Declare global variable in action script? - actionscript-2

I want to create a variable(possible global variable) in one action script file and want to use the same variable across all other action script files in the project. How to create such a variable and how to use the same variable across all .as files??

One simple way is to define a static variable in a Class (either create a new Class or use one of your existing classes):
// in
class MyConfig {
static var myVariable:String = "Hi";
// You can access / set the value from any class using MyConfig.myVariable
trace(MyConfig.myVariable); // prints Hi
MyConfig.myVariable = "Hello";
trace(MyConfig.myVariable); // prints Hello

Create one public class (lets assume
No need to add its instance.
Now declare all the variables that you want to use across multiple classes as STATIC.
(you can also declare and create instances of classes in that class to avoid multiple instances of classes)
Also you can add common methods to this class
So whenever you want to access that variable declared in GlobalVariables class
you need to access using reference e.g GlobalVariables.variableName
sample code:
package classes{
public class GlobalVariables{
public static var strURL:String;
public static function setExternalLinks(){
strURL = "http://demourl.asmx/";


Is there any way to create variables for movieclips in main timeline? AS3

if I declare
var myclip:Movieclip = new SomeSymbol();
is there any way I can declare a variable for this clip in the main timeline?
Obviously I can do it in the symbol timeline but would be great if I could just declare it in the timeline so I can have all these variables in one place instead of going through hundreds of symbols in the library.
maybe something like
var myclip.myvar:Number = 0;
obviously this doesnt work but is an example to give you an idea of what I'm asking
You can create the Symbol in the editor then move to the Library to Create a Class for it .
Class should look like this :
package {
public class SomeSymbol{
public var myVar:*;
public function SomeSymbol() {
When you create class , add whatever variables you want then you can access them easy by :
var myclip:SomeSymbol = new SomeSymbol();

Create new category instance inside template - prestashop 1.7

I know i can use category class methods inside .tpl template files like this:
{assign var='all_categories' value=Category::getCategories()}
But how can i actually initialize Category object inside template? So that __construct function runs.
I ask this because when i try to use some Category class functions, i get this error:
Using $this when not in object context
There is no way to instance a category through a tpl file, some classes have a public static method to do this, eg, like the Db class, this have one called getInstance, unfortunately by default doesn't exist nothing similar in the Category class. You should instance it in a php file and send to Smarty, or modify the class adding an object:
public static $instance = array();
And the method:
public static function getInstance($id_category)
if (isset(self::$instance[$id_category])) {
return self::$instance[$id_category];
return self::$instance[$id_category] = new Category($id_category);
Now you can use in your tpl:
{assign var='category' value=Category::getInstance(3)}

Base class for common YII functions?

I know how to create a class the will allow me to instantiate it and use across my project. What I want to be able to do is have functions without instantiating classes. For example, I know how to do this:
$core = new core();
$val = $core->convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
But what I want is to be able to do this ANYWHERE in any view, class whatever:
$val = convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
Where would I place these functions in order to be able to do that?
best way to do it, create a public function in components/Controller.php
public function globalFunction(){
// do something here.
and access it anywhere by
You can define a static method as an option.
class core{
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
Then call it like so:
$val = core::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
This requires no instantiation of the object to use. The only restriction is that you cannot use the $this property inside a static method.
Alternately, just define a file with your functions in it and include the file at some point early like, like within the boostrap script in your public_html/index.php file.
Edit: darkheir makes some good suggestions. Include such a class in your protected/components folder, and have it extend CComponent to gain some potentially useful enhancements.
By including the class in the protected/components folder, you gain the advantage of autoloading the class, by default.
There is no definitive question of your answer, it depends a lot on what the function will be doing!
If the function is performing some things specific to a model
(getting the last users, ...) this has to be in the User model as
Willem Renzema described:
class theModelClass {
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
And you'll call it like
$val = theModelClass::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
If the function is handling user inputs (sanitizing he inputs,
checking the values, ...) then it has to go to the controller and
you'll use Hemc solution:
Create a public function in components/Controller.php
public function globalFunction(){
// do something here.
and access it anywhere by
If the function is an Helper: performing some actions that do not
depend on models or user inoput then you can create a new class that
you'll put in your component directory:
class core extends CComponent{
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
$val = core::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
Actually, I think you're looking for this answer instead:
In essence, in your entry script, before you load up Yii, include a global functions file:
Then, any function defined in that file can be used as a shortcut. Be careful, but enjoy the power! :-)
Create something like
Class Core extends CApplicationComponent{
public function doSomething(){}
and in config main.php
'class' => 'Core'
and now you can call whenever you want

RTTI ?? create multiple object at runtime wxwidgets?

sorry for my stupid question
what are the right way to create multiple control object from a list of array of label of object ...?
The function wxCreateDynamicObject can be used to construct a new object of a given type, by supplying a string name. If you have a pointer to the wxClassInfo object instead, then you can simply call wxClassInfo::CreateObject.
You must include the IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS macro in every class you want to be able to dynamically create objects. IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS is a macro that not only initialises the static wxClassInfo member, but defines a global function capable of creating a dynamic object of the class in question.
In a header file:
class wxFrame : public wxWindow
wxString m_title;
In a C++ file:

Can a class return an object of itself

Can a class return an object of itself.
In my example I have a class called "Change" which represents a change to the system, and I am wondering if it is in anyway against design principles to return an object of type Change or an ArrayList which is populated with all the recent Change objects.
Yes, a class can have a method that returns an instance of itself. This is quite a common scenario.
In C#, an example might be:
public class Change
public int ChangeID { get; set; }
private Change(int changeId)
ChangeID = changeId;
private void LoadFromDatabase()
// TODO Perform Database load here.
public static Change GetChange(int changeId)
return new Change(changeId);
Yes it can. In fact, that's exactly what a singleton class does. The first time you call its class-level getInstance() method, it constructs an instance of itself and returns that. Then subsequent calls to getInstance() return the already-constructed instance.
Your particular case could use a similar method but you need some way of deciding the list of recent changes. As such it will need to maintain its own list of such changes. You could do this with a static array or list of the changes. Just be certain that the underlying information in the list doesn't disappear - this could happen in C++ (for example) if you maintained pointers to the objects and those objects were freed by your clients.
Less of an issue in an automatic garbage collection environment like Java since the object wouldn't disappear whilst there was still a reference to it.
However, you don't have to use this method. My preference with what you describe would be to have two clases, changelist and change. When you create an instance of the change class, pass a changelist object (null if you don't want it associated with a changelist) with the constructor and add the change to that list before returning it.
Alternatively, have a changelist method which creates a change itself and returns it, remembering the change for its own purposes.
Then you can query the changelist to get recent changes (however you define recent). That would be more flexible since it allows multiple lists.
You could even go overboard and allow a change to be associated with multiple changelists if so desired.
Another reason to return this is so that you can do function chaining:
class foo
private int x;
public foo()
this.x = 0;
public foo Add(int a)
this.x += a;
return this;
public foo Subtract(int a)
this.x -= a;
return this;
public int Value
get { return this.x; }
public static void Main()
foo f = new foo();
$ ./foo.exe
There's a time and a place to do function chaining, and it's not "anytime and everywhere." But, LINQ is a good example of a place that hugely benefits from function chaining.
A class will often return an instance of itself from what is sometimes called a "factory" method. In Java or C++ (etc) this would usually be a public static method, e.g. you would call it directly on the class rather than on an instance of a class.
In your case, in Java, it might look something like this:
List<Change> changes = Change.getRecentChanges();
This assumes that the Change class itself knows how to track changes itself, rather than that job being the responsibility of some other object in the system.
A class can also return an instance of itself in the singleton pattern, where you want to ensure that only one instance of a class exists in the world:
Foo foo = Foo.getInstance();
The fluent interface methods work on the principal of returning an instance of itself, e.g.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("123");
You need to think about what you're trying to model. In your case, I would have a ChangeList class that contains one or more Change objects.
On the other hand, if you were modeling a hierarchical structure where a class can reference other instances of the class, then what you're doing makes sense. E.g. a tree node, which can contain other tree nodes.
Another common scenario is having the class implement a static method which returns an instance of it. That should be used when creating a new instance of the class.
I don't know of any design rule that says that's bad. So if in your model a single change can be composed of multiple changes go for it.