Dir Function in Excel 2010 VBA not working - vba

I am trying to loop through a given directory to find the latest downloaded csv file. For some reason my Dir function won't find any file even if the file does exist. I am not totally familiar with VBA so i may perhaps be missing some sort of reference to perform the Dir function, but I can't find anything online that tells me I need to. All the examples and forums use Dir just like I do, but I can't get mine to work. Here is the code, please tell me if you can see what I am doing wrong:
Public Function Get_File() as string
Dim filePath As String
ChDir ("..")
filePath = CurDir
'Goes back to Documents directory to be in same directory as macro
ChDir (filePath & "\Documents")
filePath = filePath & "\Downloads\test.txt"
filePath = getLatestFile(filePath)
Get_File = filePath
End Function
Public Function getLatestFile(pathToFile As String) As String
Dim StrFile As String
Dim lastMod As Variant
Dim nextMod As Variant
Dim lastFileName As String
StrFile = Dir(pathToFile)
lastFileName = StrFile
lastMod = FileDateTime(StrFile)
While Len(StrFile) > 0
Debug.Print StrFile
StrFile = Dir
nextMod = FileDateTime(StrFile)
If nextMod > lastMod Then
lastFileName = StrFile
lastMod = nextMod
End If
getLatestFile = lastFileName
End Function
The test.txt file is in my Downloads file and the filePath string prints out to be the correct path, but I keep getting an error stating that it can't find the file. It fails at the first use of Dir(pathToFile). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dir() only returns the filename portion of the path, i.e., it does not return the folder portion. For example,
returns MyFile.txt not C:\MyPath\MyFile.txt


Searching a File in Directory

I would like to search a file in user-defined directory. My file structure like that xxx__description__myFileName__YYMMDD.txt there'll be multiple versions of this file so I want to list all files in directory which includes myFileName in their filename. Also I don't know is it the efficient way to list files with such type of code.
I tried to use this code but it gives me an error:
Run-time error '445': Object doesn't support this action
Sub findFiles()
Dim i As Integer
Dim myFile As String
myFileName = "ABC123"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:\myTestDirectory"
.fileName = "*myFileName*.xlsx"
.SearchSubFolders = True
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
Debug.Print .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
End If
End With
End Sub

Find all the PDFs in a folder using Visual Basic in Access

So I am very new with using Visual Basic and I am having trouble. I want to open a folder and read all the PDFs in the folder for content. I found this code on the Microsoft Guidelines, but received errors regarding expectations of certain codes:
For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.pdf")
Does anyone know why I am getting such errors?
See if this is useful
Sub Dougsloop()
Dim Filename As String
Dim path As String
path = "path to folder" & "\"
Filename = Dir(path & "*.pdf")
Do While Len(Filename) > 0
debug.print; FileName
'Listbox1.Items.AddItem (Filename) replace debug w/this
Filename = Dir
End Sub

MS Access Lotus notes attach multiple files from a folder

I need to figure out how to put a code in MS Access vba for attaching all the files in a selected folder.
Right now I can do just one from a specific location:
PathLocation = "C:\Test\test.PDF"
If Not IsNull(PathLocation) Then
txtAttach = PathLocation
Set objAttachment = objMailDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("strFileAttachment")
Set objEmbedObject = objAttachment.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", txtAttach, "strFileAttachment")
End If
But what I really want is to collect all the stuff from the Test folder.
You need the Dir- statement to run through all files in the directory:
Dim PathLocation As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim filePath as String
PathLocation = "C:\Test\"
If Not IsNull(PathLocation) Then
Set objAttachment = objMailDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("strFileAttachment")
fileName = Dir$(PathLocation & "*.*", 0)
Do While fileName <> ""
filePath = PathLocation & fileName
Set objEmbedObject = objAttachment.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", filePath, "")
fileName = Dir$()
End If
To run through e.g. just PDFs replace the *.* in the code above by *.pdf
Hope this should help,there is an example attached at the end as well.

How to get the browse file path in text box using VBA?

How to get the browse file name into text box ? if get the file path, how to split the file name?
I tried application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files(*.txt),*.txt")
Please advise to display into the text box and how to split the exact file name only to read the text file?
Don't waste your time reinventing the wheel: the FileSystemObject will do this for you.
Dim FSO As Object: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sheet1.TextBox1.Text = FSO.GetFilename("C:\mydir\myfile.dat")
The textbox now contains the text myfile.dat.
The Dir function will give you the file name as long as it's a file that exists - and yours will be if you use GetOpenFilename.
Sub GetFileName()
Dim sFullName As String
Dim sFileName As String
sFullName = Application.GetOpenFilename("*.txt,*.txt")
sFileName = Dir(sFullName)
Debug.Print sFullName, sFileName
End Sub
Here is a VBA routine to return the file name stripped of its path. Its easily modified to return the path instead, or both.
' Returns the file name without a path via file open dialog box
' Prompts user to select a file. Which ever file is selected, the function returns
' the filename stripped of the path.
Function GetAFileName() As String
Dim someFileName As Variant
Dim folderName As String
Dim i As Integer
Const STRING_NOT_FOUND As Integer = 0
'select a file using a dialog and get the full name with path included
someFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
If someFileName <> False Then
'strip off the folder path
folderName = vbNullString
i = 1
i = InStr(1, someFileName, "\", vbTextCompare) 'returns position of the first backslash "\"
folderName = folderName & Left(someFileName, i)
someFileName = Right(someFileName, Len(someFileName) - i)
Else 'no backslash was found... we are done
GetAFileName = someFileName
End If
GetAFileName = vbNullString
End If
End Function
Easiest way is to simply read from the final "\";
tbx.text = mid$(someFileName, 1 + InStrRev(someFileName, "\"), Len(someFileName))
Button1 click
Me.TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
End Sub
Textbox1 change
Dim File As System.IO.FileInfo
File = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(TextBox1.Text)
Dim Path As String = File.DirectoryName
TextBox2.Text = Path
Dim fileName As String = File.Name
TextBox3.Text = fileName
End Sub

Excel macro to read input from files created today only

I have an application that exports daily reports in txt format.
I have a macro that extracts certain lines of data from those reports and puts them in an output xls file. my macro's input directory is curently a separate folder that i manually move today's reports into.
I'd like for my macro to be able to just read from the default report folder and only read files created with today's date.
the naming convention of the report files is as follows:
not sure what the last 3 digits on the file name represents, but they're always numbers.
WOW that was fast! thanks... fist time using stackoverflow.
I guess i should include the code that pulls data and dumps it to excel... here it is:
Sub PullLinesFromEPremisReport()
Dim FileName, PathN, InputLn As String
Dim SearchFor1, SearchFor2, OutpFile As String
Dim StringLen1, StringLen2 As Integer
Dim colFiles As New Collection
Dim bridgekey As String
PathO = "C:\Documents and Settings\GROMERO\Desktop\CM reconciliation\output\"
PathN = "C:\Documents and Settings\GROMERO\Desktop\CM reconciliation\input\"
FileName = Dir(PathN)
While FileName <> ""
colFiles.Add (FileName)
FileName = Dir
SearchFor1 = "BRIDGE KEY"
StringLen1 = Len(SearchFor1)
OutpFile = "RESULTS.xls"
Open PathO & OutpFile For Output As #2
For Each Item In colFiles
Open PathN & Item For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1) = True
Line Input #1, InputLn
If (Left(LTrim$(InputLn), StringLen1) = SearchFor1) Then
bridgekey = InputLn
End If
Close #1
Next Item
Close #2
End Sub
Daniel's answer is correct, but using the FileSystemObject requires a couple of steps:
Make sure you have a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime":
Then, to iterate through the files in the directory:
Sub WorkOnTodaysReports()
'the vars you'll need
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim fldr As Folder
Dim fls As Files
Dim fl As File
Set fldr = fso.GetFolder("C:\Reports")
Set fls = fldr.Files
For Each fl In fls
'InStr returns the position of the substring, or 0 if not found
' EDIT: you can explicitly use the reliable parts of your file name
' to avoid false positives
If InStr(1, fl.Name, "AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD")) > 0 Then
'Do your processing
End If
Next fl
End Sub
EDIT: So I think, from the code you posted, you could send PathN to the main Reports folder like you desire, then just modify your While statement like so:
While FileName <> ""
If InStr(1, FileName, "AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD")) > 0 Then
colFiles.Add (FileName)
End If
FileName = Dir
Two ways you can do this off the top of my head. Assuming you are using a File via the FileSystemObject.
Do an Instr on the file.Name looking for Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD") within the string.
Or use a far simpler approach loop through the files and within your loop do this:
If File.DateCreate >= Date Then
'Do something
end if
Where File is the actual variable used to for looping through the files.
If fileName like "*AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD") & _
"#########.txt" Then
'good to go
End If