows)
You can also join in other tables this way:
SELECT date '2014-02-01' + interval '1' month * s.a AS date, t.date, t.id
FROM generate_series(0,3,1) AS s(a)
LEFT JOIN <other table> t ON t.date=date '2014-02-01' + interval '1' month * s.a;
You can interval generate_series like this:
SELECT TO_CHAR(months, 'YYYY-MM') AS "dateMonth"
FROM generate_series(
'2008-01-01' :: DATE,
'2008-06-01' :: DATE ,
'1 month'
) AS months
Which would result in:
(6 rows)
Well, if you only need months, you could do:
select extract(month from days)
select generate_series(0,365) + date'2008-01-01' as days
group by 1
order by 1;
and just parse that into a date string...
But since you know you'll end up with months 1,2,..,12, why not just go with select generate_series(1,12);?
In the generated_series() you can define the step, which is one month in your case. So, dynamically you can define the starting date (i.e. 2008-01-01), the ending date (i.e. 2008-01-01 + 12 months) and the step (i.e. 1 month).
SELECT generate_series('2008-01-01', '2008-01-01'::date + interval '12 month', '1 month')::date AS generated_dates
and you get