How to access to remote server - apache

I want to create a repository on the remote server .
Access constraint that I have :
(a) IP address (of server)
(b) username/pw
I am following this tutorial and stuck in the first step :"Initial access to mercurial-server"
I am not able to understand those "ssh connection" syntax (specially the my-key)
How could I connect to remote server(using ssh-agent ) i order to create new repo .

This is the same problem we see again and again. mercurial-server isn't a part of Mercurial. It's a separate, third party, not generally necessary piece of software that tries to make mercurial administration easier without really succeeding.
Start here:
and pick the type of access you want, http or ssh and then use either hgweb.cgi + apache (for http) or nothing at all if you just want to use ssh.
Specifically, for any server that has the mercurial client on it (apt-get install mercurial on debian or ubuntu and yum install mercurial on redhat, fedora, or centos) you don't need any extra software at all for hosting mercurial repositories over ssh. You can just do:
hg clone myLocalrepo ssh://you#thatserver/myRemoteRepo
and poof you're hosting there.


Is it possible to host a Minecraft server on GitHub Codespaces?

I downloaded the Fabric server jar file to a GitHub Codespace and am able to run the server without trouble. However, I am unable to determine the IP needed to connect to the server. Starting the server automatically forwards port 25565 and I make the port public. However, I can't figure out which IP to paste into Minecraft to connect to it. How do I figure out the IP of the server?
I found an answer thanks to inspiration from this question.
Set up the fabric server jar as you normally would, but on the codespace. Start the server.
Split the terminal so one is running Java (server console) and the other is running bash.
Install ngrok via npm i ngrok --save-dev.
Once the server is finished setting up, run the command ./node_modules/.bin/ngrok tcp 25565.
Copy the ip shown under Forwarding (minus the tcp:// part and including the port). This should look something like
You now have the ip of the serve!
Note: The free version of ngrok has URLs which change every time, as well as a limit, but for small-scale servers this shouldn't be an issue. You are also limited by the free codespace usage limit GitHub puts in place. However, you can easily get around this by creating a secondary account that you use codespaces on only for the server.

SSH authentication in Artifactory

I tried reading Artifactory user guide but the instructions on SSH authentication were not clear. Can someone explain how to do SSH authentication in Artifactory?
Actually, enabling SSH on Artifactory is fairly straight forward, the client is what may require some additional debugging if it is unable to connect for any reason. The steps for enabling SSH on Artifactory are available in the online documentation for SSH Integration. You simply need to create a key pair on any machine with ssh-keygen installed (most linux distros will have this by default), then click on Admin, select Security -> SSH Server, click Enable SSH and add in the private and public key just created. Select a port and set the custom base url if necessary and Save.
Now, the user in Artifactory that wishes to authenticate with SSH needs to add his public key to his profile. This can be done by simply logging in and clicking your username in the top right corner of Artifactory. Under this section, you will need to add your password again and then you can simply paste the public key in the SSH section, you can read about this process in Updating Your Profile.
That's it, Artifactory is now ready for SSH for that particular user, and any other user can add their public key to their profile to use SSH authentication.
Configuring the client depends on which client you are attempting to setup. The most common use case is GitLFS, so I will share some documentation for setting up Git LFS with SSH to Artifactory.
Most of what you need to setup Git LFS can be found in JFrog's Git LFS Repository Authenticating with SSH documentation, or in JFrog's public solution on Git LFS Authentication. The latter contains an example of what the git config file should look like and also contains relevant information on setting up SSH authentication with an nginx reverse proxy (if you have one configured and running).
If this doesn't answer your question, can you please provide some more details on which client you are using to authenticate and specifically what is not working (any relevant error messages or log output), both Artifactory and client-side.

Can't access my EC2 chef node with knife ssh

So I've set up my EC2 chef node in several ways (bootstrapping with knife or through client-chef parameters from my node), and every time I try to access the node through knife ssh I get the following error:
WARNING: Failed to connect to *node's FQDN* -- SocketError: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
I use knife ssh mainly to update to node and just run sudo client-chef
From this error I assume that I have no access to the FQDN as its an internal address, isn't the chef server supposed to do that for me?
I will soon have a private VPC on AWS so on any occasion I won't be able to access the internal address from my workstation.
Is there a way to make the chef server run this ssh command, or run it any other way?
What I've discovered is basically my misunderstanding of how chef works, I was looking for some sort of push mechanism, and chef does not support push out of the box.
There are 2 workarounds to this:
1) Chef's push jobs - as I'm writing this post, chef push jobs do not work on Ubuntu 14, and I'm not too keen on letting this service dictate the OS of my choice
2) Not recommended anywhere, but installing knife on my chef server worked. Since the chef server is within the VPC, he's my only point of access and from there I'll run knife ssh to all my other nodes.
If anyone is looking for more of a push-based service I'd recommend to look at SaltStack
Since your node does not have an external IP, you should use an ssh gateway. Please refer to this thread: Using knife ec2 plugin to create VM in VPC private subnet
As you mentioned in your answer, the chef doesn't provide push capability, instead it uses a pull. And knife ssh does exactly that - it ssh to the nodes and allows you to run chef-client command which would pull the configuration from the chef server.
Please note, that in your 2nd solution, any node within the VPC with knife would do. This doesn't have to be a Chef server, or should I say the Chef server doesn't have to be in this VPC at all. However, a solution like this compromises security since your authentication with the chef server and your ssh private key would be both located somewhere outside your workstation.
There is also one more way to mention, which is to add chef-client runs to cron if your strategy is well tested.

connect opscenter and datastax agent runs in two docker containers

There two containers which is running in two physical machines.One container for Ops-center and other is for (datastax Cassandra + Ops-center agent).I have have manually installed Ops-center agent on each Cassandra containers.This setup is working fine.
But Ops-center can not upgrade nodes due to fail ssh connections to nodes. Is there any way create ssh connection between those two containers. ??
In Docker you should NOT run SSH, read HERE why. After reading that and you still want to run SSH you can, but it is not the same as running it on Linux/Unix. This article has several options.
If you still want to SSH into your container read THIS and follow the instructions. It will install OpenSSH. You then configure it and generate a SSH key that you will copy/paste into the Datastax Opscenter Agent upgrade dialog box when prompted for security credentials.
Lastly, upgrading the Agent is as simple as moving the latest Agent JAR or the version of the Agent JAR you want to run into the Datastax-agent Bin directory. You can do that manually and redeploy your container much simpler than using SSH.
Hope that helps,

Transfering file to remote server behind a gate node with key authentication disabled - and compiling

I'm working on a project that requires me to run my code on a remote Unix server, that is not available to connect to directly (you first have to log in to the "gate" node and then to this server).
What's really bad is that they disabled key authentication, so each time I need to ssh into it, I have to type in my password twice. It's really annoying and I wonder what's the best way to transfer my local modifications of source files to this server, compile and run them without having to provide those passwords so many times.
I have no sudo access to any of those servers (neither to this "gate", nor to this target server). Any ideas on how to make the whole process more efficient?
EDIT: Martin Prikryl provided a great answer below, but it's suitable for Windows and I'm on a Mac :) I guess it might be a good thing to have it documented here also for *NIX systems.
You are looking for SSH tunneling.
WinSCP SFTP client supports one-hop SSH tunneling natively.
See the Tunnel page on WinSCP Advanced Site Settings dialog.
I assume that after you transfer the file, you need to open SSH terminal to compile the file.
You may be able to make use of WinSCP Console window for that step.
Alternatively, if you need/want to use a real SSH terminal client, make use of an existing SSH tunnel, created by WinSCP, and connect with PuTTY (or any other SSH client) over it.
In the Local tunnel port of WinSCP Tunnel page, select a fixed port number (instead of the default Autoselect). In PuTTY enter "localhost" to Host Name and the selected port in Port.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)