Using Excel Formula functions (ERF, ERFC) in Excel VBA code? - vba

I'm trying to use the error function and the complimentary error function in my program. Neither are working. I keep getting the error Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined. However, if I go into a cell and manually try to use the error function, it works.
Why is that? How can I use it in my actual code?
The error function is ERF(x) and the complimentary error function is ERFC(x).
Here's an example of things that don't work:
Sub SeriouslyWHYIsntThisWorking()
x = 3
Range("A1") = Erf(x)
End Sub
Even this doesn't work:
Sub PleaseWork()
Range("A1") = Erfc(1)
End Sub
But if I went into Excel and typed =ERF(3) or =ERFC(1) into a cell, it'll work.
I'm very new to this and probably missing something incredibly simple. Help would be greatly appreciated!

Do you have the Analysis Toolpak for VBA add-in installed/referenced? (Look for atpvbaen.xls)
The ERF function is part of that add-in, and there are two versions of it (one for use in Excel functions, and one for VBA), and you'll need the right one set up and referenced by your project to be usable.
The add-ins are standard from MSFT, but not always set up by default. If you can use it in Excel normally, then you've already set up at least the Excel version. So using it all like it looks like you want to do will require the add-in, regardless of how you implement/use that function. Meaning, if you want to share this with anyone else, they will need the add-in installed/activated.
To link together this answer with the others provided (which are equally accurate and correct), either setting a cell value with
Range("A1").value = Application.WorksheetFunction.ERF(x)
or setting a cell formula with
Range("A1").Formula = "=Erfc(" + x + ")"
will require the end-user using the add-in.

To use a worksheet formula in vba, you need to put Application.WorksheetFunction. in front of it.
Some functions do have vba equivalents, but (as far as I know) not in the case of erf and erfc

Try this:
Sub ThisShouldWorkNow()
x = 3
formula = "=Erfc(" + x + ")"
Range("A1").Formula = formula
End Sub
Totally untested, since I don't have Excel on my Linux machine... But I think I'm getting the point across -- you need to use the .Formula property of the Range object.
There's more information here:


How to code Excel VBA equivalent of INDIRECT function?

I have many uses of the INDIRECT function in my workbook, and it is causing performance issues. I need to replace them with something that will give me the same results. All the INDIRECTS recalculate anytime anything is changed, causing the workbook to lag.
I was wondering if there is a way to code INDIRECT in VBA without actually using the INDIRECT function, and take away the volatility of the function in the code.
=INDIRECT("'" & $AC$9 & "'!" & AC26)
This is an example. I need to remove INDIRECT but get the same results for this cell. Is there a way to accomplish this in VBA?
You can try this.
Place the following routines in a standard code module:
Public Function INDIRECTVBA(ref_text As String)
INDIRECTVBA = Range(ref_text)
End Function
Public Sub FullCalc()
End Sub
Replace the INDIRECT functions in your formulas with INDIRECTVBA.
These will be static. If the slowness of your workbook is because your INDIRECTs are constantly evaluating, then this will put an end to that.
IMPORTANT: all cells that contain a formula using INDIRECTVBA will be static. Each formula will calculate when you confirm it, but it will not recalculate when precedents change.
You will then need a way to force them to recalculate at a convenient time. You can do that from the Ribbon. Or, you can run FullCalc.
Was going to add this as a comment, but my thought process got too long.
What is the context of the problem you are trying to solve?
I am guessing you are using some kind of data validation drop-down menu in $AC$9 to select a sheet name and then all your INDIRECT formulas are providing a mirror image of a particular section of the user-specified worksheet.
If that is the case then you might consider using INDEX as an alternative. It is written as =INDEX(Range, RowNum, ColNum) E.g. if you put this in H20: =INDEX(Sheet1!A:Z,ROW()+10,COLUMN()-5) then it would reflect whatever is in sheet 1, cell C30 (H - 5 columns, 20 + 10 rows). Of course, you don't have to offset anything if you don't want to, I just wanted to demonstrate that as an option.
Now, the trickier part would still remain - assigning/updating the SheetName variable. This could be done with a UserForm instead of typing in a value in a particular input cell. For example, you could have VBA provide an input box/dropdown menu for the user to select one of the available sheet names, then take that input and use it in a quick find and replace instruction - searching for "=INDEX(*!" and replacing with "=INDEX(" & InputVariable & "!"
I've made a few assumptions about your dataset and what you're trying to achieve, so it might not be the ideal solution, but perhaps something to think about.
The solution to volatility with the Indirect function (typical in multi-version cross platform use and partitioning to run Windows on Mac) can be absorbed by splitting its various functions with a pseudonym for Indirect I have named "Implied":
Public Function Implied(Varient)
' CREDIT: Stephen L. Rush
On Error Resume Next
If IsError(Range(Varient)) Then
If IsError(Find(Varient, "&")) Then
'Not Range, is Indirect. "A" & Match() Style (where Match() = row).
Implied = WorksheetFunction.Indirect(Varient)
'Not a Range, not Indirect. "A" & B99 Reference (where B99 = row).
Implied = Range(Left(Varient, Find(Varient, "&") - 1) & Range(Right(Varient, Len(Varient) - Find(Varient, "&"))))
End If
'Is pure Range
Implied = Range(Varient)
End If
'[On Error GoTo 0] Conflicts with use as formula
End Function

Calling Worksheet functions from vba in foreign language versions of Excel

The following code snipet run OK in an English Language verion of Excel, however when attempting to run this code in the same workbook in a Portuguese version of Excel it errors out.
' Add color bars on every other row - attempt to make list
' easier to read.
' "PlaceAt" is a worksheet range passed into the function
With Range(PlaceAt.offset(1, 0), PlaceAt.offset(i + 1, 7))
.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=MOD(ROW(),2)=1"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 20
End With
I believe that the problem is, in Portuguese, the ROW function is spelled LIN (not sure what the MOD function would be) and that since the function is inserted using vba, Excel's translation function does not have the opportunity to translate the function names as it normally would when opening the document.
Any ideas?
Yes FormatConditions formulas must use the local format.
My workaround is to write the wanted formula into a cell an then get the FormulaLocal of this cell which should be the exact translation in your language:
Dim tmpCell As Range
Set tmpCell = Range("IV1")
tmpCell.Formula = "=mod(row(),2)=0"
.FormatConditions.Add(xlExpression, Formula1:=tmpCell.FormulaLocal)
Don't know if there is a cleaner solution, but if so I'd like to know, so please share...
I found a cleaner solution in a different question:
Names.Add "translate", RefersTo:="=MOD(ROW(),2)=1" ' Generic separator (,) and function name (ROW).
.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:=Names("translate").RefersToLocal ' Local separator (;) and function name (LIN).
Excel 2019 - 365 version still has this issue present. I found it occurring when using the VBA in conjunction with MS Excel Named Range Manager.
Example of error I am facing, which I fixed modifying Pragmateek's 2013 answer.
In the Named Range Manager exists a named range that uses the OFFSET function.
When calling this named range and using it in VBA to set another range variable USING the Application.Intersect method results in object errors because in VBA the MS Excel named range is acquired as a string. The intersect method then attempts to determine the intersect of this string and another range. This of course fails due to OFFSET working in English MS Excel versions, however not in Portuguese / Spanish .... And I imagine other languages.
Fixing this involved:
' Names!XXXXX = "=OFFSET('DummySheet'!$AO$7,0,0,1,'DummySheet'!$AM$2)""
Sub evaluate()
xAxis = Names!XXXXXX
Dim tempvar As Range: Set tempvar = Range("C1")
tempvar.Formula = xAxis ' set the range to hold the formula
tempvar.Formula = tempvar.FormulaLocal ' set the range to hold the formula in the local language
Set rng = Application.Intersect(tempvar.EntireColumn, yAxis.RefersToRange.EntireRow)
This worked well. However if ANYONE has a cleaner solution, please post suggestions. Cheers!

VBA: How to get the last used cell by VBA code when the last error occured in a Workbook/Worksheet?

Eventually, I want to move the cell to the location where the last error occured. Edit: Forgot to say that I'm using Excel 2003.
As requested in comments...
Look up the 'Caller' property of the 'Application' object in the Excel VBA help. When you use it from a VBA routine, it will tell you where the call to the routine came from - what Range, Chart, etc.
An important thing to be aware of when using 'Application.Caller' is that it isn't always a Range object. Look at the help, but the property returns a Variant value that can be a Range, String, or Error. (It is a Range object in the case you're interested in, but you'll need to be aware of this.)
Because of the above, and the vagaries of VBA syntax when it comes to objects vs. values, it can be tricky to use 'Application.Caller'. Putting a line like:
Debug.Print Application.Caller.Address
in your code will fail when the caller isn't a Range. Doing something like:
Dim v
v = Application.Caller
will "compile", but will create circular references when the caller is a Range because you're trying to access the value of the calling Range.
This all means that it's probably best to write a little utility function for yourself:
Public Function currentCaller() As String
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Application.Caller
currentCaller = rng.Address(External:=True)
currentCaller = CStr(Application.Caller)
End If
End Function
and then call it from your error handlers where you want to know where the call came from.
One more thing - obviously this can only tell you the caller once a VBA routine has actually been called. If you have errors in your calling formulas, Excel will return error values to your cells without ever calling your VBA routines.
Wrap your VBA function in another function that stores the cell location and value as variants. Keep this 'wrapper' function as basic as possible so it won't cause any additional errors.
If you're trying to debug app-crashing errors, the wrapper function could even store those values in a comma-delimited text file. Once stored, Excel can crash all it wants and you'll still know what the cell location and value were since you stored them outside of Excel beforehand.
Could this be done with an error handler?
An example of what I mean below:
sub code1()
on error goto cell A1
end sub

Easy way to find cell reference in excel vba

I am working on a spreadsheet with lots of VBA code in it. Most cell references use numbers, e.g.
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(someRow, someColumn)
I am wondering if there is any easy way to find out exactly which cell is being referenced - is it possible to put a breakpoint on this line of code, and then see which cell it will refer to (using the traditional "BA10" style) or will I have to calculate it each and every time using divs and mods?
Not all the references are hard coded, and I would really like to be able to work out where data is being pulled from, as the cell is accessed (not necessarily changed).
(edit) Is it possible to do this without changing the original source line, e.g. in an event module or something?
Debug.Print Worksheets(1).Cells(10, 53).Address(False, False)
returns BA10
There is another option. If you are making changes to a sheet, you can catch the Change event on the Worksheet, and pump out the changed range like so:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Debug.Print "CHANGED -> " & Target.Address(False, False)
End Sub
Each change to the sheet will be output to your Immediate window like thus:
CHANGED -> G11:G28
There is also the SelectionChange event as well, but that's unlikely to be too useful. There is no event for just "reading" cells.
You can use Address.
Debug.print Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(10, 53).Address
Will print the ranges address for you in the Immediate Window.
Is that what you are looking for?
You can also change your reference style to R1C1 in:
tools\options\general\R1C1 reference style
this way you will be able to know what the code is refereeing to.
Another way to go would be to add a watch in the VBE (Visual Basic Editor). You can do this by going to View>Watch Window to make sure the watch window is visible. Then from Debug menu click Add Watch. If you do this in break mode the context will already be set for you so all you have to do is paste in the expression you want watched and it will be visible. This of course works best on range objects (ex: rngFoo.Address as the expression) but you can paste in things like Worksheets(1).Cells(10, 53).Address.
Use the following to know which cell is calling the function:
Function Addition(va As Double, vb As Double) As Double
Addition = va + vb
MsgBox "Cell calling function Addition is " & Application.Caller.Address
End Function
Whenever this function is calculated a message box indicates the cell address calling it.
Be aware that calling this function from another VBA function will send an error. Check

How to get/set unique id for cell in Excel via VBA

I want to have/define a unique id for each data row in my Excel data sheet - such that I can use it when passing the data onwards and it stays the same when rows are added/deleted above it.
My thoughts are to use the ID attribute of Range (msdn link)
So, I have a user defined function (UDF) which I place in each row that gets/sets the ID as follows:
Dim gNextUniqueId As Integer
Public Function rbGetId(ticker As String)
On Error GoTo rbGetId_Error
Dim currCell As Range
'tried using Application.Caller direct, but gives same error
Set currCell = Range(Application.Caller.Address)
If = "" Then
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
'this line fails no matter what value I set it to. = Str(gNextUniqueId)
End If
rbGetId = ticker &
Exit Function
rbGetId = "!ERROR:" & Err.Description
End Function
But this fails at the line mentioned with
"Application-defined or object-defined error"
I thought perhaps its one of those limitations of UDFs, but I also get the same error if I try it from code triggered from a ribbon button...
Any other suggestions on how to keep consistent ids - perhaps I should populate the cells via my ribbon button, finding cells without IDs and generating/setting the cell value of those...
As Ant thought, I have the sheet protected, but even in an unlocked cell it still fails. Unprotecting the sheet fixes the problem.... but I have used "Protect UserInterFaceOnly:=True" which should allow me to do this. If I manually allow "Edit Objects" when I protect the sheet it also works, but I don't see a programmatic option for that - and I need to call the Protect function in AutoOpen to enable the UserInterfaceOnly feature...
I guess I need to turn off/on protect around my ID setting - assuming that can be done in a UDF... which it seems it cannot, as that does not work - neither ActiveSheet.unprotect nor ActiveWorkbook.unprotect :(
Thanks in advance.
It does appear that if the sheet is locked, macros do not have write access to low-level information such as ID.
However, I do not think it is possible to unprotect the sheet within a UDF. By design, UDFs are heavily restricted; I think having a cell formula control the sheet protection would break the formula paradigm that a cell formula affects a cell only.
See this page on the Microsoft website for more details.
I think this limits your options. You must either:
give up sheet protection
give up the UDF, use a Worksheet_Change event to capture cell changes and write to ID there
use a UDF that writes the ID into the cell value, rather than save to ID
The UDF approach is fraught with problems as you are trying to use something designed for calculation of a cell to make a permanent mark on the sheet.
Nonetheless, here's an example of a UDF you can use to stamp a "permanent" value onto a cell, which works on unlocked cells of a protected sheet. This one only works for single cells (although it could be adapted for an array formula).
Public Function CellMark()
Dim currCell As Range
Set currCell = Range(Application.Caller.Address)
Dim myId As String
' must be text; using .value will cause the formula to be called again
' and create a circular reference
myId = currCell.Text
If (Trim(myId) = "" Or Trim(myId) = "0") Then
myId = "ID-" & Format(CStr(gNextUniqueId), "00000")
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
End If
CellMark = myId
End Function
This is quite flawed though. Using copy or the fillbox will, however, retain the previous copied value. Only by explicitly setting cells to be a new formula will it work. But if you enter in the formula into the cell again (just click it, hit ENTER) a new value is calculated - which is standard cell behaviour.
I think the Worksheet_Change event is the way to go, which has much more latitude. Here's a simple example that updates the ID of any cell changes. It could be tailored to your particular scenario. This function would need to be added to every Worksheet the ID setting behaviour is required on.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim currCell As Range
Set currCell = Target.Cells(1, 1)
Dim currId As String
currId = currCell.ID
If Trim(currCell.ID) = "" Then
currCell.ID = CStr(gNextUniqueId)
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
End If
End Sub
Last note; in all cases, your ID counter will be reset if you re-open the worksheet (at least under the limited details presented in your example).
Hope this helps.
Concur with Ant - your code works fine here on Excel 2003 SP3.
I've also been able to use:
Set currCell = Application.Caller
If Application.Caller.ID = "" Then
gNextUniqueId = gNextUniqueId + 1
'this line fails no matter what value I set it to.
currCell.ID = Str(gNextUniqueId)
End If
Aha! I think I have it.
I think you're calling this from an array formula, and it only gets called ONCE with the full range. You can't obtain an ID for a range - only a single cell. This explains why Application.Caller.ID fails for you, because Range("A1:B9").ID generates an Application-defined or object-defined error.
When you use Range(Application.Caller.Address) to get the "cell" you just defer this error down to the currCell.ID line.
I think we may have a few issues going on here, but I think they are testing issues, not problems with the code itself. First, if you call the function from anything other than a Cell, like the immediate window, other code, etc. Application.Caller will not be set. This is what is generating your object not found errors. Second, if you copy/paste the cell that has the function, they you will by copy/pasting the ID too. So wherever you paste it to, the output will stay the same. But if you just copy the text (instead of the cell), and then paste then this will work fine. (Including your original use of Application.Caller.)
The problem is with Application.Caller.
Since you are calling it from a user defined function it is going to pass you an error description. Here is the remark in the Help file.
This property returns information about how Visual Basic was called, as shown in the following table.
Caller - Return value
A custom function entered in a single cell - A Range object specifying that cell
A custom function that is part of an array formula in a range of cells - A Range object specifying that range of cells
An Auto_Open, Auto_Close, Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro - The name of the document as text
A macro set by either the OnDoubleClick or OnEntry property - The name of the chart object identifier or cell reference (if applicable) to which the macro applies
The Macro dialog box (Tools menu), or any caller not described above - The #REF! error value
Since you are calling it from a user defined function, what is happening is Application.Caller is returning a String of an error code to your range variable curCell. It is NOT causing an error which your error handler would pick up. What happens after that is you reference curCell, it's not actually a range anymore. On my machine it tries setting curCell = Range("Error 2023"). Whatever that object is, it might not have an ID attribute anymore and when you try to set it, it's throwing you that object error.
Here's what I would try...
Try removing your error handler and see if VBA throws up any exceptions on Range(Application.Caller.Address). This won't fix it, but it could point you in the right direction.
Either through logic or Application.ActiveCell or however you want to do it, reference the cell directly. For example Range("A1") or Cells(1,1). Application.Caller.Address just doesn't seem like a good option to use.
Try using Option Explicit. This might make the line where you set curCell throw up an error since Range(Application.Caller.Address) doesn't look like it's passing a range back, which is curCell's datatype.
I have found that if I protect the sheet with "Protect DrawingObjects:=False", the UDF can set the Id. Strange.
Thanks for all the help with this.