Arranging pages in SSRS Report - sql

I have a report which i am working on for work and i have an issue which might seem plain and simple to some but i really need help. I created a drill down report using a SQL table for my query, i used months for the pages because i need each month to be on a separate tab when the report is pulled in excel but now i am faced with two problems, first issue i have is the report pulls out the months in alphabetical other but i would much rather have them go from the current month (under tab 1) going backwards or if that's not possible i would like to have them ordered from January to December, my second issue is i would like to have the tabs named when the report is exported in excel. Thanks in advance for your time and help.

You are probably sorting your report data by
if so, change your sort expression to


Dictionary vs pivot Table and some office issues

In company when I currently work we have big issue with MS excel stability, hence my question below.
Recently I just learned about excel Dictonary code.
I know pivot tables and how they work.
sadly the issue is not with pivot themselves but with excel. (IT dept. is working on the issue for 3 weeks now, and we dont know when / if they gonna fix it)
Hence my big ask for thi community:
I would need a userform working with the dictonary.
What I would need is to create a code that could work as pivot table but using dictonaries (since theoreticaly they are faster and are outside of VBA / excel basic in-build option)
Can some1 help in creating such code?
Is this the right option?
I would like to see a userform where I can choose my Table(ctrl+T) headers to choose by which header i want to sum values up, and ofc I would have to be able to choose a column by which the dictonary summing is working on.
Thank you both for answering.
Lets start then.
I watched ExcelMacroMastery videos regarding dictionaries,
In this example, he used them to make a basic sum exactly like the basic functionality of Pivot table.
So since that's the basic use where I work I wish to have a dictionary macro from which I can choose the column by which I get unique values and 2nd column with a sum from the second provided column from a table.
the issue is: if I show any file or any example this could result in macro working for this specific case, and I would like it to be able to choose by Table's (CTRL+T) headers for the unique values and to use some way(like a dropdown menu) to choose the column by which the sum can happen.
This instability is due to 32 bit office suite 365 working n 64 bi PCs/ laptops and recent company update made it even worse, now there is an issue with even basic save file option.
Not to mention excel crashing for no apparent reason.
So to sum up,
I need dictionaries to kinda step up and replace basic summarizing functionality of an pivot table.
or to replace this non pivot way:
use unique function to determine unique values from specified column (non-table object sadly)
Use sumif or sumoifs function to summarize the specified amount/value for that unique list.
I kinda found what I was looking for thus the edit.
Im showing the link to the file I wish to change a bit:
to this file I wish to add a user form by which the headers of the report will be chosen from source data, and by which the sum will occur.

Order by works inside base but doesn't in runtime report

I've tried to do a report order by date for almost 2 weeks and still no working properly, and I don't know what can I do anymore :(
This sounds like this, I've a report with 5 fields, one of them is invisible, the Last field of the report is called DEVOLUCAO, and I need my report order by that field ascending, that's the problem, I do a query that works properly in database (access), that works properly in preview data of dataset (visual studio 2010), but in run time it doesn't work, I've already modified the sort expressions in tablix, and do it too on each field of report, but all my ideas has gone...
So I'm using this code to select data:
Select idemprestimo, nomeleitor, titulo, saida, devolucao from tbemprestimohistorico order by devolucao asc
So with this query I can make the report, the report is generated but don't order by devolucao asc, and in preview data it works, directly inside the base it works too, but in run time don't...
So, since the thanks for help
Ps* I'm using vb. Net and access and working on windows form
Don't ever use sorting on the recordsource of an Access report. It will be ignored and may even slow down the opening of the report.
Always apply all sorting in the report itself.

Merging cells horizontally across twelve columns

I am trying to merge cells horizontally, and I understand it can't be done dynamically by expression, so I'm looking for suggestions on a possible alternative way to accomplish it. I have 3 columns of data and then the next 12 columns are months. They enter the start month and then it's a rolling twelve month display. The user want's the top row of the heading to be the year, but merged. The second row of the heading is the month name. I've suggested to the user the easy task of merging after the export, but she also wants it exported to PPT and be ready to publish without modification. Any ideas?
enter image description here
This may seem like pretty simple stuff to you veterans, but I'm new to SQL and SSRS. So, to answer my own question, I ended up creating 12 rows that I can make visible according to the starting month of the rolling 12 months. I wasn't sure how that would work, but it is working great and I now have a foundation if I ever need it again.

SSRS Row Gropings Inverted (Export to Excel)

When i run my report my report in SSRS all groupings work correctly however when i export this report to excel the proper rows are grouped but the grouping is inverted (i.e. the last item in the grouping has the '+' sign instead of the parent, top row)
thanks for any help in this matter!
In SSRS, when exporting to Excel, if the report item that controls whether another item is toggled is not in the previous or next row or column of the item being toggled, the outline is disabled also. See:
This can happen if you have your total added after the group rather than before.
(right click on the group and click add total before)
However, we really need more details/screenshots to see what the cause might be.
The drilldown in SSRS has more features than the grouping in Excel can handle so sometimes it is not possible to get in excel what you have in your report..

Excel pivot table - wrong number ordering

I have an issue with number ordering in pivot tables. I tried almost everything... Observe:
As you can see somehow the pivot table sorts the days in a wrong order. In the data source all day values are numbers formatted as General - NOT DATES! Week numbers are number as well, again formatted as general.
Another interesting point is that a different pivot report which is using data from this file has the same issue. Note that the data is processed during the export and is converted to date using VBA DateValue function etc.
We use this report about a year now and we never had this issue before. Rebuilding the pivot table fixed the issue but in this report I have about 10 pivot tables and charts linked to VBA code, slicers, named cells etc. Rebuilding the whole file would take days.
First I´ve added a picture but my karma or whatever wasn´t good or something :)
Anyway, thank you for your comments, I´ve already figured it out so here is my answer:
I´ve just selected the row which I wanted to sort and sorted it with the basic excel sorting tool in the Home tab. So stupid...
Sorry for bothering with such a stupid question... :)