How to search for photo using caption - api

I'm new to Facebook API coding, so thanks in advance for patience with my question :)
I want to know if there is any way for me to search through users' photos and the users' friends' photos based on caption information.
For example, if I search for "Toyota", I would like my program to search all of my photos as well all the photos of my friends and look for a text match for "Toyota" in the caption of all the photos. I would like to retrieve the photo ID and its caption for subsequent displaying.
Can this be done? Either with or with FQL? Of course, we are assuming all authentication has been done and whatever permissions are needed for the application have been granted by the user of the application.
Or would I just need to retrieve all photo captions and then do the searching/filtering on my own in the backend?
Thanks in advance for the help.

In FQL you can search only on indexed columns. So i am not sure if the name column i.e. caption of photo is indexed or not. You need to verify this.
Second option of retrieving all photo caption and then doing search will be better as it will be independent of any Change that FB may do to their platform in future.
Hope this helps


How to deactivate facebook share button after click

is there some way to deactivate FB share button or mark it like "done" after sharinig content? Like button have two states which indicates if I "like" it or not. On the share button is not visible if I shared the content or not. Is there a way to do it?
The only way i could think of is by authorizing a user with publish_actions. In that case, the response will be the new post id, as you can read in the docs:
BUT: You should not do something like that anyway. Let the user share stuff several times if he wants to. He may want to select different recipients for the share.

Sugestions for textfield

i have a question about a suggestion possibility in textfields.
What i am looking for is a script that gives user suggestions for the text they type.
It is used for a song request page of a radio station, and what i am looking for is a script that provides suggestions for the artists, and after filling the artist form, automatically suggest songs by the requested artist.
We like to create a more easy request form for our listeners, so they first type the artist, and offcourse the artists shown are available in our database, and than when they complete the artist field, automatically the system knows the songs available for that artist, and give the suggestions for the song.
I hope this is understandable and i hope you can give me suggestions about this.
Thank you for your help and looking forward to your answers.
Since you say "page" I assume you are talking about a web page. A standard way to do this then would be the JQuery Autocomplete UI widget.

Which API creates bar chart aggregation on Timeline?

The Facebook Game "SongPop" has an aggregate of "Most Victories" appear on a person's timeline. The presentation is in the form of a bar chart.
I'm guessing that this has been created by submitting an object to the Open Graph each time a user experiences a "Victory", and then Facebook will aggregate these for the timeline.
I'd like to know: How can I do the same? Which object, actions or API can I use?
(I'm using both the Javascript and PHP SDKs and am indifferent as to which one is used to make the submission - an answer which provides a solution in terms of a POST to an Open Graph URL would do nicely).
This is Profile data ( used with Win action type in list layout form style. Sort by favorite and caption line is something like {count} victories
Hope that helps. Thanks

how can we have images at google search text result

Can someone help me on how to setup such a result:
Want to know the mechanism on how can we set the parameters that it shows also the image on the search.
You need to implement your CMS system Authorship tags to get the writers image in your search results.
More info you will find on Google Authorship home page.
It's called Google Authorship.

Record label in Spotify Apps API

Is there a way to get the record label with an album lookup in the Spotify Apps API?
or in maybe there's another way to get the record label?
If you know the label in advance, you can search by label using the advanced search syntax. Other than that, there's no way at the moment to get that information.