Query MongoDB using VB.NET - nullable types - vb.net

The MongoDB C# driver supports queries on Nullable(Of T) according to this Jira ticket:
However, I am having issues getting it working.
mycol.AsQueryable.Where(Function(p) p.MyNullableInteger = 3)
As instructed, I removed the .Value property from the query, however that breaks strict typing, so I had to remove my Option Strict On clause. It then compiled successfully however I would ideally like that clause back in.
The PredicateTranslator is throwing an exception as follows:
Unsupported where clause: (Boolean)(p.MyNullableInteger == (Nullable)3)
The actual Where clause expression generated by .NET is:
p => Convert((p.MyNullableInteger == ConvertChecked(3)))
I am using driver 1.5. My POCO class does register a classmap but the mapping does not reference the property here (it is just setting representation from String to ObjectId for my Id property).

Turns out this is only a bug in Visual Basic. It works fine in C#. I have created a Jira here: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-542.
I'm also going to edit your question tags to include VB as opposed to c#.


"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method" without using local

I want to query count of selected products with a Combobox in VB.NET, Linq and Entity Framework 6. This query generates error (cmbProducts is a Combobox):
Dim Count = (From Product In db.Products
Where Product.Type = cmbProducts.SelectedValue
And this is the error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
But when I run this query with db.Products.local, it executes without any errors:
Dim Count = (From Product In db.Products.local
Where Product.Type = cmbProducts.SelectedValue
You really should turn Option Strict On in the project properties and also in the IDE options, so it will be On by default for all future projects. If you do that then that code won't even compile. That would force you to do as you should have and cast the SelectedValue, which is type Object, as the actual type of the underlying object, which is presumably String or Integer. You can use DirectCast or else CInt, CStr or the like to perform the cast, e.g.
Where Product.Type = CInt(cmbProducts.SelectedValue)
Ideally, you should be assigning the result of that cast to a variable and using that in your LINQ query. It's important to remember that, while LINQ syntax is always the same, each LINQ provider has a different implementation. LINQ to Entities converts your query to SQL that it can execute against the database and that means that some things that are supported by LINQ in general, and will thus compile, will actually fail at run-time against LINQ to Entities. It's generally a good idea to keep anything remotely exotic out of your EF queries. You'd probably be OK in this case but it's a good habit to get into as it can help avoid subtle issues.
Make sure they are of the same type.
I think Product.Type is a string but cmbProducts.SelectedValue is an int, try to use cmbProducts.SelectedItem.Text
When comparing locally .Net will be able to compare them by SQL Server may not.

LINQ, Visual Basic, & Reflection: capitalization of field names from queries returning anonymous type

Edited to answer my own question. This appears to be a LINQ/VB bug.
A simple LINQ query returning an anomymous type will sometimes change the field names specified in the query so as to capitalize them. Perhaps passing the result of the query as a parameter to a method call:
someThing.someMethod(From someStuff In stuffList _
Select text = someStuff.Name(), _
value = someStuff.Id
where someMethod has signature
Public Sub someMethod(ByVal list As IEnumerable(Of Object))
If you step into the execution of someMethod, and then examine the value of list in quickwatch, you may or see the field names as "text"&"value" or "Text"&"Value".
LINQ queries should not be changing the field names as specified in the query, so the correct behavior is fieldnames "text"&"value". Yet production builds of our application have the incorrect capitalization behavior (which can be determined indirectly), and debug builds have shown it both happening both ways at different times and/or for different developers' machines.
I've looked high & low for some feature of LINQ which controls this behavior, but now am virtually certain it is a bug. (msdn forum thread, MS Connect bug page)
This is likely to only cause a problem if you are using reflection, such as type.getfield() such as in
listItem = list.ElementAt(index)
itemTextField = listItem.GetType().GetField("text")
itemText = CType(itemTextField.GetValue(listItem),String)
If this happens to you, the workaround is to use overload of GetField with bindingflags to make it case-insensitive:
itemTextField = listItem.GetType().GetField("text", BindingFlags.IgnoreCase)
It must be pretty rare to encounter this bug, but maybe the next person will spend less time scratching their head if they find this info here.
=========original post===========
Getting different behavior in my debug build environment than in my coworkers' and our production envirnonment, relating to LINQ and reflection...
While running debug build of legacy code, the following code
Dim objectType As Type = obj.GetType()
Dim field As FieldInfo = objectType.GetField(name)
Dim prop As PropertyInfo = objectType.GetProperty(name)
results in Nothing for field & prop.
The value of obj is passed down from above and is the result of a LINQ query (it is a single element of the list generated by the query):
From bpt In CustomBProcessTypes Select text = bpt.Name(), value = bpt.Id
The value of name is also passed from above and is "Text" (note capitalization).
I can examine obj in the debugger and confirm that the fieldnames of the object created by the LINQ query are 'text' and 'value' (note lack of capitalization) which is what I would expect.
So failure to find the field by the capitalized name makes sense. However, our production builds and my coworkers builds do not have this problem.
Because calls to type.getfield(string) are expressly cas-sensitive, the only thing I can think of at this point is there must be some configuration of LINQ relating to auto-capitalization of column/fieldnames, and my environment is not set up the same as the others.
Using visual studio 2012. I don't know much of anything about LINQ, per se.
Anyone have any idea what could be going on here?
(NOTE: if I can get an opportunity, I'll have a coworker step through the relevant code and see if in their environment the object created by the linq query ends up with capitalized field names)
EDIT: I verified with a coworker in his debug build: his LINQ query creates a list of objects with field names "Text" and "Value", but on in my environment the LINQ query ends up with field names "text" and "value". The code is the same, but there must be something about how LINQ is configured in my environment which fails to auto-capitalize those field names, but which happens on their machines and in our production environment.
I suppose it is possible that some compiler settings are resulting in different capitalization. Normally this would make no difference because VB.NET is a case-insensitive language so obj.Text and obj.text both work just as well. But to use case insensitivity in reflection lookups, you need to specify it by including BindingFlags.IgnoreCase in the second parameter of GetField or GetProperty:
Dim field As FieldInfo = objectType.GetField(name,
BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.IgnoreCase)
I'm confused as to where name is coming from, though. Some other code is getting the field name from reflection on the query? I didn't see where this was explained in your question.
I have answered my own question (insofar as is possible). Boils down to a bug in LINQ/vb.net.
Fully explained at top of original post (edited in). Hope this saves someone time in the future.

Empty Structures compile in VB 10+

This is at least a documentation error, if not a bug.
In VB.NET prior to .NET 4.0 (i.e. VB.NET 7 through 9) an empty Structure declaration fails at compile-time with
error BC30281: Structure 'MySimpleEmpty' must contain at least one instance member variable or Event declaration.
E.g. The following two structures compile successfully in VB10, and not prior:
Structure MySimpleEmpty
End Structure
Public Structure AnotherEmpty
Public Const StillEmpty As Boolean = True
End Structure
I note the documentation for the Error BC30281 stops at VB9, but the documentation for the Structure statement still has the datamemberdeclarations as required even as of VB11 (.NET 4.5 VS2012).
These two Structures compile in VB11 (VS2012) as well. (Thanks John Woo.)
Is there some blog entry or documentation confirming this is an intended change or a bug in VB10 and later?
Microsoft have marked this as a fixed bug, without actually stating what was fixed.
The VB11 (VS2012) documentation now says the datamemberdeclarations are optional in the grammar, but in the Parts table it says "Required. Zero or more..."!
I guess that's a fix... The VB10 (VS2010) documentation hasn't been changed.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method [Type] GetValue[Type]

I've a simple class like this:
Public Class CalculationParameter{
public Long TariffId{get;set;}
In a workflow activity, I've an Assign like this:
(From tariffDetail In db.Context.TariffDetails
Where tariffDetial.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId).FirstOrDefault()
Dto is passed to Activity as an Input Argument.
It raise following error and I'm wondering how to assign Id. Any Idea?
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64
GetValue[Int64](System.Activities.LocationReference)' method, and this
method cannot be translated into a store expression.
How can I assign the calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetial.TariffId?!
Screen shot attached shows that how I'm trying to assign calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetail.TariffId (car.Id = Dto.Id) and the query result should assign to CurrentTrafficDetail object.
Here's your problem. I don't know if there is a solution to it.
As you said in a (now deleted, unfortunately necessitating that I answer) comment, the exception you're getting is
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method Int64 GetValue[Int64](System.Activities.LocationReference) method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
in your Linq query, calculationParameter is a Variable defined on the workflow. That Variable is actually an instance that extends the type System.Activities.LocationReference and NOT CalculationParameter.
Normally, when the workflow executes, the LocationReference holds all the information it needs to find the value which is assigned to it. That value isn't retrieved until the last possible moment. At runtime, the process of retrieval (getting the executing context, getting the value, converting it to the expected type) is managed by the workflow.
However, when you introduce Linq into the mix, we have the issue you are experiencing. As you may or may not know, your expression gets compiled into the extension method version of the same.
(From tariffDetail In db.Context.TariffDetails
Where tariffDetial.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId)
is compiled to
.Where(x => x.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId)
When this executes, L2E doesn't actually execute this code. It gets interpreted and converted into a SQL query which is executed against the database.
As the interpreter isn't omniscient, there are a well defined set of limitations on what methods you can use in a L2S query.
Unfortunately for you, getting the current value of a LocationReference is not one of them.
TL:DR You cannot do this.
As for workarounds, the only thing I think you can do is create a series of extension methods on your data context type or add methods to your CalculationParameter class that you can call from within the Expression Editor. You can create your Linq to Entities queries within these methods, as all types will already have been dereferenced by the workflow runtime, which means you won't have to worry about the L2E interpreter choking on LocationReferences.
*Edit: A workaround can be found here (thanks to Slauma who mentioned this in a comment on the question)

VB.net can't find by string

Using VB.net, the following snippet gives the error below.
Dim _account = Account.Find(Function(x As Account) x.AccountName = txtFilterAccountName.Text)
or similarly if I do
.SingleOrDefault (Function(x As Account) x.AccountName = txtFilterAccountName.Text)
will both give the error "The method 'CompareString' is not supported". If I make the same call searching for an integer (ID field) it works fine.
.SingleOrDefault (Function(x As Account) x.Id = 12)
So integer matching is fine but strings don't work Is this a problem with the VB.net templates?
No this is not a problem with Vb.Net templates.
The problem is that you are not using a normal LINQ provider. Based on your tag (subsonic) I'm guessing you're using a LINQ to SQL query.
The problem is that under the hood, this is trying to turn your code into an expression tree which is then translated into an SQL like query. Your project settings are turning your string comparison into a call in the VB runtime. Specifically, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString.
The LINQ2SQL generater in question or VB compiler (can't remember where this check is done off the top of my head) does not understand how to translate this to an equivalent bit of SQL. Hence it generates an error. You need to use a string comparison function which is supported by LINQ2SQL.
EDIT Update
It looks like the CompareString operator should be supported in the Linq2SQL case. Does subsonic have a different provider which does not support this translation?
The problem is with SubSonic3's SQL generator and the expression tree generated from VB.NET.
VB.NET generates a different expression tree as noted by JaredPar and SubSonic3 doesn't account for it - see Issue 66.
I have implemented the fix as described but it has yet to merge into the main branch of SubSonic3.
BlackMael's fix has been committed:
The fix solved my issue which was similar to John Granade's above.
Thanks to all involved.