minus vs delete where exist in oracle - sql

I have a CREATE TABLE query which can be done using two methods (create as select statement for thousands/million records):
First method:
create table as select some data minus (select data from other table)
first i should create the table as
create table as select .....
and then
delete from ..where exist.
I guess the second method is better.For which query the cost is less?Why is minus query not as fast as the second method?
I forgot to mention that the create statement has join from two tables as well.

The minus is slow probably because it needs to sort the tables on disk in order to compare them.
Try to rewrite the first query with NOT EXISTS instead of MINUS, it should be faster and will generate less REDO and UNDO (as a_horse_with_no_name mentioned). Of course, make sure that all the fields involved in the WHERE clauses are indexed!

The second one will write lots of records to disk and then remove them. This will in 9 of 10 cases take way longer then filtering what you write in to begin with.
So if the first one actually isn't faster we need more information about the tables and statements involved.


Should I split my SQL Server table?

I have a table where the majority of columns are very, very often read (SELECTed) and are almost never updated.
I now need to add a set of columns to the same table (they are properties of the same entity), only these will be less often read, and also very often updated
If I add the new columns into the same table, will the UPDATEs interfere with the SELECTs?
Should I instead create a new table with a 1-to-1 relationship to the previous table?
If it matters I am using Azure SQL Server.
In my opinion, splitting things out into separate tables is never a bad idea. However, in this case it shouldn't matter. The UPDATE statements will not interfere with the SELECTs unless the SELECT statements are selecting the columns to be updates (which it sounds like, since these are new columns your adding, would not be the case unless the select statements are SELECT * ). In other words, if your SELECT statement looks something like this:
SELECT distinct * FROM my.Table where [NewColumn] is not NULL
In this case it may depend on when the UPDATE statement was run because if we assume the new column(s) are null by default and the UPDATE statement updates the first row, then the SELECT statement runs before it updates the next row, you could end up selecting only 1 row when you meant to select 2 rows.
Based on how you've described the table, it sounds to me like your better off splitting things up even though it is very unlikely that the statements would interfere with each other.

PostgreSQL return select results AND add them to temporary table?

I want to select a set of rows and return them to the client, but I would also like to insert just the primary keys (integer id) from the result set into a temporary table for use in later joins in the same transaction.
This is for sync, where subsequent queries tend to involve a join on the results from earlier queries.
What's the most efficient way to do this?
I'm reticent to execute the query twice, although it may well be fast if it was added to the query cache. An alternative is store the entire result set into the temporary table and then select from the temporary afterward. That also seems wasteful (I only need the integer id in the temp table.) I'd be happy if there was a SELECT INTO TEMP that also returned the results.
Currently the technique used is construct an array of the integer ids in the client side and use that in subsequent queries with IN. I'm hoping for something more efficient.
I'm guessing it could be done with stored procedures? But is there a way without that?
I think you can do this with a Postgres feature that allows data modification steps in CTEs. The more typical reason to use this feature is, say, to delete records for a table and then insert them into a log table. However, it can be adapted to this purpose. Here is one possible method (I don't have Postgres on hand to test this):
with q as (
<your query here>
t as (
insert into temptable(pk)
select pk
from q
select *
from q;
Usually, you use the returning clause with the data modification queries in order to capture the data being modified.

Alternatives to UPDATE statement Oracle 11g

I'm currently using Oracle 11g and let's say I have a table with the following columns (more or less)
ID varchar(64)
Status int(1)
Transaction_date date
tons of other columns
And this table has about 1 Billion rows. I would want to update the status column with a specific where clause, let's say
where transaction_date = somedatehere
What other alternatives can I use rather than just the normal UPDATE statement?
Currently what I'm trying to do is using CTAS or Insert into select to get the rows that I want to update and put on another table while using AS COLUMN_NAME so the values are already updated on the new/temporary table, which looks something like this:
So far everything seems to work faster than the normal update statement. The problem now is I would want to get the remaining data from the original table which I do not need to update but I do need to be included on my updated table/list.
What I tried to do at first was use DELETE on the same original table using the same where clause so that in theory, everything that should be left on that table should be all the data that i do not need to update, leaving me now with the two tables:
TABLE1 --which now contains the rows that i did not need to update
TABLE1_TEMPORARY --which contains the data I updated
But the delete statement in itself is also too slow or as slow as the orginal UPDATE statement so without the delete statement brings me to this point.
TABLE1 --which contains BOTH the data that I want to update and do not want to update
TABLE1_TEMPORARY --which contains the data I updated
What other alternatives can I use in order to get the data that's the opposite of my WHERE clause (take note that the where clause in this example has been simplified so I'm not looking for an answer of NOT EXISTS/NOT IN/NOT EQUALS plus those clauses are slower too compared to positive clauses)
I have ruled out deletion by partition since the data I need to update and not update can exist in different partitions, as well as TRUNCATE since I'm not updating all of the data, just part of it.
Is there some kind of JOIN statement I use with my TABLE1 and TABLE1_TEMPORARY in order to filter out the data that does not need to be updated?
I would also like to achieve this using as less REDO/UNDO/LOGGING as possible.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming this is not a one-time operation, but you are trying to design for a repeatable procedure.
Partition/subpartition the table in a way so the rows touched are not totally spread over all partitions but confined to a few partitions.
Ensure your transactions wouldn't use these partitions for now.
Per each partition/subpartition you would normally UPDATE, perform CTAS of all the rows (I mean even the rows which stay the same go to TABLE1_TEMPORARY). Then EXCHANGE PARTITION and rebuild index partitions.
At the end rebuild global indexes.
If you don't have Oracle Enterprise Edition, you would need to either CTAS entire billion of rows (followed by ALTER TABLE RENAME instead of ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION) or to prepare some kind of "poor man's partitioning" using a view (SELECT UNION ALL SELECT UNION ALL SELECT etc) and a bunch of tables.
There is some chance that this mess would actually be faster than UPDATE.
I'm not saying that this is elegant or optimal, I'm saying that this is the canonical way of speeding up large UPDATE operations in Oracle.
How about keeping in the UPDATE in the same table, but breaking it into multiple small chunks?
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 0000000 and 0999999
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 1000000 and 1999999
UPDATE .. WHERE transaction_date = somedatehere AND id BETWEEN 2000000 and 2999999
This could help if the total workload is potentially manageable, but doing it all in one chunk is the problem. This approach breaks it into modest-sized pieces.
Doing it this way could, for example, enable other apps to keep running & give other workloads a look in; and would avoid needing a single humungous transaction in the logfile.

IN vs OR of Oracle, which faster?

I'm developing an application which processes many data in Oracle database.
In some case, I have to get many object based on a given list of conditions, and I use SELECT ...FROM.. WHERE... IN..., but the IN expression just accepts a list whose size is maximum 1,000 items.
So I use OR expression instead, but as I observe -- perhaps this query (using OR) is slower than IN (with the same list of condition). Is it right? And if so, how to improve the speed of query?
IN is preferable to OR -- OR is a notoriously bad performer, and can cause other issues that would require using parenthesis in complex queries.
Better option than either IN or OR, is to join to a table containing the values you want (or don't want). This table for comparison can be derived, temporary, or already existing in your schema.
In this scenario I would do this:
Create a one column global temporary table
Populate this table with your list from the external source (and quickly - another whole discussion)
Do your query by joining the temporary table to the other table (consider dynamic sampling as the temporary table will not have good statistics)
This means you can leave the sort to the database and write a simple query.
Oracle internally converts IN lists to lists of ORs anyway so there should really be no performance differences. The only difference is that Oracle has to transform INs but has longer strings to parse if you supply ORs yourself.
Here is how you test that.
FROM my_test
WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
SELECT sql_text, hash_value
FROM v$sql
WHERE sql_text LIKE '%my_test%';
SELECT operation, options, filter_predicates
FROM v$sql_plan
WHERE hash_value = '1181594990'; -- hash_value from previous query
OR "ID"=6 OR "ID"=7 OR "ID"=8 OR "ID"=9 OR "ID"=10 OR "ID"=21 OR
"ID"=22 OR "ID"=23 OR "ID"=24 OR "ID"=25 OR "ID"=26 OR "ID"=27 OR
"ID"=28 OR "ID"=29 OR "ID"=30 OR "ID"=31 OR "ID"=32 OR "ID"=33 OR
"ID"=34 OR "ID"=35 OR "ID"=36 OR "ID"=37 OR "ID"=38 OR "ID"=39 OR
"ID"=40 OR "ID"=41 OR "ID"=42 OR "ID"=43 OR "ID"=44 OR "ID"=45 OR
"ID"=46 OR "ID"=47 OR "ID"=48 OR "ID"=49 OR "ID"=50 OR "ID"=51 OR
"ID"=52 OR "ID"=53 OR "ID"=54 OR "ID"=55 OR "ID"=56 OR "ID"=57 OR
"ID"=58 OR "ID"=59 OR "ID"=60 OR "ID"=61 OR "ID"=62 OR "ID"=63 OR
"ID"=64 OR "ID"=65 OR "ID"=66 OR "ID"=67 OR "ID"=68 OR "ID"=69 OR
"ID"=70 OR "ID"=71 OR "ID"=72 OR "ID"=73 OR "ID"=74 OR "ID"=75 OR
"ID"=76 OR "ID"=77 OR "ID"=78 OR "ID"=79 OR "ID"=80 OR "ID"=81 OR
"ID"=82 OR "ID"=83 OR "ID"=84 OR "ID"=85 OR "ID"=86 OR "ID"=87 OR
"ID"=88 OR "ID"=89 OR "ID"=90 OR "ID"=91 OR "ID"=92 OR "ID"=93 OR
"ID"=94 OR "ID"=95 OR "ID"=96 OR "ID"=97 OR "ID"=98 OR "ID"=99 OR
I would question the whole approach. The client of the SP has to send 100000 IDs. Where does the client get those IDs from? Sending such a large number of ID as the parameter of the proc is going to cost significantly anyway.
If you create the table with a primary key:
and go through the same SELECTs to run the query with the multiple IN values, followed by retrieving the execution plan via hash value, what you get is:
This seems to imply that when you have an IN list and are using this with a PK column, Oracle keeps the list internally as an "INLIST" because it is more efficient to process this, rather than converting it to ORs as in the case of an un-indexed table.
I was using Oracle 10gR2 above.

Performance: Subquery or Joining

I got a little question about performance of a subquery / joining another table
INTO Original.Person
PID, Name, Surname, SID
SELECT ma.PID_new , TBL.Name , ma.Surname, TBL.SID
FROM Copy.Person TBL , original.MATabelle MA
This is my SQL, now this thing runs around 1 million times or more.
My question is what would be faster?
If I change TBL.SID to (Select new from helptable where old = tbl.sid)
If I add the 'HelpTable' to the from and do the joining in the where?
Well, this script runs only as much as there r persons.
My program has 2 modules one that populates MaTabelle and one that transfers data. This program does merge 2 databases together and coz of this, sometimes the same Key is used.
Now I'm working on a solution that no duplicate Keys exists.
My solution is to make a 'HelpTable'. The owner of the key(SID) generates a new key and writes it into a 'HelpTable'. All other tables that use this key can read it from the 'HelpTable'.
Just got something in my mind:
if a table as a Key that can be null(foreignkey that is not linked)
then this won't work with the from or?
Modern RDBMs, including Oracle, optimize most joins and sub queries down to the same execution plan.
Therefore, I would go ahead and write your query in the way that is simplest for you and focus on ensuring that you've fully optimized your indexes.
If you provide your final query and your database schema, we might be able to offer detailed suggestions, including information regarding potential locking issues.
Here are some general tips that apply to your query:
For joins, ensure that you have an index on the columns that you are joining on. Be sure to apply an index to the joined columns in both tables. You might think you only need the index in one direction, but you should index both, since sometimes the database determines that it's better to join in the opposite direction.
For WHERE clauses, ensure that you have indexes on the columns mentioned in the WHERE.
For inserting many rows, it's best if you can insert them all in a single query.
For inserting on a table with a clustered index, it's best if you insert with incremental values for the clustered index so that the new rows are appended to the end of the data. This avoids rebuilding the index and often avoids locks on the existing records, which would slow down SELECT queries against existing rows. Basically, inserts become less painful to other users of the system.
Joining would be much faster than a subquery
The main difference betwen subquery and join is
subquery is faster when we have to retrieve data from large number of tables.Because it becomes tedious to join more tables.
join is faster to retrieve data from database when we have less number of tables.
Also, this joins vs subquery can give you some more info
Instead of focussing on whether to use join or subquery, I would focus on the necessity of doing 1,000,000 executions of that particular insert statement. Especially as Oracle's optimizer -as Marcus Adams already pointed out- will optimize and rewrite your statements under the covers to its most optimal form.
Are you populating MaTabelle 1,000,000 times with only a few rows and issue that statement? If yes, then the answer is to do it in one shot. Can you provide some more information on your process that is executing this statement so many times?
EDIT: You indicate that this insert statement is executed for every person. In that case the advice is to populate MATabelle first and then execute once:
INTO Original.Person
PID, Name, Surname, SID
SELECT ma.PID_new , TBL.Name , ma.Surname, TBL.SID
FROM Copy.Person TBL , original.MATabelle MA