XMLHTTP.send request brings back "Nothing" - vba

I have a spreadsheet that has hundreds of links that point to a server (with authentication) that can be accessed via the web. I've been searching for a solution to a Link Checker in a spreadsheet that would tell me which links are broken and which are ok. By broken I mean that the website does not get called up at all.
There are various solutions I have found around the web, none of which work for me. I'm boggled by this...
One example that I've tried to use and figure out is re-posted below.
As I've stepped through the code, I have come to realize that the oHTTP.send request brings back "Nothing". It does so for all links in the spreadsheet, regardless of whether the link works, or not.
Public Function CheckHyperlink(ByVal strUrl As String) As Boolean
Dim oHttp As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False
If Not oHttp.Status = 200 Then CheckHyperlink = False Else CheckHyperlink = True
Exit Function
CheckHyperlink = False
End Function
Any suggestions as to what might be wrong, or right, is highly appreciated!

A couple of possible causes..
Do you mean oHttp.Open "GET", strUrl, False instead of oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False ?
Perhaps MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 is not available? You can declare an instance of MSXML2.XMLHTTPX as either early bound or late bound which may impact which version you want to use vs what is available (example http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/InterDev/EarlyvsLateBinding.htm)
Option Explicit
'Dim oHTTPEB As New XMLHTTP30 'For early binding enable reference Microsoft XML, v3.0
Dim oHTTPEB As New XMLHTTP60 'For early binding enable reference Microsoft XML, v6.0
Sub Test()
Dim chk1 As Boolean
Dim chk2 As Boolean
chk1 = CheckHyperlinkLB("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647297/xmlhttp-send-request-brings-back-nothing")
chk2 = CheckHyperlinkEB("http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647297/xmlhttp-send-request-brings-back-nothing")
End Sub
Public Function CheckHyperlinkLB(ByVal strUrl As String) As Boolean
Dim oHTTPLB As Object
'late bound declaration of MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
Set oHTTPLB = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oHTTPLB.Open "GET", strUrl, False
If Not oHTTPLB.Status = 200 Then CheckHyperlinkLB = False Else CheckHyperlinkLB = True
Set oHTTPLB = Nothing
Exit Function
Set oHTTPLB = Nothing
CheckHyperlinkLB = False
End Function
Public Function CheckHyperlinkEB(ByVal strUrl As String) As Boolean
'early bound declaration of MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oHTTPEB.Open "GET", strUrl, False
If Not oHTTPEB.Status = 200 Then CheckHyperlinkEB = False Else CheckHyperlinkEB = True
Set oHTTPEB = Nothing
Exit Function
Set oHTTPEB = Nothing
CheckHyperlinkEB = False
End Function
I tested the OP's link by opening in a browser which I've now discovered redirects to the login page instead so it's a different link I was testing. It's probably failing because the oHttp object has not been set to allow redirects. I know it's possible to set redirects for WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 using the code below. I would need to investigate if this also works for MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 though.
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim chk1 As Boolean
chk1 = CheckHyperlink("http://portal.emilfrey.ch/portal/page/portal/toyota/30_after_sales/20_ersatzteile%20und%20zubeh%C3%B6r/10_zubeh%C3%B6r/10_produktbezogene%20informationen/10_aussen/10_felgen/10_asa-pr%C3%BCfberichte/iq/tab1357333/iq%20016660.pdf")
End Sub
Public Function CheckHyperlink(ByVal strUrl As String) As Boolean
Dim GetHeader As String
Const WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects = 6
Dim oHttp As Object
Set oHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = True
oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False
If Not oHttp.Status = 200 Then
CheckHyperlink = False
GetHeader = oHttp.getAllResponseHeaders()
CheckHyperlink = True
End If
Exit Function
CheckHyperlink = False
End Function
MSXML2.XMLHTTP does allow redirects (although I believe MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP doesn't). The redirects are allowed/disallowed depending upon whether the redirect is cross-domain, cross-port etc (see details here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537505(v=vs.85).aspx)
Since the redirect to the login page is cross-domain then IE zone policy is implemented. Open IE/Tools/Internet Options/Security/Custom Level and change 'Access data sources across domains' to ENABLED
The original OP's code will now redirect properly.


How to test whether WinHttpRequest works or if corporate security issue causes error

I found the following code on an excel forum:
Function URLExists(url As String) As Boolean
Dim Request As Object
Dim ff As Integer
Dim rc As Variant
On Error GoTo EndNow
Set Request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
With Request
.Open "GET", url, False
rc = .StatusText
End With
Set Request = Nothing
If rc = "OK" Then URLExists = True
Exit Function
End Function
I see no reason why it would not work if I use a legitiamte URL. I have been testing it and keep on getting a FALSE returned. Opening the same URL in a browser works.
I suspect that this might have something to do with our coporate security settings. How can I test whether the code works or if it is a security issue?
The function goes to the error line on .Send

EXCEL - Open all links in a new tab

I have an excel-sheet which contains many links.
How do I open them all at once in a new tab with my default browser?
Like this? Included checking url is valid (basic check). The advantage here is you adapt to log information about the response from the URL.
Option Explicit
Sub TEST()
Dim h As Hyperlink
For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
If UrlOK(h.Address) Then h.Follow
Next h
End Sub
Public Function UrlOK(ByVal url As String) As Boolean
Dim request As Object
Dim respCode As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set request = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
With request
.Open "GET", url, False
respCode = .Status
End With
If respCode = 200 Then UrlOK = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Edit: Thanks to #Omegastripes for noting
1) If you use MSXML2.XMLHTTP over WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 you get a more reliable result
Benefits include (amongst others):
A) Simplified code to open a URL.
B) Separate sessions do not impact each other.
C) Protected Mode IE Support
D) Credential Cache
2) Use HEAD over GET, in the request, to reduce network traffic
With a HEAD request, a server will only return the headers of a resource, rather than the resource itself.
So you could use a revised, more efficient function, as follows:
Public Function UrlOK(ByVal url As String) As Boolean
Dim request As Object
Dim respCode As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With request
.Open "HEAD", url, False
respCode = .Status
End With
If respCode = 200 Then UrlOK = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Image of code in a standard module and where to place cursor to execute Test sub.
That's pretty easy in VBA
Sub OpenAll()
Dim H As Hyperlink
For Each H In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Hyperlinks
End Sub
If there are invalid URLs you can stop the code from erroring like this:
Sub OpenAll()
Dim H As Hyperlink
For Each H In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Excel VBA - extraordinary WinHttpRequest.Open error for only a few of url

Checking some URLs with
Function SiteStatus(ByVal URL As String, SiteStatusText As String) As Long
Dim oHttp As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = False
oHttp.Open "GET", URL, False
SiteStatus = oHttp.Status
SiteStatusText = oHttp.StatusText
End Function
generally works fine. Only a few URLs throw a VBA error -2147012744. The Server is giving an invalid or unknown response.
Some URLs in real work, I can open them with SHDocVw library, and some not, - that makes no difference.
for instance:
http: //s2.excoboard.com/Courthouse_Steps_Mavens/150601/1831324
http: //www.geld-und-leben.com/anleitung/
http: //globalnews.ca/news/3025046/justin-timberlakes-illegal-voting-booth-selfie-is-under-review/
I wanna check the status of these sites although.
What's the point?
i know that this is old, but here is some VBA code that works.
some of the values for oHttp.Option came from http://www.808.dk/?code-simplewinhttprequest
Sub test()
' add reference to Microsoft WinHTTP Services
Dim URL As String
URL = "http://globalnews.ca/news/3025046/justin-timberlakes-illegal-voting-booth-selfie-is-under-review"
Dim oHttp As WinHttpRequest
Set oHttp = New WinHttpRequest
oHttp.Open "GET", URL, False
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_UserAgentString) = "http_requester/0.1"
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_SslErrorIgnoreFlags) = &H3300 ' ignore all err, 0: accept no err
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = True
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableHttpsToHttpRedirects) = True
Do While True
If oHttp.Status Then Exit Do
Debug.Print oHttp.Status
End Sub

VERY strange behavior on createobject("HTMLFILE")!

I don't understand why I'm getting this strange behavior!
When creating and assigning the htmlfile object the function gives back a blank object ("nothing") and when I am running the code line by line it just runs automatically even when I don't press F8 to run the next line...
It gives no error whatsoever!
Any ideas as to what might be happening?
Line where the strange behavior starts: Set htmlObj = CreateObject("HTMLFILE")
Public Function XMLHTTP_Request(Method As String, URL As String, Optional PostData As String, Optional StrCookie As String) As HTMLDocument
Dim oXMLHTTP As Object, htmlObj as object
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oXMLHTTP.Open Method, URL, False
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cookies", StrCookie
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oXMLHTTP.send (PostData)
On Error GoTo 0
While oXMLHTTP.ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
While oXMLHTTP.Status <> 200: DoEvents: Wend
Set htmlObj = CreateObject("HTMLFILE")
htmlObj.body.innerHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText
Set XMLHTTP_Request = htmlObj
End Function
Repeated calls to the function will cause multiple calls to the CreateObject function. The oXMLHTTP and htmlObj object vars could be made static or library references could be included and the variable declaration changed to Early Binding.
Early binding requires that the following non-default library references are added through the VBE's Tools ► References command.
Microsoft HTML Object Library
Microsoft Internet Controls
Microsoft XML 6.0 (your own version may vary slightly).
Module1 code sheet:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Debug.Print Left(XMLHTTP_Request("http//example.com").body.innerText, 512)
End Sub
Public Function XMLHTTP_Request(URL As String, _
Optional Method As String = "POST", _
Optional PostData As String = "", _
Optional StrCookie As String = "") As HTMLDocument
Dim htmlObj As New HTMLDocument
oXMLHTTP.Open Method, URL, False
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cookies", StrCookie
oXMLHTTP.send PostData
If oXMLHTTP.Status <> 200 Then Exit Function
htmlObj.body.innerHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText
Set XMLHTTP_Request = htmlObj
End Function
Running the main() sub procedure will output the first 512 characters of the web page's text to the Immediate window ([Ctrl]+G).

url checker VBA, when redirected, show redirected url

I'm quite new to EXCEL VBA's and I'm kinda stuck finding a way to create a MACRO that shows whether a url is still active (200 ok),
or may be redirected, and if so, I want to know to what URL. And when it's not working at all, then return the right code with the reason the URL isn't working.
So at the moment I have a script that actually works but it doesn't return the url to which an url is redirected to.
It only returns (200 OK) when an url is still active, or the url that the original url has been redirected to is still active. So I know which URLs are dead or are redirected to a dead URL.
But I want to take it a step futher.
As the URLs that I want to check are in the "A" column at the moment, and the results return in the "B" column, I want to see the URL to which I've been redirected in the C column, everytime there an URL has been redirected.
I did find some functions online that should do the job but for some reason I can't fit them in my SUB. Like I mentioned before, it's all quite new to me.
This is what I have at the moment:
Sub CheckHyperlinks()
Dim oColumn As Range
Set oColumn = GetColumn() '' replace this with code to get the relevant column
Dim oCell As Range
For Each oCell In oColumn.Cells
If oCell.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
Dim oHyperlink As Hyperlink
Set oHyperlink = oCell.Hyperlinks(1) '' I assume only 1 hyperlink per cell
Dim strResult As String
strResult = GetResult(oHyperlink.Address)
oCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = strResult
End If
Next oCell
End Sub
Private Function GetResult(ByVal strUrl As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim oHttp As New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP30
oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False
GetResult = oHttp.Status & " " & oHttp.statusText
Exit Function
GetResult = "Error: " & Err.Description
End Function
I hope one of you could help me out.
Its better to use the WinHttp COM object. That will let you "disable" redirect handling. Read this forum post.
The component you need to reference is Microsoft WinHTTP Services.
Public Function GetResult(ByVal strUrl As String, Optional ByRef isRedirect As Boolean, Optional ByRef target As String) As String
Dim oHttp As New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
oHttp.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_EnableRedirects) = False
oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False
GetResult = oHttp.Status & " " & oHttp.statusText
If oHttp.Status = 301 Or oHttp.Status = 302 Then
isRedirect = True
target = oHttp.getResponseHeader("Location")
isRedirect = False
target = Nothing
End If
End Function