How can I get selected custom field value of product after adding in cart? - magento-1.6

I have added product in cart with some custom fields. Now, I want to get selected custom field value of product after adding in cart.


NetSuite API - Adding "Item Group" under a Sales Order

I am trying to integrate with NetSuite API to create Sales Orders. It works fine when I add Non-inventory items. However, when I add Item groups through the API, it fails with the error "Please enter a value for amount".
What I tried so far:
-> Added the Item Group Header Item
-> Added all the line items under the Item group
-> Added the "end of group" line item (item id = '0')
->I have set quantity and rate for all the lines
Yet it fails with the above error. What is the right way to add an item group to a Sales Order Line in NetSuite?
Thanks in advance!
I am not sure, but see if you are using the "custom" price level.
Use custom price levels and set the amount too.

Select a value on a dropbox list when user clicks on a checkbox? (In the same view) Odoo 10

I have defined an extended product view which uses a checkbox field to define that a product has certain attributes.
I would like that when user clicks on that checkbox a given value in Units of Measure dropdown field is automatically selected.
So, how do I select a value on a dropdown list when user clicks on a checkbox? (same view).
It should be done by onchange method. You can define new boolean fields in that model and need to write onchange function for that.
def onchange_boolean(self):
if self.boolean_field:
self.product_uom_id = product_uom_record_id
self.product_uom_id = product_uom_record_id
#Your custom code
product_uom_record_id : you need to search product uom record and set it there. Make sure you must assign ID not the object (browsable
By this way you can call this function while onchange happen on this boolean field.

Add customize field in blocklayered

I have problem with add new custom field to search in blocklayered Prestashop.
How I can add new search field with custom type such as:
add textbox to search product by name
add textbox to search product by producer
add textbox to search product by quality
I tried to add custom field but it did not work.
in this case it's necessary to rebuild search functions located in Search.php class (classes/Search.php)
it's necessary to include these fields to search queries.

When I add an item to a listbox from a separate listbox, how do I find the string from the item added and search for that string within a text file?

I am working on an online shopping cart application and am quite new to Visual Basic 2010. I have two listbox's one for the current items in stock and another for the cart. When a user clicks an item in stock it is added to the second list box, how do I find the string of this item added so that I can then search for it within a text file and finds its cost using an array of records?
Many thanks in advance

Change List Item Text Dynamically in a ComboBox

I have a combobox that is filled with Site names. When an item is selected, the user is able to edit the site information. If they modify the name of the site, I want to update this in the combobox list. I have seen that I can remove the item, and re-add it, but I don't want to change the order, I only want to change the text of the selected item.
Is there an accesseser that allows the text in a combobox list item to be modified?