Multiple Layer-In-Folder Editing - photoshop

So basically i have 10 copies of the same folder in 10 other seperate folders, and i want to edit the contents of the folders all at once.
All i want to do is move 2 layers to a different location for every single folder i have. How would i go about doing this?
Would anyone recommend batch or anything? and if so, it would be cool if someone could help and tell me how to do the required process too. Thank you.
So for some reason my question is not going through so im going to assume i need more text or something so please dont read this as this is just random text im adding for no reason. im sorry.

if all the images and colors are same in the folders
then change one folder and duplicate in 10 times
as per your question i not fully understand
you have to provide some more information

Use Smart Objects next time.
Convert folder in to Smart Object and dublicate in necessary location.
Edit Smart Object contents.


How to open multiple file trees in IDEA (WebStorm)

Goal: View multiple scopes(file tree) at once.
I'm modifying a little old web node application, the view folder and logic handling are written in different places, but I need to see each other.
So, I would like to have multiple file trees in the same project for easy navigation.
However, since the folders are so far apart from each other, I set up a scope and try to switch between them each time.
Sorry, my English is not very good, so I use a little translation. I'm attaching a picture just in case.
Thank you.
I was able to find a few solutions.
It is the Favorites window.
Maybe the scope is not available, but I was able to increase the number of project views to two.
I can't open more than three of them, so if there is a convenient way to do this, please let me know.
Thank you.

How to collect and save all images in a web browser? VB.NET

I've been been browsing SO for answers on this and couldn't find a solution. Hopefully someone can be of help with this.
The goal: To collect all images in Web browser 1 - And then to save them to a local file.
I don't want to the images to compress in an odd way, I've attempted getting a collection of the images with WebBrowser1.Document.Images and i've also tried to get them coped to a Clipboard(it was of lower quality) -
In my head here's kind of what im thinking:
For each (whatever tag houses img src) - I can grab that, already have, but what's the most effective way to grab ALL images and download them to a folder? Would it be using the method of writing them to memory? Need some help please. I've honestly looked around all over multiple forums and couldn't find a logical answer to this

Embedding .exe's into a application

So here's whats up,
I am a Bench Technician for an IT company. I find myself repeating the same task over and over when preforming system reloads. I want to write an application where I have all the programs for a reload in one spot, and call them by a button click event. I have tried adding them into the Resources and calling them by Environment.CurrentDirectory+"\Path" to no avail, I get " System cannot find the file specified. When the path is hard coded it works like a charm, but this will obviously not do as it needs to be able to move to any system. I am looking for a way to add the exe's I need and a generic way to call the path. I am not looking for handouts here, I have done my homework on this one and still not found a solution, If I could get someone to -point me in the right direction, it would be awesome.
Since what you have already tried is much saner and easier for the average user to work with than having the files embedded in another executable, I'll explain that method.
CurrentDirectory is where your executable is executed from, Like this:
C:\MyDir> MyOtherDir\MyProgram.exe
CurrentDirectory refers to C:\MyDir in this example.
What you need is the application directory; and according to top answer of this question the most reliable way to get that is using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
EDIT: Also consider using Path.DirectorySeparatorChar instead of \.

How to save an object after exit

So I'm currently working with and winforms and I need the have objects created from my classes saved so they are still there if I exit the program and open it again.
I also needed to make them dynamically so I was going to add them to a dictionary on creation and save that dictionary in the settings, but it seems that you can't save a dictionary in settings.
So how can I do this? Maybe something like save the creations in an excel sheet and recreate them on load each time, that might work but seems a tad inefficient, Thanks in advance, Ed.
(p.s. sorry if this makes no sense it's 1:30am in the morning here and I'm not really with it.)
So just putting this here in case anybody else has this problem, I took Plutonix's advice and looked into serialization and it sorted my problem, used this video:

Locked Classes with VBA/VB

I want to package my classes (in VBA or VB), but I want to put a lock on them before I do so. I want the computer to return a message similar to one in the Word file attached. Can anybody point me in the right direction? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of help in this regard.
I would need something that would lock just the classes that I have made while still leaving the rest. My understanding is that the mde would compile the whole works, and therefore would not work. Is that correct?
Could you have 2 projects for 1 mdb file? Then I could allow 1 project to be locked (mine) and then the other to be open to everyone
Marty Habicht
An add-in may suit:
You can create an mde and include it as a refernce in other Access applications (code window, Tools-References).
See my Add-in Tips, Hints and Gotchas page for an Access only answer.
A simple solution would be to put the classes in an mde, and then just set a reference to the MDE from the unlocked project. This will give you access to the class, while rendering your source unviewable. This won't stop a determined reverser, but I don't really think a determined reverser is in the threat model:)